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>Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed

>Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.


How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?
uh oh germ theory bros. Its the spanish flu tests all over again.
also uh oh Jew bros, history is repeating itself.
wait for the new variant.
Did they try proving transmission using intentionally faked PCR test results? Thats the only way Covid infection has ever been proved in the past.
my uncle died of covid so, yeah covid is real and hope you are the next victim
>How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
that's not what the conclusion here is, you dimwit, lol.
Good news.
When does science pay me a refund for my years of lockdown over a nonexistent viral epidemic?
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The CIA killed your uncle.
anon it says so in your article that they failed because of the level of immunity people have
probably due to vaccines
You can thank Omicron for this.
Everyone seems to forget that, after the mRNA therapies were launched en masse, the world kept sustaining wave after wave of new variants which each tore through entire populations.
It wasn't until the Omicron wave swept the planet and a critical mass of people acquired strong natural immunity that Covid fizzled out to an endemic respiratory nuisance like colds or seasonal flus.
Thank you omicron!
Good pic, but midwits are still too egotistical and full of themselves to admit they were tricked by a big media hoax
>Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?
No. I know absolutely nothing of infections, vaccines, and epidemiology. I spent my life studying and practicing something completely different. So if 99% of our doctors agreed that it was appropriate (and they did), I did the right thing in taking it.
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>Covid is not infectious in humans
because it never existed to begin with
not the first time an epidemic has been faked in order to sell vaccines
Bots don't have uncles
Sounds like a baseless assumption
>high levels of immunity
Did something happen to cause that
the disease was never infectious in humans, if it had been then all the unvaccinated would've been wiped out
You guys are so dumb
The study used droplets instead of aerosols.
Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols, not heavy droplets. It needs to be aerosolised to be inhaled to reach the cribiform or the lungs. All this does is it proves what everyone already knew: respirators, not surgical masks, are the appropriate protection. Spread via contaminated surfaces was debunked long ago.
They lied to you about droplets and handwashing while the who was upgrading their air filtration systems in 2020... it is AEROSOL, just like all know coronas (and flu, and tb etc) the rest is nonsensical stuff to make you feel safer. Only air filtration works
muh dick
I don't think your conclusion follows from the premises
You're clearly wrong about that, if covid was a deadly disease and the vaccine was an effective preventative measure then the unvaccinated would've been wiped out. Instead its only the vaccinated who suffered
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>How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
>Instead its only the vaccinated who suffered
>Raising doses
>Researchers are looking at other ways to give people COVID-19. Jackson says that an even higher SARS-CoV-2 dose might be needed

they can't even figure out how to infect ppl with covid on purpose
and ppl took a vaccine for this disease
>anon it says so in your article that they failed because of the level of immunity people have
>probably due to vaccines

Wierd that during the "Coof hysteria" all the vaxxed got """covid""" thrice and coincidentally temporally related to their booster they recently recieved.

Wierd that they never do such an "experiment" while obeying the scientific method, by doing a Controll group.
In this case "a group of unvaxxed.

It's odd that people get the coof but not when exposed to the alleged causal agent.

Could it be, maybe that:
>coof was a unspecific collection of symptoms
>including not having any symptom
>therefore everything became the Covid

And vaccination was nothing but a sort of poisoning which elicited the default mechanisms of detoxification and excretion of toxic or pathogenic material:
>runny nose
>simply excreting and eliminating shit

>elimination process vaguely defined as covid
Most people are too low IQ to have critical thinking capabilities, so they just took the vax because TV told them to.
same reason they all have ""smart"" phones, its those phones that are their primary media manipulator these days, TV seems to have become a secondary mind control method, but they only got the phone to begin with because TV told them to
>if covid was a deadly disease and the vaccine was an effective preventative measure then the unvaccinated would've been wiped out.
Nope, still doesn't follow
>Instead its only the vaccinated who suffered
This is also just plain wrong
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>It's odd that people get the coof but not when exposed to the alleged causal agent.
That seems repeatable and virus theory is disproved long ago.

>And vaccination was nothing but a sort of poisoning which elicited the default mechanisms of detoxification and excretion of toxic or pathogenic material:
Flu looks like a body reaction, but what causes the traceable "infection chains". Pure misunderstanding / misinterpretation?
>Nope, still doesn't follow
yes it does
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>traceable "infection chains"

this is literally a meme.

What it means is:
>similar place
>similar time
>similar symptoms
With the bonus
>symptoms are not even required anymore
>or can be obscure meme diseases such as "restless anal syndrome"

There is a list of things that can cause this observation, that are not the principle of "host to host transmission via a nanoscopic replication competent non living organism".

Let me name a few:
1. common exposure to a poison
eg. Food poisoning:
>similar place
>similar time
>similar symptoms
Other types of poisoning or contamination via things like bad air quality may cause the same observation of presentations of events

2. psycholocial fear mongering
eg. News telling you every day "You will get sick with xy symptoms and everyone will die"
>susceptible group will psychosomaticly get sick out of fear

3. psychological stress
eg. News telling you every day "You will get sick with xy symptoms and everyone will die"
>sensible group will be stressed which makes sick

4. Presumtive interpretation and ripple effect force testing
>one person gets sick
>do a non specific, non calibrated, never validated test
>subsequently force every associated person to also get tested, with a non specific test
>disregard the absence of any clinical presentation of symptoms
>disregard "false postives" and label them as asymptomatics
>by pure statistical probability you will get "positive" yet meaningless results
>interprete these results as a "chain of events"

The greatest meme is that it just was passed to disassociate clinical symptoms from a disease, hence making diagnostics a useless meme
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lol, the immune system is a conspiracy theory now according to "the science"
>Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols
how do you know that?
>high levels of immunity
Neither vaccines nor natural immunity last that long.
Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
>Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
So, natural immunity?
How do yp
Explain how you get a lot of diseases only once with that bullshit
>be child grow and changes in body happend
>body adjusts to environment
>some hormone fuckery happens
>get skin rash as a child
>nobody can explain why
>make up shit about non specific type of skin rash is a actually a "disease"
>call it "childhood disease"
>become adult
>not getting childhood disease anymore
>woah you must be immune now, because you got this once
>what about the flu?
>nah your body forgets this shit

People literally believe in the esotheric concept of the "immune system" even though it contradicts itself multiple times in various scenarios, and not a single "immune therapy" or medical product based on "antibodies" ever worked.

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