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Female ferrets, once they're mature enough to breed, will become extremely ornery and violent if they aren't bred. If they go on long enough without being inseminated, eventually the estrogen buildup in their bodies becomes so severe that it will kill them, they become lethargic once its really bad and then die of anemia. So inability to breed is a death sentence for a female ferret. I doubt this is unique to ferrets, but I haven't studied the issue.
It seem likely, judging from their behavior, that human females go through something similar, although not severe to the point of death. Inability to breed seems to turn women into massive bitches and I get the impression that birth control pills mitigate that kind of hormonal activity.
So my theory is that if you know a girl who is a massive bitch and she isn't on bitch control of getting fucked regularly then thats probably because she wants to be inseminated, craves it desperately.
Is there any actual scientific research thats covered this topic?
I don't know much about it outside of my familiarity with ferrets and my experiences with women.
How did you learn so much about ferrets?
I used to keep pet ferrets, but I decided to stop because they only live half a decade or so and its sad when they die. My next pet is going to be one that outlives me, so it can be sad when I die.
Get a tortoise or a turtle, or perhaps a hybrid of the two
how about African Grey Parrot

>he can speak
>he can do math (not very complicated)
>he lives 100 years so find a young bird and he will outlive you
I know some people who were involved with the Alex experiment, it took a whole staff of people to pull it off, getting a bird to perform like that would involve spending all of your time on it and you'd have to hire assistants as well.
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(((jon levine)))
if they don't control the media, why are such a disproportionately large number of journalists jewish?
>outlives me
Never do that. The bird becomes "engaged" to you, it's very monogamous, and will spend the rest of its life mourning you in depression. It's actually illegal for this reason in many cunts to keep narcissitic brainlets like you from torturing an animal beyond your grave
>I get the impression that birth control pills mitigate that kind of hormonal activity.
yeah they emulate pregnancy
did you ever help out one of your female ferretsz?
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they vigorously discriminate against non-jews in all hiring and promoting actions
Animals can't be "tortured"
God mad man master of all the plants and animals and we can do with them as we please. You have to be mentally ill to think that animals are human or equal to humans. Do you really have such a low opinion of yourself that you think you're equal to a dumb bird that can barely learn to count even when it has a staff of full time tutors devoting years of their life trying to teach it?
Indeed. They don't actually control the media (which would be impossible to do completely), but they are insular, discriminatory, generally well-educated, and well-off. It's no surprise they get a lot of high-up positions.
Goddamned incels, /r9k/ are an embarrassment.
/r9k/ should've remained shut down the first time moot deleted it
and nepotistic
>Animals can't be "tortured"
they can't be murdered either
AGI gonna fuck you up
I thought it was that a ferrets vagina would seal up if they didn't have sex
Nope, they die of anemia induced by hormone overdose.
African Grey Parrots don't live that long.
So you're saying a parrot is a better companion than a woman?
A pet rock is a better companion than a woman, what's your point?
That there is no issue with a bird becoming "engaged" or whatever weird concepts you furries come up with. They are cared for by their owner and live a happy life.
>the Alex experiment
Fake and gay, Dr. (((Pepperberg))) never published any academic works on the topic, she was unwilling to submit to the peer review process. She got to go on PBS because PBS doesn't mind shilling frauds as long as it fits their left wing narrative.
Probably a Canadian (bestiality is legal there)
>she wants to be inseminated, craves it desperately by those she deems attractive.
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you'd be hard pressed to find any mustelid that isn't adorable
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typical, i knew something about that parrot story seemed wrong
its just another made up soience fairy tale, just like dark matter, covid, global warming and everything else the soience scammers are constantly shilling. the only reason they ever communicate is to spread their manipulative lies, so if they're shill some soience tale then you know its fake
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>gibs me dat fish
>gibs me dat fish fo free muffuggin whitey
All womens are bitches, everytime, at any place you enormous faggot.
it smelled those fish in a closed bucket from that distance. how come we don't have an electronic detector that can do that?
On the contrary, science doesn't give enough credit to animals, and treat them little more as automatons, despite recent concessions.
"Instinct" is essentially absent from mammals. They understand what they do.
Counting horses and other such fairy tales are completely plausible.
Camels can tell when they are being abused, and act accordingly.
Monkeys understand fairness.
The whole "Canis" genus is only a species, with different cultures.
Why isn't it illegal to do it to people?
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>My next pet is going to be one that outlives me, so it can be sad when I die.
That is messed up.
>this Photoshopped meme owns the libs.
Either the bird is unnaturally large or the mouse is unnaturally small.
Facts are facts. Birds eat seeds. They are civilized creatures with no need for meet.
That's why you don't lay dead rats in a birdfeeder you fucking moron.
Go back to fucking your sister in you're trailer park, Cletus.
This bait is simply too long to be considered effective, sorry
I read this entire post in Trump's voice involuntarily.
How does this relate to my post?
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That could be helpful for humans, and therefore is banned by the deep state.
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that was over a century ago its only gotten way worse since then
Trump drew over 100,000 to his rally in New Jersey today
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they do, they're restricted for military use only because they can be used to sniff out our soldiers

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