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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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i did a funny
thanks anon i love you a lot
You're welcome
This is a good thread :)
Ripping up old carpet? I've had to do that to a few houses I renovated when I was a young man. You're such a hard worker I'm proud of you son.
oh good.

anon , I think people like you help me live longer , thank you
That's beautiful anon.
is this the most wholesome boad on the chans?
OP, you're the best.
The pain you felt making this fuels my days.
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306 KB GIF
i literally love you so much anon
whats so funny
dirty ass floor clean that up
Since this thread started with a craft made from cloth I will ask the users of this board a question. Are any papercrafts allowed on this board or just origami? I am making a Pop-Up book I would like to share once complete. ty
ya thatd be okay
So Kirigami? Ya that works just fine
Post progress
You will be instabanned for life if you post that here my guy
this board is literally named "papercraft and origami'

are you crafting with paper? yes you are.

I would love to see the popup book
Can we meet up? I want to pee in your mouth.
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i made out of fabric, anything is a canvas

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