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hi /po/

does anyone have the scans for


there were some from the archive back from 2014 but the link died

also are there any more who did touhou papercraft stuff other than ssa and lily?
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Why is this thread still spooky?

I actually like it, but why only this one?
Horry shiet, I never knew those would be so damn nice. They actuall pull of more then plastic minifigs do.
Dear OP, I do not have the model you requested, but I have one from the same line.

May God continue blessing you all and merry Christmas!

(with instructions) <3
One more from the line.

May the birth of Jesus Christ enlighten our hearts!

Another one.

God bless you! :D

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Anymore touhou?
Thank you Anon, from 2017 for this file of paper
Would have been nice to see Aya though
This is the one of the very few boards I'm comfortable linking /jp/ on, so keep an eye on this thread:
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You are welcome, Anon! ^_^

I found a Flandre in my HD a few days ago... I do not know if I posted her before, but here is the link!


May the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ reach us all!

these are dead can someone update them please?
Bet this fag can't even 1CC IN on lunatic.
Seriously tough, I need the working links.
here's a lot http://www.mypapercraft.net/?s=touhou+project
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Does anyone have this model? All three links on papercraftsquare are dead and I cant find it anywhere else.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/t1r0j318zamd3y0/remilia.zip <= The template
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I can't find this model, does anyone have it?
Found it here, don't know the author:
Here's Pachouli:
Here is Sanae- but I don't know if this is Lutanica or just a bad scan from somewhere:
Would anyone be willing to share this old (2008) Yuyuko chibi in box (pic) or any older Aliclione reimu, marisa chibis?



Have fun
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I search the template of this papercraft, someone have it?
Found it but the template cost 30¥
Momiji : http://pontarocene.web.fc2.com/gallery/momiji/momiji.html

Reisen : http://www.mypapercraft.net/reisen-udongein-inaba-papercraft/2112/
I make pop up books, but I can't think of a simple story line that can be told using pictures. Any ideas?
oops I meant to put that on the board not this thread.
There you go.
Is it normal for threads to be up 2 years on /po/ ?
Yes, try not to disturb them.
update ?
a year old thread.


I've got these two in case you want them.

Here the original source, if mega is died. Has anyone trying do this? They looks so cute, it sad, that I dont have a colorful printer.
I uploaded those Scarlet.
The link is fine and it has exactly the same files.
Do you have scans for the Alice in the op?
It won't be long until the official 1yr anniversary of this thread. What's my reward?
Right here *unzips*
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Well the 1 year anniversary of this thread is as uneventful as expected. Here have a patchy
Looks beautiful.
Have fun, anon.
Hey, 2016 and 2017 bros. 2018, here. Thanks!
Nice to meet you, 2019.
Creme was here
Any chen ones?
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does anyone have template for this patchy? the one posted before is for different model (and without instructions)
I have this one. You can download it here: http://seisakudiary.seesaa.net/article/139819109.html
ty such an old template
this video is dead?
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I did it. Took 5 months on and off.

I fucking love it. We all should make this shit.
>We all should make this shit.
Nah, not really into paper-crafting.
As dead as my desire to live
my wife okuu is so cute!
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These are great, I did them some years ago. It was fun.
This thread needs some more life btw.
nice haruhi
Fuck yes. Gonna try these.
Not the anon I'm redirecting, but just sharing.
For the sake of posterity, I've compiled the cutout wireframes of Remilla into a pdf; this might be more accessible, given there's only that source, and a broken Mega link.
Went ahead and did the same for Frandre. Should be straightforward to print, as they're consolidated into PDFs.
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Corresponding instructions for Remilla (in a single pic cause it's probably not worth printing out, though that's up to you). They're in moonrunes, but at least there are photos to give you an idea of what to do.
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Same for Frandre.
I am a bit new to these kind of crafts, I already have a cutting mat and modelers knife. Is there stuff I need like glue or paint?
Gonna need glue. A pva glue stick will do. No paint needed.
Where's ran-sama
You got any recommended brands? Since I am getting it off of amazon. Also can I just print these out in color and do them without some special printer right?
Oh hey I didn't realise you replied to me a month ago. I don't know if it's an international brand, but I always go for Pritt Stick for glue. Doesn't dry out on me. Print them in colour, no special printer needed. A home inkjet printer is ideal actually.
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Made these a while a go. They are my first paper crafts.
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That's massive!
she's 37cm tall
Does anyone got the schematics for this? the downloads on paper craft are dead and wayback aint able to pull the old Downloads. Thanks in advance

or if you want to skip the ads. Here:

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Thanks man putting a pdf here for ease of access
2019 joins the battle!
Nice to meet you too
Is there any papercrafts for Renko, Maribel or Sumireko? I can't seem to find them.
There may be.
utterly bizarre
thanks man
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decided to make a paper flan too \(^▽^)/
By the way I found this link with pretty good quality scans of the more complicated 2hu papercrafts. Apparently some anon uploaded them a while ago. https://mega.nz/#F!UYYUCQZQ!9_22R-wt0v_LXrwAEOCZ_g
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Can anyone provide templates for these?
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and the last one.
Are there any tips for the legs? Because they are always the hardest and it takes a long time until the parts finally stay together.
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Usually i glue each flap one by one before gluing the final large side flap to close the whole thing and almost every time it requires me a second try until i find out a good spot to start. In the attached pic (they are flandres legs) i started at the marked spot like this because it seemed like them most difficult part.

> long time until the parts finally stay together.
maybe you're using a shitty glue? because it shouldn't take too long actually.
Thank you
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there you go!
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i think i need to go bigger.
oh that's cool
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What kind of paper should I use for this in printing this out? Thanks!
i require patchouli
160g/m2 to 200g/m2 is recommended. 160g/m2 works fine for me. Had some problems with 200g/m2.
Can someone post a PDF of a Yuyuko Papercraft?


Sadly i can't speak chinese to ask some of his blueprint
Maribel and Renko
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Hi Everyone! Can anyone provide templates for these paper crafts? Thank you So much!
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This one
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Lastly, this one! Thank you so much everyone!
anyone has the files from Lunatica(OP papercrafts)? I could only find Reimu Patchy Remillia and Flandre. Creator seems to be dead.

Sadly I can't find any, I don't even think the papers have ever uploaded to internet.
We need more chen!!!!
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a fucking picture for ants
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Holy shit, I've been looking for them for quite a while now. Do you have a source/PDF for these?
You might look here: http://moekami.himegimi.jp/download/download.html
PDF please
Thanks for helping me though. I really wish that they have the papers uploaded to the internet. :)
Hi Everyone!! Check out this really cute Rin and Len download link papercraft. Omg I love them so much. I created this website and I will update it soon:

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I don't have the PDF, sorry anon.
That's okay. I did manage to find the person who made those models though.

For those interested, here is their store page:

And here are the Hifuu papercrafts:


(Renko and Merry sitting on a bench.)
For those who asked to fix the Rin papercraft download link, it should be working properly as of now. Should it not work, please comment down on the website. Thank you

Man this thread is old.
>>546973 Anyone got updated links to this? All the links are dead
where's my jar god damnit
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prepare my jar
I just want cirno
You can find the Cirno Papercraft here, well its here along with a lot more papercrafts:

Anyone thinking what I'm thinking? Just take one wing off and shorten the hair.
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After a 3 year hiatus had some time to make another Lili papercraft,thanks to Corona-Chan

Heck, i have probably time to make a couple more

BTW this thread is still here? Wow

Next one? Sanae or Aya maybe
Do you mean Yukari?
You can find her in the last Mega link , which is a pretty complete collection.

(well complete except the latest models)

It is a shame that Lili doesn't sell his/her papercrafts outside Taobao, i would have bought all originals.

I've tried to register on Taobao, but it's pretty much impossible for me... all those moonrunes
Damn.5 or 6 years ago one brave Anon found a way to order stuff, that's why we have some copies.

BTW, i was printing Cirno today,spend nearly one hour to correct brightness levels and resurfacing the folding lines with photoshop.

Printed it and guess what? The kind Anon that scanned it forgot to add page 5 in the pdf/zip file.The one page with arms and shoulders.

Jeebus, seems like all copies on the web are missing that page.
Just checked my copy, and what do you know, it's missing the same page... I have a feeling all the copies on the web are from that one Anon from a while ago that bought these, from /jp/16430570 if I recall
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FInished Sanae today.
She's probably the tiniest Lili papercraft i've ever built. Should have enlarged a bit the scans. It was really hard compared to Yukari, smaller pieces and many folding lines missing.

Next one will be Aya, an as far as i can tell, she'll be the biggest of the bunch.Thank Aya scans are really clear.
You should be able to order stuff from taobao through a proxy
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Good job, anon!
They turned out beautiful.

Also I came here to post this Ran I made :3
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That's very cute! And well done too!

I've finished Aya today.
I had no problems with the scans, they were pretty clear as expected.
I used a small copper wire to keep her Tengu Hat all toghether.
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And Remilia is done.
This one is a bit annoying, some folding lines are invisible, especially on face and dress
Copper wire added to the wings
The speed at which you are able to do these is amazing.
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>this thread has been up for four years
I hope somebody gave him the scans
how fucking slow is this board kek
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/po/ newfag here, I was kinda intrigued by these and decided to try my hand at Marisa for babby's first papercraft, I hope it's not too shit
Somebody gotta put all of these stuff into https://archive.org ffs. Or else we will be stuck in a perpetual cycle of files being lost and then possibly getting recovered.

Very nice job anon, I like it.
this is rlly cute!
is that cum?
Seems you've accidentally made is sideways. You see, the hat is supposed to be at the top and the feet at the bottom. Common beginner mistake!
It's the speed of free time. Thanks to Covid -chan i had plenty

Now that i'm back to work, i've stopped ... again...
I've printed 4 more tho.
Hoping to have some free time in the future.
Is this your first papercraft?

Not bad at all for a first!
It's always better to start with simpler ones, but hey,you'll probably learn faster.

You'll find your right choice of glue.It really helps.

After many years i've found the perfect one , at least for me, which is the 'bostik super trasparente' a local type of glue i can easily find everywhere here where i live, in 50gr tubes.
Crystal clear and it strongly dries just after 30 secs.

I pick up the right amount with a toothpick, and place it on the part to glue, wait 30 secs and i continue with the next part. No smears and the glued paper is stable enough to continue with the job.
These papercraft are so cute but I don't know how to pay for them.
This is so prettty!! I want to make this so bad but sadly can't
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hello.im from 2020,some one pleasegive me the papercraft of hina from touhou,please :;c
I’ve purchased from Taobao using https://tbfocus.com/
very cool
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I'm looking that site right now, i'll probably try it after signing up. It lists Paypal payment, so i guess it's a bit more safe than paying with credit card

I'm sincerely quite fed up with the copies.

I've just finished Utsuho, and it was a real pain in the ass. Never had so many problems since the Reimu papercraft.

There are 3 versions online: Lines, no lines and the original scan.
I've printed the no lines version. There are some flaps/parts that are redrawn incorrectly/missing.

The usual problem are the folding lines, you can't see if it's the inwards or outwards fold...

I've covered the messed up parts with a bit of decoration.

I'll definitely check that site, thank you again
I have scoured everywhere looking for this Alice. No scans, no place to buy it. I've not even been able to find anything relating to it aside from some shop in Singapore that sold it pre-made along with other papercrafts that all have their plans readily available online except this one it seems.

It almost looks like something of SSN's but I simply cannot find anything at all pertaining to it anywhere, and I doubt it's a custom because it was sold along other pre-builts. Any anons might have some sort of leads?
Almost thread birthday holy smokes ive been on this website too long
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OP here, someone actually gave the scans in the /jp/ thread linked above. It doesnt have alice but it has the other stuff like remilia, yuyuko, reisen and youmu (pic related i made). I lost all of them in a hard drive failure sadly
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Hey Guy!

I just found another MEGA file that contains some really cool and hardcore papercrafts. Here is an example:

The files are here but you just have to look for it thats all. And here is the link to these awesome papercrafts:

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I've missed 'em. Thanks for the link.

Not that i've ran out of Lili Touhou papercrafts to build...

Keine is a nice addition, Mokou will not be alone anymore.

Onto the next one...
Yeah I just noticed. I don't know if anyone has the 10th anniversary miku papercraft by youlingke because this looks a like a really awesome papercraft.
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Here's a Nue for you. No difficulties, very nice copies.

Next will be Youkai Jesus.
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There are a lot of awesome papercrafts by youlingke, but are unobtainable:
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This has already been shared, on this board, and is still in a thread here, in a shared archive, if you bothered to dig a little ;)
I'm not sure where would that be. Oh also, what is this papercraft called? I'm not sure of the name
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Byakuren done,the eight completed Touhou papercraft for this year.

The only file that circulates on web is really badly photocopied. Spent lots of time in photoshop to understand how to cut and fold some pieces. Not impossible , tho.
Oh it's this one:

the second folder is the instructions.
Fuck. Gimme a paper cut origami chan
Oh I see! Thank you so much
Alright! It seems like the OP for this Mega file updated and added more vocaloid Miku Papercrafts:


Thanks for having share those here
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This one is pretty cute!

These are cute and free. https://nobibeya.booth.pm
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Does anyone have Byakuren or Murasa? Seems that the DL link on Seisaku is not working.
just google it lazy human being
They was available for a time but seem like they became a prize of sort and not for sharing anymore
Oooh wow! Thanks! Those papercraft are so hard to get because they mainly are only available in China. But these are so beautiful
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Can anyone provide templates for these?
touhou more like poo poo
Hi, I could only find them here where they are being sold. The site doesn't take PayPal though.

However, I did find other ones by the same designer.

They do take PayPal, but you have to buy points through PayPal and then buy items with points. One point costs one yen and they are sold like gift cards... That is in specific increments, 500 points, 1000 points, 3000, 5000, 10000, etc.
I got it from a russian website, but the site is offline now, they got the complete collection from a CD-Rip, sadly I lost the other models when my computer crashed and only have this one because had a copy in my laptop. But here is the official http://magictape.bufsiz.jp/doujin/doujin.htm
lmao is this the oldest thread in the whole website?
are you still wondering?
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5+ years old now..
This thread was created in November 2016, therefore not even close to 5 years.
> realizes that I bought these via celga on taobao years ago, scanned these and still have copies, including Cirno
>checks and realizes MY copy of Cirno is missing page 5 as well
> realize that I am the one who neglected to scan page 5 and started this entire mess
As an apology, I realize that I still have a scan of this one by lili, and I haven't seen it anywhere online yet NOR Suwako by lili, which I also scanned
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fronts. Yes this is shitty quality and the past me also apologizes.

I actually have an office job with access to a NICE scanner now, and still have fresh and minty original copies of Suika and Tenshi that I haven't built and could re-scan, but the copies on paperzonevn already look nice
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suwako by lili cover/instructions
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suwako fronts
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and finally, Suwako backs... circa 2015
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I tried to recreate pg 5. I know from the manual that only the hands and arms were on pg 5. Lili's Miku has arms in the same pose just inverted. So I removed the other parts and the background from Miku, mirrored the image, changed colour & labeled the parts. The proportion will be off if Cirno and Miku weren't set to the same size when Lili unfolded them, but there is a decent margin of error .

You are very dedicated, don't worry tho. Without many of your scans I wouldn't have been able to build anything at all.
You have my deepest thanks !
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Also , i'm actually building Cirno, but i've missed your post just by one day... unlucky me!
Godly job!
But it seems the white short sleeves are still missing? Just add Flandre's and all set

I've used Flandre's hands and sleeves (slightly adapted) to solve the problem. Color corrected to match face tonality, removing all red, and adjusted when gluing. I've started with the body, and they seem the right size.

Too bad i've started this papercraft just ONE day before you've posted this... i would have used yours
I'm not the Anon that scanned the templates.
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Also I added sleeves from Aya Shameimaru.

Excellent, Aya's sleeves are more faithful to the original
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Done! Thanks again to everyone!
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Does anyone have template for this masterpiece? All i found is this taobao site. If someone have a PDO, PDF or scan can you, please post it? Thanks in advance https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a312a.7700824.w4004-1295065770.20.57f37b5bEnhc9U&id=575307022059
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Hello everyone! Right now I'm building Marisa and i have a problem: i missing 2 part of her dress, because the scan i have is cropped. Does anyeone solve this problem or have a normal scan? Thanks in advance
Damn, that's gonna be hard... anyway, thank you for answers!
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So, I tried to edit this page, and the result is worked! I hope this will help other people, who will face this problem
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Anyway, I finished that Marisa papercraft too! I hope it's not too bad (it's my 6th papercraft). Sadly, I had only b&w printer, and i think i messed up some details, but anyway, I like it! Maybe, anyone have some tips for begginers in papercraft? (sorry for bad (apple) english).
I have. I have the top right girl. I found her yesterday when I was trying to gather Ryusoulger files for a DVD.

God bless you! :D
God bless yoooou! :D
Does anyone have template of this Yukari? All i found is dead links...
Thank you very much, God bless you!
Would you be interested in these?

Did this help anyone? I did not receive any feedback.

God bless you! :)
Thank you for the reply, but you did not inform me if you want these. >,<

God bless you!
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Suwako Moriya is done,i wonder if Lili is planning to work on Kanako, and complete the Moriya shrine crew.

All went well,except for the hands,i had to improvise a bit since they're a bit fuzzy, not a problem tho. All in all this model is scanned quite clearly.


NIce, if you browse the site, you can download for free many models of the same creator. There's at least a dozen .
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Here's our favourite gatekeeper .
I've searched all the files i had, but only the fronts are avaiable.
I had to recreate the backs, which simply are color fillers.
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Here's Meiling back i somehow managed to create. Very crude but effective
Anybody have the files for these? would be greatly appreciated
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made my first papercraft today
The year is 2021
We're feeling fine
>no replies in over a week
Damn, this board is really slow

Really cool! Would anyone have files for this? I would be really thankful.
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got you lad. Just got done making a tan version for the summer and came here to post it. Thought the regular version was already here.
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Didn't have any good ideas on a sunflower so I took the texture from minecraft as I had that on hand. I include one for the bow on her neck and a bigger one to hold in her hand. I'm not the first anon that posted his, I built mine with him and he found this thread. I used tape to hold on the arms, gluing one and leaving the other free. It bounces on the tape so I thought she could use something to hold and wave around and included the sunflower texture bigger and mirrored so it can be glued together for her to hold. Wish I could have found a good watermelon slice.
Thanks. I'll make one as well when I finally get my fucking printer fixed.
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Tan edition. The tiny sunflower didn't work out quite right for the bow so I did thin wire jacket again.
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Vacation time!
I'm going nowhere, so here's a Patchouli for you.
Quite easy, and the scans were pretty clear too!
I didn't have to Photoshop the hell out of 'em this time.
That wire is actually nice, i like it when we improvise a little bit.

Like Patchouli's book, it originally was a simple and plain box, i've spent some extra time to make a 'real' book instead
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I recently discover this and maybe I'll make a lot of the things in this thread, thanks to everyone!!
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One of my first papercrafts. Harder than I expected.
If a cubecraft is hard... where you have to literally cut out straight lines to make a freaking box... not even a papercraft... please, don't even call it a papercraft. If this is hard for you, don't even try making a REAL one =_= people freaking can't even hold scissors in their hands anymore, degenerate 21st century people
It's literally my first one. We all fucking start somewhere. Also I literally said that it was "harder than I EXPECTED". It wasn't hard, I just thought that it was gonna be easier.
How can cutting STRAIGHT LINES be hard dipshit? Unless you got 2 fingers on your hands, that forgiven. But normal hands and an adult over 18 years? Fuck you then XD can you also not tie your shoes or open a paper bag? XDDDDD
It can be tricky, cutting around flaps.
dont worry about it broe, youre right.
i think you did pretty good for a beginner (i dont do papercrraft)
it looks like the issue is in the sciisors u use,ones without a pointy tip will make it difficult to cut clean straight lines.
"I don't do papercraft". So, how come you know he did good if you don't do it and you don't know how the average boxy craft can look like and that it's super easy to do, huh? Kinda unlogical if you ask me, along with your fake attempt to be friendly with an idiot that can't cut straight lines with scissors... you're all the same idiots
Not that anon, but arguably cutting a tedious amount of long straight lines with scissors is more troublesome than something cutting something intricate with a pen knife. Using scissors a lot can make the thumbs ache quite quicky.

On that note I suggest people use a pen knife for cutting around the flaps, and scissors for just getting the job done around the long obvious edges.
Been doing papercrafts for years now, hate exact knives as hell. I do all of it with scissors only (even the attached holes you got to cut out from the inside, etc.). Depends how much skill you have and what you prefer. Knives and blades are for people that have really steady small hands and that cut out stuff very slowly. I can cut everything I want to a milimeter with scissors, of course not the stupid kid round ones, but actually scissors for adult people that are sharp and a big bigger. Gets everything done + I can cut out everything super fast and precise. Let people do papercrafts with things they like and prefer. Not all tools are for everybody.
Thanks bro
Just use a cutter
Folder empty :(

Dead link

Anyone able to reupload these collections please?
"able" is a very broad definition. Am I able to? Of course, in a heartbeat in 2 min. Will I do it? No fucking way I won't. Those who come last pay the price. Tough luck
Sorry for your bad luck, but you should really contact your insurance company about this.
what's some easy 2hu papercrafts? preferably chibi ones if they are easier and viable for beginner pleb like me
Do you still question?
Imagine getting this mad at someone making a cute little papercraft. Your life must be unimaginably sad.
Imagine getting on this half-dead thread to dig up a years old post nobody comments on anymore and talking to yourself on it. Your life must be unimaginably sad.
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Congrats anon!
Do you even know?
My god, shit never gets deleted here does it? Nice thing y'all got here.
reupload is needed! onegai!!!
i needed thses of my life so fucking much!!!!!!
Wow how is there a thread from 2016 still up?
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first paper craft figure I made
got confused on how to do the dress and hat flounces so I botched each but I ended with something that looks competent
stuck a hair clip to hold the dress and put a little popsicle stick in it's neck so it can articulate
This came out to be really cute, will make more
Thx /po/
You literally didn’t make this. Stop lying nigger.
so cute!
how do I even do the neck? I don't get it.
Any Alice scans?
Hello Anon!
Thank you for sharing this link. By doing so you made someone really happy. However, it has been taken down!
Do you think you could share them again? If so, to upload the files to drive and post a link is a way to prevent further link-reposting, and still mega and/or mediafire work too.
Good luck!

Pleased to have you read, Anon.
Uh... Does anyone has this Udongein?
Are there any Hecatia papercrafts?
Come on guys, don't leave me hanging on like this :<
we will, deal with it
I looked around my usual sites and I couldn´t find any
These look pretty good, I might get them at some point. Got a link to their pixiv (if they have one)?
heh, my second one was also one by that guy
thanks for the link, its a goldmine
Does anybody have any of the papercrafts sold on this page for sharing or trading? Particularly asking about the ones you find when you search for "ペーパークラフト" and there is a bunch of japanese ones with PDO file included. Anybody up for sharing or trading?
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Please!! Share the folders whit the models of miku!! :cc
lovely Satori.
miku in 2hu?!???
less likely than u think!
try archive.org
does anyone here have the scans for these ones?
Just bought this one.
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Posting all the 2hu papercraft I have made before I destroy some of them.
Thank you so mush anon !
I was looking deep into chinese websites to find these missing parts to no avail
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I made this Patchouli a week ago
beautiful !!! (ノ ͡‿‿ ͡)ノ
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Good heavens look at the time
I'm waiting for hands to arrive to case this
god she's so fat
what a pig
does anyone have a better picture of the first page?
its too blurry for me
Or any Chibi Alice for that matter.
i know OP personally, he died last year (not because of rona but because of bike accident, very common here in indonesia). he made this thread when we're senior highschool, we go to the same college and if not for the accident he'd have graduated last year.
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paying my respects
2hu /po/ chads...
I kneel...
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when one door closes, another opens
lets start another thread when this is done,ok?
this thread is beautiful because it will die someday
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and after 6 years no one has posted the arisu. OP will never financially recover
I am in awe.
Im going to Alice!
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6 years and no one posted OP's scan why is this website so shit
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>Not posting BORNTOFLY.png at 2:00am.
Come on now.
it's finally over
I'm not sure if i should believe this, how do you know OP personally?
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damn brat
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>no PC-98 papercrafts...
my farewell wishes were deleted...
thank you thread, for all you've offered us.
Still stuff in the archive.
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We can post images again and it's on page 1????
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Im going to Alice
I might pick up this hobby its cute
toasting in epic bread
i love arisu!
Yes I do!
Clutch, Another year of life added to this thread pre-archive. See ya' in 2024.
Morelike 2030
Just here to say my goodbyes
Riz is my favorite 2hu.
That's not Touhou.
you're not touhou
Coming to pay my respects.

~ A fren from [s4s]
how about now fag
I wonder if op ever got his sauce
According to >>610560 he didn't.
riki was here
paying my respects
respects to the fallen
pretty cool shit here
glad this thread is still alive for now at least, it's pretty interesting
It been years and OP never got the scans, you all failed him
saint was here
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i guess this papercraft thread is finally going to fold
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Rest in peace OP and this thread
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Talking about Touhou, any idea where can I get the crease pattern of this Tsukasa origami?
it was made by @touhou_origami on Twitter, i believe. You could try messaging them on twitter/pixiv/email and asking for the crease pattern (in Japanese). Maybe they still have it!
using a name for this post
Touhou is eternal, no matter how many threads may die.
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also here's a paper flandre while i'm here :0

(folded from a single sheet of origami paper!)
I don't think they will willingfully share it, they have a shop based on this little origamis, I don't think they will risk losing money, especially given they aren't a big creator.
anyone here have an idea who made created these ones? I am trying to organize all 2hu papercraft I have in a folder and the only lead I found was this for the chibi ones.
Couldn't find anything for the Yukari one.
Does anyone have these Iku and Marisa papercrafts?
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PDF for this?
Is this the best I could get?
That's a really cool Tsukasa.
Dying for real now? Good bye.
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It's never over.
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I will never be a memory.
cool and thanks! i was looking for this one finished form
Hello, good afternoon; Would you pass me the password? Please, I've been looking for her for a long time.
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Goodbye, thread. I raise my glass to you.
Nice box
Good bye friends!
source pweeese
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It was in the replies to one of the tsukasa pics this artist posted on twitter a couple weeks ago. It was in moon runes.
found more. No sheet yet
Letty with a tec-(9), taking Cirno with her wherever she goes!!
I _need_ more foxbox anon.
Junko is best girl, and /po/ is the best board.
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Goodbye thread
If a paper tsukumogami ever appears in touhou, you'll know it was this thread.
What a wonderful thread.
Posting in a truly epic thread.
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In the end, op never got his scans...
Bai bai olden thread!
What the fuck is page 11?
Does anyone have the instructions for this one?
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They truly were...a Touhou papercraft thread
Put me in the cap.

I typed these characters with my own hands.

My hands will wither, but these characters will remain.

include everyone in the cap except this >>614288
Bye seven years old thread
I miss 2000s spic blogs
In Memoria...
Goodbuy, thread. Almost seven years is a lot even for a slow board like this.
Post a tutorial of that cutie, please.
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Hina Kagiyama's figure is amazing.
mio padre
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day 1 of trying to make Alice from this link
Can't wait for day 2
Also clean your keyboard
Dont do that
Plz share the file onegai
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day 2
I kinda like the details on the arms, looking forward to sew the dress eventually
Thank you for posting.
How difficulty would it be for a complete beginner to make an Alice like yours?
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day 3
I did a boot, the short cape and used some thread for the dress
It's the first time I do something this hard myself kek,
if you want to try it yourself I really advise to use A3 or even A2 printouts
Beheaded alice.
Do you know that I know?
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Paper Reimu Pits.
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i made a lot of touhou papercrafts in my free time and i wanted to share with you all, here's yukari
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and a more recent one, reiuji
Damn that's pretty cool, anon
thank you!!^^
Do you have any more? They're really quite elaborate.
Imagine the smell
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yes, i also made yuyuko, reimu, keine, meiling and yuuka
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sorry for bad pics....
polyvinyl acetate, heavy, with soft wet wood flavour
These are really great anon, thanks for posting them.
Can you post Meiling?
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only have this pic of her
That's incredible
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It's done
Where did you get these?
found scans of them on sites like mypapercraft.net or paperzonevn, original creator is named lili 设计
looks great!!!
Sorry friend, already did it months ago, I did it the next week I made that post, I will definitely make more 2hu papercraft in the future so it is not over.
Got any Sekibanki crafts?
Lunatica's website is down, I think he's truly dead.
Just like this thread...
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Found nice-looking Junko template lying around for free in pepakura gallery.
Most of them are still there, from the looks of it, except for Yuuka and Meiling, looks like those two have been lost completely now.
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is it the end for this milestone of a thread?
It will live forever in our hearts
After mod necromancy like 5 times in a row, I wonder if this will ever actually die.
Oyasumi, oldest touhou thread on the site.
*stare* *stare*
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Let's see if we can send this bad boy of a thread off with a 500 post bang
God, I need to let that sink in for a moment...
People have started entire Families during this thread's existence. There is a very plausible chance that OP is dead now
If the thread lasted one more month it'd be (9) years old.
I will never forget you, rest in peace op, where ever you are...
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Posting in legendary thread before it dies.
Death to those who would bump this thread off the catalog

Else I buy guess
Bump for time.
The scans are coming, they are.
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i was here bros
ran is my wife
i want a fumo of her
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So did anyone find the scans that OP wanted?
I remember finding them (or at least finding a lot of works by the same author) on some literal who website, maybe.
But my hdd went up in flames recently, so while trying to recreate most of my hoard from zero I discovered that many of those sites no longer exist and what's worse /po/ nuked it's actual archive and makeshift mega archive ages ago... that being said, few works by the same author are still on paperzonevn, it's just that Alice is not among them anymore.

here is where one would purchase them.
Kotohime on da penultimate post
Theres no need for that, cmon.
we need more nue or hata
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What the hell i'm starting to think anon isn't lying.
very cute hina and eiki
I have touched myself thinking about your wife.
shes my wife
naturally i've done the same multiple times
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Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it lasted so long to begin with.
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I am tempted to make a thread about anything /po/ related to kill this thread and at the same time not shit up the board...
Posting in legendary thread.
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Before this thread dies out, does anybody have a papercraft of patchouli? Preferably withint 1-2 pages.
Blessed thread
Good thread
I came across 2hu origami while going through jp archive trying to find jav codes, then I remembered that we have a origami board on 4channel. Then I found another 2hu thread here.

Its clearly a sign from god so how do I get started? Assuming it wont die before any replies
Is mypapercraft still good for touhous?
fantastic thread.
saddest thing is that the OP will never remember about this thread now
Can you take a picture of her bloomers?
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let me be last
Paying respects as this thread scrolls off to Gensokyo.
how in the fuck do you make it so pristine?
what a thread
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toasting in legendary bread
wow this thread is really old now.
well first of all i avoid creating really sharp looking edges on the dresses and body parts so it looks smoother
then during the cutting process i paint with watercolors the white paper edges of each part to give it a finished look
i use super glue gel so my figs dont get too wet, 120gsm paper for big girls like yukari and 90gsm paper for smaller figs w more details
Good night, sweet thread, and flights of angels flatten thee back out before thy rest.
anyone got requests? i think i still have some from a decade ago
I'd love to see a paper newhu, preferably chiyari.
Same but Tsukasa as well
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Got any of the lunatica ones from the op?
That's absolutely lovely, did you make that yourself or comm it or what?
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I do these myself. Here's a very shitty sakuya that was one of my first attempts >>609786
Here's yuyu
Well you've definitely come a long way in just a year, great job.
these are lovely, thanks for sharing while we wait warmly for the end.
can you explain what you mean by painting the edges with watercolors?
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by edges i mean the thickness of the paper, paint it with the same color of that part for a neat effect
for example in an old fig of mine i didnt paint the edges with red so when i glued the parts together the white edges started showing
>7 years
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I refuse to let the last post in this noble thread be a gif from something younger than this thread by a factor of two or more.
This thread's age has inspired me to look into beginner /po/ crafts in the cold days around christmas. I may well be shit at it, but my GF will be happy I tried something creative.

>girls are now printing
>please wait warmly
Bro's I think my heart will snap in two the moment this thread finally dies.

This is truly a one of a kind thread Regardless of it being touhou related.
I never got an Hecatia papercraft
That one dude never linked or posted the full size Cirno and all the mega links that might have it are dead. Rest in piss, thread ravaged by the passage of time.
Paying respects to an absolutely all-time thread. I regret that I don't have anything right now to contribute, but I hope to get more into papercraft in the new year. (Is it too much to hope for that this thread survives until then?)
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Papercraft is not Video Ga--huh???
I would like the commissary to know that I was here. Please include me in the historical records, I want my kids to see it.
I bet OP never knew his thread would make it to over 7 years old. Happy New Years everyone.
Posting in legendary bread
I salute this legendary thread and the wonderful anons who made it possible. You guys make some incredible stuff and make me proud of being a 4channer.
toasting in epic bread
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Yep, outdated old moldy stale bread that should have been gotten rid of years ago.
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...in my headcanon.
I will fold a paper crane for every post.
do another one for me
See you in Gensokyo anons
no you won't
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Tough touhou mmm yum yum
Godspeed, epic bread.
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i came to this board to find the oldest post, hoping to see one from 2019. wow
get to it
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a thread from a different time, bless it.
epic thread
I came here because I heard this board wasn't very active, but I didn't expect to see a 7 year old thread. RIP thread, and if that one guy was telling the truth, RIP OP as well. He never got his scans.
post proof
Goodbye, third oldest thread, may we have more 2hu
When this thread was created I still had a couple months of happiness left in my life and that's saying a lot
Based thread saw the rise and fall of so many things. Be seeing you old friend.
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A thread from a much simpler time.
They're never gonna let it rest. Maybe if the image limit gets reached.
Posting in old bread before it dies.
Goodbye, sweet memories.
Thank you!
Like tears in rain. Time to die.
May the next touhou papercraft thread live up to this one
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Thanks for all the cute paper girls, epic old thread
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I'm not into papercraft, but I remembered that this board is the slowest. And now I decided to check the last thread. Wow, 2016. RIP.
>I'm not into papercraft
So you're just a faggot that wants to post in an old thread? instead of attempting papercraft?
I'll fold you in half, dipshit
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Yes, I am just a faggot that wants to post in an old thread. And I can already reach my toes, you best be proficient at folding people in more than half.
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Not only him, but me too
There is no way it ends with a fight.What's the best way to get into papercraft with no experience?
8 year thread
rest in peace
Find some models in this thread and print them then use a sharp blade to cut them out and glue them together with some glue. It can get way more complicated and there's plenty of QoL stuff you can buy but it's a pretty simple hobby. There are other threads here better suited to sorting out beginner shit. You could also watch some videos and there's tons of dedicated websites with good info. Don't get discouraged if your first models don't look great.
Kino thread from a kino time. RIP
All good 2hu papercrafts in this thread.
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bye bye
Ding-dong diddly!
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bye bye thread. James was here.
Here’s 2 (You)
/po/bros... I'm crying, is over.
i dont want this thread to end ;_;
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>posted a goodbye to this thread over 4 months ago
>it's still not dead
>7 years
What the fuck.
Don't mind me, just looking for the oldest active thread on the site rn. This is a strong contender ngl
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>this is a strong contender
this thread is seven years old anon, it's inarguably the longest-running thread currently up and very possibly the longest-running thread in the history of this entire website
This historical 2hu thread is almost kill ;-;
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I was here...
Also, money Alice!
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The death of this thread is surely a bad omen for things to come.
>No, I will never forget you
>Alice, one day I'll take your gentle hand. I'll return to save you
>And we'll reunite as lovers once more
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Posting in old epic thread
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>page 11
the dump is almost complete...
goodnight sweet bread...
The clock thread is older by a bit
how the hell?
Did they remove the archive limit? Is this thread just immunized to being bumped off the board now?
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>anons trying to be the last poster without posting 2hu
>in a 2hu thread
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>page 11
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It was a nice bread. Bye
how do i do these things I can only make paper planes I want to do 2hu paper
Get yourself some nice origami paper and patterns. Make sure you have the patience for all the gluing and cutting.
Fare thee well, great heart.
what a strange place /po/ is
>couldn't even make it to 10 years
7+ years is pretty damn good imo
Seven years is too fucking long for all this shit posting. It should have been gone years ago.
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how dare you
Easy, like this; it should have been gone years ago.
boi boi
nask was here
I'm the last post. Haha...
No you're not, haha.
Which one of you is going to be the faggot that eventually bumps this thread off the board?
Posting in ancient bread.
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If this might be the last post, it might as well belong to Paychy.
That honor might be bestowed upon you, dick sucker.
The fact that you can't locate the t and the h on your keyboard makes me wonder how you even remember to breathe.
Last post
Not today.
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That's not a 2hu
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But it is papercraft.
Holy shit

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