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Does /out/ ever have those mancamp threads anymore?
It always seemed so comfy the idea of a bunch of us living in tiny houses in the woods .
Seems like now with starlink we could all have internet as well
Or would that ruin the whole idea?
Someone put together a blog/online doc or something about 5 years ago but honestly, unless substantial money is pledged and collected, zero will be done. Plans like this are 100% about money.
I'd need a house in the middle of say 5 acres just to feel sure that some asshole won't ruin my day with annoying noise. People move out of the suburbs into the countryside and fuck it up with their annoying sense of what is normal, it happens all the time, and it would happen out there too.

Starting anew in a natural environment is best done with an independent mentality, bringing others into the fold immediately leaves the plan vulnerable to being compromised.
Maybe you could have a soundproof room?
What kinds of noises do you find upsetting?
The type of typical noise pollution that typically ruins everyone's time. Chainsaws, dogs barking for no reason, people shouting about stupid shit.

I wouldn't trust my fellow out-movers to fully shed the bad habits that they gained from living in modern civilisation. My experience is that I can do everything that I do, but people who have said bad habits don't notice positive learned behaviour, because they are too busy unconsciously being their annoying bad-habited selves. I've learned better than to expect people to be aware of themselves at this point. Them moving to a forest won't make it any less tiresome...
Oh yeah there are def gonna be chainsaws running and freedom sticks going off
Lots of doggos as well.
I think we dont have the same ideas about what noises are annoying
>I think we dont have the same ideas about what noises are annoying
Of course we don't, you're a mouth breathing redditor retard
You dont like dogs?
dogs dont like him
My cabin is on 15 acres and it's not enough.
I only have one "neighbor".
Other property around me is 300 acres on one side 200 on another and 1,200 rounding it out.
You need 50 acres minimum to feel secluded.
>an acre is 210 feet X 210 feet.
If I stood in the middle of a 4 acre lot I could throw a baseball and it would roll into the neighbors yard.
Dogs can tell when something that appears human doesn't actually have a soul.
poster gets barked at quite a bit.
I'm more human then you'll ever be, cumskin.
mancamp? im married, its bitchcamp now
>[confused shitgolum shrieks]
ok, kys shitskin
Remember what happened at that one /k/ meetup with the brownies? I don't think this is smart
You're giving dogs too much credit, upside-down Satan. If they were as intelligent as dog nutters make them out to be, they wouldn't get themselves into trouble by aggressively barking at apex predators like grizzly bears.
I dont want to camp with anyone that hates dogs
You don't have to; arabs don't actually camp
I have been reading that also psychopaths do not like dogs
A lot of normal people do not like dogs. Psychopaths often torture them. Difference.
>[angry empty husk sounds]
Probably because most dogs can tell they're bad people
Are you an american?
Plus pedophiles who use dogs to lure children. They must be good people by your silly logic, right?
You are terrible at logic
Google syllogistic form
You sound like one of those cunts that move to the country then are surprised ppl are doing country things like running machinery, it shooting on their land, etc.
Anyone who asserts that dogs can intuitively sense good people or bad people, when there are countless examples proving otherwise, shouldn't be lecturing anyone else about logic. You argue like a woman.
>literal NPC runs out of prerendered targeted arguments, defaults to generic echolalia
Yup, you're definitely a woman. Post bobs.
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we've had this this conversation before kiddo, just because no woman with touch your dick in real life, don't mean the people who refuse to jerk you off online are women, there are no women on /out/, you are not going to get female attention here.
>we've had this this conversation before
No we haven't. But nice to know that multiple people on this board have accused you of arguing like a woman.
>>2693824 doggo
>>2694179 kiddo
time to go back
Strangely it's the other way around. The urbanites move into the country and complain about the normal country noises like ATVs or harvesters or people welding or wood working in their garage.
Doggo has been used on this board since its inception
Its you who must go back
Now you're just making shit up. Newfag.
I am guessing that this is no longer a MGTOW board?
There has been no meaningful discussion of actual communes in this thread at all
The MGTOW men went their own way a long time ago
I don't want to live near anyone from 4chan
would you change your mind if they welcomed you with brownies?
where do you live?
Chainsaws are a part of every day life in the country
Thinly disguised thread about a man who just wants to fuck his goat without chainsaw noises and dogs barking
Oh, thats why he need so many privacy and doesnt like dogs
MGTOW was divorced dads trying to find happiness after court rape for about the first 5 minutes, after that it was genetic defectives angry that roasties wouldn't touch them.
/out/ Very MGTOW now.
kek, YWNBAW, but you do spend too much time bleeding into your underwear.
Do you think 20 percent of the population is genetically defective?
You really willing to write off that many american men?
You're confusing mgtow with incels. The latter was always barred from mgtow and men's rights communities. Quit trying to rewrite history.
MGTOW always struck me as being closeted gays looking to hook up away from prying eyes.
Thats ridiculous anon
Gays dont have to play games like that to get laid
>rare breed of men who have self-control and don't irrationally worship the pussy
Or maybe it's the terrible crys of molested goats keeping his neighbors awake all night.
Dick was so based
I've been lurking here for years and such threads have always been rare. I also don't understand why communes on this board would be exclusively male; I am not against it, but the discussion is usually brought up to raise communities of families together, away from mainstream influence, and of course, those that just hate society and want to live in Ted's cabin, if that's what you mean by MGTOW . That term is so fucking dated and it was cringe then too.
>MGTOW . That term is so fucking dated and it was cringe then too.

its like ten years old
Most people these days can't sit still through a video longer than six seconds; ten years ago is pretty much prehistoric to them
I dont think they can be fixed
Maybe a scant few. My wife works with a young couple and they want to try /out/ shit. Going to take them camping in the fall and get them hooked.
>My wife
stopped reading right there
Short attention span as per >>2694739
Wives heheheh
Cant live with and cant live with em amirite fellow married guys?
the heyday for these threads was ten years ago when there was a donor that wanted to fund the first phase but no one would volunteer to get things started
Everyone already wanted someone else to do the groundwork before it even got going
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I like to walk outside my single wide and empty my revolver into the air, keeps the rent low. And annoys urban transplant scum.
>scared of dogs
Who would have guessed?
Dont the cops come?
Rural America has near constant gunfire echoing amongst the hills. They'd be dispatching someone every hour, so they dont bother. It's a beautiful thing.
I get that , but where I live they keep a close eye on the trailer parks
Those trash cant be trusted for shit
the english word of close the door the same as close to something?
are you guys swingers?
Please dont hate on incels, they have it hard enough as it is
We could buy a ranch for pretty cheap in souther colorado
That is the real history, your wank fantasies don't count.
eh, even self hating gays have options these days, though the prison gay factor is probably there.
Pretty ugly worldview you have there anon
Reality supersedes your idle fantasies.
And the lowest 20% not reproducing is fine, there is no right to propagate one's defective seed, the ills of modern society have been strongly shaped by encouraging the nonfunctional to breed excessively.
Teaching young women to not let losers cum in them is a good thing.
>implying that modern women's reproductive decisions are in any way rational
they are whores
yes, hence the "teaching" part, do try to keep up.
dogs are fucking retarded and fuck you
You cant teach a whore about romance
You cant teach them anything except how to milk the system
Haha, imagine being one of those people who gets barked at by dogs. I look into their eyes and they see somebody who will rough house the fuck out of them at a moment's notice, and right in front of their owner, if they try to be too rambunctious. And I mean nicely, like, I'm onto your shit buddy come here! That usually makes the ears sit back and the tail go down slightly.
Except there are still good girls, and if you say things like "Ahhh, women these days are so unromantic..." it does strike the right chord with them.
Company I work for has a trailer to tow with solar array and starlink the future is nuts
>Except there are still good girls
I have not seen any.
Where I live they are all sloots or feminists or evangelical cristians
Not much in between
>I have not seen any.
why would you? you are a member of the lowest 20%
>dogs barking
>people shouting
Anon u do u and whatev but it's a total cop out to blame "muhdernity" on a general noise level inherent to any level of civilization at all. You will never solve problems you have with things if you can't accurately assess them/name what the problem actually is.
you sound like useless liberal urbanite or rich snob moving into countryside, who thinks nature is only for you. Get a rope and kys
>a woman.
Who, funnily enough also think they can smell "bad" people, just like their magical dogs do.
People seemingly can't accept the truth: dogs are retarded animals, just like women.

Captcha: 88G8A
88 borther, 88
My dogs don't bark for no reason, I'm not the type to shout in the street, and I still don't think that moving /out/ with too many others is a good idea. I don't do dumb shit, I like to be quiet and peaceful, so you can assume all you want but it won't mean anything.
Christ, I hate the way young people talk
>anything I don't like is a larp
>anything I don't believe is a larp
>if I file my taxes late then it's called a larp
>just got off the phone with the larp, he says we have to schedule my larp surgery for next larp, but I should make a full larp
that's the problem with romanticized idea's they're just that extremely romanticized.

It's great in theory but in practice there are a real problems. Mainly people are dicks. You think it's bad that the same people troll the shit out of boards online, image actually living next to the low wits who spend their time making why do ugly people hike together, i hate ultra lighters, all knives suck, hatchet vs saw, and talk about gay experience out threads all day. are those really the people you want to hang with? if you've ever been on a dating app you know a lot of people are ok in 30 minute doses that you'd murder if you had to spend all day with.
being anti dog just does not go over on this board
maybe you should focus on the things we agree with and drop the dog hate in this thread
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You are forgetting that 4chan trolls are only disagreeable online.
In real life we are warm and cooperative.
I myself can sometimes be horrible , but if you came to my home you would find me to be a very hospitable host.
Have you ever met up with /out/ists IRL?
We are mostly nice people
That sounds awesome!
Can you post a pic?
I don't hate dogs but I no longer want them near me. They love to eat shit, roll around in shit, stuff their snout in each other's shitty assholes. Then they drool everywhere and want to lick your face. It's not like they wear shoes so every step they take spreads filth around. If you own a dog, a cotton swab off your body or furniture would reveal a high amount of fecal matter.
>I don't hate dogs but I no longer want them near me
this sentence does not compute , only a dog hater would even say this shit
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He just wants to say hello, relax pal
I'm not a psychopath, and I don't like dogs.
I don't like there smell or stepping in their shit. Don't like having something sitting near me while they make schloping smacking sounds licking their dick balls and ass. Fucking gross.
Close the door = shut the door
Close to the house = near to teh house
Keep a close eye on something = watch something carefully
In the first one the s in close makes a zzz sound. In the last two the s in close makes an sss sound.
Stay in the city.
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>You really willing to write off that many american men?
Are you really asking that question?
Based. I don't care if other people have dogs (so long as they keep them off of my property, and train them not to jump on people) but I don't ever want any. I could never live with one again after growing up in a small house with 2 of them. Fucking fur EVERYWHERE, and you couldn't open a door without them barking at you like crazy for five minutes.
He isnt based, he is a nutjob and probably going to elliot roger his town
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>I'm not a psychopath, and I don't like dogs
I find this hard to believe
Even if this is true you are really unlikely to be a warm caring person
Why do dogfags seethe so hard at the mere idea of somebody not liking or wanting dogs? Even catfags aren't this obnoxious.
>Why do dogfags seethe so hard at the mere idea of somebody not liking or wanting dogs?
Because I have never once met a good person that hated dogs.
No idea why others also feel this way
Not wanting dogs and preferring not to be around them doesn't mean I hate them, though. There's a large difference between disliking something and hating something.
No, but you complaining about dogs in thread after thread , for sure means you hate dogs
>thread after thread
I've only posted about dogs in this thread though. I haven't mentioned dogs anywhere else on this board.
There can be more than one person on a board who doesn't like dogs, schizo.
One of you psychopaths is one too many
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>reeee if you don't like muh doggos you must be a psychopath!!!!!
Cope, faggot
This. Dogs are a litmus test. If someone tells you that they don't like dogs, you can cut them out of your life without worrying about losing anything of value.
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>people really seethe this hard at just the thought of somebody not liking dogs
This thread is fucking hilarious
>I don't trust people who don't like dogs
>"oh my god you're SEEEEETHING, lolololololol"
I get the feeling you shit your pants with laughter at knock-knock jokes
If you don't trust someone just because they don't like dogs you are a genuine retard lmao. Imagine thinking that someone's ability or inability to tolerate a filthy, slobbery, shedding animal provides any indication as to their trustworthiness. Schizoid shit.
>still seething and coping
lol I can just imagine this commune
>dogs barking
>shouting (well into the night)
I would unironically get more peace and quiet sitting on my front porch in my suburban neighborhood. Like could imagine?
>a bunch of us
If anons on this board talk anything like the way they post I don't think I could stand to be around them, but it'd probably be fun to watch a video of it
imagine the smell
No reason it would smell
There was hundreds of thousands of dollars on offer for this in 2015
No one took him up on it
No no, YOU stay in the city. I'll stay where I can avoid the big babies that we call the modern adult human being. I'll stay here where I can wake up to the sound of birds -- the same birds who would annoy city people to the point where they would chop down the trees and replace them with a fence to house their barking dog.
Again complaining about dogs.
You are a one dimensional troll
Maybe he brings up dogs because they genuinely annoy him. Or maybe he does it because he knows it makes dogfuckers freak.
>Maybe he brings up dogs because they genuinely annoy him
Does he need to shit up the whole thread because he is annoyed?
>Or maybe he does it because he knows it makes dogfuckers freak.
Then he is a boring troll asshole
I'm looking for a house now and this is one of my main requirements. I don't want to hear anyone else's shit. The guy that lives across the road now likes to bang on shit in his shed and when it gets hot his fat live in girlfriend makes noise mowing the lawn in the morning (in 5+ years I've never seen anyone but her do it). Another, unrelated thing happened once where another woman that lives out here saw me pissing in my own yard and bitched and complained to my wife on facespace(I don't have one) about how it was inappropriate because her kids saw. I just want to be left alone and have room to grow shit and shoot guns.
Maybe he’s just tired of listening to dogs? They’re relentless barking machines. Biological noise weapons. If you’re an adult straight male you don’t desire cuddling with a pet so why should you HAVE to put up with someone else’s noise pollution?
>If you’re an adult straight male you don’t desire cuddling with a pet so why should you HAVE to put up with someone else’s noise pollution?
Because we as humans have coevolved with dogs.
That anon does not have the right to absolute silence and he has no right to not be exposed to dogs in his day to day life
>he has no right to not be exposed to dogs in his day to day life
But you have a right to subject people to your shitting, barking, drooling, shedding, annoying animal?
Here's a tip: If you can't train your dog not to bark incessantly, don't be surprised if you find it dead because your neighbor tossed a steak soaked in antifreeze into your yard.
>But you have a right to subject people to your shitting, barking, drooling, shedding, annoying animal?
Yes for sure
>don't be surprised if you find it dead because your neighbor tossed a steak soaked in antifreeze into your yard.

A guy in my town went to prison for this , he is out now but lost his contracting license and is a felon who cannot vote or own a guy
>Yes for sure
Again. Don't be surprised when someone kills your dog.
If your dog runs up to me (as many dogs love to do to people), I'm shooting it. Don't care if it's "friendly." Don't care if it's wagging it's tail. I'm not letting your mauling machine get near me.
>or own a guy
Yeah, you'd consider that a negative, wouldn't you, faggot?
>1 SDG has been deposited to your account
The fuck is SDG? Stupid Dog Goys?
You sound like white trash at best.
holy fuck I hate ATV riders
>Literally so maladjusted even getting approached by a dog forces a violent response

Psychopath confirmed.
No, not forces. I could choose not to shoot your dog when it runs at me. But that might put me in danger.
It would also rob me of the opportunity to watch you cry over its dead body, which would surely be entertaining.
NTA but was your axe body wash bottle impressed when you practiced that line in the shower?
I bet in real life you love dogs
I honestly don't understand how anyone could dislike dogs. They're extremely useful animals and taking care of them isn't expensive either. I have to get a new pup every two years or so because hog hunting is pretty dangerous for them.
your mom is a hog hunter
Seems like you yourself dont care much for dogs
You're annoying. The noises are just a reminder of what you are.
your mom likes noises
There are dogs that I really actually hate, like shitbulls and who serve no real purpose in this world. Then there are dogs which are really annoying that I do not care for like those small yapping dogs that have shitty owners (which there are a lot of), and they can really lower your quality of life if you are forced to live in the same area. Then there are working breeds that are well raised and I generally like those. I don't think people who don't want to be around dogs are psychopathic or anything like that, that sounds like projection from the retards on this website.
>I don't think people who don't want to be around dogs are psychopathic or anything like that,
you are incorrect
Man this thread got derailed
Take the yurt pill. It is not a "fixed" structure so therefore it does not raise property taxes much like a wheeled camper trailer. At least in my county.
It just reflects the fundamental commune problem: most people who start idealizing a communal lifestyle are failing at regular life and will bring that failure to the prospective community.
And /out/ is rich in those failing at regular life.
tldr on this pls? was the original plan to pool money and buy land together? cause if yes it would blow up spectacularly.

It has to be one anon owning all the land. Otherwise it will inevitably fall apart.
>Seems like now with starlink we could all have internet as well
pls stay in the city
shut the fuck up
Do you think only city people use the internet ?
dont you speak to me that way
so you wanna live on a rural campsite with only men? permanently? and a bunch of dogs?

catlady tier
No anon, it's dogman tier, haven't you been paying attention
Liking dogs is a sign of character anon
observing this thread affirms the male catlady conclusion son.
You are an idiot
to be fair, have you seen american men?
>[angry male catlady sounds]
If you dont love dogs, you are not a man
Why are dogfags so incredibly insecure? The mere idea that somebody, somewhere, doesn't like dogs sends you people into a cope spiral.
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We coevolved with dogs. People that dislike them are very often sociopaths and not to be trusted.
Just take a look at cultures around the world that mistreat dogs, they are the worst humans on this planet,
>retarded dogfag cannot understand the difference between "not liking dogs" and "mistreating dogs"
I don't go around beating random dogs. I just don't like them and don't want them around me because they are loud, obnoxious, smell bad, and they shed and drool all over the place.
I never said you beat dogs but you have talked a lot of shit on this website.
Its not perfect, but a good litmus test is how new people come into your life , feel about dogs.
There might be good people who dislike dogs but I have never met any. So its pretty simple for me to just not associate with dog haters.
People who get upset that someones dog runs up to them for sure do not get invited into my home.
>Its not perfect, but a good litmus test is how new people come into your life , feel about dogs.
Okay ESL.
>People who get upset that someones dog runs up to them for sure do not get invited into my home.
Maybe you should train your dog not to run up on people. You never know when it's going to decide to run up on a cop and end up full of holes.
untrained dogs show me people like you
the system could not be better
What happens when your untrained shitmutt runs up and jumps on an old lady, knocking her down and shattering her hip? Or bites a child? You're going to get sued and it's gonna get put down.
Not training your dog is swarthoid behavior, btw.
>two months later and psychopaths are still defending their dog hate
Cry all you want, you won't be invited to the mancamp with that shitty personality
I don't want to go to your gay furfag camp.
>can only conceptualize having a pet for sexual purposes.
yeah, yeah that tracks with the rest of your posts.
>shattering her hip? Or bites a child?
Never happens, my dog is happy and loves everyone
Worst thing is maybe some mud on a rainy day gets on someones pants

Nice people do not care
Is this a MGTOW thread?
if by
you mean
>/in/cell maladaptive daydreaming
then yes.
what are you thoughts on this video ?

She's an awful bitch who should be beaten over the head with the bikes she stole.
did you think the stealing bikes story was worse than the possum story?
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ok but what if they REEEAALLLYYY like dogs.
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what the fuck is this
what the fuck is this upbeat background music
why is it put across like
>"hey, this is ok! just your friendly local psychopath!"
you can see her eyes are dead.
>We could buy a ranch for pretty cheap in souther colorado
And raise alpacas?
It was before the dogfuckers ruined it.
I found one, but holy shit are they rare.
Yeah, if your dog is barking all the time, or is misbehaving in general, it's your fault, and a reflection on you as the dog owner, not the dog. There are a lot of shitty dog owners where I live.
These "dog fuckers" of yours... are they in the room with you right now?
tiny house in the woods not next to anything nearby + internet + a years worth of supplies is the dream. that is my actual life goal
Thankfully no. I wouldn't even let them on my land.
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>fantasizing that they own land and that they haven't holed themselves up in their single mother's apartment for years
oh dear...
Yes because stealing bikes negatively affects human beings. The possum thing is just letting nature run its course. Are documentary filmmakers psychopaths because they don't intervene to help animals in trouble?
Nice projection. Just because you're too much of a loser to afford your own land doesn't mean that I'm in the same boat.
Lying to us isn't a big deal, lying to yourself is though.
At least get a part time job and pay some of the bills for your poor mother, it will also get you some non-internet human interaction.
Very analytical, you might be on the spectrum
Defining yourself around not being held down by pussy is itself being defined by pussy.
Just brand yourself an outdoorsman or 'man of the sea' and be done with it, it's implied that women won't touch you and you avoid the bonecrushingly dense cringe of saying 'I don't worship pussy'
That ignores the obvious fact that women are horrible and we would live differently if they were not.

Its like you just want to give them a pass to be shitty.
>MGTOW are actually gay

also you:
>MGTOW actually define themselves by pussy

which is it?
>we no longer cull our own species from the dense and daft
>hurr durr is 20% of the population defective?
lol yeah.
that include you
it includes most of /out/

that is why we should stop tearing each other down
not me , I am an alfa 6 foot six figure income with six pack abs and 6 inch penus

Women are all over me
/out/ is not like how you think it is
have you looked at the catalogue son?
Seems ok to me
>I enjoy wallowing in mental illness
yes we know, that's the problem.
Why exactly are you here then?
>got Germany into a war it couldn't win.
>literally a massive faggot
But they could have won if the other countries had not been so mean and went and did a bunch of shooting at the soldiers and stuff
pew pew pew
So war is good as long as you win?

I see we're dealing with a truly moral and ethical person here lmao
Why even bother trying to make this dumbass argument, you dumbass?
shut up hippie
yes, starting a war you can't win where losing ends with half your country getting raped by syphilic slavgoids is not a good choice.
can we get this thread back on track?
yes, everyone into the box cars so we can get this train moving!
very funny anon

i hope in real life you have some compassion for your /out/ brothers
>i hope in real life you have some compassion for your /out/ brothers
I don't have compassion for bitter incels who want to live on a homosexual colony with only men and dogs.
why are you here?
4chan is great place to abuse awful people, and because they choose to lean into the abuse rather than leaving or developing into better people, there are no ethical concerns.
Fine, we'll get rid of the dogs then
>4chan is a good place for me to maintain my lack of self-awareness
You are more awful than most people here
But you know that already
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>Rural America has near constant gunfire echoing amongst the hills.
>[angry shitstain shrieks]
kek, just stop being awful kiddos.
You are broken
>n-no U!111
lol, do better son.
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>le ebic manipulator manipulating
We all know your persona, it's tiring and played-out. Mancamp threads aren't a thing anymore precisely because of people like you, addicted to online arguments but still somehow contributing nothing of value. You don't aim for improvement, you aim down and try to drag everyone else along. You are why we cannot have nice things.
Whats worse is I am pretty sure he is a mod here or at least a janitor
kek, seriously work on your shitty self, get exercise and sunshine, interact with people in real life, maybe even talk to a woman.
go outside.
you will feel better.
>calling me a tranny
eww, now that's just extra rude.
You should really take some of your own basic advice to heart. Being a bitter, pale little boy isn't going to get you anywhere. Are you old enough to be here?
I don't want to be anywhere near you people!
>He was too good to his own people to be evil

You've got to be shitting me.
Still better than US politicians
>if I keep noUing its going to be real some day!
lol, naw, I have a life and get out every day, I just come here for a bit of fun, it's not healthy to live on the 4chins and integrate it into your identity, you really should try getting out too!
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I feel bad for people that live in fear of dogs

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