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>The largest spikes are occurring in Republican states flooded with guns.
>Least thefts are occurring in states with strict gun control.


The rate of gun thefts from cars has tripled in the U.S. since 2013, making vehicles the most common source for stolen weapons in the country, according to a new report by the gun safety group Everytown.

Why it matters: Stolen guns are difficult to trace and are often later used in other crimes, the report notes.

By the numbers: Everytown analyzed almost a decade of FBI crime data from 337 cities across 44 states with a combined population of about 63 million people.

>The analysis found that the rate of gun thefts from cars in these cities has tripled from 2013, rising from an estimated 21 thefts per 100,000 people that year to 63 thefts per 100,000 people in 2022.
>Of the 112,000 guns reported stolen in 2022, about 51%, or roughly 62,000 weapons, were from stolen from vehicles.
>On average at least one gun is stolen from a car every nine minutes in the U.S, the report stated.

The big picture: The rise in vehicle gun thefts has coincided with increases in gun ownership, adults carrying guns in public and the proliferation of permitless public carry laws.

Zoom in: The rate of gun thefts from vehicles was almost 18 times higher in cities in states with lax gun safety laws.

>Memphis, Atlanta, St. Louis, Richmond and San Antonio were the top five cities, respectively, with the highest rates of vehicle gun thefts, according to the report.

>Cities in states like New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey generally had the lowest rates of such thefts, according to the report.
Yes, but: These are likely conservative estimates, as only around a third of states require gun owners to report if they've lost a weapon or had one stolen from them, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

>The study only drew on data from cities that report crime data to the FBI.

Between the lines: Everytown said the trend appears disassociated with general thefts from vehicles, which decreased 11% over the 10 years that the data in the report covers.
weird, democrats told me crime go down? but crime go up? that's unpossible
>black democrats steal guns
>therefore we need to ban white people who don't do crimes from buying guns
this is retarded.
Also haven't you fags been saying crime is down, gun murders are down and mass shootings are down?
>fbi data for mass shootings from like 2005 until now
>never more than 14 in a year, usually like 10
>never more than 100 dead in a year
seems like dems are just making shit up
>have gun. maybe able not die..
>Not have gun. Do what they say.. Maybe they wont kill us..
Is it any choice at all? I dont wanna kill people.. If i shot and killed a serial pedo rapist nazi racist homophobe bigot murder scumbag, im still gonna be sad about it. Maybe cry. Idk. But if it comes down to the the leverage between someone minding their buisness and getting to live, or breaking the law to get whatever they fancy... How could you ever be in support of removing guns from the hands of anyone?
dems don't like gun ownership because they don't want their voters getting killed when doing crimes. one of the black congress women from NJ tried to ban concealed carry nation wide because her 2 black sons did an armed robbery at a toys r us and she is afraid when they get out of jail and do their next armed robbery someone is going to shoot them.
She also tried to ban employers from not hiring felons
I'm pretty sure every mass shooting is stopped by a "good guy" with a gun. (though, I don't really consider cops to be the good guys) Even in the situations where they kill themselves it's typically because they're cornered and about to be captured.

I guess Anders Breivik would be an exception. He contacted the police and told them he was tired of killing people and was waiting for them to show up. They didn't show up and he killed more people, and told the cops those deaths were on their hands.
>Between the lines: Everytown said the trend appears disassociated with general thefts from vehicles, which decreased 11% over the 10 years that the data in the report covers.
Turns out crime is going down, except when Republicans have direct control over the policy, then crime goes up.
Crime is down except when it's an evil white supremacist republican doing it during an election year
If that's the case, it should be going up in blue states with lots of black democrats like New York. it's only happening in Republicon states.
Looks like it's Republicons stealing guns.
found the evil white supremacist republican
I should ignore this.
>The analysis found that the rate of gun thefts from cars in these cities has tripled from 2013, rising from an
21 thefts per 100,000 people that year to 63 thefts per 100,000 people in 2022.
Blacks are stealing the guns, Slapnuts and Slapnuts Jr. or retarded samefag cripple with nothing better to do with his crippled life.
>Memphis, Atlanta, St. Louis, Richmond and San Antonio were the top five cities, respectively, with the highest rates of vehicle gun thefts, according to the report.
Shall we pull up the demographic reports on these cities? OK.
Goes to the source:
Lots of big Blue states missing from the data ESTIMATES.
The source is better known as:
thus as biased and trash as Axios.
>Any connection to jews?
>Founder Michael R. Bloomberg
>President John Feinblatt
Any connection to Democrats, or billionaires? See above.
>Does this org do business under any other names?
Yes. Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action
Thanks for being a turbofag and posting a shitty poopoodoodoo article fuckwad OP.
Someone managed to prove he's an evil white supremacist Republican who while is an anti semite, sucks up to bibi.
>Childish asscrap comment
Shut up, whore.
crime went up under brandon and crime went up in places like oregon that legalized weed
BLM rioters are white?
>Memphis, Atlanta, St. Louis, Richmond and San Antonio
black democrat mayor
black democrat mayor
>St. Louis
black woman democrat mayor
>Richmond (I'm assuming virginia)
black democrat mayor
>San Antonio
jewish "indpendent" progressive mayor and the city voted for brandon and clinton
>crime went up under brandon
Crime has gone down under Biden, Traitor Trump saw a spike in crime though.
is this like how illegal immigration is down under brandon, if you ignore 2021, 2022 and 2023 were the 3 highest years on record?
No it isn't like that at all because most people don't completely ignore the pandemic of 2020 which caused all immigration legal and illegal to drop to near zero, causing the record backlog we saw in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
>the pandemic caused more illegals to illegally cross the boarder after the pandemic
lul what?
You mean the Trump migration crisis that Republicans created?
Sure about that lil guy?


No. Almost all crime went down under Trump and has spiked under Biden, and that's even after major blue cities like LA refused to provide crime reporting data to the DOJ and FBI under Biden's watch. Sorry kid.
yes, similar to how inflation is down, if you ignore the cumulative effects of inflation of 2021, 2022, and 2023
Good post
Trump blocked so much illegal immigration from happening you people branded him a war criminal because he actually blocked people from entering

Objectively speaking, you are a lying assblasted shill, but you aren't paid to tell the truth, after all
>Illegal border crossings soared in the months after Biden took office and immediately rolled back many Trump-era restrictions. Biden warned that he’d still enforce immigration laws, and he temporarily kept in place a Trump pandemic policy known as Title 42 that allowed authorities to quickly expel border crossers.
>The number of people taken into custody by the U.S. Border Patrol has reached the highest levels in the agency’s 100-year history under Biden, averaging 2 million per year.
>20 posts in
>The Everytown and Giffords center's Bloomberg-funded propaganda is already thoroughly debunked

Good work everyone
how did the GOP or Trump create an illegal alien crisis? just put up razor wire, land mines and machine gun nests
You people are completely retarded propaganda consumers.
remain in mexico is based. separating kids from adults is based. putting illegals into camps is based. putting illegals on planes and buses and sending them to blue cities and states is based. fuck illegals
>You people are completely retarded propaganda consumers.
>Consumes Everytown and Giffords center propaganda
that is different, everytown is funded by a rich jew who loves abortion and doesn't want anyone having rights
So based that it bites you retards in the ass politically lmao
how? dems are flipping the fuck out over having illegals in their cities because illegals are nothing but a burden
>migrants only go to blue cities
You've been reading too many Greg Abbott press releases.
when we force bus them there they do.
You mean how it increased under trump and his policies made it worse?
Except it wasn't?
>You mean how it increased under trump
look at how low it was in 2020
>and his policies made it worse?
how? everything he did was based. we need a wall and active deportations though. should start micro chipping illegals like we do dogs and cats as well
it literally was. all the cities they cited are deep blue democrat cities with large black and/or hispanic populations and black or jewish leftist mayors
>constitutionally protected basic human right
weird how you hate all brown people except palestinians
I hate them too, I just hate israel more
given the shill topics lately, i doubt that
what does any of this have to do with dems trying to ban guns?
>Crime is down

Only in relation to the increase during the BLM/ANTIFA Summer Of Mostly Peaceful Protests.
We can only discuss this reality and not the one that exists in your head
Where is the racial breakdown of auto theft arrests and convictions? It seems like that would be interesting data.
that is racist
I don't think you can make a value judgement on my curiosity anon
Nah, those are red states. If it were blue cities only, then blue cities in blue states would suffer the same problem.
So your damage controlled failed. This is a Republican policy failure.
blue cities. democrat issue. democrats at fault.
Nah, Republican states and Republicans judges.
Republicans are to blame.
What if... both sides bad?
What you're looking at is peak intellectual political discourse in the U.S. right now. "Everything bad dem fault" vs. "No, everything repub fault".
Nah, this is one side based on the data.
gun rights aren't bad
why are you blaming judges for democrats breaking into cars and stealing?
everything literally is the fault of the dems. they are wrong on literally every single issue of consequence
You mean Republicans, Republican state.
dem cities, dem mayors. its democrats doing it. democrats do all the crimes
Thanks for proving the point, schizoposter.
doesn't happen in democrat controlled cities in democrat controlled states.
its a republicunt problem.
name a single issue that dems are right on
its a democrat issue. its dems doing the crimes. the dem states are also doing human rights denial. just today hawaii took the big dick of the law in its ass and had to pay back legal fees and give out concealed carry permits after it got raped in court by gun rights groups
>guns are human rights
Go to bed, schizo gun nut. Do you honestly have no other part of the internet you could shit up?
is this just another non-white problem that can solved by pushing them into the ocean? It's not a very interesting topic
>name a single issue that dems are right on
Most of them dislike Israel. And this is coming from someone who extremely disliked Biden
I see you have neither an argument, nor a dick. If you wish to go to a faggot site with dickless fags like yourself, reddit is that way.
dems all voted to send guns and cash to the jews and most of the dems voted for that let the jews ban antisemitism bill
>I see you have neither an argument, nor a dick.
Your delusional dumb fuckery isn't worth an argument. Also, seek psychiatric help for your obsession with my dick.
post medical credentials, dickless. you lost this debate so many times you just try to throw out insults because you are tired of getting btfo'd
Its cute that you think I've been debating with you
I wouldn't call the ass raping you got a debate, per se
It was republicans that wrote the bill, the only ones that voted against it did in grounds that it would interfere with the christian supremacy scheme.
the majority of house dems supported the bill and pretty much every single isreal funding bill is unanimous
>Mass shootings stopped by a "good guy with a gun"
I remember this one:

is that really the only one? I doubt it
it isn't
a. the media hates reporting on ones where a private citizen stopped a gunman
b. dems memory hole it
c. most shootings that are stopped by a private citizen don't end up hitting the mass shooter threshold because private citizens are more effective at stopping mass shooters than cops are
>the media hates reporting on ones where a private citizen stopped a gunman
Can you give us an example? List a few incidences of private citizens thwarting a mass gunman that wasn't reported by the media
the one at the mall with the dude with the handgun was very under reported. also you are being a snuck premises asshole because you are going to say any tiny news paper reporting it would mean it got reported by the media when we both know we are talking about the jewish national media cartel
>the one at the mall with the dude with the handgun was very under reported.
Just doing a quick google search I found a few dozen articles about this incident. It was reported by NBC, CNN, BBC, Reuters, CBS, Fox, New York Times, NPR, Washington Post, AP News, ABC and about a dozen local news stations and affiliates. By what metric are you deeming this under reported? There isn't a single major news outlet that didn't publish a story.

>also you are being a snuck premises asshole because you are going to say any tiny news paper reporting it would mean it got reported by the media when we both know we are talking about the jewish national media cartel
None of the news outlets I listed above are tiny news papers.
>reddit spacing
see, I knew you were being disingenuous and putting in a snuck premise from the start. you would say any reporting from any paper ever would mean it was reported even though we both know the media didn't say shit about the guy with the handgun at the mall and went on for weeks about that one white guy who shot up the hookers until it came out that blacks do all the asian hate crimes
He's asking you to provide evidence for your beliefs, probably under the assumption that there is none and that you're simply regurgitating talking points you saw on /pol/. He's probably right.
Your best defense is to say: "how am I supposed to find evidence of events not being reported when the only thing you would believe are the mainstream sources that don't report them?"
>you would say any reporting from any paper ever would mean it was reported even though we both know the media didn't say shit about the guy with the handgun at the mall
Every major news outlet reported on it. NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, Reuters, AP, FOX, WaPo, NYT. Dozens of local affiliates also reported on it. I found 20 articles on just the first page. How can you say the media said nothing about it when every single major outlet reported on it? You're not making any sense.
Literally every mass shooter excluding suicides is stopped by good guys with guns
It was still republicans who pushed it, and the tik tok ban.
>Literally every mass shooter excluding suicides is stopped by good guys with guns


>There were at least 434 active shooter attacks in the US from 2000 to 2021, according to ALERRT data. Active shooter attacks were defined as those in which one or more shooters killed or attempted to kill multiple unrelated people in a populated place.

>Of those 434 active shooter cases, an armed bystander shot the attacker in 22 of the incidents. In 10 of those, the “good guy” was a security guard or an off-duty police officer, ALERRT data showed.

So when you say "every mass shooter" what you really mean is less than 3%. The other 97% of active shooters are not stopped by good guys with guns, statistically. You're just lying.
nah, he is sealioning, samefag
keep on sealioning
the tiktok ban is based. and dems voted for it
>Reddit spacing
>CNN is literally a chinese propaganda company and not a valid source
>alerrt is literally just some random faggot in texas
Guns are not and have never been the problem.
This cope is pathetic, my dude.
Gun ownership rights are never going to be human rights.
they literally always have been and we both know you can't remove them from the bill of rights
only one coping is you, sealion
I'm not the guy you were originally arguing with and "sealion" sounds like a term faggots would use to describe a certain degree of ass looseness. Googling it tells me that it comes from a webcomic, which confirms that it is a term for semen guzzlers, and that it refers to consistently asking for evidence to derail an argument. He asked you for evidence to back one claim (that news outlets don't report on mass shootings stopped by a private citizen). You provided one example, which he then showed to have been reported by multiple mainstream news outlets. You then diverted into saying he's from reddit and appealing to "what everyone knows," which more or less confirms that you're just parroting popular opinions you saw on /pol/, probably because you're actually incapable of independent thought.
Looking forward to your ebin 1 sentence reply so you can pretend you're above this discussion, you fucking troglodyte.
sure thing there you sealioning samefaggot
Truly ebin. Shove your irony up your ass and choke on it. Don't pretend you want to have a good faith argument if you really just want to show off what a retarded nigger you are.
don't pretend you aren't sealioning when you are, sametranny
Attacking someone's evidence is a part of argumentation - you did it yourself when claiming that CNN is a Chinese propaganda company and that alerrt is one guy.
You can tell that I'm not the other guy because I'm not interested in arguing about these things. I don't think any news outlet is fully trustworthy and, ultimately, agree with you that they underreport certain topics to push particular narratives. If I were you, I'd compare how the reporting on Elisjsha Dicken from the Left sites to the Right sites, where it was located on their website, and what else was reported this way - you'd probably find that you were right, and that Left-aligned news reported less details and made the story less prominant. Or, you could've done the same with BLM riots, or with the recent FCC report on telecomms companies sharing private location data with law enforcement agencies illegally, or any number of other clear-cut examples of media bias.
The reason that I'm taking the time to explain to you that you're a retard isn't because I disagree with you; it's because I'm sick of ESL brownoids coming to 4chan to shit out their uninformed horseshit. I would like you to be informed, and to have reasons that you believe the things you believe; failing that, I would like you to kill yourself.
so you admit you are a same tranny. cool, not reading all that. no matter what story I cite you will say it doesn't count if at least one news source mentioned it once. where as we both know news media over reports mass shooting, even ones that didn't happen. like how they over reported that guy shooting the news anchor, the dude shooting the hookers until the stats for who does crimes against asians came out or how it kept getting reported that some teacher in california accidently shot his gun, except it was under reported that it was a saturday, only adults were there and it was a black cop who shot the ceiling
If you actually read that post you'd see that I agreed with that exact point you illiterate fuck. I'm telling you to argue better, or piss off and die. Please pick one instead of wasting my time with this horseshit.
still not reading it faggot. the media intentionally lies about shit and you are a sealion. why else would the media constantly cite bloomberg, who is trying to ban guns or the gva or whatever its called that comes up with retarded numbers of hundreds of mass shootings per year when there has never been more than 14?
The media does intentionally lie about shit. If you want people to believe you when you tell them that, pick better examples of it, instead of pissing your pants and citing bullshit debate fallacies that don't even apply at the first sign of aversity.
You could've said any of this shit that you're saying to me to your actual opponent and made an actual argument out of it. I don't care. You don't need to convince me. I agree with you. Rub your two brain cells together, say "Gee anon, thanks for pointing out that I was acting like a little bitch instead of backing up my argument with logic and facts," and do better next time, fag.
>"Literally every major media company covered this story"

I accept your concession
>no matter what story I cite you will say it doesn't count if at least one news source mentioned it once
You said that the media under reported the story about the shooting at the mall. You were wrong. Every major media outlet covered that story. When confronted with the fact that you lied you started rambling about sea lions and reddit because you got caught repeating a propaganda talking point you knew nothing about. Cope. Seethe. Repeat.
nah, you are a seelioning faggot and you have no dick and you know it.
they did under report it you fucking lying faggot. I found out from jewtube, not the news. meanwhile they talked about the due who killed the hookers nonstop for weeks
>I found out from jewtube, not the news.
That's the problem.

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