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The United States will stop supplying offensive weaponry to the Israelis if the country goes through with a planned invasion of the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, President Joe Biden said on Wednesday, a signal that he is willing to put conditions on aid to Israel for the first time and that he’s reached a major break with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden said during an interview with CNN, acknowledging the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians during the war launched in retaliation for Hamas’ massacre of Israelis and taking of hostages on Oct. 7.

“I made it clear that if they go into Rafah ― they haven’t gone in Rafah yet ― if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities,” Biden said.

Biden, long a staunch and unquestioning supporter of Israel, has come under intense pressure from Democrats to finally place conditions on military aid to the country, which has been accused of war crimes and has been deemed at risk of committing genocide in its attacks on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza. Biden said the U.S. would continue to provide for Israel’s defense, as it did when it assisted the country against an attack from Iran last month.

“We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks that came out of the Middle East recently,” he said, adding, “We’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells.”

Rafah, where 1 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering, is one of the last remaining safe zones in the Gaza Strip. Humanitarian groups fear a full-on Israeli invasion of the city would result in mass civilian deaths.
“I’ve made it clear to Bibi [Netanyahu] and the war cabinet: They’re not going to get our support if in fact they go on these population centers,” said Biden, who spoke to Netanyahu on Monday.

Israel has characterized the southern Gaza city as the militant group Hamas’ last stronghold. Israeli tanks moved into part of Rafah on Tuesday, seizing the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt. Israeli officials described it as a limited operation in response to a Hamas rocket attack that killed four Israeli troops just outside Gaza on Sunday.

But the Israeli incursion and an evacuation order to 100,000 Rafah residents have prompted a stricter line from the Biden administration, which fears the consequences of a broader Israeli invasion of the city.

News of delayed weapon shipments to Israel first arrived this weekend, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed the reports at a congressional hearing Wednesday. So far, the administration has delayed transferring 2,000-pound and 500-pound explosives.

Austin faced his share of tough questions and comments from Republican senators about the decision.

“This is obscene. It is absurd,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) remarked during the hearing. “Give Israel what they need to fight the war. They can’t afford to lose. This is Hiroshima and Nagasaki on steroids.”

Biden worked closely with Senate Republicans and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to pass a $95 billion supplemental foreign aid bill in late April that includes $26.4 billion in aid to Israel and $1 billion for humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

The White House has assured Republican leaders that none of the delayed weapon shipments are part of the assistance allotted in the supplemental bill.

But Johnson and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) sent a joint letter to Biden on Wednesday expressing discontent about hearing of the arms delay first in the press, and about the nature of the delay itself.
“We believe that security assistance to Israel is an urgent priority that must not be delayed,” McConnell and Johnson wrote.

Biden’s decision to use U.S. military aid as leverage to shape Israeli policy is the culmination of months of tension building with Netanyahu. The administration has gone from insisting that Israel present a realistic plan for ensuring the safety of civilians in Rafah in the event that they invade the city to arguing more openly that it sees a full-scale invasion as inherently incompatible with its humanitarian concerns.

The dust-up over Rafah also takes place against the backdrop of hostage negotiations between Israel and Hamas in which the U.S., Egypt and Qatar have played active roles. Israel this week rejected a counter-offer from Hamas but has said it would keep negotiating.

Domestic pressure is mounting on Netanyahu to strike a deal that secures the return of as many hostages held by Hamas as possible. Family members of hostages were among the thousands of Israelis who marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday demanding that Netanyahu reach an agreement.

At the same time, Netanyahu’s coalition government depends on the support of far-right parties led by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. Those parties have threatened to collapse Netanyahu’s government if he does not invade Rafah.

In his remarks at a Holocaust remembrance event on Sunday, Netanyahu suggested that he is prepared to defy the United States.

“If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone,” he declared.
>“I’ve made it clear to Bibi [Netanyahu] and the war cabinet: They’re not going to get our support if in fact they go on these population centers,” said Biden, who spoke to Netanyahu on Monday.
At the literal last second to save your presidency. Get fucked.
Too little too late.
we both know he is going to keep giving them arms and the jews are going to keep arresting protesters. muslims tried to protest in my town once and the jew mayor had the cops beat them and then instructed everyone in the news paper to buy guns incase the muslims returned
It's the best way for Biden to come out of this somewhat okay since Hamas said they want a cease fire, but Israeli wants to keep the genocide going.
And Republicans have never seen a genocide they don't like so it creates a good foil for Biden. The problem is the conservatively biased media is going to bury him now.
Based beyond based
the media literally works for the DNC. we saw this in the clinton email leaks
Why would Israel agree to a ceasefire with Hamas still intact and on the back foot? The only reason is because they wanna do a genocide?That doesn't make any sense.
I see the Russians and zionts are working hand in hand.
>Why would Israel want to isolate themselves from the rest of the world?
The only reason the Israelis are getting away with their genocide is because of US support, if the US pulls out, they will be alone, and if the Israelis continue, you might even see other continues intervene to stop the genocide, and Israel isn't as strong as they'd trick you into believing they are without the US backing.
we literally saw in the emails that clinton's campaign instructed the media which republicans to cover and gave her the debate questions, JIDF
Nice try Ivan, you really need to update your propaganda.
nope, you just think its wrong because you aren't American
>Why would Israel want to isolate themselves from the rest of the world?
That isn't what I asked. Engage with what I said, not the strawman version you made up. Why would Israel agree to any ceasefire if it yields no solution to the conflict? Why would they ease up on Hamas and let them continue to operate? Of what benefit is that?
He's right you know
It's not a strawman because Israel continuing their genocide campaign without US support would isolate them and put them at greater risk. And your excuse to say it's to target Hamas holds zero weight when they've been indiscrimantely attacking civilians, humanitarian workers and even executing hostages that they claim to be trying to rescue.
...so Biden witheld congressionally approved aid for political purposes?
Wasn't this impeachable a couple years ago
Go to bed, boomer
Knew a /pol/ppet would try and push this.
Call me when Biden blackmails the Israelis to have them manufacture dirt on Trump and interfere in the election, like Trump did with the Ukrainians.
Trump seems to love to engage in election interference between that, his hush money crimes and outright staging a coup.
..so he did? He's getting impeached, right? Or is it ok when Biden withholds congressionally approved aid for political reasons, but it's bad when trump does it to ask Ukraine to look into reports of corruption?
>Knew a /pol/ppet would try and push this
Your boss gives you good training I guess, they really do predict what people may think about this and provide you with counter arguments ahead of time
Nah, it's just your lot and >>1293849 are painfully predictable. Gotta push the classic false equivalency to justify for your own crimes.
Read this.
Hard Mode: Don't attack the source.
>Hard Mode: Don't attack the source.
Why not? Does politics not exist?
Simply look at the author, for example.
So you can't refute the facts and want to argue in bad faith, got you.
Fact is: the facts are right at the start of the article and there's nothing illegal about the president withholding aid.
>for political reasons
Legal reasons. If the government has reason to believe the weapons will be deliberately used against civilian populations, its actually illegal to provide them. If anything, you should be bitching about Biden violating that law for the past several months, but of course that wouldn't help your narrative.

The Israeli aid package doesn't repeal legal restrictions on who we ship our arms to and it is entirely at the executive's discretion to find the weapons would be put to unlawful use and block their transfer.

>to look into reports of corruption?
...from Russia...that were fake.
>Hamas still intact and on the back foot?
Israel considers all 2.2 million Gazans as members of Hamas. Who in Gaza wouldn't hate Israel after they made 90% of the population homeless, starving and bombed them sheltering in refugee camps and around hospitals?
AIPAC does nothing except election interference.
> “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah ― they haven’t gone in Rafah yet”
> Israeli tanks moved into part of Rafah on Tuesday

Ok Biden.
the Zionists will control tRump easier than Biden.
tRump's son in law, Kushner, wants to turn Gaza into Israel beach front property that a lot of rich US Jews can retire to.

If only the Republican controlled courts reigned them in instead of helping to hide where the money comes from.
as opposed to Trump who would write them a blank check
biden literally got ukraine to fire a guy for trying to bring is son up on corruption charges?
>jeff bezos's personal blog
>Hard Mode: Don't attack the source.
source is literally an opinion article written by a democrat who has been part of multiple dem admins
>“This is obscene. It is absurd,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) remarked during the hearing. “Give Israel what they need to fight the war. They can’t afford to lose. This is Hiroshima and Nagasaki on steroids.”
How do people take these fucktards seriously when they say shit like this?
biden literally just gave a medal to a jew for trying to ban guns last week
Anon, Republicans in Congress are literally crying and shitting their pants right now because the Democrat president withheld funding from Israel.
sounds like biden should be impeached and hanged for withholding congressionally approved aid
sounds like you're really desperate and afraid
oh look, the jidf bot ran out of things to say
it's almost as if... both parties are in israel's pocket? no... that can't be... or can it?
>Still pushing Russian lies
>no, you don't understand Ukraine needs energy worker's whose only qualification is that they are addicted to smoking crack
I didn't know Donald Jr was hired.
Also we just found out the obvious that Trump didn't divest and was running his businesses from the white house and essentially taking bribes.
Where's your outrage for that?
biden is blocking congressionally approved military aid he needs to be impeached and hunter needs to be hanged for buying a gun while addicted to crack and accepting bribes
>The existence of the DNC is a conspiracy theory
Honestly, where do you faggots get this shit? Who do you think you're going to convince with that? People who eat crayons don't register to vote anyway.
Debunked :^)
>opinion piece written by a communist who served in multiple communist admins on jeff bezos's personal blog
Not an argument JDIF
>jidf calling others jidf
>N-n-n-no u...
JDIF not sending their best
JDIF is just prioritizing. You may have heard they have other places to send their best right now.
Ding ding ding winner
Although it has more to do with the fact that Israel is the only reliable proxy state that the US has in the Middle East. It's genuinely a very important country militarily; both parties support it because of this, and Republicans moreso because they are pro-war.
Yep, they gotta kill those 5 year old enemy combatants.
Hamas sure does love its 5 year old human shields
Running IDF bulldozers over children and claiming they're being used as human shields in residential areas is a losing narrative these days.
OK Hitler
>Running IDF bulldozers over children
Someone's been reading too much pro-hamas Twitter fan fiction.
Nah, just regular news and shit.
Not that the juden would care.
Interesting how the shills stopped posting after this.
The supervisor is very angry that was posted here.
They really don't like it when you talk about the bulldozers they use to crush the houses of Palestinians.
True. You're supposed to believe that Palestine just randomly shoots rockets at Israel every few years for no fucking reason.
No such place after 1947.
Not the guy you were arguing against, but I share his opinion and I actually hadn't seen that. Thanks for posting.
Is that the year an armed militia stole some of the land from the Mandate for Palestine the the Brits won in WWI from the Ottoman Empire?
I wish everyone would just get this through their thick skulls:

These people can't live together, period.

The Israelis are the ones with all the power. Even if the US stops backing them, they will not stop taking Palestinian territory, which already looks like swiss cheese, as well as their lives until they are nearly all gone, and the Palestinians will not stop shooting rockets at them, nor give them any other motive to stop in the meantime. All the "Free Palestine" movement is doing is extending the suffering by making this all take even longer. Just let the Jews finish creating one of the greatest diasporas of our time and be done with it. There's already five times as many Palestinians living outside of Palestine than in. Once enough of them are gone that they can't affect Israel's voting demographic significantly, Israel will annex the territory outright, and it'll be over. The few remaining will simply be Israeli citizens.

The alternative is endless war.

If I had a magic wand to create justice in this world, I would make it so all the Palestinians and all the Jews would have an uncontrollable urge to move at least a thousand miles away from that place and a thousand miles away from each other. Neither of them deserve that land. Let some other group that can actually live together in peace take it.

But alas, there is no justice in this world, no magic wands. The best you can do is hope for less suffering.

Let it end.

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