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Nikki Haley dropped out of the 2024 presidential race exactly two months ago, and yet on Tuesday 128,000 Indiana GOP primary voters cast their ballot for the former Trump UN Ambassador instead of the presumptive Republican nominee.

"Unexpected warning signs for Trump in busy Indiana primary," reports Politico, which notes, "Nikki Haley’s performance in the already concluded presidential race could be a sign of trouble for Trump in more competitive states."

Haley, also a former South Carolina governor, was consistently getting double-digit percentages of the GOP primary vote before she dropped out of the race, even in red states. (All vote totals and percentages are from the Associated Press via Google and are current as of time of publication.)

In Alabama, Haley took 13%. In Oklahoma, 15.9%. In Texas, 17.4%. Tennessee, 19.5%.

But after Haley dropped out, effectively handing Trump the nomination, Republican primary voters continued to vote for her, and continued to vote for her almost always in double-digit percentages.

In Arizona, Haley won 17.8% of the primary vote. In Georgia, 13.2%. In Kansas, 16.1%.

And last night in Indiana, Haley took 21.7% of the vote.

It's not just solidly "red" states.

In New Hampshire, Haley won a whopping 43.2% 0f the GOP primary vote.

Tuesday night as the Indiana results were still coming in but pretty much solidified, David Nir, publisher of Daily Kos Elections, asked, "Is Nikki Haley getting *more* popular? Right now, she's at 21.6% in Indiana with more than 70% reporting. If it holds, that would be her best showing since dropping out after Super Tuesday."

Sarah Longwell, publisher of The Bulwark, replied, "No. It doesn’t have much at all to do with Nikki Haley. It’s that the broadest coalition in American politics is the anti-Trump coalition."
Amanda Carpenter, a Republican political commentator who once worked for far-right GOP lawmakers including Senators Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint, agrees with the anti-Trump theory.

"It’s almost as if…more and more Republicans, each day, are rejecting Trump. Perhaps these [Indiana] voters heard what their former congressman and Governor and later Vice President Mike Pence had to say about the president he served?" she wrote. "In all seriousness though, this is not a Nikki Haley movement showing up in double digits in multiple states. It’s anti-Trump GOP voters. Can you hear them yet? This is real."

The New York Times last month took a look at what is called the "zombie vote," votes for candidates who have already dropped out.

According to the Times, the "zombie vote in this year’s Republican primary has actually been low by historical standards. In Democratic and Republican primaries going back to 2000, roughly a quarter of voters picked a candidate other than the eventual nominee even after all the other serious contenders had exited the race."

"For Mr. Trump," the Times adds, "what matters is how many of Ms. Haley’s primary voters will rally behind him come November. Polls have shown that her supporters are likely to say they will vote for Mr. Biden. Even so, those same polls often find that many of those voters already supported Mr. Biden in 2020."

The Nation's John Nichols last month pointed to just that, after the Pennsylvania primary:

"Haley is not campaigning, but she just won almost 158,000 GOP primary votes in the critical state of Pennsylvania. Democrats think they can swing many of them to Biden."

Late Tuesday night, pointing to Haley taking more than a third of the vote in some Indiana counties, Nichols concluded, "These numbers continue a pattern of rejection of Donald Trump by precisely the Republicans and Republican-leaning independents he needs in November."
It's an open primary.
Is this the go to cope that a handful of republicans don't want a criminal as their candidate?
It's the single most relevant factor in a primary where only one side is electing a nominee, and it wasn't mentioned at all in the article. Just saving the intelligent people a few seconds of googling. Retarded faggots like you aren't going to care anyway.
This was going to be my first question.
The answer is yes. The cope manufacturing plant is running overtime. If this were Biden losing 1 out of 5 votes to someone who wasn't even in the race conservatives would be celebrating this on the mountaintop but, because its Trump, they need excuses to dismiss it as not a big deal.
Checked. It's not a big deal. Stop asking questions.
>1 in 5 conservative voters in a historically key state for the GOP rejecting your candidate for someone who isn't even in the race isn't a big deal
The cope is unbelievable. Don't huff too hard, anon. You're gonna need oxygen some time.
You're just coping hard as hell.
What is it with Trumpfags being both sore losers and sore winners?
Remember when you apologists claimed Iowa was rigged because Trump didin't sweep every district?
I think it's more funny he gave away that he's a third world shitposter because he used 4chan jargon, and got it completely wrong.
Burden of proof is still on you, otherwise you're just pushing an association fallacy.
the last time a democrat won nebraska was 1964
kek, so that was all democrats
open primary means that was probably entirely dems voting
if there are retarded results at an open primary it was 100% member of the opposite party voting. Its like how I voted for clinton in the 2016 primary to make bernie tards seethe
the cope is real
What are you talking about faggot?
That this was an open primary?
10 seconds in Google.
>Incoherent magafag whining
Where's the proof? Your fallacy doesn't count.
Why be a stupid fucking faggot on the Internet?
Of all the things you could be doing with your life as a cripple, in a tent, behind the Starbucks, you choose this?
I hope you prolapse to death, homo.
Why are you throwing the poo that you forgot to wash from your hands before shitposting on /news/ everywhere here because you got correctly called out for your attempts to be misleading?
You're using an association fallacy. Show me the make up of those who voted in the primary, because you don't have proof otherwise.
>Just pretend the problem isn't there and it will go away
At least we know how MAGAets are coping by claiming the elections are rigged.
You're yelling at another anon you dickless, eunuch faggot.
Stop getting mad on an anonymous image board.
It's incredibly funny how pissypants all these faggots got over me pointing out the most obvious of facts, that Indiana has an open primary. Cope and seethe troons.
Let the backpedaling begin
>a candidate only getting 1 out of 5 voters means they're winning

What kind of cope thread is this
Now this is a fascinating strawman, walk us through it.
Trump just lost. You're coping.
Having an open primary doesn't mean all these votes for Haley are dems. Likely some of them are, but left wing activists aren't exactly rallying against Trump in the GOP primary rn long after Haley dropped out, they're protesting Biden's support of the Gaza war and voting undecided in the Democratic primary. They cannot vote in both primaries.
>Having an open primary doesn't mean all these votes for Haley are dems.
I didn't say that's what it means; but all you faggots rush to claim that it DOESN'T mean that is just as telling, isn't it?
No it really isn't
All good posts
Half the country has open primaries, and even in states without open primaries there was a large percentage of votes for Haley.

Also, both Trump and Haley before she dropped out have publicly recognized that a ton of her voting base is Republicans who are skeptical of Trump as the nominee. Haley would not have run as a pro-life neo-con if this was not the case.
It's just the fascist right already finding excuses for why Trump didn't have total crushing victory.
These same shills that claimed Iowa was rigged because Trump lost ONE, count it, ONE county to Haley
But he did have a total crushing victory. It wasn't even close.
That's the point, he lost only one county, and Trumpfags were sill claiming the election was rigged against him.
Don't be a sore loser. He won despite having all the demonic machinery against him.
>He won despite having all the demonic machinery against him.
You people truly are in a cult
Shut the fuck up babbling retard. It's been obvious that the media tried to drag his name through the mud and wanted him dead for the longest time; but I guess you're too much of a bloodlusted leftist fucking retard foaming at the mouth to really care about any of this shit at all. Trump deserves his win at this point.
Well, that's likely because Democrats are human trash and love to play dirty.
Never change ivan
>Trump deserves his win at this point.
He only deserves prison time for all the crimes he committed.
The fascist right and pretending to be the victim when they're the aggressor
Always a couple.
Your projection never ceases to amaze. Just kys faggot.

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