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ATLANTA - A recent report from Georgetown University says the state of Georgia dropped about 300,000 children from its Medicaid and PeachCare programs in 2023.

This comes after pandemic-era protections that kept people insured were lifted.

"Georgia unfortunately did not do well in protecting its children. Georgia ranked third in the country for the number of children who lost Medicaid in 2023, and that was a pretty significant finding. We didn't have a lot of data for Georgia because they haven't been very transparent about what's been going on for the children in the unwinding," said Joan Alker, research professor at Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Police. Alker was the lead on the study.

The study tracked disenrollment data nationwide in 2023. During the pandemic, everyone who became insured on Medicaid stayed on, and did not have to fill out annual paperwork to prove their eligibility.

"States are checking renewals for children who are covered by Medicaid and that's half of the children in the United States," said Alker.

According to the Georgia Department of Human Service's website, the state began redetermining eligibility in April 2023.

Alker says by the end of the year, data shows Georgia saw a decline of about 300,000 children in its programs.
Finally some good news.
>Finally some good news.
300k new tents.
can i camp on your front lawn, greedy scum?

i need to plug my laptop and hotplate into your outdoor outlet.
You can rot to death in the streets if you're unwilling to get a job.
On brand for a party trying that supports child labor.
Probably not.
First of all, medical insurance doesn't make you homeless, second of all, Georgia isn't a democrat stronghold, it's unlikely to have a burgeoning homeless population anytime soon
The Republican supreme court is about to outlaw being homeless. Enjoy your slave labor camp where you work for conservative billionaire for free
What a comfortable and sheltered life you must lead.
Someone tell me what this is actually about? Trannies are framing it like children are being put in the streets, but it's most likely just tightening down on the billions of medicare fraud wasted every year. I ain't reading shit btw
The story has nothing to do with trannies. Take your meds.
He didn't say it did tranny. If you weren't too busy grooming kids in school and actually knew what reading comprehension was, you'd know that.
>Child grooming
Its not normal that this is all you think about. This thread is about Medicaid. Please, seek help.
Enjoy your slave labor job where you work for conservative billionaires for almost free
>You can rot to death in the streets if you're unwilling to get a job
but my min wage cant buy food or my kid, and you took my food stamps away.
Can I abort my 7 yr old?
Republicans don't even pretend to be prolife anymore
Same for New Jersey and most states who enacted pandemic Medicaid expansion.
This sounds like electioneering.
They wouldn't be, dare I say, electioneering in a swing state with this, would they?
I don't know why Republicans bitch about post birth abortion when that's basically the philosophy behind their social policies.
>During COVID a lot of people get stopgap medicare
>Covid ends, stopgap medicare ends
>I chose to have a kid after not taking my education seriously, therefore the state should pay my bills
Thank God. We can send that money to Israel instead.
>Covid ends
It didn't. It simply reached an endemic phase.
>stopgap medicare ends
Did the needs of the people end?
You're a double moron. Covid is fake as fuck and was literally nothing different from the normal flu season.

Stopgap medicare coverage ended because the program expired. The government stopped covering these people.
Yeah man all the people ending up on ventilators from the flu

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