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Donald Trump told Stormy Daniels that she "reminds me of my daughter" because she is "smart, blonde and beautiful and people underestimate her," a court heard on Tuesday.

Ms Daniels claims the comments were made as they discussed the possibility of her appearing on 'The Celebrity Apprentice.'

Ms Daniels said in her testimony: "I said, 'even you don’t’ have this much power.' He said, 'you remind me of my daughter because she’s smart, blonde, and beautiful and people underestimate her.' The way he framed it did actually make perfect sense."

Speaking in court, Ms Daniels also said she was concerned at the time that going on the show would hurt her image.

"What if I lose on the first episode?", she remembers asking.

"I told very few people that we had actually had sex because I felt ashamed that I didn’t stop it."

In the early moments of her testimony, Daniels told jurors under questioning from prosecutors that she met Trump because the adult film studio she worked for at the time was sponsoring one of the holes on the golf course. They chatted about the adult film industry and her directing abilities when Trump’s group passed through. The celebrity real estate developer remarked that she must be “the smart one” if she’s making films, Daniels recalled.

Later, in an area known as the “gift room,” where celebrity golfers collected gift bags and swag, Trump remembered her as “the smart one” and asked her if she wanted to go to dinner, Daniels said.

Daniels testified she accepted Trump’s invite because she wanted to get out of a planned dinner with her adult film company colleagues. She said her then-publicist suggested in a phone call that Trump’s invitation was a good excuse to duck the work dinner and would “make a great story” and perhaps help her career.


salacious details continued below

In her bombshell testimony at Donald Trump's criminal fraud NYC trial, Stormy Daniels revealed the salacious first meeting with Donald Trump involved silk pajamas and some light spanking.

Daniel recounted for the court that, after coming out in silk pajamas, Trump pulled out a magazine with himself on the cover. Daniels said that at that point, she wanted to eat the dinner she was promised, rather than sit in the hotel and listen to Donald, so she went off.

Daniels asked Trump if he was always "this rude." She told the jury she snapped at the millionaire real-estate heir. "Are you always this arrogant and pompous? You don’t even know how to have a conversation," she recalled telling Trump.

"Someone should spank you with that," Daniels remembered telling Trump about the magazine. Daniels narrated that Trump rolled up the magazine and "gave me a look" as kind of a dare.

"So I took it from him and I said turn around, and I swatted him" right on the butt, she testified. "And he was much more polite."

"I pretty much had enough of his arrogance and cutting me off and still not getting my dinner," Daniels expressed.

Trump greeted her clad in satin pajamas, prompting Daniels to quip, "Does Mr. Hefner know you stole his pajamas?" jokingly comparing him to the then-ancient Playboy mogul, Hugh Hefner.


more dirt below

Daniels instructed Trump to change his attire before she would have dinner with him. He reappeared in a dress shirt and trousers.
Daniels and Trump talk 'Melania, sexual health, and Ivanka'

After she got done teasing him for his attire choices, she told the court that on their first "date," the two talked about "business," with Stormy noting that Trump asked her a lot about the business aspect of the porn business, which she enjoyed and thought was rare, as men usually ask her about the "sexy, dirty stuff."

At dinner, Daniels' says she informed "Mr. Trump," of her sexual health, noting that she had to get tested every 30 days in her line of work. She also mentioned that they spoke briefly about Melania.

Daniels' told the court how she complimented Melania to Trump, saying she was very beautiful, and remembered him responding, "We don't sleep in the same room."

During this conversation, Donald Trump told Stormy she reminded him of "his daughter," Ivanka, while also telling Daniels that she could appear on The Apprentice - basically convincing Daniels that he'd help her career, all while comparing the porn actress to his daughter.

"You remind me of my daughter, she’s … smart and beautiful and people underestimate her as well," Trump allegedly told Daniels.

As Daniels' voice carried from the stand, Trump closed his eyes and shook his head, according to reports. Trump quietly spoke to his lawyers at the defense table. As Daniels continued to describe their alleged sexual encounter, Trump scowled and nudged his lawyer for several objections.

Trump 'in boxers' on the bed

As their evening went on, Daniels needed to use the bathroom, as she had never received the dinner she had been promised. Instead, the two sat on the couch, talking and drinking bottles of water.

Daniels said after she returned from the restroom, she was "startled" to find Trump sitting on his bed in only boxer shorts. It was "like a jump scare," she told the court. "I wasn’t expecting someone to be there, especially minus a lot of clothing."

"The intention was pretty clear, somebody stripped down to their underwear and is posing for you," Stormy Daniels told the court. She added that she didn't feel like he was threatening her, but she did notice the 'power imbalance' and 'height' difference between them.

"There was an imbalance of power for sure. He was bigger and blocking the way. I was not threatened verbally or physically," Daniels said.

“He stood up between me and the door. Not in a threatening manner. He didn’t come at me, he didn’t rush at me. Nothing like that," Daniels went on.
>Daniels asked Trump if he was always "this rude." She told the jury she snapped at the millionaire real-estate heir. "Are you always this arrogant and pompous? You don’t even know how to have a conversation," she recalled telling Trump.
>"Someone should spank you with that," Daniels remembered telling Trump about the magazine. Daniels narrated that Trump rolled up the magazine and "gave me a look" as kind of a dare.
>"So I took it from him and I said turn around, and I swatted him" right on the butt, she testified. "And he was much more polite."
Is any of her testimony actually relevant to whether or not he committed the crime he's being accused of here?
Far as I can tell it's a just a misdirection by the Defense.
so all this time "drumpf" referred to drake?
“You remind me of my daughter” WORST PICKUP LINE EVER
The defense didn't call her as a witness, bro.
Bro this board sucks. Do you guys just rage bait each other with politics all day?
It's well known that Trump admires his daughter, he even said on howard stern right in front of her that if she wasn't his daughter he might be dating her. Nobody sane takes any issue with this, all his detractors like to pretend he said "even though she's my daughter I'm currently dating her" or some shit just so they can continue to fuel their addiction to Trump hate
>rage bait
It's fun b8ing
Trump wasn't able to gag Stormy in court but did when she had some of tRump's Cream of mushroom soup but was too ashamed to mention it
The judge was considering putting Stormy under a gag order until someone reminded him that nothing can gag Stormy.

Jake,She's my sister, she's my daughter

chyyyNatown, Jake, just walk away

Donald J. Trump
She's the reason he paid the hush money and committed election interference.
So it's in the public interest to know what he was wanting to cover up.
The judge gags Donald J. Trump

The testimony(and tRump noxious gas) gags the jury.

Trump supporter tweeted at Stormy "Trump wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole "
She answered :" You're right, he used a 3 inch pole"
>and committed election interference.
You better tell the da they aren't charging him correctly anon, because this is neither a crime nor anything he's accused of by anyone except far left schizos
>Democrat act like children again
Why do Democrats act like children?
So why is this a case?
>So it's in the public interest to know what he was wanting to cover up.
"Public interest" doesn't have anything to do with being allowed in court, retard. You're confusing this with the Hunter Biden dick pics story.
>Far as I can tell it's a just a misdirection by the Defense.
She is a witness for the prosecution. They're attempting to slander his character because they can't prove the facts of the case.

Because NY believes they can construct a successful case using nothing but Cohen's hearsay testimony to tie everything together.

Without his testimony- which again is 100% verbal and has no documents directly supporting or corroborating anything he has claimed, all they have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence that on it's own means nothing.

If you don't understand how retarded this is from a position of jurisprudence, you're likely ignorant of how the justice system is supposed to work in the US.
They already showed the jury the business records with Trump's signatures which are the real smoking gun, but go off king
Hearsay - a statement offered for its probative value spoken by an out of court declarant.
Now, if you had paid attention in evidence you'd know there are a large number of exceptions to the general hearsay rule. You may want to specifically look up the business records exception for the documentary evidence, as well as considering whether any potential declarants are present in court and able to be examined on the issue of their statements or not. Remember, the fundamental purpose of the hearsay rule is to prevent potentially probative evidence from being entered which cannot be cross examined because the declarant is dead, mia, or otherwise unavailable. It isn't a blanket exclusion on testimonial evidence or a requirement that witnesses have more than their recollection.
Yes it does, you need the motive for why Trump committed election interference. Stop demanding a cover up.
He is being charged with election interference, but the Republican Supreme Court is running cover for him.
Okay that was weird
The case isn't about election interference and the charges he actually IS facing don't require motive. Also, you're clearly retarded.

Here's the indictment for the lying faggots who keep claiming this case is somehow "election interference." 34 counts of "falsifying business records." All related to the same, one-time payment. Election nor interference is mentioned a single time in the indictments, if you knew how to read you wouldn't need MSNBC to interpret them for you.
>RepubliCON shills trying to use semantics to pretend Trump wasn't engaged in election interference.
Prosecutors have said time and again Trump engaged in Election interference and that was the goal of his bribing a porn store he cheated on his pregnant wife with so the electorate would not be able to use that information to decide if he should be president.
AKA election interference.
Election interference, like every other law that exists, has to be clearly defined. He isn't being charged with those crimes, and you only look more retarded the more you try to claim he is.
Ah yes the classic "it's not the criminal definition so it doesn't count as the thing it is!"
The current criminal case is about falsified documents, the motivation to falsify the documents is the story of the sexual encounter, and the documents that were falsified are about a payment to keep the story out of the news because it would hurt Trump's chance of getting elected. It's not criminal election interference per se, but it is using a criminal act to influence your chances in the election and that my friend is why so many people who understand words do refer to it as an election interference case.
I don't see the phrase 'election interference' in anywhere in your article. Also this is a state prosecution, you're listing federal laws.

India is clearly not sending their best.
You have to click the sections to read them, retarded faggot. I'm not really here to give computer lessons for free, though.
Just admit you're wrong.
Good post
Sorry meant this is the good post
Shut up retard
>Offer somebody a chance to be on television and butter them up with a compliment
Would somebody who paid attention is this before or after he hired her as a prostitute? Because if before then whatever, and if after shows an amicable relationship.

This trial has a lot of extra testimony that doesn't relate to anything.
>before or after he hired her as a prostitute
No $ exchanged hands, just a possibility of getting on tv.(No way)
The $ was given after. Who asked/offered is unknown.

>Shut up retard
ok sir, may I have another?
It isn't unknown, where are you getting that from?

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