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Donald Trump spent his Saturday afternoon swearing and fuming before a gathering of rich donors in Palm Beach while launching attacks on special counsel Jack Smith and also complaining about President Joe Biden's "Gestapo."

During a report on the donor retreat in Florida where the former president is hobnobbing with wealthy donors as he scrambles for campaign and legal fees cash, CNN's Alayna Treene claimed the former president went on a 90-minute tirade.

Speaking with hosts Victor Blackwell and Amara Walker, she reported, "Well it was a 90-minute speech that Donald Trump gave at his Mar-a-Lago club on Saturday and I'm told that it was a pretty profanity-laden speech. The former president cursed on occasion while railing against special counsel Jack Smith and as well as others who are leveling their criminal indictments against him."

"And you're right, at one point in the speech, Donald Trump had even compared the Biden administration to the Gestapo, further trying to equate them to Nazi Germany," she added. "Now, Donald Trump also used the speech to lavish praise on some of his vice presidential contenders, including many of them who he actually called up to the stage."

According to NBC News, Trump raged, "These people are running a Gestapo administration. And it’s the only thing they have. And it’s the only way they’re going to win in their opinion.”

“Once I got indicted, I said well, now the gloves have to come off,” Trump continued before stating Biden is “the worst president in the history of our country. He’s grossly incompetent. He’s crooked as hell. He’s the Manchurian candidate, he accepts massive amounts of money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine and many other countries. He’s a crook.”
>“Once I got indicted, I said well, now the gloves have to come off
Oh NOW the gloves have come off, huh? lmao
I found it more interesting that Trump was booty blasted over the democrat who got charged for corruption.
You know if he didn't destroy all the records, he could have been pinned for crimes like that too.
This from a man who said he would be a dictator (if elected) from day one. Who is the Gestapo administration?
Democrats sure do love their out of context quotes
Tell us about the perfect world without Democrats.
Well, no slavery, no jim crow to start with.
How deep do you want me to go here?
>Donald Trump spent his Saturday afternoon swearing and fuming before a gathering of rich donors in Palm Beach while launching attacks on special counsel Jack Smith and also complaining about President Joe Biden's "Gestapo."
"He spoke the truth and they hated him for it"
Trump has been in and out of court his entire life. Was that the democrats framing him decades before he became a politician?

How do conservatives reconcile this fact with the claim that these crimes are suddenly fake?
Do not pretend to posture that you do not wish for the return of such institutions.
>DOJ admits it broke the evidence chain of custody in the "classified documents case" and misled the judge about the evidence they presented
>MSM reacts to this by only reporting on Trump's justifiably pissed of reaction to this


>It came after Mr. Smith’s team wrote that that the order of items within a box was “not the same” as they appear in digital photographs of materials after the FBI obtained those boxes from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in August 2022.

>“Since the boxes were seized and stored, appropriate personnel have had access to the boxes for several reasons, including to comply with orders issued by this Court in the civil proceedings noted above, for investigative purposes, and to facilitate the defendants’ review of the boxes,” Mr. Smith’s team told U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon last week.

>They added that there are “some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans.”

>His team also acknowledged in a footnote that federal prosecutors effectively misled the court after telling the judge that the evidence was exactly the same when it was seized. “The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court,” the footnote said.

When this case gets thrown out, it will be blamed on the stupid little scandalous document photoshoot the DOJ allowed the MSM to do with the "evidence" it was collecting.
It won't get thrown out; that's like saying that a bank robber can't be prosecuted because the serial numbers from the $400,000 they stole don't all match the bank's records.
>that's like saying that a bank robber can't be prosecuted because the serial numbers from the $400,000 they stole don't all match the bank's records.

That... would absolutely get a case like that thrown out, especially if it's predicated on those serial numbers matching the banks record being the only evidence said money came from that bank

You wanna try again? From a perceptive that understands that the burden of proof lies on the persecution?
Nope. My argument works just fine - the word of note in it is "all". If three or four notes are missing or altered, the substance of the crime is not dismissable - the minority part does not dictate the substance of the whole.

Would YOU like to try again?
>Nope. My argument works just fine
It does not, the problem though is you lack the intellect to grasp the reality of the situation and the seriousness of the chain of evidence being breached.

>If three or four notes are missing or altered, the substance of the crime is not dismissable
If the only evidence trying the "robber" to that crime is the unbroken chain of serial numbers in a specific order, and those serial numbers are not unbroken and are in fact edited or altered, that means the evidence has been tampered with and becomes inadmissible. "Fruit of the poisonous tree" would then also apply.

This isn't a civil court in NY- this is a criminal trial in a federal court. There are actual judicial standards here.
>conservative projection
Sounds like a total nothingburger that the republican propaganda machine is trying to pretend means something since they know Trump stole top secret classified information to sell to the highest bidder, like he already did with the Saudis.
Imagine being the dumb bastard who gets his news from the Falon Gong
>over the democrat who got charged for corruption.
What minor city-level official are you talking about this time?
Rep. Henry Cuellar, For some reason, Trump is defending him.

I'm guessing because Trump is a criminal, he likes fellow criminals.
Isn't it funny how China runs damage control for trump
China hates the Falon Gong but that doesn't necessarily make the Falon Gong a good thing. Both are insidiously devious and untrustworthy.
chyyNa wants US weak so wants clown tRump in charge. MACA
Is it really shocking given all the bribes China gave Trump and his family?
>Falon gong
Oh yup it's the ccp shill again supporting Biden, who woulda thunk it
embarrassingly bad damage control, shill. cover your tracks better next time
wow, that copypasta sure got to you, shill
Enlighten me why the ccp tells you to dislike the falon gong and I'll add something in there about that topic as well, chang
relax guo
I don't speak Chinese slang. Does that mean white person or something?
thanks for giving me the opportunity to educate the 3 posters on this board, shill
>No u
He's right, it was embarrassingly bad damage control.
>steals bags of money from the bank
>flings a few wads out while making his getaway
"Ha ha! Try and pin this on me, coppers!"

They would've hung you in the old west, but you're free to try out your theories in real life; do tell me how it goes
U.S. destabilization is the aim, not the benefit of any one person. Trump is just a useful idiot, because he is fascinated with money (of all things), and China's economy is hugely propped-up by cheap credit and overspeculation.
>we can prove he stole the money he has because it's in sequential order and the sequence matches an inventory report the bank has
>Oh just kidding we lied to the judge about that, the money isn't sequential and doesn't match the inventory report and we can't account for how it was handled during collection and some of it may of gotten legally but that doesn't mean he didn't steal the rest!

I like how it took you a day to come up with this stupid cope analogy and you still can't explain away that the burden of proof is on the prosecution and evidence collection has strict laws that can't be breached for a reason.
Trump has been in court his entire adult life. For all his complaining, all this is just another Tuesday for him.
Trump's companies being in civil court is not the same as Trump facing criminal penalties
How do you not know who Miles Kwok/Guo Wengui is when he played such a prominent role in the last election? Do you live in a cave? Are you not American?

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