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Just checked, and yup, Ukraine is still losing the war. They haven't taken shit back, they lost an additional city, and Russia destroyed Trypilska, a power plant in kyiv, one of the largest power plants in all of Europe and maybe the largest one in Ukraine
Ukraine air defences overwhelmed as Russia pounds power stations
Kyiv running short of missile defence systems while US military aid dries up
Ukraine’s air defences are being overwhelmed by concentrated waves of Russian bombing aimed at its power stations, acknowledged a senior presidential adviser after the destruction of an entire plant on Thursday.

Mykhailo Podolyak said Moscow was adopting new tactics of attacking power stations with up to “10 or 12 missiles at a time”, bypassing already stretched Patriot and other missile shields.

“The system is overloaded,” Podolyak said in an interview. “Now we have to see whether we can keep the system running, whether we need more air defence systems, especially against [hypersonic] ballistic missiles, and whether we can restore the destroyed facilities.”

On Thursday, Trypilska, a coal and gas fired plant south of Kyiv, was destroyed after Russian bombing caused fire to break out in the turbine hall, according to its operator, Centrenergo.

The energy company said that while no staff were killed, it had lost 100% of its generating capacity. “The scale of destruction is terrifying,” said its chair, Andriy Gota. The attack came three weeks after the same company lost the Zmiiv power station to Russian bombing near the city of Kharkiv

People who lived near the fossil fuel plant described the site being hit by multiple missile strikes shortly before 5am on Thursday, causing a fire that took several hours to put out, leaving the main building a charred ruin overlooking a lake near the country’s central Dnipro River.
Petro Olekseivch, who lives in nearby Ukrainka, said people feared the plant could not be repaired given the scale of damage, though Gota said on Friday repairs were theoretically possible but pointless unless air defence was improved.

Podolyak said Ukraine was urgently seeking help from its allies to better tackle the threat, and said that while Kyiv had not yet run out of US-made Patriot and German Iris-T air defence missiles, it was running short of the critical munitions. “They are definitely in deficit,” he said.

Ukraine said it had destroyed 57 of the 82 missiles and drones launched by Russia during a major attack overnight on Wednesday – a relatively low proportion by Kyiv’s standards. Two gas storage sites, owned by Naftogaz, and two other power plants, owned by the private generator, Dtek, were also targeted.

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, told his Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, during a summit late on Thursday that the attacks in Ukraine were a direct response to drone attacks on oil refineries inside his country. “Unfortunately, we observed a series of strikes on our energy sites recently and were obliged to respond,” Putin said.

“The strikes on energy are linked in part with solving one of the tasks we set for ourselves, and that is demilitarisation,” Putin said, adding that the attacks had been timed for the spring and not in winter “out of humanitarian considerations”.

Ukraine has conducted more than a dozen waves of drone strikes at Russian oil refineries and related facilities aimed at disrupting the invader’s economy. However, this week Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, publicly cautioned that such attacks could have “a knock-on effect” on global energy prices and called on Kyiv to focus on targets “that can directly influence the current fight”.
Homes and businesses in and around Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second city, have suffered repeated power cuts this spring as a result of near daily Russian bombing. On Thursday, 200,000 homes were reported to be without power in Kharkiv region after a series of rockets were aimed at the area.

Ukraine’s overall position has deteriorated markedly since the start of the year, after military aid from the US dried up and Donald Trump allied Republicans in the House of Representatives refused to put a $60bn Ukraine aid package to the vote. The frontline town of Avdiivka was lost in February, while successful missile strikes have increased in number outside the capital.

Podolyak said he was bemused by the lack of military assistance from the US, describing it as “an odd situation for us”. Funding Ukraine would demonstrate “the reputation of the US as a global leader” and that reluctant Republicans should appreciate doing so “is an investment” in that position, he said.
I thought the Russian army would take Kyiv in 48 hours?
Ukraine still holding up well after the Republicans and Trump betrayed them to the Russians
>Ukraine still holding up well
Glory to Ukraine, they will get electricity again some day if it weren't for trump
They'd still have power if not for all the Russian war crimes committed against them.
mission accomplished, right op. it only took 2 years
Hunter Biden caused this
Ukraine should surrender quickly.
They probably should
you forgot to threaten nooks
it is a tragedy that ukraine is being forced to continue this war against russia by outside forces
in the future ukrainians will feel ashamed for acting as vassals of west against their brothers to the east
this but the opposite
It amazes me that Russia's so backwards as a country, but they've somehow managed to teach animals to type.

Guess they're being forced to adapt due to the loss of manpower from the war.
When Ucrane wins this war, the US will invest tax payers $ and rebuild the country.
When Putin dies and russia becomes another US colony, then the US can drain rubles from them to repay back the tax $ and make US corporations richer. US homeless and welfare bums should get a job.
Maybe he can use some of the money he got from Ukraine to pay to fix things.
Prove him wrong
Ukraine can't win and they have historically just been a part of russia for centuries
Ukrainians are just dying for a lost cause
Clinton/Kerry caused this
Mad Vlad Putin caused this
Shut up Polack. Soon we will fuck you up and get Danzig back. >>1287173
Considering they blew up Ukraines largest source of electricity, Ukraine must be even dumber! LOL!
why is russia trying to take over the world if they can't take their next door neighbors over
Ivaniggers can't build anything, meanwhile Ukraine will have support to rebuild a dozen of them.
They built the weapons that destroyed the Ukrainian power plant.
They were even the ones who build that power plant.
>Ukraine will have support to rebuild a dozen of them.
Well, we've already established they couldn't even build it themselves, it seems Ukraine will always be such a shit county that it has to rely on others to build things for them
how do you manage to project so hard every day
Well when you are dealing with a neighbor that just steals and genocides its people, you will likely struggle, dumb fuck.
Lol you really think after all the brain drain that Russia can do ANYTHING?
200k Ukrainians in kyiv backed by NATO are living in the dark right now because of the
Uh oh, looks like Russia just got droned again
Uh oh looks like your insane
Just two more weeks comrade!

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