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Donald Trump’s acolytes gathered at Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday evening to celebrate the public listing of his social media firm, even as the company’s stock continued to crater. Under the Palm Beach sky, right-wing radio host Sebastian Gorka sucked on a cigar, actor Jon Voight posed for photos, and country singer turned Bible salesman Lee Greenwood belted his runaway hit “God Bless the USA.” At the end of the song, he and the former president saluted.

In a speech, Trump encouraged investors to keep calm. “We have over $200 million dollars in cash, which is very liquid,” he said, according to a reporter from Right Side Broadcasting Network in attendance.

On Trump’s social media site, Truth Social, the mood is less ebullient. “Man I really thought we were gonna see a jump today. Especially after that party last night. There is always tomorrow,” one user lamented on Thursday morning.

“Doesn’t it seem strange that the price goes down steadily every day? Haven’t seen a green day for a while,” wondered another.

Shares of Truth Social’s parent company, Trump Media and Technology Group, have fallen more than 50 percent since late March, as the company’s dire financial position has become more clear. Last year, it brought in just $4.1 million in revenue and posted a $58.2 million loss.

Even after tanking, however, the business is still worth more than $4 billion on paper—a number that defies normal valuation metrics. Trump loyalists have helped keep the stock afloat as a way to financially support him, though TMTG remains heavily shorted by investors who believe its shares will continue to fall.

On Truth Social, retail investors are encouraging each other to keep the faith. “When the whole world is set on ruining you with everything that they have got, it’s a good sign that you are likely on the right side of things,” one person wrote on Thursday.
Another user sought to liken TMTG to high-growth tech companies: “I don’t understand all the concern about this stock going down. All of the big stocks were very low at the beginning,” the person said. “We are less than a month into this being an actual stock. I am optimistic about [Truth Social] and will continue to hold and keep buying when I can.”

Other users speculated that the Mar-a-Lago event was proof that the company is rounding a corner. Why else would executives and bigwigs gather for a raucous party? “I think there is something coming very soon, and they are all excited about it. Something they worked very hard to make happen. A milestone for the team,” one of the believers wrote. “I hope we find out very soon.”

Trump owns a majority of Truth Social’s shares, though he is suing to amass more control. In a lawsuit filed last month, he argued that his two co-founders—who were previously contestants on his reality show The Apprentice—had underperformed in their duties and didn’t deserve their 8.6 percent stake.

The former associates, Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss, have filed their own lawsuit alleging that the company tried to unfairly dilute their stakes. They are also seeking to challenge a six-month lock-up provision on selling their shares.

Some Truth Social users blame the mainstream press for “spreading lies” about the company, as one person framed it. And despite nerves about the stock’s downward slide, many of them have pledged to keep buying shares.

“Just sat down with my broker yesterday and am having him move $10,000 of my Roth IRA, that we had sitting idle for kind of like an extra ‘emergency fund’, into $DJT stocks!” one user declared excitedly. “This is the only time I would hope for the price to drop so I can get as many shares as possible!”

Another chimed in: “Not going to be able to sleep tonight. If you stick it out I believe you will be rewarded greatly. I believe God directed me here.”
proof daily beast readers are uneducated clowns. The stock's up 100% from january.
>Stocks were only sold publicly in March
It's funny how this is the opposite of Gamestop and AMC where the little guy banded to together to stick it to the rich assholes.
This time it's the little guy banding together to defend the rich asshole.

Or it's just the Russians or Saudis with laundered money boosting Trump's stock.
>The stock's up 100% from january.
this clown is a clown's clown.

Trump's "Truth Social" Stock Has Crashed So Hard It's Worth Less Than Half of What It Was Two Weeks Ago


>boosting Trump's stock.
It say DOWN, clueless wonder.
You made me stupider by reading both of your posts
Bro, DWAC went public in September 2021. The stock price shot up last month after the approved merger. My buddy bought stock in DWAC years ago.
>Stock goes up because the Russians are boosting it
Shocking no one
Thanks based christian white brothers.
That was before SPAC's merger
stocks were available for the past 4 years, went up 400% after the merger and changed to djt, now its still up 100% ppl who're fucking stupid think it means it collapsed. No the IPO came out extremely over priced. Trump is still a billionaire from it and its at a marketcap of 4.5billion.

you're an uneducated twat no wonder you don't even look at the chart. the merger new literally made the price go up 700% from january. It's a drawback due to profit taking which is fcking normal. If a stock suddenly goes up 700% you don't keep it you sell it and buy it back. Its up 200% from January and still the same price as in march it actually went up on friday.

Wanna know what else came out around the same time and had the same pattern fcking rddt. 65usd after 3 days of IPO and now "collapsed" to 42. do you understand how stocks work? no keep reading articles that are meant for stupid people.
You have been misled.
>DWAC’s stock surged 357% Thursday and trading was halted multiple times due to volatility
Too much winning, they had to stop him
i actually look at stock charts for fun, you're an uneducated moron who just reads headlines. click on 6 months chart it takes 5 seconds.
>after the merger
They went up because Trump desperate needed a new way to embezzle money to pay off his bond. Interesting enough the company that did post his bond is a shell company that can't actually pay the money.
Also stinks of Russians.
TDS really rots the brain
TDS is being a member of the cult in 2024
Anyone with ties to Russia in America needs to be executed on the streets. Same with any Israelis.
No, you are apparently a retard.
Pretty standard for the democrat faithful
Cults generally have irrational beliefs like men can be women, magical vaginal gateway to personhood, Biden not being a fuck up and such.
Are you, dare I say, in a cult?
>you're an uneducated twat
I admit that I didn't look at the chart and the price is high relative to 4 yrs ago, but it is still dropping recently, which is unusual.
Where's Putin and Israel?
In the jungle
the swampy jungle
the liar texts tonight
>The Daily Show
Jon Stewart is back and the Republican's attempt to smear him failed yet again, cope harder.
Accusing others of being in a cult doesn't magically make you not in a cult.
That's not what a cult is. I suppose the fact that you're in a cult explains your extremely poor grasp on what a cult is.
>magical vaginal gateway to personhood
Just passing through but could you elaborate on this aspect?
NTA but I assume he means Democrats believing that the act of "being born" makes someone legally immune to murder, one of many totally arbitrary such standards.
Is this that new retarded argument Trump is battering about post birth abortions in order to defend his national abortion ban?
I believe it's been an argument since the 90s when abortions became widespread and Democrats have been unable to formulate a response.
>since the 70s
It's so retarded of a claim, why respond?
Then again Trump's Big Lie was also a retarded claim, but it's not a litmus test for the Republicans.
>The stock's up 100% from january.
The only reason it went up in January is because of a SPAC merger, but you're too dim to understand that.
if someone dies 4 months after their 40th birthday, literally no one says that person lived 41 years.
Yeah, but nobody tries to claim they aren't human.
congratz you're just mentally handicapped and ill. libshit cult redefine everything racism, gender, human rights why do you think anyone takes you seriously anymore.
> peaked at 700% gain last month
>>buh buh buh its only up cause of a merger
>still up 300% from january
>>buh buh buh trump is a scammer its CRASHING.

You're an illiterate moron please just unalive yourself, you're too stupid to know this is fcking COMMON in IPOs stock patterns
>this is fcking COMMON in IPOs stock patterns
No it isn't. Who told you that?
>While Trump appears in court this morning, shares in “Trump Media & Technology Group” are tanking after the company announced plans to issue 21.5 million additional shares of stock.

>Shares in the beleaguered social media company fell 16% on the news, which would dilute the value of current shares. The stock also traded down nearly 20% over the last week, and has lost more than 60% of its value from a late-March peak.

>Truth Social generated $4.1 million in revenue in 2023 — and lost $58 million.
NTA but can you source this claim?

Every hyped up IPO (reddit, Facebook, Visa, etc...) that I'm aware of follows this pattern. Only failed IPOs don't follow this pattern.
>doesnt understand WHY it peaked

you're simple minded.
Doesn't merger approval literally always result in an immediate stock boost?
common sense and IPO pattern charts, look at rddt its the same thing.

>braindead libshit whose moving goalposts over and over from oh it just came out, ohh that was before it merged, ohh you don't know why it went up its cause of the merge.

Just unalive yourself you're too fucking stupid to follow the conversation, You morons don't even realize it was trading under another ticker for 4 years and think its a new stock that popped up in march.
>Noun: attendant, one who waits
A bunch of stewardesses?

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