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Meanwhile Trump is still in favor of Israeli war crimes


President Biden told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a call on Saturday that the U.S. will oppose any Israeli counterattack against Iran, a senior White House official told Axios.

Why it matters: Biden and his senior advisers are highly concerned an Israeli response to Iran's attack on Israel would lead to a regional war with catastrophic consequences, U.S. officials said.

>Iran launched attack drones and missiles against Israel on Saturday night local time in retaliation for an airstrike in Syria that killed a top Iranian general.
>"More than 200 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were fired from Iran," IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said. Most of the threats were intercepted outside of Israeli airspace, he said.
>A U.S. defense official earlier said U.S. forces in the region shot down Iranian-launched drones targeting Israel.

Behind the scenes: Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to the White House official.

> "You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.
>The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood.
>U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin spoke on Saturday with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant and asked that Israel notify the U.S. ahead of any response against Iran, a senior Israeli official said.
What they're saying: Biden said in a statement after the call that the U.S. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week, which helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles from Iran, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

>"I told Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks — sending a clear message to its foes that they cannot effectively threaten the security of Israel," Biden said.

What to watch: Biden said he is going to hold a call on Sunday with the G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran's attack.

>"My team will engage with their counterparts across the region. And we will stay in close touch with Israel's leaders. And while we have not seen attacks on our forces or facilities today, we will remain vigilant to all threats and will not hesitate to take all necessary action to protect our people," Biden said.
Thank god Joe Biden is our president
Trump would start World War 3 and attack Iran.
please iran if you want someone to blame blame the cunts in California. leave the rest of north america alone.
It's the South that's the biggest war mongers and why the nuclear deal was torn up.
I'm okay with nuking California if we also nuke Texas and Florida.
Iran was already counterattacking Israel blowing up its nuke facility. Israel can't counterattack a counterattack.
Good thing Biden said he isn't helping
embassy, not nuclear facility.
>It's the South that's the biggest war mongers and why the nuclear deal was torn up.
Actually most of our biggest defense contractors are in the NE.
Nah, the ones who want to start World War III are in the south
Does Iran have a nuke up it's sleeve?
Have they been in contact with N.Korea?
Have these 2 outsmarted the CIA?
Did Israel know about Oct 7 before hand and then allowed it to happen as an excuse to ethnically cleanse the Gaza?
Or was Israel clueless and if so, maybe Iran and N.K. have a nuke up their sleeve

I can't keep track of this campaign: why is Iran firing shit at Israel?

>Iran, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

I thought Syria had been reduced to rubble? If they're in good enough health to fire things at other countries surly that means all those Syrian refugees can go home, right?
Bibi launched a sneak attack on the Iranians and blew up their embassy in Syria killing a bunch of Iranians, clearly to keep the war going because the moment the war stops and the Israelis investigate how Hamas managed to attack, they'll find out Bibi ignored warnings and let the attack occur in order to try to consolidate power and he's fucked.
It's clear after this attack, Bibi wanted to drag the US into the war. Biden isn't biting and just said Bibi is on his own if he tries to attack the Iranians again.
>retard keeps throwing rocks at you
>”you can’t get mad at him he’s just a retard”
>retard finally gets a good hit in and draws blood
>retard rightfully gets the shit beat out of him
>”You just let that retard hit you so you had an excuse to beat him up.”
cute childhood story, anon. were you the retard or the cuck?
Actually it was both things
Tell it to >>1286796

>Iran says Saturday night's bombardment of Israel is a response to the 1 April air strike on an Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus, which killed senior Iranian commanders.

>Iran blames Israel for the air strike, which it saw as a violation of its sovereignty. Israel has not said it carried it out but is widely assumed to have done so.

>Thirteen people were killed, including Brig Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi - a senior commander in the Quds force, the overseas branch of Iran's elite Republican Guards (IRGC). He had been a key figure in the Iranian operation to arm the Lebanese Shia armed group Hezbollah.
Trump fags will ignore the reality in their faces to push their lies.
Opinion disregarded.
>Republicans openly wants World War III to happen
>a lot of questions & few answers
>Does Iran have a nuke up it's sleeve?
yes but untested
>Have they been in contact with N.Korea?
>Have these 2 outsmarted the CIA?
>Did Israel know about Oct 7 before hand and then allowed it to happen as an excuse to ethnically cleanse the Gaza?
No, but they knew something was going down, and they used it as an excuse anyway
>was Israel clueless and that maybe Iran and has a nuke up their sleeve?
Israel don't want to chance it, so no invasion, just some missile strikes
But enough about the Israelis
>blew up their embassy in Syria killing a bunch of Iranians

Yeah they killed a bunch of Iranian glowies, I wonder what they were doing there?
>Israel strikes Iranian embassy in Syria
>Israel argues it was self-defense because they were killing military leaders of a hostile state (???)
>Iran strikes back
>Israel tries to convince Biden to help them
>Biden tells them to fuck off, doesn't want to risk a regional war
Netanyahu is unironically trying to destroy Israel
So you're telling me the republicans of the jews killed American agents?
Big if true
Only because he literally wants to end the world and begin the rapture like all the abrahamic faggots wish.
Nah, he's trying to save his political career and stay out of prison.
Don't forget Trump was wanted to attack Iran to stay in office after he lost the election but the military not only shut it down, but also made sure the Chinese knew they were going to stop Trump if he tried to start World War III.
>I wonder what they were doing there?
What were Iranians doing in an Iranian embassy?
The world will never know
he did say iranian glowies... i think he meant like the iranian equivalent of a glowie but idk im different anon
so you're going to be on the next plane to be thrown into iran and abandoned like he did with afganistan right?
>people in this thread literally support russia's genocide in ukraine because they don't like the usa
I'm reading about how leftoids are super duper mad that Biden isn't tougher on Israel. I really wonder if theyll cut off their nose to spite their face, and vote for Zionist Trump. American leftists are some of the dumbest people on earth, so it wouldn't surprise me.
Leftoid here. Don't care, still voting for Biden.

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