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Delta Cycle and Dimension stem raisers are being recalled because they can shift during use and pose a fall hazard.

The recall affects about 500,000 units sold in the U.S., and about 8,510 sold in Canada. The affected Delta Cycle stem raisers are model numbers TD3318B, TD3318S, TD3418B, and TD3418S. The Dimension model numbers are SM1977 and SM1979. All of the models were sold in black and silver and measure between 5 and 7 inches high.

Consumers should stop using the recalled models and contact Delta Cycle to schedule a free repair at an independent bike dealer. Delta Cycle can be reached at 800-474-6615 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday; by email or online.

No injuries have been reported, but there has been one report of a stem riser shifting during use. The stem risers were sold at REI and local bicycle stores nationwide and online at designbydelta.com and Amazon.com from January 1998 through January 2024 for about $46
>stem riser/extender
>adjustable stem
>handlebar extender
Crap for stupid people that want to lose their teeth
I think most cyclists (read normies) prefer an upright position and the industry doesn't provide them with enough options.
Oh hi grant, I know this won't break through your little self delusion bubble but the most popular bikes on the market cost like $500 and are about as upright as you can get short of just walking. The conspiracy to make everyone shove a dildo up his ass and wear a wetsuit and bend over on aero bars only exists in your head and nobody needs to buy your $5000 clone of a shitty d*tch bike if they want to be slow.
They also feel like absolute shit to ride.
You've clearly not met anyone who's bought a road bike, got a fit, went on a single club ride then found that they zero flexibility from a life of being a cager. This is the kind of shit that caters to that crowd. Plus old men who still want to ride the same bike they got in the 90s.
I don't think that's a statistically relevant problem, but let's suppose it was, if some 70 year old MAGA boomer chose to walk past the rows and rows of upright bitch bikes and went straight for the TT bike with the Chris Boardman position and hurt his back that's his problem, "the industry" didn't force him to do that, he did that to himself
Sometimes I think these threads are made by a single person arguing between their personalities. No one cares about none of the crap you described.
rent freeā„¢ and schizopostingā„¢
What are you on about?? Op made this thread to alert fellow cyclists about a recall. Why is that somehow connected to the schizo argument in your head?
what does this part do on a bike?
It raises the steerer tube. If you cut it off too low, you can replace the stack and stem with this thing, and get the extra height back. One of the retarded workarounds created since the bike industry ditched the superior threaded system.
>If you cut it off too low, you can replace the stack and stem with this thing, and get the extra height back.

I don't think there is a single person that uses a stem raiser for that reason. This shit is for trekking retards that want to have their bars on eye level and other retards that refuse to ride a bike in their size
>No injuries have been reported, but there has been one report of a stem riser shifting during use.
so non issue unless you are a retard.

Is there any reason you would choose this monstrosity over just a riser stem except for aesthetics?

Seems like everyone is afraid of these but they used to be norm on old MTB
What you don't realize is they are using that AND a riser stem.
With these bars
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No, with THESE bars
>the most popular bikes on the market cost like $500 and are about as upright as you can get short of just walking.

The most popular bikes on the market are e-bikes and many of them come in 3 sizes only, especially step throughs, which make a lot of sense for rear loading or older riders. I mostly see stem risers used by 6' + people who are adapting undersized large frames to fit them.
At 6'2 i've always struggled to even get bars at saddle height, which is a reasonable normal.

It's really just a tall person problem and you don't get it because you're not tall.
tall and severely inflexible, not exactly a widespread problem

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