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You've been stalled for over 10 minutes dropping from 37,000 feet, and with 2000 feet left this madlad says he's been pulling up the whole time, how do you respond?
It was actually more than that, it was like 7800 feet
>this madlad says he's been pulling up the whole time, how do you respond?
then pull out!
>oh sorry
>*waits ten seconds and starts pulling back again*
What the FUCK was his problem???
Probably panicked and didn't realize what he was doing, got locked in tunnel vision

Could have been prevented with mechanically interlocked sticks, but Airbus once again found out that a foolproof system only ensures you get a better fool
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>how do you respond?
Nose down and call it a day.
inb4 Boner apologists coping with the usual "if you were driving a car in dense fog and it got out of control, you would also floor the gas pedal after being told to slow down", because we totally would do that.

Oh for fuck's sake. Every fucking time.
The only reason Bonin had tunnel vision was because he was hung over from partying with Brazilian ladyboys the night before. Had he not given in to carnal homosexual desires, AF447 would have made it back to DeGaulle
The stall alarm only sounded when he pushed the stick forward. When he pulled back, the airplane slowed down so much that it thought it was on the ground, which stopped the alarm.
Yeah, and the collision alert in my car stopped beeping after flooring the gas while I was spinning out, so I kept my foot on the pedal for 10 minutes with no visibility until I got to my destination.
Stop coping for dead incompetent people.
he sounds based
die i guess
Tbf an airline pilot is trained to trust their sensors and warnings more than a car driver since in a car you're relying almost entirely on stuff like sight and sound of the vehicle and warnings are much less sophisticated/ unreliable than ones in a plane.
Still I agree with your general premise, him holding the stick back for so long is basically like a retarded driver trying to speed out of a jam.
Good point
>plane crashes
>it was da troonz!!!
Bonin was a Troon? Interdasting
And it wasn't 10 minutes either. More like four
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*DUAL INPUTs in your path*

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