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Sussy Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>40977310
'oid bros... is it over?
>the shitty thread with a g1 op pic died
Wake the fuck up and play vidya anon
Anchor for Mare4Dead and Sven Coop.

Every week on saturday, 9PM UTC we hold a game of L4D2 or Sven Coop. Do you like shooting zombies on scuffed Chinese maps?? Do you like autistic old source-engine jank? Then join us! Everyone is welcome to play. Both servers are up 24/7 if you wish to organize a game at some other time.
To join Left4Dead, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console, if this won't work use "connect"
To join Sven Coop, join via "connect sven.equulei.wang" or "connect", password is iwtcirb
>Do I need something
Yes, for L4D we host a variety of custom campaigns on the server, they're all included in this collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932; Remember to subscribe to the collections nested inside of this one, they're at the bottom! For Sven, fastdl will serve up everything you need to join.
>I want ponies
Check this collection out: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=240330680; it has (almost) all pony mods on the workshop listed, do NOT subscribe to all, it WILL cause conflicts, instead pick and match whatever fits your fancy.

Next Saturday we will be playing sven
I'm playing vidya RIGHT NOW, I barely have the time to post about it!
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these threads are always shit
>random muh mare4dead anchor where they can't even fucking schedule shit
>retards talking about the most inane shit
>any discussion about a game is ignored
>lol ponecraft on our offbrand minecraft come and play our garbage!
>marecraft serverhost is a major faggot who wants to stick to 1.20.2 cause he sucks cum 24/7

these threads fucking suck
Stop trying to stir shit.
Anypony interested in some bo3 zombies today?
Any advice on running a left 4 dead 2 server with all the gamemodes working? I can't seem to get plugins for coop and versus working nicely with one another without issues popping up.
I help run Mare4Dead and I've got all of the gamemodes working fine, you have to figure out workarounds and other solutions if you're actually serious about it. Lots of plugin fuckery and config editing, I've even had to edit certain plugins myself to make shit work. So good luck
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Care to share?
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By the emperor I cant see shit
i need poneboid.......................................... *dies*
same wtf
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>Grind my head against Midir no less than 50 times, for a few days
>Take a break from DS3
>Come back
>Beat Midir -LITERALLY- on the first try of the day

So taking breaks is really the key to defeat hard bosses uh?
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so yesterday I stumbled across this game on Steam that seems inspired by the Tremors movies, where one player is a worm that can only see people that step on the sand, and everyone else is trying to complete tasks to escape the worm
it supports up to 16 players, and it looks like only the host actually has to buy the game, you can connect to a hosted game with a free version of the game that you can download from the steam store page
I'm thinking of giving it a try with some horse frens tonight, anyone want to join in?
Looks like fun. I'm down to play in like 6 or so hours. I'd also be down to try it over the weekend, when I assume more people will be available.
Yeah sure, why not. It's pretty cool that they have a friend pass so not everyone has to buy it.
Weird looking onahole there bro.
Also yeah why not whats the worst that can happen
You're from the Gmod crew or whatever, right? Ask yourself why I would even want to help you with your offboard server when none of you have even played on Mare 4 Dead, lol.
Maybe join some time and get to hang out and I'd be inclined to, otherwise figure the shit out yourself.
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ok, we're going to start playing at around 7pm tonight (in a bit less than 2 hours). Probably just testing the waters, planning for a bigger, more planned event this weekend or later on
might make a temporary steam group for it later, (the game doesn't have any built in vc or text chat) but for now just send me a message if you want to join in
temporary steam group for worm night
>offboard server
The Gmod thread runs their own L4D2 server. They maybe mentioned it like once in their thread, but it's all handled off of the board between steam friends from there.
There's nothing wrong with having a server for your friends, but coming into the thread that hosts for the entire board and wanting my work to help a server I have no affiliation with is retarded, sorry.
ah I see it's a bit different than the usual fare, so ignore my other post
It's all good, like I said it's completely fine for them to have their own server. I don't really give a shit.
hey does anyone know how to get the loyalty mod for sulphur nimbus working? Can't get to chapter selection (by pressing new game) without getting this stupid error and idk where should i look to fix it so any headers would be appreciated

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Position 5 in "[MOD] Loyalty": The term "MOD" should be a function name, but isn't defined in 'english'
fixed it by simply removing "[MOD]" from the mod's title:

cat ~/Games/sulphur-nimbus-hel-s-elixir-code-00743db447842a634dcf077b51da440907251ee4/res/episodes/Loyalty/confi g.utf16
order = 0
title = Loyalty
description = A map inspired by the Element of Loyalty.
map = Loyalty\loyalty-map
checkpoint = Loyalty_Start
keys = []
counters = []
If you guys are still playing in 25 minutes I'll join.
NTA but
>coming into the thread that hosts for the entire board and wanting my work to help a server I have no affiliation with is retarded, sorry.
I mean, I guess it would be the nice and helpful thing to do?
still playing! we're hovering around 13
Just finished up my tendies and jumping on!
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this was fun! I'd love to see more of this, very easy for anons to get into, with only 1 having to pay
horse costumes are kino
glad you enjoyed it! I had fun too
that last round (4 players vs like 6 worms) was insane, I had lost hope like three times and I'm still trying to calm down from all the adrenaline I had pumping right up until we actually won it lol
Unfortunately, I had forgotten, but I won't be around this weekend, so if you guys want to play it then you'll have to have someone make the ultimate sacrifice (of $8) and organize/host it yourself
idk if I should delete the steam group for haram or leave it up to make organizing the next one easier. I'll leave that up to you guys I guess. If it's not happening this weekend I'll probably just delete it and we can re-create it later
also I think it might be worth trying this game with VC next time around, might make it easier to coordinate what's going on and stuff. Or it might be awful with ~14 people running around, eh
finally got MV energy input for my blast furnace, right now I’m just focused on refining fuel and trying to make diesel for my generator. Aluminum now takes 22 seconds instead of 44 seconds to make at least. Though I had to cheat in flawless emerald cause there was no other way I was getting it unless I spent lots of time with a sifter and crushed emerald ore. Because I need a MV laser engraver for circuits

Otherwise the gregging is going fine and I’ve got 3 full LV battery buffers with one currently being used by my LV pump to get some raw oil.

Eventually I gotta get polyethylene production, HV circuits, and AE2 auto crafting.

The fucking gregtech discord is awful, talk in the off topic channel, get accused of “yapping” then get muted by a mod for a full day because you ask what the “smooth brain” role means. They really don’t follow their own fucking rules and it’s a bunch of trannies which is a travesty, since opencomputers is also populated with retarded linuxtroons who’ll freak out over you “misgendering” someone using the IRC bot because you can’t see their pronouns lmao
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vintage story canterlot castle update

progress going slow because suddenly busier with work, but I'm living and construction still ongoing

trying to decide the best basic layout for the throne room floor before I finish it, i know in the show it shows the throne room without placing the princesses to high up above the petitioners but while reading unhealthy amounts of fanfiction Ive always envisioned it to be higher though I'm unsure if I should have the tower walls curve in to make the room less square (3) or leave it square to give access to under the stairs from the bottom of the throne room steps (4)

prob going with the step platform on (1) over a straight up stairway for (2) though
I might buy the game and try to host. Seems like a fun game to play with anons either here or from /v/ if I'm desperate.
Looks very nice! Less square rooms would look a bit more cartoony, I'd go for it I think
>playing videogames
lol, lmao even
I listen to /v/ the musical on a regular basis, I just like busting the balls of the people who only go there to say they don't play the games they're arguing about
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I love roleplaying as an exorcist
>/v/ the muiscal
I 'memba
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>"Here have 20 ragers lol"
Thank you Emps, very cool
Playing anything tonight?
Probably Helldivers 2 and TTS if opportunity arises.
Is there a way to team up in Helldivers? Outside of friending in steam
You can use the flare that opens your game to pubs and if the person trying to join is lucky you'll show up on their mission map but there's no guarantee
I'd be up for helldivers tonight I need more of that sweet sweet purple research
Anything in this thread for people with potatoPCs from past millennium?
What kinds of games? And post specs.

I am up helldiving btw, so if any ponybro wants to join up here's my temporary Friend Code: #3094-8886
Are there any good Helldivers alternatives? That game will be ruined soon.
EDF6 is a Helldivers-like that comes out in a couple months.
>That game will be ruined soon.
When it launched you had to connect your PSN account to play the game on Steam.
They had issues with that at the time, so they made it optional.
Now, though, they are bringing the mandatory PSN sing-in back. Meaning, if you want to play the game, Steam or no, you'll need a PSN account.
>hololive collab
I shouldn't be surprised, but I was not expecting to see this.
It's already ruined.
>PSN account now required to play the game, instead of optional
>>for "security" reasons no less
>>Sony is NOTORIOUSLY lax on security and had had multiple colossal data leaks
>EULA does not specify this requirement
>PSN is not available in a large portion of the countries where the game is/used to be sold
>>a significant portion of Europe including actual EU countries like Portugal, all of Africa except for South, and more - only 69 out of 150 "notable" countries have access
>the publisher on Steam page changed from "Arrowhead" to "PlayStation" and the announcement is signed to Sony rather than Arrowhead
>>Arrowhead previously claimed that "Sony isn't the one making the decisions" and "we're not going to be bought out by Sony" so either they lied or they cucked out
Also of course the snoy defenders are out in force too.
P.S. The most likely reason for this happening now is that Sony is butthurt over Stellar Blade's failure and resulting drop in PSN users, but instead of reflecting and not lying about features/not walking them back, they just doubled down on trying to pump up PSN usage by scamming people.
It's also delightfully ironic that it's not even a week since Tarkov's "it's totally not a DLC so we don't have to give it for free to season pass holders" $250 pay-to-win PvE mode DLC - and Arrowhead mocking it.
>Stellar Blade's failure
So the only thing it had going for it was the player model, huh. Or is it because Sony started doing what they do best and start censoring everything once it launched?
The latter.
I am now immensely fucking annoyed at Sony going full retard like usual
All this to ban easier.
Because Steam ID's totally hasn't existed for a million years already and have several iterations of it. I refuse to believe they could not fetch the playing user's steam id. What a weak excuse.
Yeah they absolutely do not have a database of players with all player statistics and unique ids. I just can't even imagine how this could work without it.
>Buy GaaS FOTM game
>Get fucked in the ass
You deserve it.
and nothing of value was lost
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Helldivers 1
Sent an request for whenever
>that comes out in a couple months.
I fucking hope so, it's been almost two years since it came out in japan, give me my barga already
Would people be down to play Last Train Outta Worm Town in 1.5 hours?
I would. Last session was fun
Fuck my life, it doesn't run on Mac. Sorry for getting your hopes up. I will host tomorrow on a windows machine. Not sure what time, probably around 8pm EST.
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Anon, what the fuck
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You need to submit your ID or your face to play Helldivers 2
Finally, now you chuds can't call me stupid
Wow, my moderate specs and limited wallet space saved me a massive disappointment. I'm happy as a clam. Now I can go back to Buckshot Roulette.
I WILL become a millionaire. One day. Fuckin' dealer and his stupid inverters...
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Did the devs realize this will absolutely murder their game, or was this enforced upon them?
This has the same vibe as shareholders, executives or CEO imposing something on a videogame that would very obviously kill it, but since they live under a rock and/or are greedy as fuck, wont see it coming until it's too late and the game is dead, and it's community gone
Absolutely Sony's decision, especially considering they have a shareholder meeting a week after this goes into effect.
Not that the devs are squeaky clean over it, but at the same time without Sony there'd be no game.
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With all the (lack of) tact they're handling the backlash with, my money is on them going all for it in spite of knowing better when the call came down.
Shoulda picked a different devil to deal with.
Nah, I was jesting.
Only the UK gets cucked by mandatory ID check.
Learn to fucking read. >>41053856
And they'll ban you for submitting false data (if they find out), too!
I won't be surprised if steam is going to enable autorefunds temporarily regardless of playtime/purchase date.
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i am so glad I never bought that game
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>Be poor
Finally, for once
>Didn't get plane tickets to mare fair
>Hotel hosting the event closes out of the blue, forcing the organizers to find a different venue in a little under 5 months
>Don't buy Helldivers
>This shit happens
God is telling me not to spend money.
Maybe this is just my cynical failure-at-life side talking, but I imagine tourism, travel, etc. are on a steep decline with all the younguns having shit all for money. I've seen more high-end apartments than basic studios in my town and I KNOW most of us in this city can't afford that sort of place without shacking up with a career woman.
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Things not looking good for the little armenian and his briton roomie
Will there be board games today?
I can host if the other HostAnon is taking a break this week
I was gonna take a breal from hosting board games this week. I will try to host some Wormtown tonight.
Gonna be playing some sven in 2 hours or so.
I'd join, just got home
Come play some sven, connect via "connect" in the console, password is "iwtcirb"wp0hy
9 on keen hell
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I'm thinking of hosting Last Train Outta Wormtown in 2.5 hours from now (8:30 pm EST).
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Does anyone here play Mech Warrior Online? I wanted to get into it, and maybe pick up Mech Warrior 5 during the Steam summer sale.
MW5 is good to pick up on sale, it's fun with a few people but the base campaign missions can feel a little samey after awhile, it boils down to walk to point and shoot mech or building. The DLCs fix some of that repetition but I just have the base game since only the host needs them so I can't say much on them
Thinking of playing MWO is making me physically ill but I also have MWLL brain so
I heard that with mods, MW5 is pretty fun. I've also heard that there were issues with MWO, but that it's in a decent state these days. I got Mech Warrior 4 Mercenaries installed on my computer, but it's janky as fuck on a modern operating system. It'd be fun to try online with it, but the spaghetti controls that need to be remapped, as well as the general annoyance getting it running, makes it unlikely we could get matches going.
I like keeping an eye on these threads in case people post about pony mods or fangames, retard
Yeah mod make it pretty good, just make sure to get the cockpit glass mod because holy fuck why is that not in the base game
Worm town in one hour! I was gonna just use the steam group found >>41045576, but I don't own it so I can't control people joining it.
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Didn't see this on desu so posting it to raise awareness. Ross Scott is running a campaign to stop videogame companies from completely shutting down online-only games without offering self hosting alternatives for buyers. Check if your country has a petition up, brits and aussies already do.


>adhd version for zoomers
I was in a coma and haven't been on /mlp/ since like 2021. What's the minecraft situation?
I already knew about this campaign, I guess /mlp/ just kinda didn't seem like the place to talk about it. I wish Ross, the French gaming populace, and others luck in the attempt at either saving or at least setting a legal precedent with The Crew. As a Dark Souls PTDE player, I do kinda feel a bit bad that I had to set my legally purchased copy as "Spacewar" just to play it online with a small group of pirates. I know a similar situation exists for Battlefield 2 since GameSpy went out of business an eternity ago, although BF2's community has zero alternative unlike Dark Souls players meaning its community is more galvanized.
In any case. After seeing what is happening with Helldivers, "cheaters" and Sony now, I'm pretty glad I mostly avoid GaaS. I know Ross made another video where he argued that GaaS is literally fraud. Pretty good video.
>As a Dark Souls PTDE player
Even if the online function is intact, I wouldn't touch the port that requires modding to play above 720p 30fps
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I understand that the idea of needing mods to make it work right sucks, but the things added by DSFix were generally better than the things added by the DS1 Remaster. Yes, the Remaster has passworded matchmaking, but it also alters the online by adding a frankly preposterous number of phantoms/summons. The matchmaking of invasion is changed in the Remaster to be based on weapon reinforcement, which sounds nice but it takes away from what I think is the most fun thing: twink builds. I don't gank people at SL1, I just duel honorably while happening to be at the minimum level. But if I did this in the Remaster, I'd have to play against level 120 players who have boss weapons. Even with fully reinforced heavy armor, Artorias' Greatsword would fucking dome me in one hit, no doubt.
When it comes to modding the game, it's really not so bad. Just drag and drop DSFix and change the .ini file, get Wulf's DS Connectivity Mod, and if you play with mouse and keyboard, get DSMouseFix. It sounds like a lot but everything's on the Nexus. I got a mod that replaces Artorias with Guts, his armor and weapon with The Black Swordsman's set/Dragonslayer Sword, and Sif with a Great Bonk Doge. Pretty fun mods that don't take away from the game all too much for me.
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Alright, the worm lobby is open! Join at T9FNQF. You don't to pay for the game to play, just download the friend version of Last Train Outta Wormtown (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2318480/Last_Train_Outta_Wormtown/), and enter the code: T9FNQF.
I figure I'll give it 5 more minutes before posting the key elsewhere and letting randos join.
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back to /v/eddit you go tourist.
go make your own game if you're going to whine and shit your pants when modern slop turns out to be garbage and not worth buying.

It's like you retards didn't listen when they said they were going to do Sony Integration at the start but never got to it, and now you have the balls to act outraged about it despite them literally saying it was going to happen months before.
NTA, but I don't think people would have nearly as bad as a reaction if a PSN account didn't require either a face scan, or fucking government ID to create.
Alright, I made the lobby public and sent out the room code. Let's give it about 10 minutes to see how many people join.
>go back to /v/eddit
Why are you even saying this in response to my post when I said, and I quote, "I guess /mlp/ just kinda didn't seem like the place to talk about it."
>whine and shit your pants
I...didn't? I didn't play Helldivers and I didn't complain. I just expressed that games dying is unfortunate and that I wished Ross luck in unfucking the industry. I haven't paid full price for almost any games valued over $10 in a solid 5 years. I only got Golf With Your Friends to play with anons here after having played it free.
Are you good man? We're all dealing with things here. Some more than others. Difference being I'm not stirring shit the way you are. Just wallowing in DMs sometimes.
is it just me or the server really laggy?
nope it's laggy for me too
Yeah my internet is pretty bad. I switched to tethering which should be better. Code is still the same at T9FNQF
Disregard that, the new code is 7KCNLW.
Steam group is:
the invite link is invalid and also wtf is going on???
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Wormtown is CANCELLED because my Internet is just too unbelievably shitty. I apologize for getting your hopes up and wasting time.
New room code:
Also try this invite:
Thanks for playing today, everypony /)
whoops, forgot about this!
New worm code: 6DHC9K
New code for worms:
There was a server a few months ago.
Thanks for hosting worm town, it was a lot of fun!
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I had to flatten the mares
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Speaking of Helldivers 2 situation, Steam has waived the requirements for automatic refunds on it. Don't hold out in false hope, get your refunds in while you can, the devs will only ever double and quadruple down on this.
i hate women so much it's unreal
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Refunded, fuck those fags.
Hope the devs death and bankrupcy is swift. Tick tock.
New free multi player game just came out:
is that norf on the far right?
looks sick af id play it
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I have never have eaten my own words as fast as I did in that match
My new build for the DLC, FTH/ARC, probably the most fun i've had. Wish i got into souls games sooner.
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>Wish I'd gotten into souls sooner
God, same. I never had the patience to get gud for years, then I played through DS2 after an aborted Elden Ring run and it all clicked for me, binged DS1 a couple months later and planning on snagging Lies of P soon too.
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>literally midnight of the 6th
Talk about last minute, jeez.
fake and gay
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It's real.
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Actually it's all because I contacted Sony and said: “Its mah bday today, can you not update ples”.
Ive been playing Splitgate, it's a F2P FPS with portals, itches my boomer arena shooter needs
love the pic OP!
He is German but he does look like him.
>This will not end well
I am pleasantly surprised
and still need purple research
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pc chads win again
I hope it fails again in some way, soulless transdev shit
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if anyone actually re-buys the game after this shit you are fucking retarded
Why would I be the retarded one if someone I don't even know decides to rebuy the game?
Anyone want a steam copy of the game, Going Under.

I got it in a bundle, but already played it. I can just post the redeem code here.
holy autism
Is there a full image of this?
check'd and kek'd
why is there a prison architect character in the image
what does this have to do with it?
No thanks, I don't play videogames.
icametowatchdivegrass@gmail.com Do NOT send horse cock please.
It's a pretentious reddit thing
Good work octavia-anon, taking a break helps with bosses for me too. You play with any other boardfrens? I love dark souls
Glimmer-anon.. why so many items in your pouch thingy
Eh, I ain't emailing you, but if you get the code first, it's:

Yeah tho I'm not doing it rn, burnout has set in since I played all Souls games
Mostly waiting for Elden Ring DLC
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frig, ok..all souls games huh?
even the bad one?
I'm sorry I took it. I don't even know what this is but some anon asked for it and I just took it.. I didn't think it would still be up
what have I done..
^ :^(
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>the bad one
>not Hard Souls 2: Scholar of the Hey You Wanted To Die Right Edition
>even the bad one?
Dark Souls 3?
I can't cheese everything with poise so I don't like it.
>even the bad one?
Actually, no, I never considered Demon Souls
I basically know nothing about it, can I have a quick rundown?
Man I played DeS when it was new and it's the sole reason I followed the series afterwards
Ds2 is my favorite one. yes i've played Bloodborne
It's just got alot of fucked up features that aren't very thought-out or explained well. if you do a STR or DEX build you must farm enemies for hours to upgrade your weapon to max. there are no upgrade materials for them placed around the game..
based reply
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>if you do a STR or DEX build you must farm enemies for hours to upgrade your weapon to max. there are no upgrade materials for them placed around the game..
Doesnt sound very appealing to be honest
To explain further on said fucked features
world tendency AHHHHHHHHH. I don't know how it works nor am I going to try to understand it. It's an over-complicated system relating to game events and difficulty. all I know is when I die in human form and not soul form (hollow or un-embered equivalent) the game gets harder. literally, so after gaining human form you want to go sewerside in the hub realm (peak gameplay) then there's upgrade materials and paths. most don't exist in the game world and only exist through farming enemies. some weapons (Moonlight for example) upgrade with some form of Demon's Souls I don't know exactly how to get but all are world tendency related enemies of some kind
I feel bad. I don't even know what this game is
Well now you better fucking play it. 100% it.
It's an interesting game.

I played through and completed it, so there's that. It's a roguelite, but I'd say on the easier side, which is actually a blessing as it feels like you're making progress a lot more often. Also, the game doesn't have a lot of variety in levels, so the lower difficulty is important so you don't repeat the same ones too many times.

Story could be interesting, but it's nothing special.

All in all, a good time waster for a few days.
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Been playing Shogun 2 as of late. Armstrong guns are so damn powerful in Fall of the Samurai.
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US marines engaging some unfortunate levies.
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From the marine perspective.
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we wuz structural engineers n' shieeeet
i don't remember comodore perry's expedition winding up like this
this looks cool. give me the lore on what this is
Nah, it was exactly like that.
Currently playing Lunacid, which is inspired by Fromsofts eariler games, like King's Field, and it's alright.

Ignoring that it was made by an alphabet person, it's pretty fun. Not many games just throw you in and say figure it out anymore.
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>which is inspired by Fromsofts eariler games, like King's Field
I used to play that when I was a kid and it sucks. :/
king's field sucks? damn I wanted to play it to see the Marelight Greatsword's origin
>alphabet person
legbutt or glowie?
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>Plant shield infront of +10 gunners
Same vibe
It was some made-up gender that added pronouns to the game (that do absolutely nothing) because of the whole Starfield fiasco. It was explained in a dev post for the game.
One of the quotes from said post reads, "If you don't like pronouns existing at all, you are going to have a tougher and tougher time coping as the world progresses without you."
>that's progress bro
Progress is when shit you did in school at age six is dredged up in applications for apartment renting as you are too poor to afford anything but a pod, which is marketed as a luxury for you.
I hate the word progress so much. Like wooo, good for you legbutts, you changed things. Just not the things that sucked. Now the things that suck will continue to suck while the good in the world fades away. Congrats.
I like C. S. Lewis on this part.
>We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. There is nothing progressive about being pig-headed and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world it's pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We're on the wrong road. And if that is so we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on.
And snowflakes will lie about the place where they want to be to keep everyone on board. Don't listen - look at their actions instead.
They want to be treated like aristocracy for no effort on their part. They want the benefits society affords to women, without being women. They want to be able to do whatever they want, with no repercussions, and no genuine labor to achieve it. Internet white knights were an early red flag and should all have been shunned.
Look up at Demon's Souls comparison to Dark Souls.
King's Field is basically that, but worse and in first person!
the lore is i found a good mine and need to smelt/hammer alot of stuff
also i can repay my debt from all the steel I zigged from spawntown
i thought it was just some gunboat diplomacy to intimidate the nips into opening up with no actual military conflict
Yeah it was kinda just kick in the harbour door, hippity hoppity open the country, wait a year, okay cool have some guns, tech, and a train we brought for funsies
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>randomly overpowered rare monsters in PoE when you're 98% of the way to a level up
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hahah missile go fwoosh and mech go kablooey
MWO looking different these days
Been playing a lot of Enderal to help pass the time until Fallout London. It's given me quite a bit of inspiration in esotericism and gnosticism which I'll definitely be using in a future pony setting. I've still got a decent chunk of the game ahead of me too, so who knows what else I might find.
I could barely stomach skyrim combat. Why did they make it worse?
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Father Arson of the Adeptus Phlogistorum
I love it.
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Is there any news on this or was it just a scam?
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Well, they said they will resume the development in 2024...
So, wait and see?

Say, any anons willing to help ?
Some fuckers are erasing it since yesterday for no reason...
I know that this game is slow, but even one pixel would be really great.
It's getting erased right in front of me. Sadly, I can't help this time, it says I'm using a proxy and it won't let me place pixels.
It's okay, my IP have been banned too and I use my phone now...
Thank you for trying.
It's sad to see ponies being erased...

Anyone else?
I unfortunately need to go in a short amount of time, and I don't think a lot will be left when I come back...
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Thank you brave soldier!

It seems these shenanigans came from our neighbor the CYC project that planned to expand but didn't say anything about it.
Anyway, I can't do it now but will discuss tonight with them about what to do.

If you are still interested in placing pixels, you can work a bit on the Septic Glimmer

And again, thank you!
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dead server
They only play when its announced in thread I think
Any TTS chads wanna do games, soon-ish?
Was thinking about that fun pony deckbuilder
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Finally brought it back to glory!
Now we pray it stays that way...
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I just wanna leave work and go play games already
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I look away for one second and they start spraying her with water.
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Damn, CYC is really a fucker...
We agreed to wait to talk before continuing, they really can't be trusted.

Don't worry, there is plenty of pones to give tlc on the canvas, and this small commie glimmer will probably be moved, we will see how we play that...
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Pony up.
Anyone down to run some Rust?
id rather have my skull caved in then play rust
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I fucking hate teuton pickers in arena so fucking much it's unreal
rust's randomly generated mandatory character they gave me is a nigger so I refuse to play the game, prob improved my life desu
Each time I see one of your screen, I want to play AoE again.
And I never find the time to do so...
So much this
We will be playing Left 4 Dead 2 in about 2 hours!
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Engaging a Home One type.
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Alright, Left 4 Dead 2 time. Get the fuck in here.
Join with "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console and don't forget to subscribe to the collection.
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If you're on Linux, don't forget to set "Custom Server Content" under Options - Multiplayer to "None", you will crash otherwise.
6/20 on Precinct 84
I'm home in 30, long day at work today and gave myself a little treat that I really needed, but will be arriving by the top of the hour if anyone wants to play it and the server is up
That's what was crashing me on previous attempts to play. Thanks!
Cool, anyone else interested?
I'd play but I already have some hosting to do, the workshop mod recently got the latest expansion too.
7/20 on Devil Mountain
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>A centimer deep river
The British:
Fucking kek
where there is a will, there is a way
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anyone doing anything cool
I play Aether and Twilight Forest in Minecraft with my friends.
Hey fellers, black ops 3 zombies anon here. Sorry for the silence for the last week. Real life shit. But Black Ops 3 multiplayer is surprisingly active in America. Anyone wanna gang up there?
sheeeeit we wuz irradiating food and sheeeit
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>"Here, have 20 ragers"
Thank you Emps very cool
marefren.. lemme
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Nights Hammer.
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Torpedo Sphere is an interesting ship. Its a big ball that shoots a fuckton of torpedos.
I wanna play codda deedoo zambinos tonight. I can't play it until about five hours from now sadly because I have obligations. But I'm feeling like an all-nighter. I did Zetsubou No Shima in BO3 last night. I know most of the steps by heart for that map, and I also have Kronorium bookmarked.
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oh shit I had quads, nice. Anyway I'm online now, if anyone's up for it say somethin' and we can set up. Otherwise I won't shill myself.
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Hello gaming thread DARLINGS! I will be hosting Lethal Company today in 10 or so hours! Heres what you will need. R2Modman at this link https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/ to easily add and manage mods.Then once you have modman installed boot it up and search Lethal Company and select the game. Then once selected you will press the (import/update) button and pick import new profile. The you will be prompted to add a profile which will be FROM CODE. You will then just simply copy and paste this 018f746b-c2b5-66a9-2e1b-8cc456881d89 . Select the "Propony Mod" profile. Then simply hit >start modded button on the top left and once in game start in online mode. Go to server browser and look for the server name which is filename. See you there DARLING!
we're so back
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AT-AT's are fun to use.
Haha! Soldiers goes splotch!
alright darlings im home. ill be waiting atleast 15 minutes for any anons wanting to join.
finally found something cool, time to hack it apart and add it's components to my shitbox.
6 ponies playing.
If anyone wants to join, reply here so we wait for you.
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5 ponies meetin quota
They look so beautifully jank.
Alright, I want to join this pony mayhem, how do we do this?
see >>41081405
Join now
wait a few minutes until we orbit
and download the mods follow the instructions
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Goodnight lethal poners. Remember same time next tuesday!
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I saw risk gameplay on youtube again, but this time it clicked in my brain and I finally remembered a game with similar (I thought so) gameplay. And it's sugoroku from samurai warriors 2. I tried to find it several times before, but I could never remember it. Now I want to replay samurai warriors. Has anyone played the latest games in the series? Are they any good? I'm curious because sw5 looks too animeish.
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Errors were made
Maybe instead of doing the emptiest fucking bumps you should contribute to the thread and not push it closer to death?
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Even on a 10x better pc the game runs as bad as I remembered. I ended up playing the ps2 version under an emulator. Made it through one story in under 2 hours. And then realized that the "Xtreme Legends" version has no story modes for characters from the original game.
I did, and I dont see you doing it either.
I didn't play any games yesterday forgive me
Does anyone here play Warframe?
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Not anymore thankfully
Does anyone want to play bronzebeard tavern on Saturday or Sunday? It's a goofy free to play tavern management game. And, most importantly, you play as dwarves (the best fantasy race). I played on the release and it was a lot of fun.
just threw a bunch of shit in my forge this morning
>And then realized that the "Xtreme Legends" version has no story modes for characters from the original game.
You need to do disk swapping with the original version of SW2.
I'll play, could be fun
Hey guys, so I accidentally broke my Anomaly save somehow (?) and the save had so many errors it went into an endless loop...

Should I try the Pony mod for Rimworld again since I have to start over or should I try sticking with 1.4 to avoid mods destroying my savegame?
Based. Plan on using them after maxing getting the MR?
Count me in, depending on the when

free till' the 23rd.
Maybe a few of the more unique ones, also the onos i think its called is inherently incarnon and seems pretty good
Neither that nor the iso merge helped, but after a few hours of searching I found this code 2029c414 24030001 and after patching the iso it unlocked everything. Hooray!
If you mean an incarnation weapon, keep it, those are fucking amazing.
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Will there be a tts game tomorrow?
I'm up for it. How does 18:00 UTC (in 24 hours) sound like? Can go earlier, can go later
Good for me
what's tts?
Tabletop Simulator
yay!!!! I cant wait 0c0
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How about tomorrow 18:00 UTC? We can go earlier if anyone wants to.
sounds good to me
I may join, fuck it.
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Hosting some tabletop games!
Join in Tabletop Simulator for jolly fun!

Room: /mlp/
Pass: mare
3 in, milling about for now
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Doing Bullet<3, with 4/8
Hey its me! The cube!
Host switched, but room and pass remain the same
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4 playing the MLP: Deck Builder - the Fan game
Killing Floor 2 is free to play this weekend and on sale for $1. Anyone wanna join in for some rounds later?
Maybe, I suck at the game though
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When do we Sven
NOW! Join via "connect", password is "iwtcirb"
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Waow!!! Be right there!

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