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Rainbowshine Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

>https://pastebin.com/UhL9KNZF (embed)
Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.
Mainly pony shops, but also rare/little known products, figuremaker contacts, among other things!

=== Main Links ===

+ List of Active Plushmakers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sUvaUhFKC37T7ilpriTX82M1_p4a5XR5DUaWlptCSz0/edit#gid=314530747
+ List of Public Plushie Patterns: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piwF9h_rXBmWkcHXxtr54drnD1eKJfiWh66x8nu_CQw/edit#gid=0
+ OP Plush Pattern (with instructions!): mares.horse/p/plush.html
+ /mlp/ Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags: neighsayerpatches.com
+ 4cc Jerseys, Pins: etsy.com/shop/zemming
+ Wallets: https://shop.mares.horse/
+ HorsePussy Books: amazon.com/gp/product/1660812933/ & amazon.com/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/

Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!

Previous Thread: >>40940472
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Ah dammit I knew I was gonna miss something. Was trying to hurry since we were on page 10 when I checked in on the old thread.
They showed me a video of her when she arrived to their factory and.. she was bald. She was the only decent looking one, and all of her arrived bald. I don't even know how that happens.
Chemo Coco.
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Send me cool T-shirts to wear in public! NOW
Did they refund you?
Yes, they're very honest. They didn't expect for that to happen. Apparently the factory didn't have the necessary materials.
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It looks like a lot of the plushes have very small quantities. I'm guessing they only listed the ones that aren't bald?
Yes, although I'm not sure what happened with Cheerilee, they delisted her and she looked fine.
I have her, she's good quality and size for the price. They also have a Fluttershy and Rarity variant.
Got my hopes up for a minute there. Thought we were going to get a new batch of some old bootlegs. But instead of okay-ish plushies at decent prices, we have shitty plushies at high prices. Big sad.
At least I have a Lyra and Bonnie inbound to look forward to
Apologies, I got my hopes up as well.
This derpy is on aliexpress?
OP here. There is no need to hurry, this general is not as fast as others, you can wait a few hours after being archived.
Personally I like the "previously" follow-up attached to the OP but that's just me being a silly obsessive with details. You did well, thank you.
I'll post the "previously" later, there's no rush now.
Right now I want to apologize for having been late in creating the threads (although it doesn't apply to today or the previous ones) and in updating the Pastebin, specifically from December of last year to January and February, and that because my city was quite affected due to a storm and left many sectors without power or internet, including mine.
It's only been a little over a month since I got the internet back, before it was impossible (but I'm not going to lie, giving instructions to my sister on how to post a thread on 4chan for me was fun, she did it well lol).
So, yeah, I'm sorry if it was an inconvenience.

Anyways, about this year's anniversary, the idea of this anon >>40996378 is quite cute, I guess there will be no problems if we stick to that plan.
But if anyone wants to propose something else, an extra idea or another plan, they are welcome!!
Oh, and as apologies, have some Etsy pages that have not been mentioned here since this general was created:

Stickers of the mares being autistic (pic related), charms, earrings and pins!

Prints, Stickers, Pins!

A plushmaker of custom mini-plushies and loafs!
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Very sparkly stickers! (pic related)

Stickers, standees and keychains!
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Stickers with a not very common style! (pic related)

Acrylic Charms/standees, pins, prints and stickers!

And that's all friends! Have a great day, night, week and month! Let's create moments together!
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Easiest purchase of my life. The quality doesn't look amazing but the price is too good. And she looks a bit derpy which is perfect. I also found this blanket, not the best looking but it's cheap and comes in various sizes.

>Sleepy Derpy Hooves Throw Blanket Retro Blankets Cute Blanket Plaid Fluffy Soft Blankets
did they really need to include the word "blanket" 3 times?
No not really, no
They wanted to rush it to post with a G5 flag for political reasons
Reminder that these are a thing
Anyone got some Olyfactory plushies that they're willing to sell? Willing to buy anything that isn't readily available.
Wtaf... this has to be new management. Making hasbros shit again after a long break and having retarded problems with productions and operations. Tell them nobody wants these and explain why pls.
No worries anon. It's not your fault the factory didn't quite follow through
geez dude... were you that guy at Harmonycon this year with that suite full of those little bastards?
I suspect they re-used the old photo they had on file for her. The one they used for Coco as shown in the last thread is identical to the solitary Coco that I bought from that store a year or two ago, same hand placement and everything.
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Check out these cool Villain pins

That link just takes me to some nigger's profile
Ty i may get discord and tempest

Anyone know where i can get enamel pins of derpy, g3 minty or g2 mlps?
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>I'm not going to lie, giving instructions to my sister on how to post a thread on 4chan for me was fun
We don't deserve a dedicated OP like you
Thank you
I'm still waiting for Derpy
Lovely mares
Okay so like, apparently Olyfactory has run dry on materials. So new plushies wont be made for quite some time. I don't know if this will affect /mppp/ or not.
How does one run dry on materials in China? That's like dying of thirst at a water park.
It's just the factory
nta, but no that's a different anon.
>lightly lewdly looking laying Lyra
aw shit, if I buy her roommate is going to steal her again. He doesn't know about Bon Bon yet.
buy two of them
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I could, but in my head Lyra is kinda his pony right now. I can't look at her anymore like she's just a pony. He's not autistic enough for waifuism but in everyday IRL shitposting he brings Lyra often and puppets her when we talk. He tucks her in in his bed, he brings her to "watch" as he's NEET^H^H^H^H being a productive member of society in front of computer.
I'm wondering when he'll break.
They're a package deal. Guess that means he'll have 2 mares once he finds out.
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The recent Lyra/Bonbon Olyfactory production. They look fine, the only thing I see on mine is that Lyra has a huge head. Other than that they're completely fine and up to par with Olyfactorys quality..
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Where do I get the Dashie mug. I need it
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they are pushing these out, damn
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My wife likes to dress for my sexual pleasure
where do you get panties for a pony plush? is there a specific size?
They both Pinkie and the panties are from Build-a-Bear
do they still sell panties that would fit on a pony?
I’m not certain but I’m guessing all build a bear underwear will fit any kind of build a bear
it's probably some faggot in the ordering department that either fucked up or is intentionally trying to ruin the company
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It’s easy, you just buy lingerie, take it to the tailor and tell them to re-size it to fit a toddler
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My 4 favorite pony plushies
I was about to call the anon from the room thread a low functioning autist. seems I was right
Autist is right. But I’m high functioning. Thought I also have a panic disorder
Why do you look frightened in the image? What exactly are you afraid of?
They're being held hostage by the plushes, of course
Just got a couple packs of pictured playing cards along with the new (and very bad) jumbo cards. There is another variety, the pink box, that I'm looking for still.
pictured are the cards I'm still looking for, and don't mention playingcards.net, they're out of stock even tho their site says they have them, their inventory system is non existent... they will ship if they have stuff, but if they don't you have to ask for a refund
Anyone ever buy from boiler3s site im thinking of getting some Fallout equestria cards and maybe a mug but havent bought from them before so I am a little hesitant.
It's just The Autist Face™
Is it inflatable?
Very sad today.
Post cute and comfort pony merch.
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Look what I just got!
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I'm too shy to ask to meet up and share cum brownies but I'm still curious any other anons at the Calgary Expo or will be in the next 3 days
I was here last year too and got some sweet merch then as well
Pic related was only 5$
>was only 5$
...I can see why. But hey at least the hand is good.
Way too much furfag posting these days. We need a furfag holocaust.
Unfortunately you'll have to start with ousting the jannies.
It's basically a human with pegasus wings and pony ears, ergo less furry than ponies. It's the weirdly proportioned arms and broad shoulders that throw me off. And the chest. Almost seems modeled after a tranny.
I'm not really into eqg or human but it's Fluttershy and I literally have never walked out of a purchase involving her (hence having multiples of some toys) she's my beautiful wife in every shape and form.
And again only 5$ I didn't mind tossing it into the abyss.
Got a TON of MLP comics too
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Seems like china is stepping up their game with more G4 merch

G4 is everyones priority yet g5 shills think their stale trash is a hot commodity
Nobody actually thinks G5 has any staying power, including Hasbro.
My Trixie from AZGchip came today. She's so cuddly, I haven't been able to put her down.
Never commissioned anything before, so it's great to finally have a plush like this. I love her so much!
You have a very pretty wife anon.
Cute trisket
Lovely mare!
Enjoy her!
azgchip princess pattern waiting room
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>today is our national holiday
>it means every town has a giant fleamarket where everybody participates
This truly is a country of merchants.
Anyway, look at the haul I managed to get today.
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And yes, of course I did clean them. Although they were owned by little girls, so no cumstains to wash out.
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Look at what I found. I used to buy these to open and resell the things to retards that wanted a specific pony or Discord. I thought that I had sold them all, but found one that had fallen between a table and a wall.
Well maybe if Hasbro hadn't been so FUCKING STUPID with it...
Nice mares!
Good job finding them, Anon
Lost my keys the other day so I got some tile trackers to never lose anything again!
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also check'd
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Didn't even realize I got trips. hue
Olyfactory Roseluck for 26$ USD.
Nice mare you got there
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that's the other end of the line when you call the based department
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I didn't even realize that. It looks like the previous owner colored in her eyes with a sharpie. So now she just looks permanently blazed.
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I've never ordered any sort of cake before. Is getting a custom cake easy? I want to get a pony cake.
I think I have one of those in a box somewhere... I don't know where anything is anymore since I moved.
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make your own, it's easy!
I probably bought a "lot" of your unsold inventory on ebay last year, got like 6 discords
oh shit, two cakes!
link? its cute
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When is G4 coming back?
When you stop touching yourself at night.
You look like the 8-Bit Guy if he transitioned.
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we goin' places
why delet
Faggots. Was funny pic. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41020181/#41044740
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yea I have 4chanX I don't need that mate.
I mean so do I but not everyone does.
Well why should we care? It wasn’t even that good.
man, chill.
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I sell laser engraved Beretta and 1911 grips and I finally managed to get pony ones to turn out good. Currently only have Applejack, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash but I'm gonna do the rest soon.
Looks sweet as hell! The AJ one is it both grips or just one? Its the only pic on the site with one
These looks so cool!!
Keep going Anon!
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I made Pinkie a new dress
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Thought I'd complete the pair and found Tia on ebay for cheap; I was the only one to bid on her, poor mare always struggles to be more popular than her sister.
aaaaaaaaaaaaa i love herrrrrr
Good job!
It would be cool to see the dressmaking process
i saw ur flutters on reddit,, very cute stuff
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Both, it's just an older image
Understood has the image changed at all to be darker like the dash and sparkle lazers or is it still lighter? If darker im grabbing 2.
I haven't tried it using different settings to darken it, but if you buy them I'll take the time to adjust the image settings as needed.
Done and done
good news, just tested it and the new AJ grips look good. Gonna get started on the Beretta ones since I have a LOT of blank Beretta grips. Gonna have to restock on 1911 grips soon, only got about 6 left.
Olyfactory Candy Mane for 26$ USD
if anyone is a collector.. I didn't know Candy Mane was even a character until I saw this.
Pretty mare
Anyone have a link for the miemie mascot plush on taobao
im gonna need that candy
link for anyone who wants
Paging the anon who posted the stock charts, would like to know how fast these go
People who release <6 of the mane six in anything should be executed as heretics
gotta test the waters on buyer interest before going all in
Why are the legs so fecking long?
i requested them to be. no need to thank me.
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Well fuck. I feel overwhelmed by standing M6 + Trixie, Lyra and Luna, but I also feel like I should buy all these laying ponies too. How do you fags feel OK with more than 1 plush of ponies than the most liked one?
hoarding disorder
Dont forget fellow anons comeback10 still works for 10%off the order.
They are not selling too hot.
At worst gonna last a week
I come here just to watch these. You fuel my fetish, anon.
Thanks! Please drop updates if they start going down fast.
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You have a fetish for charts?
data is sexy
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My ching chong pony has arrived
Enjoy her, she's a really good plush for hugs.
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She's taller than I expected and as such her legs seem a bit lanky but that's not a bad thing.
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I'm happy with my purchase. She has derpy charm and seems decently made. Was a steal for the price, at least when you compare to plush makers. Would be over 4-5x what I paid.
They also have a Fluttershy and Rarity variant which are cool. Also are on sale until the 8th.
Where is this being sold?
I ordered my long mares.
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I like the necklace idea. Gonna make one using smol pasta for Loaf. When is our anniversary again?
>"Eggscellent" episode of Regular show but with this hat
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fuck the golden knights
>anon enters a ____ eating challenge to win a novelty derpy hat
>fails so badly he ends up in the hospital
>anon #2 has to enter the challenge to win the hat for anon #1
The question is, of course: what is the eating challenge?
I've been thinking about that since I made that post lmao
I guess a cake made from muffins? Since we're talking about Derpy
A giant muffin maybe, like pic rel
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Hell yeah.
Love mares playing outside
Waiting for paycheck, how are they holding?
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why did you photoshop slavic beer next to flufflepuff?
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not mine
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I thought maybe you were this guy hoping to trick us again
lmaooo I wish
sorry for mouse cursor. forgot to uncheck it
thinking about getting a Dash
Thanks for the stats kind datanon.
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Anyone got a pic of the Symbiote Glimmer?
Does she have the weird pinhead thing going on like their other ponies?
From the promo pic she looks kinda cute
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A bit pinheaded when you get them, but looks passable after some squishing
i have that. but i need to add more plushies to my already high count! 100+
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She is one of the newer designs and looks quite nice, especially if you fix the squish from packaging like the other anon mentioned.
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and you'd better get her with Trixie too ^:)
Nice, they really have seemed to improved, I'm gonna get her, thanks!
The shipping cost is painful though...
how are the legs on yours? mine has trouble standing up on its own.
the real KS Pony experience
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My laying down symbiote fluttershy plushie has arrived I think it's really cute but the face is a little lopsided and there's hot glue on the wings
Sometimes the legs can look a little weird
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>pre cummed plushies
Looks like symbiote is embracing their target demographic
Get a dashfag to eat it for you
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Holy shit found some CUTE G2 pony's at my local thrift shop! Got them all for under 8$ plus other pony's in the bag but these are definitely the stars of the batch!
Look at fucking Sky Skimmer she's adorable as a Flutterfag she's my favorite!!!
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>Wants G4 to come back>
>Not expecting Hasbro to fuck up G4's revitalization as badly as they did with G5>

I truly envy you, Anon.
Verity when?
Not anytime soon, Oly ran out of materials
How does that even happen. Killing myself.
BIG jealous. that's a steal and a half. so pretty!
Lets be honest, they can't afford to fuck it up>>41065433
I don't know how it quoted another post
Verity will star in the G4 reboot
1 random Princess Erroria in stock. I'd have bought but I already have her. Consider yourself lucky if you get her cause she's quite rare.
Why couldn't it have been Nyx..
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And bought. I'm admittedly a sucker for these kinds of things but I had a little extra from being under budget last month.
Waiting for a Berry Punch plush to show up..
kek nice
They look cute
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Unf. Look at Berry's rumpa.
The prophecy.
She's being mass produced at the moment and will go for around 30$ USD
Plans are for about 100+ stock
bit empty now, isnt it - get to work!!
i need her so fucking bad, itll cost me way less than a custom one (still planning on getting a custom later down the line tho)
aaaand shes gone
Someone fucking bought the previews lmao
If you don't mind giving your money to Bezos you can try their store on Amazon, seems to have more reasonable shipping rates (at least shipping to Europe was over half less than on their site)
She'll be back, they're mass producing her. Some idiot bought the fucking previews.
massproducing as in actually massproducing or massprodicing as in "we made 30 pieces and they're 50 dollars each"
Just purchased all four, now I eagerly await Applejack and Rarity.
Thank you for saving me $14
supposedly 100 pieces, but it'll take a while as they're out of materials at the moment
I'm interested in picking up Ministry of Image's Fallout Equestria collection but I'm unsure of the quality, anyone here have any experience with their books and if so do you like them/are they worth the price?
I got the foe books for the main story from them, the print quality is good and the books are well made, I'd say it's worth the price
Anyone know of any mass produced pone plush available to buy that aren't on aliexpress or symbiote? I'm in desperate need of pone.
Olyfactory isn't doing small quantity orders until November*
btw i noticed there's only 1 (one) trixie ploosh left
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Stripey socks are best
My beloved bacon has arrived
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>10 Plushies in your Area
looks like they found another 4
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For people with delivery addresses in Chyna
Some kind of presale. Closes 25th May, expected shipping, end of June to mid-July.
253CNY ~35USD for Bon Bon and Sunset
286CNY ~40USD for Derpy
Domestic shipping is not included
aren't these just the Symbiote plushies?
Does that mean Symbiote will be launching them soon? I want Derpy so much.
nvm I'm blind and didn't see the image
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Seller is a Furry, enjoy
They claim to have other pre-sale Symbiote stuff as well with similar delivery dates.
Like lie-down Lyra, AJ, Rarity, and Trixie and V2 Luna.
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>June 10 final date, end of July delivery
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>May 20th final date, early July delivery
how do you purchase on this site? like what proxy?
I believe Superbuy should work, they claim to support Xianyu at least. Have never tried it though.
>Symbiote will be launching them soon?
Probably around June/July or in autumn. I think it would be more convenient for anyone not in Chyna to get them through the ordinary channels. Xianyu seems ass for non-Mainlanders, and the price is probably similar, or even higher than what Symbiote charges in their online store.
Thank man, shipping was much cheaper, have to make a amazon account though
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Idk if anyone needs it but there are 9 days left to preorder Marina ploosh
Why the fuck would I preorder something I can't see? Are there any front-view pics of these?
If you checked the kickstarter you'd see it. They're pretty cute and I'll have some on the way
Is there any China exclusive pony plushies up for purchase on Taobao?
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I want to buy those mascots and ocs but am taobao retarded and lost the links
Anypony know how tf i can buy scout kind heart g5 toy in the usa
Anons I need an anonfilly plush, small like buildabear sized but not the teeny tiny ones in OP's pic.

without the stupid brushable hair.

Budget varies, im in southeast US.
we've had multiple runs of 12 inch anonfillies from a chinese manufacturer. sorry you missed out.
maybe someone here is willing to sell you one but i cant promise itll be very cheap (for reference we paid like 10 dollars a piece for them)
yeah I get it i just kept phasing in and out of being a pony fan so now that I've really found my footing in the fanbase (abandoning all wants to be a functioning member of society) and want something to show for it, it's a little late.

I'll buy a second hand one though, I need to start surrounding myself with more pone stuff.
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Back in 2012, one of my mom's friends worked at Hasbro and they had MLP-stamped M&M's at their office one time.
holy shit that's sick as fuck anon
Imagine eating them after 12 years
You'd have to save them for a sort of last meal situation
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Dollar Tree
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>preorder a couple of shirts from fanny 4 months ago
>send an email asking about my order's status
>almost a month with no response
I really hope this won't end up being another Wonderbolt jacket.
ive been plowing my wifes plush ass too much and now its not as juicy and round as it was when i first got her. how do i make her ass rotund again??
Massage it back into shape. Go get 'er, tiger.
New Aliexpress Olyfactory page:
They got Gilda, Lyra, And Bonbon for much cheaper than other pages.
that trixie is so hot, ill die if i dont get her
Many such cases, did you include your smell profile?
Send a message to their Twitter account, that's how I got a response back..
You literally can't even use Superbuy to purchase mlp stuff anymore because any brand get flagged for "Legal Risk"
What happened with the wonderbolts jacket?
I've never bought from Aliexpress. Is there anything I should look out for? Do I need to make an account or something?
Yes, you need to make an account.
Honestly, you just buy the item and it'll arrive. I've bought from this seller many times and have gotten the items successfully.
I'm this guy

would the best place to buy a plush be in person at a con? I am hopefully going to marefair24. How much would a small one like half a foot be average? A larger one like a foot tall? Not that I have a budget anymore, I'm just setting up a seperate piggy bank just for the con.

I'm planning on leaving with an anonfilly to take with me on my travels and sightsee like I see some anons doing with theirs.

still open to buying used. do let me know if you have one for sale anons, Southeast US.
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Well...mares and stallions, fillies and colts, gentlemen and FBI agents, the time has come to create unnecessary hype...
Our next anniversary is close, very close! Probably closer than you imagine!

That date is 06/06, the moment this general was created by a poorfag for anons with a serious addiction problem towards physical mares

To commemorate, we will make a video collage just like we have already done.
The theme this year will be making macaroni necklaces!
We will make necklaces from raw pasta with which we will decorate our pony /merch/, be it plushies, figures, prints, clothes, or whatever!
You can paint the macaroni in colors to make them even more special and unique just like you <3
You can also use them to write a phrase on the ground or wherever, something like "/merch/" or whatever comes to mind!
And of course, if you still have them or want to create one, you can use the paper hats from our first anniversary!
Practically everything related to raw pasta (or necklaces) is fine, as long as it is made with love, passion and just the right amount of autism.
Hey, you can dip your little plushie in a bucket full of raw pasta and no one here will tell you that you're not based we'll probably tell you that you are, because you are

The idea would be that we all prepare these photos (you can take them whenever you want in advance, of course) and publish them here on 06/06 to socialize NEVER, I HAVE PONIES them.

There are some small details that still need to be addressed.
>1) Can we count on the same TrixAnon as always to make both the collage and the video collage? MountHail?
>2) What song would you like to use for the video?
If anyone is feeling creative, they are free to create a song for the occasion! Or simply recommend something that is out there and fits the occasion.
Anyway, our default option is to use the song "Merch, Glorious Merch!", lovingly made by several anons last year
If any questions or discussions arise regarding which song to use, I can do a Google poll without problems!
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And... that's it?

Is this the only thing we're doing for this lonely, poorfag general's third anniversary?

I'm planning on making an autistic google form with random questions related to PonyMerch™, so feel free to suggest any particular topic or meme that you'd like to take a census of and keep track of, no matter how stupid and pointless it may be.
This would be done a few days before the anniversary, closing towards the end of 06/06, when the results would be shared.
So respond to this post with your autistic suggestions!

And yes, I guess that would be all... For now?
Have a good day, week and month!
Anyone know of any good bags I could find that would fit a steam deck? Everything I see is too damn smalm.
is there any China exclusive pony plush for order?
If not, could someone please post the links whenever they become available?
man, I really shouldn't be spending money right now. However...
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>raw pasta
pic rel: anon outsmarting my cable spaghetti plans
>google form
sigh but at least don't make it require a google account to fill pls
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I’m getting Honey Rays in the mail. This will be my first brushable gen 4
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Oly is not feeding the new plushies as well as their older ones.
at a con there is a non zero chance that someone may simply give you a mppp anonfilly, either that or just commission one from any of the plush makers on the list
yeah i realized i was being a little retarded and never read the comm list, looking into some now!

thanks anon
personally, epic rainbow crafts seems good to me if you want a recommendation quality/price wise, currently doing a big commission with them to review to help them break their former bad reputation, if they truly have

gotta maximize the number of plush chads
You have to feed her BORGARS that go directly to her PLOOT
Make sure to specify no glue.
>to help them break their former bad reputation
That's gonna take a fucking lot of work. Trust is slow to rebuild and he's done an awful lot of damage to it.
whats the backstory?
He used to make plushes with glued on components that fell apart over time, big ugly stitches that would break often and require fixing even with gentle handling, and sloppy work that didn't really match the advertised photos, which he also photoshopped to look better. And yet he charged just as much as quality plushmakers.
Word is he doesn't do that shit anymore but I'll believe it when I see it regularly.
ouch, he has a slot open now but i guess I'll hold off on reserving. I've never bought merch for mlp before, so I don't know where to go, really. Thanks for the heads up.
Yeah. It's a shame because his plushes honestly look really fucking good. I especially like the way he does ears, and I appreciate that he at least attempts to make hooves look better than just a rounded nub.
Anyway, he's the only plushmaker I've heard any real problems about, so any of the others listed in the OP should be fine.
Larson Toys I think has a really nice style, but I'm not sure if he has any lifesize patterns.
Top Plush I can also confirm is very good, well built and he makes sure every plush has a great booty, but again I'm not sure if he can do lifesize. Just don't ask him to do Little Pip lmao
The only lifesize plushmaker I'm really familiar with is Joltage, and he is very good... but unfortunately I think he's retired.
>Top Plush
Nevermind, he just told me he's not open for commissions right now. And no, he doesn't do lifesize.
Scheduling it now May 25th I'm heading into town to look for these at the closest dollar tree, be the best what 7.50$ I'll spend in a while. (Also No Zip?)
Not even into G5 but I want a hitch toy
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I own one but she's missing her wings, is yours coming with wings? Or is pic related the whole purchase?
I don’t think she’s coming with her wings. Which is ok by me because they were pretty gaudy. I probably wouldn’t have used them too much anyway
Don’t you die on me
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I need to find a way to give Loaf a roni necklace now. Her cube shape makes it a little tricky to get necklaces on her, but I'll do my best!
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Honey Rays arrived and I dressed her up
10 free pony prints?? Where??
>don’t you die on me
The last thing Anon whispered in the ear of his Life-Size Rainbow Dash made by ERC when he held her in his arms
Any updates?
A a a a a. A a
can you link the /merch/ hat pdf so I can print it?
where can I find those kind of clothes that are filled with a pony?
They are going slow. I wonder if people dont like the pose or if its because these are duplicate characters people already bought.
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POV: It is too late
This is the last thing anon sees before >rape
I don't like their legs tbdesu.
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The head looks a bit weird, not enough snout. I mean look at >>41064529.
Unless you can squish it to look better, but it doesn't look like it. Probably going to hold out until V2.
I had to squish my Rainbow Dash quite a bit but she looks fine now.
That's my reason, I'm waiting for the new ones they teased. To get reruns of the same characters in a different pose instead made my pants brown.
I wouldn't want laying pose plushes mixed in with the typical standing ones anyway because I'm retarded.
I'm just waiting for Trixie. They knew what they were doing when they gave her those bedroom eyes.
10/10 filly, would smooch and brush her mane
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Nasapone is so pretty
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I really gotta go scope out my pasta aisle
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bump, where /mppp/? I need my plushie fix.
oly is out of materials apparently so its been slow
I need stickers...

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