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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Active Community Projects:
Antithology 4.0 >>40869203 (Deadline June 14th)
/mlp/ con 2024 >>40876407 (probably happening late June)

Resource Bin:

Tempo Music Archive:

Drawing Room:
aggie is dead, a new drawing room has been made with Magma
join here: https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG
more info here: >>40910604

Previous thread:

Current /bale/ thread: (a great place to learn/practice drawing specifically)

PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs:
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>>40787594 (demo release)
>>40798836 (game OST music)
>>40841914 (git page/release(?))

>>40863317 >>40865233

>>40840255 >>40840257

>>40782783 (new flash rigs made available)
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>>40781171 (pen test)
>>40870447 (pen test)

>>40774887 (seeking programmers to talk in a mare fair panel)
>>40776736 (nice dash story someone found on ponepaste)
>>40809818 >>40810333 idk man
>>40820814 >>40822228 just post a pic man we're on an IMAGE board -c-
>>40855986 (blob's mane 6 blender pony models release)
>>40862237 >>40862382 (poems (kino))
>>40893866 >>40893877 (music player app with pony in it)
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anyone want to take over as thread op .c.
please I beg you free me from these shackles

sorry for the wait for the new thread; the last few threads have died at very inconvenient times for me
between putting together the big thread recap (which I'm not sure anyone even uses, but people still complain when I don't do one -c-) and slapping something together for an OP image, making the new thread can kind of be a time investment that can just come at the least opportune times. This one took about 2 hours to put together
So please help me out by doing one of three things
-take over as thread OP for me
-help by making an op image before the thread dies, or take over making the recap posts
-be patient when the thread dies while I find time to make another -c-

sorry I bit off more than I can now chew when I took over for the last OP ^:/
life got a lot busier since then
Glad someone made a new one. I would’ve made it myself, but didn’t want to do that thing where all the previous threads projects are highlighted because I’m lazy.
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It's too helpful not to do, but it takes forever to do.
Do we have a numget daki design?
Wonder if there would be a way to make, making the OP's easier. Though then again not really sure how to go about that.
i want to start sewing so bad but home repairs are making it impossible. im so close... and yet so far...
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aS the self proclaimed ideaguy and complete fucking faggot I will take overt but I had been completely tapped by my dad's needs this last month flat and its kept me from even giving the thread any attention let alone noticing my bake died. I am awful at most things I do though so if someone else wants to do it instead I wont fight you for it.

Even now I can barely think I have a splitting headcache but I am the one telling myself I believe in the creative mlp community so I will support it.
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Thanks for making the thread, it's been weird seeing the catalog without it.
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Any MLP themed sheet music for piano learners
going to EQD and searching "sheet music" in the search gives a good number of results
This is me, but with video creation
No excuse though im just lazy and haven’t made an account
dumb Fluttershy cover of Can't Be Sure by the Sundays I made in soundtrap
Sewing is part of my infinite list of projects. My canvas glim glam kite still needs testing too.
Add fuel to the fire.
>Have been thinking about a project for a long time
>Never do it because “not ready” in some shape or form
>Random memepost in a thread
>Get it done extremely quickly and have fun doing it
Anyone else have this problem?
Because if you don't do it then and there the thread will die before you do it. Deadlines or FOMO is great for motivation the problem is if you set them yourself it doesn't work.
The pony wasn't joking no more
You can also try Everypony Sings: https://everyponysings.blogspot.com/
The links are broken since the custom domain has long expired (replace www.everyponysings.com with everyponysings.blogspot.com). I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the links are dead now, but it's worth a shot.

Pony archivists, please save whatever is left.
Forgot about the forum too: https://everyponysings.proboards.com/ There may be some links to files hidden in there that still work.
shitposts are an underrated reason to do things. since the intent is a joke, your not hung up on the nitty-gritty too much
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I have a decent number of sheets from the site when I was doing arranging. What's the best place to upload them?
catbox at the moment
one day smutty.horse will come back up.. one day...
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anonymous chat: cytu period be /r/ ponyplushplace
(still working on setting up multi stream)
Working on a faux fur derpy
Agreed, functionally everything I've made that has been done in a reasonable amount of time has come from me shitposting, and usually by giving less care about quality I usually am able to get a little more out there and usually its better than if I was soley being serious about it.
I tried setting a deadline and treating it like a college assignment (meaning I get it done before the due date) and it didn’t work for me. I ended up setting up plot outline, wrote/drew nothing, and then the thread archived. I still haven’t got passed the planning stage for that project over a year later. What’s strange is I have worked on and even completed somethings since then.
Yeah, this is true for me. Like, I want to say I don’t really try, but I’m honestly not sure. I don’t really know what “going all out” means for me. I do sometimes end up learning things, though. So I’m glad I do the weird things I do.
Mediafire and MEGA too please. Mediafire links tend to persist for a long time.
I stopped being retarded and made the MEGA
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>usually by giving less care about quality I usually am able to get a little more out there
Doing stuff > doing stuff "good", when it comes to gitting gud.
>all of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste
I need a name for a Japanese-inspired pony village.
He's being nice and giving you the benefit of the doubt. Encouragement doesn't work very well if you add in "oh and there's a fair chance that you suck and should give up LOL" on the end. And, hey, somebody probably likes that weird dragon thing, so, whatever. It's a free country.
I'd like it if it wasn't Rainbow Dash, reminds me of something from Flight Rising.
Kawakure; river something. I think kure means village, i don't know. When I used to name things I would just type stuff into Google Translate. I got the Kure part from Konohagakure, Naruto's village
Now print that into a t-shirt
I've changed the neck and snout a bit, I've also finished some details and the rig. It's only missing the textures but it's mostly finished i think.
Damn, I see custom plushies all the times at cons and stuff and I want one so badly, but I live with immediate family and I've never told them about my obsession and don't want to.
I wouldn't let that stop me, but I guess it's up to you. I don't live with my parents anymore, but I did tell my dad I was dropping over $1,500 on a pony plush
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Derpy time
4chan removed the number of posters at the bottom of the page ?
We lost the IP counter a few days ago, maybe a week. We're back to how it was for most of moot's time.
Oh, okay.
It was useful to know if you have lot of Anons or samefaggers on a thread.
Oh well...
Moot was strictly against this kind of stuff because it encouraged meta discussion derailments instead of actual on-topic discussion. I don't know why the current moderators, who are the biggest circlejerkers and shitposters themselves, decided to do this but I guess it's because they are fags.
bumping again
today is one of those days where im going to be up until sunrise, i can feel it
i don't mind though
who needs sleep when i have a bunch of things to chip away at
That's the spirit!
This is something I'm really feeling these days. I hate being up all night
ended up passing out for four hours
i was almost done so it's no big deal
you could always take pills to fix your sleep schedule
i hate going to bed "early" (before 3 am) because the night is when i truly relax
I am interested.
I really want to tame my sleep and go to sleep at normal time, but almost always fail.
What kind of pills?
I tried melanin, but it have close to no effect...
Oh no no no
>I tried melanin, but it have close to no effect...
How much did you take? Correct dosage is around 300 mcg = 0.3 mg. But if you just buy it at the store, they mostly sell insane doses like 3mg (10x too much) or even 10mg (30x too much). Initially I tried 3mg and it did nothing for me. Then I got some 1mg tablets and cut them into quarters (~250mcg each) and that worked much better.
>Correct dosage
Your anecdote or professional recommendation?
Both. IIRC the initial studies used doses around 300 mcg, but the companies making the supplements just went wild with it for some reason.
If you have too much in your blood stream, your body starts purging it, so yeah, 10mg is crazy. You want to bump your body's normal amounts up a little, not dump a bucket full in there.
Derpy is done. Now I have to make a magnetic muffin for her.
Thats a nice collection, thanks
Kek, nevermind I am retarded. I mean Melatonin

Here in France, above 2mg, you need a prescription, so my pharmacist sold me the 1.9mg ones.
So, I will try again with a fraction.
I guess I take it like 15mins-1h before the time I want to go to sleep?
Thanks Anon.

Good to know.

Gorgeous and Fluffy!
i made a little sfm video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4ui4S5erI i just wanted to share
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Leave fillies alone
Your room looks like Dr. Frankenstein's lab if he made plushies.
I'm working on a game about exploring dreams as luna. too excited with it's progress not to share that, but i don't want to show anything right now
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See you in six months when your hard drive crashes and it turns out you don't have any backups
You do have backups, right? Maybe version control?
I have hoarding and data hoarding problems, I have backups of everything and backups of backups
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Good for you, anon!
My mom gave me bendryl but i heard that stuff is hard to obtain outside of the US
read up before taking
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Well, thank you for your input.
But I will start by using what I have, and if it don't work, I will seek help from a specialist instead of self medicating.
But thanks again for the info, have a cute luna playing.
Anon, that page is for people looking to get high on it. Almost none of that information is useful if you're just taking 25-50mg like a normal person
just incase he got ideas. Never hurts to be educated. I've personally had hard substances ruin the lives of friends and it always starts with dumb stuff
I went to /3DCG/ and /GD/ yesterday to see look at their pinned posts. Nothing from /GD/ yet, but I did download Blender to at least play with. I figured making something simple like Rarity’s cutiemark would be easy; boy, was I wrong. I’m watch tutorials and try again.
I've been working on my game and it's coming along, the cardgame alchemy minigame has some slots to drag and drop the cards in and they combine, I wrote down some character profiles and lore for the setting and I'm trying to make a map on worldanvil. My regular programmer is still working but they're quiet, they might be burnt out, not sure. Didn't want to bother them too much. I still feel like my project is too early to really show anything and some of the systems aren't implemented yet so I don't have any cool GIFs to post.
Swell to see someone else have that idea, can't wait to see what you're able to make,
you're doing a similar concept too?
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I've watched a few tutorials now and one of the first things they teach is how to model doughnuts; I'm going to base them off MLP characters for the memes.
*i'm going to color them like MLP characters for the memes
nice fluffy mane
I started over
Well I'm not actively working on it, just have a few ideas for it. Been mainly trying to improve my skillset before jumping headfirst into trying to make it.
you want to work together?
No progress today
I’ve spent a lot time trying to get the meshes right
I’ve come close, but somethings are off
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Hello pony pals! I just released my new "Spring EP:"
I am really listening to it all because I want to see if I don't miss something.
But it's... well... it's something...
i don't like most of these but i liked hoover dam. can i use it in a pony game mod im working on?
i really like these. they are kinda barebones but the instruments all sound real and antique, there is a light clicking in the background too that's nice and overall it gives off a lonely or unsettling but also calming feeling.
I like this snout a fair bit more, and the eyelashes make her face look much more alive compared to the previous pic, too.
Damn, it's not perfect, but it's really nice!
Wouldn't be opposed to it, but not sure with what direction you've been going about things to see if I'd be of any help,
i've conquered the icing
now i can move onto colours i think
The age old donut!
Good work Anon, I couldn't make me finish these tutorial.
Don't forget to show us these po...donuts!
I don't blame you, it's pretty grueling
I'm going to take a break after I do the sprinkles and practice on some other doughnuts before I go to the ponuts
i still want to do video creation and /gd/ stuff (making wallpapers and etc)
I guess if you want to do it just put a way to contact yourself,
I listened to organ drive (it had the picture you posted); I liked the beginning and 1:13 in particular. The entire thing reminds me of a Halloween song, Ghost of John in particular. https://youtu.be/7dlGqyX10TY?si=KysaB6YlZh6rywCu
My opinion doesn’t mean much, though. I played the flute, the clarinet, was in band (played drums) and music engineering class and never once learned how to read to sheet music.
Add spherical sprinkles
will add the proper ones tomorrow
Thanks, yes i didn't add the eyelashes earlier because i always prefer to finish the eyelids rig first. Sadly, Blender cycles denoiser sucks ass when trying to do animations, it's not a temporal denoiser so there is too much flicker with low samples, and my hardware is not that good for that:
I don't see why you would need cycles for this instead of eevee+a HDRI off of polyhaven
SSS, anisotropic and other cavity nodes doesnt work well on EEVEE, also, all the assets that i've made over the years were meant to be used on cycles on the first place, so reusing them would probable need some kind of fix.
I think i bit off more than I can chew
I wanted to try music creation, /gd/ stuff, /cg3d/ stuff, and video creation
the /cg3d/ stuff is taking way longer than I thought it would
i’ll try to finish up tomorrow so i can move on
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working on a new derpy testing out my new sleepy pony pattern. still got to figure out how to remove the butt wrinkels.
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Today I finished another pone gun.
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I FINALLY finished. Originally I was going to have the sprinkles be their eye colors, but the method I used didn't allow for it, so I compromised. I can finally move on.
Wow glimmer
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slow to heal
I wonder if mare drawing anon is gone for good.
nigga i want to hear a full version of your style, its pretty good so stopping teasing
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i forgot to shade smooth the icing
the great equalizer
Sounds very pretty, but I'd also love it if you made something longer.
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Hello there!
Doing a favor for anon's on /wsr/.
Was wondering if any of you have this image:
Or a larger version that I'm 99% I've seen used on /trash/.
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Posted it over there but if anyone here was wondering
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I'm looking for a song. It's from the PoV of an anon talking about the show/fandom. I remember it being kinda melancholic, and that in one line the guy asks "In 10 years will I still remember the songs?", but not much else. I've looked in my files and shit for a while but I cannot find it. I ask here since making a new thread just for this question didn't seem right.
Does anyone know what song am I talking about? Please tell me if you do.
Dancing RD as payment.
Thank you x 100 million!
I don't recall anything quite like that line (PrinceWhateverer's Solidarity has a similar line), but Newfag and, less so, The Board is Sneeding kind of have that atmosphere, maybe?
The mare is soft (and wet)
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you are not allowed to die
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What this guy said. Wake up.
What a coincidence, that's exactly how I like them. Nice mare cover.
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Horrible test stream and working on a trixie plush.
https://cytu {period} be/r/ponyplushplace
gonna download a video editor tonight
Fuck, this was like 4 minutes after I fell asleep. Wanted to watch this one too.
Is it worth finishing something that’s been incomplete for literal years?
I don't know
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If you think about it often, it clearly bothers you.
I'd say try to continue and finish it, but don't expect any super grand feelings of accomplishment or not even closure if you manage to finish it.
I don't know your personality or history and I'm purely projecting my own feelings about unfinished projects (which there's fuckload of.)
Okay, I'll continue.
I was thinking of doing something for the antithology (deadline some time in June), like simple pixelart in MSpaint style (though I'd be using Asesprite most likely or Flash with antialiasing turned off) and I wanted some music to go along with it. It would be a pony catching slimes (Jellykin) in jars and fighting in a cave so something catchy, like a theme song. Anyone interested? I've tried making music before but I'm not good at it. I'd also be willing to pay for a finished version of such a song as well.
whats a good video editor if i just want to add some images to a video for memes
idk if its the best but I use davinci resolve
thanks boss
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sshhh derpy is sleeping
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sleep tight derpo

I'm also making a small derpy plush. I tried doing a faux fur mane, but I don't like how it looks.
I have shotcut installed
Bumping before bed
New music AI software
You could've used any of the pony examples posted in e.g., PPP or proompted your own in 30s instead of linking some /pol/ garbage.
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I think her hair looks cute. she's adorable.
finally stopped being lazy a found a few alternatives to the WWW.ssYouTube video downloader shortcut. Now I have no excuse for procrastinating.
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forgot picture
Give her a blanket
I'm about to start wood carving. Does anyone have a guide or something?
Sleeping poners look cute.
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Drawing some mares
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I wasn't able to thank the anon who drew this in the other thread before it died. Well done, very cute amre.
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Started working on my PMV yesterday. Shotcut is way more complex than both Imovie and Windows Movie Maker, but I'm getting the hang of it. I rewatched some of my old non-pony stuff yesterday--it was pretty bad. But now I know I can easily top it.
Wow, the board is really fast today
Please don't
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The /clop/ canvas on the Magma has been wiped. Image will not be posted like it is in /bale/ for obvious reasons. You can find the archives below.

Very cute Colgate spotted. Anyone know the artist?

I wish I had more to show in these past couple of months on my game, but it's been a lot of boring technical shit. Villages are now randomly assembled from pre-defined acres, but there's this extra little layer of randomization I use, where the appearance and colors of an object in one village will differ from another. I know it's subtle, but this means even if two village's acres somehow get miraculously strewn together in the same order as each other, they will still be 'technically' unique. Every copy is personalized.
A very rough draft; no transitions or anything, just focused on matching the clips to the lyrics. I uploaded it to a throwaway account I created to make a new PSN because I still haven’t come up with a proper username.
There is a distinct lack of G5 stuff and most of what I could think of for G4 has already been done. My first video was going to people Applejack singing, “Chicken Fried” using AI, but 11AI requires you to pay for voice cloning.
>There is a distinct lack of G5 stuff
For a very good reason.
>and most of what I could think of for G4 has already been done
There has been nothing new in culture since the Epic of Gilgamesh.
From the thumbnail view, I thought this was a pony looking up at the desktop icon.
Just use haysay.ai silly, and theres always more one can make for G4, just find an idea and expand on it. Surely you'll find something fun.
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First time trying to carve a pony (or anything actually) from wood. Spend 2 hours to cut a huge wooden brick into smaller bricks. Enjoying the process so far, very relaxing.
Almost done now. I just need to figure out how to end it and add transition. I got a little ambitious towards the end.
https://cytu {period} be/r/ponyplushplace
I'm back from staring at the sun.
working on small trixie more.
And I’m finished. I somehow managed to make the entire video a few seconds ahead of the music, so it’s not a synced as it used to be. On top of that, I wasn’t able to add transitions to entire thing, only some clips and ended up scrapping that idea altogether.
I know I shouldn’t beat myself up too hard because this is my first time editing a video in literal years and using software that I’m unfamiliar with, but I’m still disappointed in myself. I’ll reupload it when I make my proper YouTube channel.
at least happy to note an absence of blood in the shavings
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Not what I was hoping for, but better than nothing. And I don't think I could do any better now. Need to do a bigger next time, it's too hard to work on a small one. The opposite side looks even worse.
I like it! looking forward to see more.
I love it
first attempts are always fun to look back to, if you keep going
Cute Bonnie! Spitfire is looking nice, too.
Second plush I've done finished
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Nice, and it's already looking better than AJ's attempt.
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Copper pony coin I made. Didn't actually make the model, but I made it copper. Mainly as practice for doing bigger stuff but I still enjoy how it came out.
bits are real!
I like this simple design instead of a celestia coin or whatever
Cute pony penny!
Hand embroided eyes?
Is there some kind of open source cut pattern for making these? I love making things from fabric but i always struggled a lot with 3D shapes.
I like the simple design too, but I'll admit I've got a soft spot for the celestia design. I think they'd work well with simple copper and more complex silver and gold ones
I plan to make a 24k gold one to truly make a bit. I was going to wait to get better at mirror finishes, but honestly I like the weathered look for a coin.
Thank you
Cute smol poner.
The simple look is perfect for a smaller coin imo.
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I'm working on her mane as long as I don't get wasted.
Nah machine embroidery, its a paid pattern
What should I do do if my plush pattern markings drawn to fabric doesn't align? I'm having this problem in multiple parts. For example I've marked, cut and sewn leg 'tube' and trying to sew round bottom 'hoof' part into it, but the circumference of it seems to be too large, even though the leg tube is sewn exactly according to the markings. Is this normal and regular stuff that just happens all the time to experienced plushmakers and just needs to be compensated somehow? The patterns itself are supposed to be from very good maker.
Double and triple check all your measurements?
There was no measuring, just tracing the pattern onto the fabric and add little bit for seam allowance. Also is the 'minky' or whatever the fabric is called people usually make plushes really stretchy? The knitted fabric mostly available here barely stretches at all when filling and results in very peculiar, unpony shapes.
>knitted fabric
That might be your issue. Minky is mildly stretchy, so combined with deliberate room for stuffing to bulge outwards it could cause some issues.
But I've only made one plush so I'm not exactly sure.
I thought minky was knitted fabric, but guess there's differences too. Finding fabric that works has been hardest part of this whole process because there's really little info how different types of stuff works on plushes.
sometimes you have to force things a bit but the best thing to prevent the pattern from drifting is PINS and lots of them, feel free to message me at vinyl@horsefucker.org and I can try to get you some more assistance
How scared of copyright do I have to be for my shitty little porn game
You don't need to be scared at all, because it's a parody.
Hasbro is not so retarded to claim that a porn game can be confused with the official materials.
Glad to hear it.
I hope my game can for for people what the show does for me (warm heart, hard dick)
You live!
Be more concerned with trade mark and trade dress.
Could you elaborate?
iirc the fighting is magic game got nuked from orbit because of trademark first and foremost. trade marks and trade dress are defend or die terms on the rights holder.
How much would it be worth?
Doesn't the Pokemon company nuke fan porn, though? They nuked the fabled Pikachu and Lapras work of graphic literature.
i am thoroughly convinced you fucking jinxed me, fuck you.
Can't jinx somebody who has backups. Did you have backups?
In USD? ~7 cents or ~.9 cents depending on how you look at it. I'd like to think the value of copper coins would be higher in Equestria though
Nintendo is just retarded and they actually violate the law with their troll suits.
The latest scandal with Palworld showed that clearly - they almost tried to sue the company for the game which has no connection to Pokemon.
Self-hosted version control system is the best.
Just install Gitea on Raspberry Pi and you are protected against accidents.
That protects against accidental deletion, but offsite backups are the only defense against your hard drive dying, or a fire destroying your machine, or the police coming and seizing all your stuff because they got a tip that you (or someone nearby) are a terrorist/pedo/spy/whatever, or any number of other things that could destroy or otherwise deprive you of all your data, vcs included.

Seriously, make backups, ponyfriends.
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I'm working on pinko po tonight
Aw, she’s smiling
You deflated her snowpity!
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It's just a bit bigger but takes a lot longer. And I forgot about the mane again. But I bought sandpaper and now it's very smooth and soft
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I finished up plonka's body today.
Nice progress
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First wipe of /create/ on the Magma!

That pony in the top middle-left with the helmet and cloak looks cool
>Numget base
>can be used for almost anything
since the sound a horse makes in Japanese is supposed to be 'hihiin' how about 'Hihiinyo'?
Some things never finish. If you're me you release things early and just keep re-releasing upgraded versions
>I thought I was the only one left who doesn't use the cloud for everything
bumping before bed
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Reposting the results of a plush sewing workshop we had at the euro meetup.
now that's what you call a circlejerk
was the meetup fun?
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I could send ya the file for this ear pattern I made if you want it
Why is one headless?
It's the Headless Horse!
>was the meetup fun?
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I added hair and fixed a frame with a double step, credit
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credit to SilverVax for helping with the back walk cycle and I tried to add more life to the back leg lift, let me know how I did. Also I want to add more hip sway back and forth but I don't know if it will add anything, tell me what you think
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The above comment was actually intended for this one
Hairs move too much, remind me of that "high framerate" joke Mario gif.

This one is perfect

This one definitively need move hips sway, even if it's just implied by rotating the tail from side to side.
Got a question for you anons. If making MLP video games where would it be good to post it and how do the whole process so Hasbro don't fuck you wit dmca or lawsuit? I asking couse i was thinking about trying to make one and i see here few gamedews.
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there is a frame wich the posy breaks the arc of movement
Avoid trademarks, avoid trade dress. Beyond that they don't seem to care too much.
nta that's worried about copyright or whatever but I'm starting to mess around with the Gameloft models from the leak (or was it a decompilation?) and I'm wondering how careful I should be about posting stuff with them anywhere. Like should I only post videos I make with them anonymously? Or would they even care if I put it up on my YouTube or whatever. Just a little worried since they're very obviously leaked assets
Yeah I'd go anonymous, using leaked assets is just asking for it.
Is it the Photograph cover in BGM's PTS 4?
can you be more specific?
when are we gonna make fighting is magic 2
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here's the spritesheet
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I tried making the side view hair move less and fix the leg, what do you think now?

Also I appreciate the critique
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do any of you anons remember the vinyl scratch tapes? a fanfic that was turned into a audio series: https://youtu.be/_S6CDAtA32Q?si=LPOrb_HN38JfZOal
they didn't do the whole fanfic and stopped here
I bring this is up because realistically what would it take to at least to try and continue where they left off? Like cost wise of hiring VAs
Looks like the left back leg has lot less frames than smooth right back leg, or any other leg for that matter.
I’d rather a VN desu
Thanks for advice anon.
Well i starting doing visual novel. If it work out i gonna post progress here.
every time i see this i want to commission you so bad.
what's it about?
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Ponk is done! I'm working on some Anons before the next project.
Yes, it's those lyrics exactly. But I distinctly recall a male singing it.
now the front legs "stops" in mid air but its an improvement from before, because the movement sequence follows
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why re-invent the wheel tho?
Dating Trixie. <|^:)
It my first time with making game so we would see how it turn out.
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salvation bump
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Decided to also magnetize my donkey eared faglet
That would be cool, I still have the material for another filly left that I plan to make soon.
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What file format do you want the ear pattern in? I use it in my 4x4 embroidery area!
Oh right, for the ear pattern you need to put 2 pieces of fabric minky sides inside against each other in the hoop, once the embroidery program has sewn the pattern onto the fabrics you cut them out then fold them inside out to make the ear
Oh, so you actually need to use an embroidery machine for them? Yeah, I don't have that sadly. I just have a needle and some thread, meaning the filly will be handsewn just like the first one was
That is how I do it yeah, cant instruct too well otherwise. The machine I have is an brother se630 from Facebook marketplace for 200 usd
Alright, no worries. I'll just figure something out myself for the ears, shouldn't be difficult
Seems like a nice and simple idea to start with. I always get overly ambitious and end up doing nothing.
that's a big pinkie pie
Then it's probably Solidarity as the other anon said? I can't think of anything else similar.
Made another one, this time a lot bigger. Came out better I think, but it has some issues though I’m pretty sure I know how to fix them.
Feel like I’m improving and hopefully my next project should be a bit more impressive.
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nta but generally its both fun to go about making something, learn, and have something with a distinct visual identity that have different restraints compared to using that base.
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hurd this on normie poz radio todai, oof.
> https://www.npr.org/2012/07/07/156251707/bill-clinton-takes-a-quiz-about-my-little-pony
* >>>/wsg/5529029
frogot extra carrot, fudge.
What program are you using?
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Yo Deavas, you still around here?
I haven’t posted in a while I know. Been doing fun things like divorce and overtime, but here is a song. I hope everyone around here has been well.

Any anon with a vr headset feel free to email squashsoup@protonmail.com if you want to eventually test out my vr equestria scenery viewing game
Any screenshot/video?
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>Darn, I got this drilled off center. I think the wall might be too thin.
>let’s just test real quick before I sink any more time into shaping.
>Yeah. I think the wall might be too thin.
G5 fucking sucks go fuck yourself asshole
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FULL -----> https://files.catbox.moe/xjhs1l.png
CUM -----> https://files.catbox.moe/ba9nq0.png
Nothing like some good old fashioned thigh sex to wake up after a long night of partying~
i drew this
I don't like g5 either but that's excessive. Don't be a faggot towards content creators.
Look man, that isn't content. And any G4 content he did make, he shoved G5 into anyways. Fuck him. He discourages other content creators with that crap.
Yo that is so cool.
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Nah, don’t even trip, friend. If someone didn’t call me a talentless faggot for posting something they didn’t enjoy I’d start to worry the board was dying.
But also don’t be a silly goose. Talentless faggot I may very well be, but if stuff you don’t like existing discourages you from making FiM stuff that’s something you need to be sorting out in your own heart, not on me. Either way, you just have a solid day too, my guy.
>He discourages other content creators with that crap.
Retard, that's all you.
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I'm making a 3-year anni remix for my first "real" song, Competitive Spirit. I'd love to have you feature again for a guitar solo if you're game.
good god has it really been 3 years already
yeah that sounds great, would love to!
>between putting together the big thread recap
Lmg on /g/ was making a recap bot like what you are doing now. I would ask around there if you want to automate that process
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Recently saw a thread here about MS paint art, got me pretty inspired to try it out more, sadly it died before I could share what I got around to making today, was a really fun expereince
Awesome, here it is:
200BPM, key of A.
Very pretty.
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Good luck beating real life, cool to see you're making stuff through all that. keeep it up anon
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Trying to animate for the first time proper. Just this part? This was a pain in the ass. Using OpenToonz for this, but feel free to let me know if there's anything else that's both free and streamlined. I want to try animating mares, not lose my hair.
Of course the video doesn't work...
Catbox is broken right now, so here's an imgur link.
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starting on rarity
She twirlin'
>Competitive Spirit
Still a favorite. I think part of it is because it was one of the first (if not the first) full songs made with TalkNet. But I also just like it. Crazy that it's been 3 years already
Anon, where are her front legs?

Is this Ponk or Nurse Redheart? I am in love with the brushy ink lines. Is that real marker?

Looks like oil pastels

Now draw the pony. ALso when she lands, have a frame where the legs bend more and the whole body squishes before it pops back up. You tweened it, but it'll look better if you draw it in.
Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/7xlen2.wav
(I extended it a bit so here's the edited backing track just for better reference as well https://files.catbox.moe/hr5wsu.wav)

Solo WET 1/8D Delay (-9dB) https://files.catbox.moe/yyu8c7.wav (this was the one used in the Reference)
or, Solo DRY https://files.catbox.moe/iz214r.wav
or, Solo WET 1/8D Delay (-12dB) https://files.catbox.moe/xe2dov.wav

Solo DI (25% L) https://files.catbox.moe/hbzi3j.wav
Solo DI (25% R) https://files.catbox.moe/1wcgk6.wav
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Awesome work! Much obliged.
i had to get my sewing machine serviced. something broke in it :(
its so over bros.
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OP you must make EO GREEN AGAIN!!! We are FREEZING!!! Some ponies are even self immolating this is SERIOUS!
I can't get OpenToonz to render GIFs, so here's another mp4. Slow as hell but progress. Look at her shake it!
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That mare has one hell of a neck.
long girl
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can i ask for advice on how to draw pone better
Ah yeah, I've been meaning to get to that. I'll try to finish the current update this week and post it next weekend.
Are there any free/cheap animation software that allow puppets to be used?
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Pipe number two though turned out considerably more usable though. Best fit tenon I’ve done yet; I think I’ll need to start doing a metal band on all the stems from now on.
Several, even Blender can do it
nta, but is blender harder than sfm
SFM is designed with user friendliness in mind
They didn't to a particularly good job at it but still
hell no, in sfm you spend more time fighting the engine than doing stuff, if you spend a good few days learning blender it's smooth sailing
You should probably ask /bale/. Their main thing is drawn art improvement
>Is this Ponk or Nurse Redheart?
neither. was just improvising
>Is that real marker?
Sketch is done. Now to do the line art. I added the sounds early to get an idea of what happens where. Probably the last update I add till it's done.
Kek, I shouldn't laughed as hard as I did with pony on the right becoming a ball,
Lookin' smooth. Really interested to see where's this going.
Thanks! This is pretty much all there is in terms of content. I've never done 2D animation before, so I'm just kinda trying something simple first. I wanted to make it a little more expressive, but doing so with just circles (and in OpenToonz, new to it) is a pain in the ass.

It'll definitely look better once I actually get the lines in, heh.
What the fuck, did like 50 replies disappear last night? We were at 368 replies last night, now we're at 317?
I looked it up on Desu, looks like all the contentless bumps were deleted
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why is everything so hard
Because if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
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What the fuck, jannies are doing what they're supposed and tidying up the place?!
It really feels like everybody has at least one skill they're really good at or has done something significant in the past and it's minority of anons like us who are desperately trying learn to do something worthwhile.
I'm probably going to fail this project once again when it comes to the head. The body looks finally okay-ish but that sad excuse of butt doesn't even pass the pen test.
Looking great, she looks like she is going to be very cuddlable. Love the white hoofsies. Keep it up anon.
Also, loving the old 328 singer.
Has anypony here made sculptures before? Like from monster clay, modeling clay, oven bake/air dry, regular clay, etc. I kinda want to get into making figurines and sculptures and could use some advice and someone to talk to about it.
I've done stuff with super sculpey
Get some aluminum foil, armature wire from a hardware store, and this set of tools https://www.amazon.com/SE-DD312-12-Piece-Stainless-Carvers/dp/B000SVRSRY/
Bend the wire into a rough skeleton shape to use as a base, ball up foil as a space filler for any spots that are going to be thick, and don't apply a piece of clay thicker than your pinkie finger or else it might crack during baking. Doing it in sections and layers is fine, the clay can be cooked repeatedly as long as you're letting it cool before handling it since the high temperatures make it squishable.
This guy is an actual wizard if you want some examples of how to do everything right https://www.youtube.com/@Shuxer59
Hey there! I made a tutorial on armature frames a while ago, I think it's a good start: https://u.smutty.horse/mixzdnsbrnh.pdf

I wouldn't mind messing with airdry or regular clay, both of those involve water and it's very messy to work with. I strongly suggest oven baked / polymer clays, especially Super Sculpey medium blend if you want to get artsy or just being a filthy casual (I have a lot of experience with Sculpey). Cernit Doll and Fimo clays are also good choices, they are less brittle than Sculpey but a little harder to work with. Monster clay is more like a wax, can be shaped while it's hot and never solidifies completely, it's good for mold making and to exercise sculpting.

The carver set suggested by >>41068939 is a very good advice, these are very handy to smooth out surfaces and to create delicate details.
hey OP do you offer or plan to offer some way to download a copy of the world?
I'm interested in doing a 3d visualization of at least parts of it
I can figure out the format from the code so that's no issue
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Pinkie butt makes me hard
File deleted.
I made an albume. I hope everypony enjoys: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU0Ny90Ivm57sLj5efkhlftLnAfxc0XCb
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Thanks, it's machine inherited from my grandma and feels sturdy enough to withstand a nuclear exchange. The eyes came out bit better than I was expecting but the satin stitch stretched bit too much here and there to be completely happy with it. It's my first time ever doing stuff like this so maybe I should give myself some slack.
Now I just need to position mouth and nostrils and I'm good to go.
The full map files are huge (>100 GB) and full of private information like teleporter network names or locations of people's hidden builds. But I could maybe add a way to download partial map data for chunks near your character - would that work? What exactly are you trying to visualize?
nice! I love your art style
Very cool anon!
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made a pinkie pie headband for when you're partying really hard. hand embroidered the cutie mark. accidentally cut into the fabric so i had to patch it back up as you can see. first attempt on the embroidery and overall a sewing noob.
I love discrete stuff like this
Neat stitching too
Thank you!
alright that makes sense, I didn't think about privacy
I was supposed to reply with a proof of concept thing but I got held up doing other stuff
I'll bother you again if I go through with it!
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Progress is slow, but progress nonetheless. Final result will be animated on 2s.
That's plenty of progress!
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Howdy everyponer. With this wipe, we've officially reached 100 members! Come draw with us!

Whoa, those ruins are really cool in the Daring Doo picture
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This is a dark day for all shitposter kind
I've done nothing productive today.
I've neither and I'm disheartened because my plush head resembles more like triangle than sphere.
Just non pone productivity. Car shit needs doing.
Doesn't your sewing machine have distance marks on the metal board underneath the needle? That edge stitch just really struck me.
OP, I think the server crashed again. Right after I used advanced technique called "planting crystals really quick".
Looking into this now
Server is back up. However, access to old dungeons (created prior to the recent update) is disabled for now due to a bug. I screwed up the dungeon file format when adding crystal formations as loot, and now generating new chunks in old dungeons will crash the server. I will try writing a script to upgrade old dungeon files to the new format, but I'm a bit busy today, so it might not be done until later in the week.
Thank you.
yeah but the fabric was bunching up a lot so i had to jimmy things to not get it stuck. i think the foot pressure is too high. also i just realized that i could have moved the needle to the sides inside the foot. learning moment.
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All part of the fun of learning the craft and your machine. I got tweaking on an old cast iron machine I found in the bins. Something is certainly wrong.
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chris you forgot to merge down the new color palettes for dowa and thursday
Yeah, I don't think it's supposed to bend that way.
Me nine-times-out-if-ten.
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OP here, just an update in case the thread dies early (which it looks like it probably won't, thanks for keeping it bumped!)
At this point I think I was just busy and flustered and frustrated and being a little bit of a drama queen when I wrote this >>40916365 lol
I've gotten a much better hold on irl stuff and pony projects now, I don't think I'll have trouble carrying on OP stuff for now
I'll try to prepare in advance for the new thread. If the thread dies early just give me a day or two
also let me know if there's anything I should change, anything I've forgotten to add to the resource bin, or any feedback for stuff in general

one thing I'm trying to figure out is, what is the point of the thread recap posts? (these >>40916344 >>40916347)
I'm not going to can them, of course, but I'd like to hear what you guys think is worthy of being mentioned there or not. Do you look through them at all, or use them for anything? is there fluff that gets annoying and isn't worth including? or do you think it might be missing some stuff? should I include more discussion that happened in the last thread? or just keep it to content and updates about it?
eh it's honestly probably fine the way it is, just feels like a very imprecise thing when I'm putting it together lol
I think the little recap pic one or two threads ago was nice touch, but that sadly excludes audio and game projects.
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I finished my second rarity.
Nice work Anon
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Starting work on best pony.
Looks great

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