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Aw man 'member Gargantia
A good show.
bro chamber
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Course I do, it and blue sub no.6 are some of the reasons I love amphibious/aquatic mecha.
Blue Submarine 6 is fucking terrible, not a single redeeming point in terms of action or writing. The only notable thing in it is dumb fish waifu
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Gross fleshies, just put best boy in one of those outfits. He has better hips anyway.
Get some Mars Daybreak in you. It's, uh, fine, I guess
Man, that show kind of slides out of your memory.
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As I warned back in the day, this show will only be remembered by the women and porn. A complete shame considering Chamber is the broest of bros
Amy of the valley of the wind.
I remember Chamber and I didn't even watch the show. Probably should.
It's remembered for the babes, its unique setting, Chamber, and especially the parts where Chamber offers a final answer to the Hideauze Question
And as we said back in the day, YOU'RE A FAG.
Don't forget that kickass soundtrack.
also chamber murdering a cute little girl squid thing
Chamber was right
Wasn't this the show with the corpse Toboggans?
This appears to be spamming. I could be wrong however.
I read book for what would be season 2. Shame it was not animated
amy > ridget > lukkage > bellows > lukkage slaves > the prostitutes (been a while since I read it I forget which one became a hooker).
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This is a serious moment in a very serious scene in a very serious part of the show
I hate to say it but, i didn't think Blue Submarine 6 was good ether.
You forgot Amy's dancing buddies (Melty and Saaya). And maybe even Reema, but she is a hard mention.

Say, can someone give me a TL;DR of the Gargantia novel?
Takes place 3 years later with a conflict being the center plot between Land (the remains of those who backed the Human Movement and Evos (?) those who backed the Evolvers. The former is a colony ship that made it back to Earth and the whole of the conflict is the control of the world's last remaining orbital elevator. The MC is a male who is part of a fleet who gets involved with a female from the remains of the ship that landed in the capitol of Land. Land btw is the Himalayas, the only other remaining land of Earth is a small amount of the Andes. The female MC is basically a female Ledo, with many a curve and the natural daughter of the CO of the ship that made it back to Earth. They are trying to prevent a war from stemming over a conflict that really has nothing to do with Earth anymore. Everyone shows up older, wiser, etc. Also, the mechabro in this is Igniter, a heavy combat model whose personality is more militaristic than Chamber but learns to mellow out. Also, a Hideuze loli.
As the anons on /a/ would say nowadays
That's an /int/ thing that somehow made its way to all the other boards.
For any /m/en into it they made a late announcement confirming ghiblifest 2024.
>His was the most....human
I don't care what anyone says, give Shatner solid material and he'll act rings around whatever faggot you want.
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Ridget is best girl and if you disagree you are arguing with bro bot. He still respects Ledo's choice though and only wants him to be happy. Because that's what a bro bot does.
So the Hideauze are starting to regain humanity in this arc based on hearing a Hideauze loli. Let me guess, Igniter "dies" falling in the drink in the end like Chamber and Muzzle?
Though among the women of Gargantia, Bellows the mechanic got the most porn. Not even Amy got as much. Worse, she never end up with anyone when the other surviving prominent boy, Pinion, got hooked with the lesbian pirate.
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>get a top-tier porn artist to do character designs
>this means that by contract he can't do any porn of them
Giant robots in a small town is my favorite sub genre.
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Why not?
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Generally in the professional world in Japan you can only create porn of the characters you design if you own the rights to said characters.

I remember back in the day, Jouji (George) Manabe who you probably know today for the Ring x Mama hentai manga series, had a normal manga in the 80s called Outlanders. It was a fun little fantasy/space opera manga, was popular enough to get an official english translation and an OVA, but the important part is by the end of the run he decided to put out a doujin of all the characters fucking. Hakusensha, the publishing company, freaked out and said he can't do that because of contracts and their image and all that. He turned around and said, "the fuck I can't! Reread the terms of my contract that we agreed to, it says I retain the rights to the characters I created in perpetuity to do with as I please when it isn't published under your label. So if I want to draw and self-publish a work where the females gargle the MC's cum and sell it myself at Comiket, I have the legal right to!"

Most people do not have that legal right in their contracts, they were drawn up saying they can design the characters and then can't really do anything with them.
That’s manabe! Wish karivan kidd got animated, fun manga(and our main hero is an android!)
Lewd fan art is always kind of something people generally accept quietly while rarely if ever fully acknowledging. You end up just looking worse when you do. But at the same time publishers do like to keep their public image in mind to some extent.
He kinda didn't want to see his works animated after the Outlanders OVA came out and he thought it utterly butchered his work.
Really? Never knew that though that didn’t stop Capricorn and that one show that was REALLY popular down in the Middle East from getting animated, forgot what it was called but it’s been discussed here multiple times
The BD extras were hilarious. Ridget getting shitfaced off of the moonshine and waking up in a very skimpy outfit.
I miss Manabe making scifi/fantasy with chunks of smut instead of smut with chunks of scifi/fantasy
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Nope, leaves with the last fleet ship when they try to look for the lost and bring them home after fixing the elevator. The elevator is then dubbed Gargantia Prime Also, Ledo and Amy get hitched and Melty starts crying because Ledo can't fulfil that favor she asked him at the end of Season 1.
Ken "the hack" Akamatsu. Wants to make hentai legal so much, he has become a member of the Japanese Diet.
>Wants to make hentai legal
...is it not?
Anon got busted, seize him
Ken's whole thing is he thinks "external forces" are trying to change Japanese media to be more palatable to western values. Protip, when someone that's Japanese says "external forces" they don't mean what /pol/ means aka the Jews or leftoids or something, 99% of the time it just means the UN.
So, he's even more against the "West", let's be honest, America, then say, Tomino, Miyazaki, etc.?
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The broest of brobots
First off, no one in Japan dislikes America more than Miyazaki aside from like, super far leftists and communists. Secondly, a lot of people critical of "the west" in Japan tend to lump it all into just one big amorphous blob of white people.
Not only that, most people have no ownership of their designs once they draw them, they belong completely to the publisher and the artist is merely a contractor. See: how literally every Gundam design is owned by Bandai.
For me it was the other way around. All the aquatic suits in UC Gundam (and Kapools because of Turn A) are why I loved Gargantia so much. That and I always loved island and nautical settings for some reason. I wish we got more seasons.
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>when someone that's Japanese says "external forces" they don't mean what /pol/ means aka the Jews or leftoids or something, 99% of the time it just means the UN.
19 years old.
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No really. People in Japan for the most part, and I don't mean this to sound insulting, don't know that much about how anything in the world works outside of Japan. A lot of the time it's because they're leftists since Japan is kind of an inversion of the West where the leftists (I don't really want to use the word liberal here because it means something else in Japan) are isolationists and the conservatives are the ones who are pro-globalism and especially pro-America (because both are good for business and the conservatives are the party of business) and generally have a much better idea of what's going on in the world. And yes, leftists in Japan for whatever reason tend to think that the UN has a lot more power and influence than it does, even though the UN by design is not allowed to have any real decision-making power and all it can really do is wag its finger at a country and say it disapproves of what they're doing. So if you look into their statements in Japanese, they blame the UN a LOT for any perceived problem.
Lol, no.
She and Pinion almost end up together
They lost the war.
Yeah they had a good dynamic.
Ok but what does that have to do with anything?
>Ken's whole thing is he thinks "external forces" are trying to change Japanese media to be more palatable to western value
Which is hilarious, because interest in Japanese media in the west originates from them being themselves. Robotech and older shows got popular in spite of its localization, not because of it. Even if that would burn some bridges with the current companies they have relations with, the internet is prevalent enough that they're vestigial and non-vital. Anime would become more popular with less censorship and less middlemen deciding what does and doesn't fly. Then again this IS the country that had to have a legally-mandated overhaul to make people use modern technology instead of fax machines.

The Left-vs-Right model of politics is the "respect my pronouns" of political discussion, and originates from FRANCE. And not even the cool parts of France. If it doesn't work right, don't use it. Using the political party's official name is more accurate and doesn't muddle things.
>Then again this IS the country that had to have a legally-mandated overhaul to make people use modern technology instead of fax machines.
And only just like in the last year or so finally, FINALLY adopted Hepburn for translation, because they wanted to keep to Kunrei-Shiki purely out of pride when it caused things to be spelled in a way that literally nowhere else in the world does.
>he Left-vs-Right model of politics is the "respect my pronouns" of political discussion, and originates from FRANCE. And not even the cool parts of France. If it doesn't work right, don't use it. Using the political party's official name is more accurate and doesn't muddle things.
I say "leftists" because I don't want to use a blanket label and say "fucking commies" even though that's what a lot of them unironically are.
Pinion had a harem by the end of the series.
That one douj where Amy molests Bevel and has baby making shota incest love.
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All humanity will apprehend the word.
The UN is the one putting pressure on them for various things though. The Japanese really don't like standing out and various UN social proclamations make Japan stand out from the other developed nations. Until recently, age of martial and sexual consent for girls was 16 and any time a child marriage issue in a undeveloped or partially developed nation was brought up Japan would get flack. There were also parts of the UN were also trying to conflate loli/shota art with real life pedophilia. You can kind of see where the idea originates.
>And yes, leftists in Japan for whatever reason tend to think that the UN has a lot more power and influence than it does, even though the UN by design is not allowed to have any real decision-making power and all it can really do is wag its finger at a country and say it disapproves of what they're doing. So if you look into their statements in Japanese, they blame the UN a LOT for any perceived problem.
Your dumbass theory is thrown out the window within the first five minutes of Patlabor 2. Japs are very aware that the UN is worthless.
Yes bird is the word.
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The funniest is those scene are actually DEEP CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
Never before has Ledo taken an interest in "cultural/artistic activities".
>Because that's what a bro bot does.
Best boy.
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Shame that one isn't translated

Even if you can guess the joke.
Like I'm suspect Melty predicted Ledo wouldn't have problem with nudity?
I liked the future Earth war flashback lore and the later act cult antagonists. The Waterworld fleet stuff was also really interesting, I'd really like more post-apocalyptic series that focus on the unique adaptations and lifestyles of the "new normal's" environment. With that being said, wanting to put my dick in Amy really does a lot to improve the memorability of Gargantia.
Ridget is hilariously blind.
Lukkage and her girls are 10/10.
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He mentions this scene in the book after they get married.
No, because if you ever get to read the prequel, he and his "mate" Murika would bathe together all the time.
Dancing in front of the one you love, alone, is a fertility dance. The people of Gargantia are basically insistent in multiplying their race with the people they choose.
Oshii is also a massive cynic that became that way after seeing how useless the student movements of his youth were, he does not represent the average person.

True, but also you know, the UN can't actually DO anything about it.
Took me a second reading to understand the jokes was in BEST BRO not being the most exact translator.
Ridget and Lukkage would have made a great pair.
>main girl is the one with flabby ass and tits
>not the delicious loli, the literal slampig or the smoking hag
If it wasn't for Chamber, this show would be trash.
Which is explained in the side material that recently got translated. Why do they do this. The mortality rate on the fleets is astronomical as you have seen due to the accidents, 95% of which are fatal.
She's his lover
Is this a Milly scene? Why is she feeling up her boobs?
There was some canon nudity, right? RIGHT?

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>Why is she feeling up her boobs?
I mean... look at them.
Good point.
Is it time to post belly dancing Bellows?
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The hideauze were never human at any point, they were merely manmade creature that escaped control and we must now exterminate them all in order to protect our genetic purity, for reasons I'm don't fully remember right now.

Praise the Galactic Alliance of mankind.
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did they go too far?
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She has to teach him how to fuck after they get married
Did the catalog stop refreshing on /m/?
nm just this tab
They also officially stopped switching modern names to Western order in localisation. Remember when there were news stories along the lines of
>"Stop getting my name wrong, it's Abe Shinzo" declares Japanese PM Shinzo Abe
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This is shooped. I can tell be the Amy and by having seen quite a few Amys in my time.
I remember and I'll never forgive them
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>this thread
Ridget is 10/10.
/m/, does Chamber dream of senmetsu?
Electric sheep.
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Electric Squid
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Of course I do.
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Your welcome...


Thank you, kind stranger.
And for more fun, read What got Tanaka the job in the first place and what was voted the best hentai original work of 2008. Shojo Material, or, what happens when you apply reality to hentai scenarios.
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She's my favorite, what does that mean about me?
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>She's my favorite, what does that mean about me?
That you have a fetish for girls who can fly a plane for hours non stop
She become a working girl in the novels...she's very pissed by the end Amy steals Ledo.
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She really should have danced in the show.
I forget how big Gargantia was back then. It makes the second season's cancellation all the more perplexing.
Weird shit happens like that. In a way it is a bit refreshing unlike here in the States where shit gets beaten to death until even the eagle on the quarter screams. Great fucking show/books/logbooks.
I remember them trying to really hamfistedly force that the squids weren't violent unstable mutants who forcibly started a war with regular humans and even chased after them when all humans wanted to do was fuck off from Earth.

Also chamber was cool.
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The final fight with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-i8ebC-Xjg was pure kino.
Gorgeous Amy belly.
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is there a translation I can read somewhere
see >>22559529
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We need more tummy.
Look at that blue squirrel move!
I wish Captain Earth was better.
I thought they only became a monster to adapt to the galactic alliance's high tech robots. Isn't that why the gargantian people were forbidden from attacking them? So that they stay a fish forever?
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Both side had critical flaws but the one who started & perpetuated the war was the GHA.
The GHA left the solar system because they were losing their attempt to exterminate the Evolvers and we saw the GHA is so against any sort of genetic alteration they didn't even learn to rectify genetic problem that shouldn't have been a problem with their level of technology.
The final demonstrate that despite their "human first" policy the GHA can be manipulated by out of control AIs, reading the fine-print any human outside the GHA would not be considered full-citizen (and allowed to order the AIs).
It took Ledo the fact he might be the last GHA-made human alive to override Chamber and Chamber still disobeyed him to save him.

The Evolvers modified themselves to become as strong and as smart as needed and literally power themselves with sunlight.
Their critical flaw?
Without a need for technologies and no predators to fight the Evolvers had no reason to evolve, only social need remained.

Ironically all the GHA had to do to get rid of Space squid was to more efficiently destroy their gates, as spacesquid had no means of building and no NEED to somehow evolve a gate since they can live anywhere.
Time would have made the spacesquid auto-evolving feature ignore the GHA.

Hell, they could have lived in harmony.
On Earth, if you pay attention, you'll remember that the fleets are powered by the magic crystals the squid leave behind.
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>Isn't that why the gargantian people were forbidden from attacking them? So that they stay a fish forever?

1) the gargantian are descendant of survivors who had more problem surviving than trying to kill every fish
2) those squids are still incredibly strong and capable of destroying fleet by sheer number
3) the gargantian don't even remember that the squid evolved from human

Forgot to mention in >>22578485
That the evolvers became pretty much immortals so they would only forget stuff if enough time pass by
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>and we saw the GHA is so against any sort of genetic alteration they didn't even learn to rectify genetic problem that shouldn't have been a problem with their level of technology.
Hence the reason they shared basically the same 3-4 genetic traits?
The squid were a bunch of jerks. Except for the little kid. And her dad. He was alright.
Didn't Pinion choose Bellows after all in the novels?
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We need much more.
Yes, but his protege pines for him as well.
I love this show deeply, I just wish Chamber wasn't so chibi.
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You can't expect lot of genetic diversity from a group afraid of mutation and constantly reducing the pool of what count as acceptable since that reasoning would make them act like Evolvers.

But it is however imaginable that only the disposable non-citizen soldiers are subject to this treatment.
Throw line mention the Galatic Alliance isn't one entity and there's other group.
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>I just wish Chamber wasn't so chibi
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Interesting, this proves a line in the sequel novels that humanity has spread over a good chunk of the Milky. It takes place 6500 or so years from now
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tomboy sex
Ledo and Any Married in the sequel Novel
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And she had to teach him how to fuck
Maita press
chamber broest bro
amy sweetheart
pinion total bro
melty SLUT
Man, this looks comfy.
delicious amy butt

perfect ridget breasts
I liked it but still think it was a bit of wasted potential compared to where I wish it could've gone.
It's the curse of one cour seasons. More time to explore and spend on the fleet before we have to rush to the climax always feels like things move too fast. If we had another dozen or so episodes to spend on more, for want of a term, stand alone episodes of Ledo exploring salvage life and the world, getting to know more of the characters better it'd be perfect. People might look at this kind of thing and call it filler but it's also sort of the point. To give you that time to rest and explore.
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also i have to drag out my mechawar rikka and deko from chulite later
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