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/lit/ - Literature

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Why can't moids write anymore?
dont have that je ne sais quoi
No one believes that the best sci fi writers 2017-2019 were women. No one.
Pulp reading is woman dominated activity. So they do.
This is what equality looks like and now that the binaries are equal we need equality for the nonbinaries. 2015 was the only year a nonbinary won anything and they need equality too.
Last Nobel Prize went to a Catholic man.
He converted because he was a drunkard, which says a lot about the rationality of your superstition. To believe in any faith, one must cease being sober.
Doesn't matter, still a man.
The Hugo awards have long been ideologically compromised. The last Hugo book I read was Accelerando. The main character is some altruistic super hacker who doesn't make money, and is also apparently into femdom and doesn't actually have sex. I stopped reading it at that point.

Three Body Problem was okay. It correctly points out the psychotic self-destructive nature of leftism, where a "panspecies communist" collaborates with the aliens and helps them try to conquer humanity.
Women read. Men read video game shit then think video game lore has the greatest writing ever. Hence all the isekai slop dominating the media
Women read porn or fantasy written for 9 year olds with porn subplots tacked on.
Why can't men get published anymore, you mean. Just look at the New Yorker's recent list of short story writers for the magazine. Every single one is either a woman, a gay man, or a Muslim. They have no interest in straight, white men, or straight black men for that matter, unless said black man is writing about hating straight white men. It's all a racket—another arm of the propaganda machine. It's just that this arm is meant to propagandize people with an above average intelligence who might otherwise have slipped the net. And it is ESPECIALLY meant to corrupt women, which is, ultimately, an attack on men.
>your faith that wants to help rid people of sin is filled with sinners who want to stop sinning
Quite the astute condemnation, anon. You think of it yourself?
>Christcucks are moral: Evidence of moral superiority and that we are right
>Christcucks are immoral: Evidence of original sin and that we are right
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
pre 2016 it was still acceptable for a white male author to write non-white non-male protagonists - the only way your work can qualify for Hugo award.
Funnily enough, when you compare these more recent winners to the losers, you'll notice a lot of the losers sell more than the winners. A lot of the winners' works aren't even scifi.
Female writers books aren't as successful as male writers books when you compare their film adaptations. That's the only metric that matters today anyway. What shows and films are getting better receptions and who has written them. Very few women like agatha christie, rowling and atwood have gotten film adaptations.
I read sci-fi and fantasy mags and more than half of the stories are by women.
>Not only am I a soulless bugman, I am a joyless soulless bugman
Imagine being atheist while still spouting demon rum nonsense like a hysterical protestant suffragette.
Couldn't be me.
>genre fiction
Who cares, everything genre fiction is dogshit. Let women have the ignominy.
>To believe in any faith, one must cease being sober.
Wow, I'm only 13 but I can tell this is really deep. You must have felt very euphoric when you wrote that!
Reading is a woman dominated activity in general, they're literally the only ones keeping publishers and stores in business.
When the pharisees remarked that Jesus only hanged out with thieves and prostitutes, he replied that doctors usually spend their time around sick people.
...Is someone gonna tell him? Open a lit mag, retard.
plot twist:
all of the 2017-2019 winners have penises
Moidbros... our response?
Apparently because Donald Trump won the US election
intentional sabatoge of men to uplift women by artificial means
of course, this isn’t going to last
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Video games, genuinely.
No one has ever claimed that Christians themselves are morally superior. We strive, with varying degrees of commitment and success, to live as representatives of God on the Earth for the sake of the blood of Christ. But it is Christianity itself which is morally superior. Christ is morally superior, but Christians are just regular people who have one critical point of difference: we recognize the sovereignty of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God, and wait by faith for salvation through Him, and in that faith, are made perfect. But you'll find Christians on nearly every level of imperfection, and there will be many surprises in Heaven—people who everyone thought would be there that aren't and people who no one thought would be there who are. God knows who are His.

You're better off studying Scripture than trying to have-it-out with believers when you don't really understand what it is we believe.
This graph can't be correct, they counted all the trannies as female
Source on this graph?
You can literally just look at the hugo awards on wikipedia or something that year, this isn't a conspiracy
Feminists running publishing houses, agencies, and literary awards:
>look! We've "decolonized" literature!
>no more adknowledgement for you dumb toxic males. Tee hee!
The same feminists running publishing houses, agencies, and literary awards:
When you are used to privilege equality feels like discrimination
>women take over something
>suddenly that thing becomes less prestigious, lower quality, and attracts fewer people
>men create something new
>it attracts attention, prestige,and money
>women now want to glob onto this new thing
>men remembering how this works, gatekeep by having high standards
>women eventually gain access because of incessant nagging, whining and trojan horse simps
Repeat ad infinitum. It's a story as old as time. Women are not smart. They think that everything has an inherent, static value.
Women have been getting preferential treatments for millenial. I guarantee that none of the recent slop pushed by Hugo will be remembered by posterity.
>The main character is some altruistic super hacker who doesn't make money, and is also apparently into femdom and doesn't actually have sex
> he's literally me
a penis?
Awards mean nothing when they're not based on merit
>When you are used to privilege equality feels like discrimination.
I'll remember this line when we take away women's sufferage.
how does the left come up with such retarded truisms? anyone with basic reasoning skills would be able to look at their environment and determine if they are being treated the same as everyone else. I’m almost certain this is just another classic example of leftist projection because this idea mirrors the phenomenon of narcissists believing they’ve been slighted when they just weren’t given preferential treatment.
>it's not merit based because ummmm women are winning!

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