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>The greatest Conservative 'intellectual' was a literal midwit who never studied beyond a Bachelor's Degree
My hamster has a degree.
Im in Berlin right now and we have like 6 degrees right now
>falling for the grad school meme
Lemme get a PhD in Byzantine poetry!
you need to be knowledgable in history, cultures and political philosophies for politics, if anything being an autodidact with life experience and humble beginnings is the best build for debating politics, a career in politics is something else and just involves connections

i run circles around everyone and i dropped out of highschool, just because i'm an autist who listens to every fringe ideology's podcast and debates online, and argue them myself 24/7 and read history wikipedia.
> I run circles around everyone and J dropped out of highschool, just because i'm an autist who uses the most watered down midwit sources that real scholars are ashamed off
always read the primary sources anon, podcasts and wikipedia are a waste of time
“Formal education = intelligence” is the ultimate midwit belief
>The greatest Conservative 'intellectual'
going to need a source for that one chief, much better examples of great conservative intellectuals are heidegger, schmitt, strauss, macintyre, burke, etc.
Great bait
you only need a coherent timeline of history and tie it up in your philosophical/political arguments, i don't care about academic elitism, your "scholars" are all marxist activists and i am talking about how you can out-debate any pretentious asshole these days if you simply use an overpowered thing called common sense and wit with real life examples and actual goals behind them, just because the opposition are dishonest elitists who only debate because they are trying to keep and justify undeserved power.
To be fair, it is a pretty good predictor of intelligence through the 20th century at least. Smart people tended to go to college and receive a degree.
Buckley wasn’t a great intellectual, but he was probably the most influential conservative intellectual in modern America. Hell, he’s half the reason why the American right wing is such an unmitigated disaster. He is partly to blame for the NeoCon-Libertarian coalition pushing out the right wing that we now refer to as Paleocon.
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All 'intellectuals', regardless of political orientation, are midwits. They're literally just glorified idea guys.
Is Thomas Sowell not an intellectual? He was a professor and then became a critic.
>cares about credentials instead of ideas or accomplishments
Yeah I'm sure some moderncuck with a PhD in early modern trans African literature is smarter than Plato
Was Buckley actually that bad? His opinions in the 50s and 60s were definitely based. The "Buckley ruined le right" talking point seems like a folkish paleocon oral tradition with only somewhat of a basis in reality. Yeah he wasn't Sam Francis but he probably led a lot of people to Sam Francis territory, just like the "alt right pipeline" leftists were whining about a few years ago.
college degrees are appeals to authority. the only thing that should happen to universities to turn them into parking lots for WalMarts
He had a smart sounding accent though
>the mind of a goy cannot comprehend that non-NPCs don't actually care for the education system
>i run circles around everyone and i dropped out of highschool, just because i'm an autist who listens to every fringe ideology's podcast and debates online, and argue them myself 24/7 and read history wikipedia.

I think you belong on reddit
appeal to authority is fine. It's only fallacious when your appeal to authority is invalid.
Going to a car mechanic to repair your car is an appeal to authority and that makes sense. It is fallacious when you take a mayor's advice on car repair because he is the mayor.
Why do people like you come to this board and boast about not reading?
>German 'humor'
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He has no legacy, no one gives a shit. The problem with conservatism is that it is rooted in, and dependent on, Christianity. If you don't believe in the divinity of Christ, you have no reason to be a conservative. Buckley's worldview was built upon a creed that most people see as false, consequently, his life and work is rendered meaningless.

Most of the influential pundits are lawyers, because they're actually able to talk about stuff (even if they don't know what they're actually saying).
Who is this mythical mayor you speak of?
>conservatism is dependent on Christianity
Evola and Spengler would like to have a word with you.
Şaka yapıyorsun, değil mi?
Yes, and what influence do they have in modern politics?
That's not true, though. American conservatism consists of aesthetic Christianity at best, but it's mostly either constitutional dickriding or hating liberals.
Is this jared taylor? Who's this?
"We're still discovering things so we don't know" is pretty different from "We can know this"
Controlled opposition
>leftist is upper class faggot obsessed with bourgeois credentialism
every time

this is why fascism will win, because it's the only movement actually concerned with the plight of the middle and lower class
neither are conservatives
>PhD in Byzantine poetry!
that sounds comfy
Nobody who isn’t already a racist knows about or cares about Sam Francis. Leading people to writers is pointless, but consolidating political party power is effective and that’s exactly what Buckley did.
> appeal to authority is invalid when the authority is invalid
> t. an invalid authority on appealing to authority
Evola was a schizo that has absolutely no stock anywhere among anyone. Spengler wasn’t a pious Christian but defended both Christ and Christianity and identified Calvinism and Anabaptism as important signs of the future of Western religiosity.
notice how no one disputed he's a midwit
That's just a fact. He was an unironic zionist.
Once one comes to grips with what white supremacy, or any supremacist framing, is really all about, it's hard not to see through it.
Williams debate with Chomsky is tragically hilarious. It's literally just Chomsky insisting that nothing justifies naked colonialism, and Buckley saying "nah but it's not what you think though it's good," and then retreating every time Chomsky defuses his points with the truth, until Buck finally gets pissed off and shuts it down.
There is nothing more puerile than intellectual pontification about brute force.
The Right always loses.
Yes. He acknowledges this point in his book on this subject. He also points out that he isn't referring to all intellectuals as necessarily bad. He cites Milton Friedman as an example of what he considers to be an intellectual of the 'good' sort.
Lies always lose. Sometimes the Left lies too. The Truth always wins, the only variable is Time.
But, I agree that the right is very ridiculous.
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Incredible how BTFO'd he was by Baldwin. Just thoroughly, classily swept.
James Baldwin might be the greatest American mind of the 20th century. I fail to find anyone more in line with what is true, and with more sympathy for everyone involved. A titan of a man.
Americans consider him conservative? lmao
Look at the US’s main rivals
>confuses American conservatism with European and Asian conservatism
Classic rookie mistake
What, you think Xi and Putin give a fuck about some LARPing NEET? Come the fuck on.
Conservatism doesn't exist. Nothing is ever conserved.
Not an argument
>Spengler defended Christianity
Even so, he wasn’t what you would call a mainline Christian, he was more along the lines of a vague pagan.
Never really given enough of a shit to look into him but the “listen here you queer” clip is a great forum weapon.
Ok I know this is bait but I will proselytize regardless.
Buckley was an unwavering Neocon i.e a goy that has been compromised by Trotskyism. By the end of his life, Gore Vidal was unironically more right wing than Buckley. A real right wing intellectual is Pat Buchanan, who has a seer like ability to predict events years before they happen.
Spengler and Evola were absolutely not NEETs, try harder, tranny
This was the easiest debate 'win' i have ever seen in my life. The crowd had already decided Baldwin's victory before a single word was said.
Imagine being Buckley in this scenario. A bunch of kids (not unlike you) are all cheering loudly for your opponent and jeering at you. You have to try and defend a difficult proposition, one that you don't even necessarily believe in. How well do you do? Few would perform as well as Buckley did under these circumstances.

You’ve conserved your virginity quite well, there’s that.
CIA plant designed to destroy conservatism
Gay nigger who wrote about being a gay nigger
James Baldwin, he wrote Raisin in the Sun, and was vocal during the Civil rights movement. He had a lot of insightful things to say.
Many such cases
If Americans ever manage to extend their political horizon beyond flavors of liberalism, they might actually develop a conservative movement and an actual Right.
You think talking heads who are known for appearing on TV are intellectuals? Lol!
Spiraling either way isn’t a good idea, Aristotle spoke of a “mean”
That’s cool, I don’t really care
Jew detected
>asks a question
>gets an answer
>I dont care bro
Sooooo cooool
America doesn't have and has never had any
'conservative intellectuals.' What passes for 'conservatism' in America is based on the worship of a 250-year-old liberal document drawn up by Enlightenment revolutionaries, laissez-faire economics and evangelical Protestantism, none of which are either genuinely conservative or mutually compatible. The incoherent conservatarian ideology created to justify simultaneously believing all these things inevitably collapses under the weight of its own contradictions and so can only breed unthinking anti-intellectualism.
never knew the guy. But I saw an interview he made to Borges, it was interesting since usually they bait him into talking about politics

The definition of conservative isn't fixed like that. Conservative just means "to conserve the present status quo." In an enlightenment focused paradigm, a conservative is one who wishes to uphold the present paradigm. In the Roman Hellenic period, a conservative was the same thing, and would have been railing against the Christian liberal hippies.
There's no doctrine of conservatism, it just means one who wishes for things not to change.
I agree that conservatism isn't really fixed like other ideologies are and takes many different conflicting forms. I just find American conservatism, with its commitment to libertarianism (and simultaneous hatred of the inevitable social outcomes of libertarianism) and Christian values (which are in direct conflict with the individualism and free market they champion), uniquely self-contradictory and therefore uniquely unintellectual.
Fair enough
what is the direct conflict between Christian values and the free market?
That's not true AND degrees don't matter.
There is nothing to conserve. Leftists won and have a culture they want to preserve. Right wingers are the new agitators and leftists are the new reactionaries.
I mean he led them to SF tier opinions
Take your meds
Borges is annoying.
When we win, you're getting thrown into an oven.
>but he probably led a lot of people to Sam Francis territory
His political maneuverings and purgings in the 60s/70s ensured that did *NOT* happen. Did you actually try to figure out what Buckley did?
He's right. What's left to conserve?
abortion? lost. interracial marriage? lost. faggot marriage? lost. fag adoption? lost. renting wombs to sell children? lost. trannies are women? lost. christianity is the national religion? lost.
You're contradicting yourself dumbass
Liberals rule everything. Liberals are not leftist. Liberals are moderate conservatives.

Abortion has walked backwards from where it was before. Transgender rights are getting worse in red states, the Supreme Court is majority red, Healthcare is at a standstill, the market is working as intended even if it sucks, interracial marriage is still small compared to white and white, Christianity is still the most popular religion in the world. You are winning, so once in your life, stop being a whining bitch. I know it's hard for a conservative to do, but an effort can be made in not shrieking your non-existent pain like a baby 24/7
ty for these redpills
you libtard tranny
>Transgender rights
1) No one knew what a tranny was 12 years ago, then all of a sudden you faggots pretend your existence was enshrined in the constitution.
2) Roe vs. Wade was decided on flimsy grounds, it was always going down. Democrats had 60 years to put abortion "rights" through Congress and they never did. On top of that, even making abortion a states issue, most states are still more liberal than all of Europe
3) hang yourself
1)Trans people are referenced all the time in history. It was never mainstream in America due to the prevalence of protestant values and how hostile people were towards any "deviant" behavior. Would you say your trans/gay/lesibian if it could harm you emotionally/physically, or you'll lose your job?
2) True. But making it a state issue will only breed more hostility the longer abortion is demonized by red states
3) Do you ever just throw insults without thinking about wanting someone to commit suicide? I'm 99%, you're projecting this desire
kek good one
retard alert
cause there's interesting discussions/threads only on /lit/ and /his/, there are less discord /k/ trannies here than on /pol/ shitting up the board and can actually think about a reply instead of spurging out zoomer style with the thread ending soon
protestant calvanist values mixed with freemasonry is how britian and America came to be degenerate
degrees double as toilet paper
who's the Buckley of today
What "purges" did he actually do? He literally associated with Revilo P Oliver (and didn't purge him). That guy was further right than most people today.
there was nothing pagan about spengler's view of half-christian faustian spirit.
Evola also started calling himself catholic-pagan.
Destiny, please leave and never return.
Found the gaslighting Jew
what about Russell Kirk, Richard Weaver or Sam Francis?
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I'm not convinced fascism will win until you can occupy a campus for weeks with annoying but rhythmic "sound off" chants.

>D-E-I. has. got. to die!
sound off
>West has fall. now. we. lose our mind!
It was Yale's fault for being a haven for godless degenerates
>The greatest Conservative 'intellectual'
Colonial powers, wherever they may have existed in the world, never needed to 'justify' their ambitions beyond the mere desire for expanding their power. I'm not sure why you or Chomsky deem it necessary to give a reason, it's just opportunism and greed, it justifies itself. I'm stronger than you, and you have something that I either need or want, so I'm going to take it from you. Algerian pirates didn't need permission to rape, pillage, and slave their way around European coasts, the French and US Navy didn't need any justification to crush them and colonize their land, the same way Iberia had been colonized by those same North Africans for many centuries before.

"White supremacy" is something that certainly does not exist in any meaningful capacity in suicidal western countries that routinely hold open the doors and subsidize foreign demographics that are quantifiably orders of magnitude more criminalistic than the natives, Netherlands being an easy example. Those same aforementioned Algerians are all too happy to express the wonders of their long and proud culture of raping, pillaging, and sexual crimes throughout Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam...
I'm not convinced that there is any "White supremacy" in the US where the largest and most prestigious investment banks have organized and implemented extremely well funded diversity recruitment pipelines, nor where top universities accept non-White students according to a racial quota to the detriment of White applicants, and especially East Asian applicants, a practice which has been rendered illegal.
Naturally, these universities do not care, they will continue. In France, you have to attend cram school for two years before attending a week-long examination that determines which ~300 some students will be accepted into top universites and be granted government stipends as an investment in their futures. In the US, you need to write "black lives matter" 100 times on your application form and be black to undeservedly receive an acceptance letter from Harvard.

If you want to talk about French corporations holding monopolies over particular industries in former African colonies, I don't see how this is racially "supremacist", it's corporate opportunism and ambition. Are all the corporations aiding the Belt and Road Initiative "Sino-Supremacists" for exploiting the weakness of African nations and the utter corruption of their leaders? Obviously not, considering that this same Chinese government and corporations routinely exploit their 'own' people.
>Trans people are referenced all the time in history
No? What on earth do you even mean by "trans people"?
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>The greatest Conservative 'intellectual' was a liberal
Fixed. American politics are a cancer on human thought.
A Bachelor's then was worth two Doctorates today.
The Right always loses today's battles only for The Left to cede its victories in the future.
yea cause venetian jew bankers didn't find a home in protestant amsterdam and then in protestant britan, that totally never happened, it's the muh evil catholic jews, fkn idiot
>It's never needed justification
>proceeds to provide justifications
Oh, but it does and always has. Power always needs a justifying mythos so people keep accepting it.

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