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How do I find an HSTS tradwife who deeply understands that a woman's place is in the kitchen?
You don't want a tradwife. You just want to never do household tasks and have sex on demand. You'll never find a wife in general because you don't actually want a wife and have no respect for women in the first place. No women will be interested in you. Men like you sometimes end up married to desperately poor mail-order brides, but you are just an unstable meal ticket and immigration paper to them. Otherwise, you might find some desperately unwell woman who feels she deserves her fate. She will never really love you, though. She'll fear you and grow to resent you. You won't find love the way you currently are because love is built on respect and understanding. Maybe you will blame women or your looks or society, but one day you will look in the mirror and see yourself for what you are. You can always change, though.
Um but I do want a tradwife.
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The kitchen is too important a place for a woman to be. My future wife needs to clean the home sure but she will eat my cooking, I will make us all of our meals everyday.
that's not very traditional
this is a good idea and I will marry you
ever so slightly misogynistic but incredibly hot, great husband material
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I'm slightly misogynistic and thank you.
My ancestors will forgive me
What are you talking about I'm a dude
I'd cook for my boyfriend but if he ever started talking like this I'd fucking hurl and I'd have to break up with him
hi u can find one in my dms as long as we have kids
I'm down
Can you cook pizza? What about burgers? If so, I'd be down. I just don't wanna eat any fuckin vegetables
Pizza and burgers are easy but what's wrong with vegetables?
Why can't you collab in the kitchen...at least let me peel the carrots and the potatoes!... oueh
How do I find a HSTS gf who understands that a woman's place is in the office, working a pointless but cushy and wellpaying busywork woman job so that she can support me?
I can let you peel carrots that I don't mind I suppose. I like the potato skins and usually leave them though.
I peel them for curries so that they get soft and delicate desu
Alright that I understand
I will never understand dudes who want their wives to be lazy bums. This isn't the 19th century anymore, we have appliances that make chores way easier to do. Housewives in 2024 are just leeches.
But I WANNA be a lazy bum who does chores and makes music
And I want to be rich and shit ice cream
The reality is far worse than that. By doubling the labour available for the workforce they effectively devalued workers. Most families require both partners to work and home appliances don't cut it. That's why most people are miserable, they work jobs they can't stand for most of their week, they live off of chicken nuggets and doordash and everything around them simply degrades.
The housewife is a myth and anyone who can afford one certainly isn't getting a tranny.
I am a single tranny with a job who cooks for herself every day and is confused which part of the chicken is a nugget?
can someone wife me already so I can quit?
You forgot "doesn't know how to read"
I am rejecting your notion and hoping to become a wife there are men on this board who will play me after I roast them a chicken
sure there are, hon
Can you actually afford one? Do you have a house? Or are you one of those losers who "wants" a tradwife, but also expects her to work 9to5, pay for mortgage, and other non-trad bs?
>I am rejecting reality
>or are you one of those losers who want to marry a functional human being
dudes just follow the "happy wife, happy life" stuff they heard from their dads without considering how it's going to feel babysitting an adult womanchild your whole life, or worse, expecting your kids to.
That's the thing tho, OP asks for a tradwife. Trad lifestyle is very different from modern "functional human being" lifestyle. If she has to work a fulltime job outside her house, if she has to contribute to the mortgage payment, she's not a tradwife, she's just a modern woman, a feminist, basically an antithesis of a tradwife. It's literally the tradhusband's duty to provide the money, the house, etc.
but isn’t it the wife’s duty to provide the children… my pussy won’t make any children no matter how many times he plaps me
Meet me when i was 20 and naive. Already had a man break my heart tho. So transbian now
It is society. Women used to all be trad, and far happier.
The tradwife's duty is to do the chores, housekeeping, etc. Giving birth to and raising kids is her duty as well. If you can't do that, guess what?
Similarly, if a tradhusband can't provide for shit, doesn't have a house, etc, and if he wants his wife to work a fulltime job on top of all that, he's not trad at all. He just wants a nanny, a replacement for his mother.
They make me wanna puke

Then do it bitch

To be fair, if you're not gonna split the chores 50/50 expecting the woman to also work and care for kids and stuff is fucked up
That's right, tradwives aren't a thing anymore, the economic and social window hasn't existed for a long time. So the whole meme kind of falls apart under scrutiny. I guess you can still do the 1950's housewife LARP if you're affluent.
I’m hoping if I can’t make babies I can still do the chores but I’m afraid I’ll just become a maid for a better woman
Yeah, the trad lifestyle is largely reserved to people with a fuckton of money. Most people nowadays can't even afford to buy a house on 2 incomes, like, they literally can't qualify for a mortgage because they don't make $100k combined, like, you need to make slightly over 90k to qualify for a mortgage for a 300k house. Meanwhile the median household income these days is just $75k and due to inflation and stuff the median income actually keeps falling down.
how can two people not make 100,000??? I make more and I’m only one person
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Because the average person in the us barely makes $40k a year. It's even worse for non-whites and non-asians. People keep forgetting how actually fucked most normoids are, that's why so many people run to social media and shit to escape the grim reality.
Oh shit. I'm 20 and easy to maipulate
is this limited to those employed, or is it the entire population? theres a lot of retired people, disabled people, and just people not working in general.
That's the real median income, median is fairly representative of the real situation unlike mean/average which is heavily skewed thanks to super poor and especially super rich. For instance, I earlier mentioned that the median household income is around $75k, the average is around $105k, it's $30k higher thanks to all the super rich folks who make hundred times more money than plebs.
but these numbers are all less than my income as one person shouldn’t two people make at least twice as much?
You simply live in your bubble, that's what "normal" to you. To be in the top 10% of the us in terms of income, you need to early a bit over $165k, meanwhile 1%ers earn over $820k, and that data is from 2021, there's no newer info atm. If you say that you earn over $100k, you're literally in the top 15% or so, like a 13%er.
numbers are scary
My boyfriend said I'm not allowed to do much cooking when we move in together which worries me because I derive value from cooking for other people
I've never held an over the table job for more than a month so I think I might have to be a housewife. I don't think I'm good at jobs
Jobs are hard, you're not wrong
I have trouble doing things I'm not told to do and also I forget a lot ànd I'm kinda slow and dumb
Only a little bit, I got adhd or something
that's not a real thing
you'd have better luck if you dated AGP trans women
do straight AGPs attract gay male chasers?
i'm willing to do all household tasks aslong as he has a fulltime job.
t. hsts
Well first, don't use terms like HSTS, no trans woman worth anything is going to go for a guy who calls her a homosexual man.
I don't care if you think trans women aren't real women or whatever, just think of it the same way as how a husband might tell his wife she's the most beautiful woman in the world even though that is obviously not true, you want a woman to like you, you have to lie to flatter her and treat her like a woman.

Second, I imagine you just have to look. I'm a trans woman who fits that description (in the sense that I am a trans woman who exclusively likes cis men, wants to get married to the right guy, and wants a traditional marriage where he calls the shots and I take care of him and the house), though I'm currently too early in my transition to consider a relationship.
Point is, we exist, literally all you have to do is be willing to tell me I'm a real woman and treat me like one while also being a decent man in general (strong, protective, capable of being a provider, etc).

So I guess just look and drop the Blanchardisms, you'll have no success if you keep using that shit (really shouldn't be a shock that trans women don't like being called a man by their prospective husband).
HSTS means you used to be a homosexual man, but then you transitioned, that's why its HSTS and not just HS
learn to read
No it doesn't.
It literally means "Homosexual Transexual".
Look it up.
Again, though that doesn't matter, what's correct is irrelevant, if you want a woman to marry you, you have to be willing to lie to her so that she knows you care more about her than the truth.

Like seriously you think women aren't aware the lies are lies? We all know, a guy lying to us because shows how much he cares about our feelings, so just call us women, not HSTS or AGP or even "trans women", if you REALLY want a trad wife for the long haul, you will accept that you're gonna have to lie and ignore reality in these small ways that flatter her (true for all women btw, not just trans women).
>HSTS tradwife
disgusting unless she's part of a harem with a cis woman who can bear you an actual child
Just saying that while I would not be okay with my husband having another woman, I WOULD be okay with getting a surrogate for us to have a baby together (his semen, probably the surrogate's egg).
Though, if by the time we get there the tech to turn my skin cells into eggs has been perfected for humans, then I would want to use my lab-grown eggs so the baby belongs to both of us genetically (it's a real thing, look it up).
twinkhon tops
gay in the sheets
straight in the streets
Then marry me.
Actually her place is in the library with me.
>surrogate's egg
don't do it!
bitches be trippin'. she could change her mind, keep the baby, and charge the sperm donor child support. just adopt like a normal person.
The wedding is Saturday at 3pm don't be late
indoor or outdoor?
Indoor due to rain concerns
gosh the amount of fucking retards in here

look buddy, trans women were socialized as men, even if we didn't like it, we usually make better men than men because we don't believe in toxic masculinity. Literally we were better men than you'll ever be. That's the first point. The second point here is that we make more money than you and if you want a "TRAD WIFE" you can bet your smelly ass we want a super-hyper-trad-husband where you make at least twice as me. That's a tall order. So can you afford me? no, you can't. Specially when you are a whining manbaby who asks on 4chan. Look for women in real places, not in this failure of a place, loser. And be white and affluent. Then maybe you stand a chance.

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