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Radio/Stream Schedule: http://imas-db.jp/bangumi/
A&G Radio Player: http://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php

iM@S VA Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C-DamOHRSZQvhhAow458luQ43ohnHs6kETyP7dMTBbA/htmlview#
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Previous Thread: >>46513388
Notto disu shitto agen
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God I hate her.
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Cameraman has one job
I wish I was that black stripe connecting her panties to her socks
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No. What I am saying is I would like to have unprotected intercourse with Megu Umezawa for the sake of both procreation and pleasure.
Lewd thread.
So no burg for Meg? A shame, ai like hamburger.
Why is she always kneeling?
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She's waiting.
For what, anon? For what?
When did you last tribute to Machico?
I'll post one tomorrow.
Can someone post Machico wearing a normal outfit for once?
I hope not
Is the OP not a regular swimsuit? She wouldn't look out of place at a pool or a beach
I wouldn't call that outfit normal.
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Love me some Kido.
pb scan doko?
I'm balding and I still have a better hairline than her. If we had a kid he'd be bald at 14. God bless her
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Hegobros... seems like our girl just got infected by Herpes.
Looks like she missed a spot shaving
Is this a real picture or did you do some photoshop shit?
Got it from her twitter.
Seems like it was from a PR account of the mall she performed at and the intern didn't get the memo to airbrush her photo before posting.
I blame the hair dye
that's a big band-aid thing probably covering acne
Jap women eat so bad they still have them in their 30s, grim
igarashi pb when?
she's probably still breastfeeding
Well, she was just in Korea and we all know how she loves her Korean fans, so I imagine she probably got it there
Can you explain this in more highly specific details?
I should be and should have been the one to impregnate so many seiyuu
Dozens of men had their way with Hego, condomless and taking turns. Half of them finished in her mouth (she swallowed obviously), the other half gave her successive nakadashis. Then they switched positions. She was left in a pool of man juice, doing the double peace sign. Or something like that.
>she swallowed obviously
She's a keeper
Hego doesn't deserve these cruel words.
She also didn't deserve herpes but it was her decision to participate in Korean koebuta orgies
We get CG seiyuu and SC seiyuu bully hours but never ML... i wonder why?
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Saying this in a thread with a Machico OP is very silly
See at least minami is wearing a normal outfit here while Machico is wearing something tacky/trashy.
Machico's outfit is not that bad here
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>lol Kido bald
>lol Elena's fat VA
>lol Machico clown outfit
>lol Tenchan exec cumdumpster
I'm probably missing a few. Personally I don't care for Mikku.
>lol Elena's fat VA
For some people here this isn't bullying.
I can fix her...
nagae rika
I can't tell if this is real or fake
Nice veins
Can't tell if this is from that video I posted a long time ago of a nip posting his seiyuu tributes on Twitter.
Very nice penis
Least horny Machico fan.
>6 hours of Machico and dick
What did they mean by this?
oh noes someone posted something edgy on 4chinz I must bebort it!!
If you miss it that much, let's see a picture of your wang on a print out of Machico
We are one thread away from organising a 連れオナ session
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Those are some nice kokkos.
I read her shirt as SEXY MILK
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Mommy tummy!
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I don't think these two even voice act anymore they just go around doing random stuff like they're side quests
First holding a bread festival and now they're DJs
It is pretty funny, but Mingosu at least still does her solo stuff, doing lives and kind of making new songs
Eriko however feels very much like "I've made it so now I'll found a marine research company for *reasons*"
Love Eriko.
What's a marine research company?
I missed it...
A company that researches marines.
Balls to be placed on her face
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>tfw barhopping with DaMayu and Milk Tea after Ado concert, then getting them drunk and fuck them silly in some shady love hotel.
I feel that Damayu would be the better long term gf, but I desperately need to give Nari's tiny frame several nakadashi mating presses.
never stick your dick in crazy
You should not take advantage of drunk women. It is not mannerly.
Cat grandma
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Somehow I have a feeling that Nari is as bogged as Karin.
As the 2nd poster, I didn't specify drunkness. I want Nari to be fully accepting and conscious of her eggs being fertilized.
Can somepne help me find the behind the scenes footage from ijigen fes? I dont know japanese or chinese for bilibili, couldn't find shit with the nonsense I've typed on their search bar
What if she was conscious but not willing?
What if she was willing but not conscious?
>fully accepting
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Got a tramp stamp, she's really going for the full slut look.
What a fucking whore
Where's the lingerie PB?
Surprised she has made this far without any lewd PB or even some bromide.
Even Aya Suzaki and Kiyono had posed in bikini for some fan event goods.
BD isn't even out until August you retard
>Even Aya Suzaki
Need to look this up.
I think it was some limited edition poster for her and Asuka Nishi's radio from couple years ago.
Before she even got married,
Only pic available was just grainy small resolution with watermark plastered over it lol.
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I hate women so much, why do they always get the worst tattoos in the most obvious places
Is that permanent?
It's fake. Her latest single/album has butterflies on the cover.
Actually forgot about this.
Did she get MK Ultra'd?
She's just desperately trying to lose her virginity but nobody will fuck her
Sad. I would know.
I'll fuck you Anon.
Are you a cute female seiyuu?
I'm zero of those things
they were saying it was out already...
Who is "they"?
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Thread has gotten too gay recently, post super girly girls to compensate for it
She's straight but probably gets more pussy than I do anyways.
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Mocho secretly a kusogaki.
yaya's therapy time now
>結構な歳(4○)の男ですぜw メガネスキーで声優ライブ参加とたまにコス写真撮ってます(≧∇≦)
We never had a chance against him
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She's not coming back, right?
I did not expect her or Reina to be out so long. Hope they are both getting better.
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You have to be a balding old bastard if you want to get with this. I thought the Hairdresser-kun stuff was just a joke but I guess that's her type
She doesn't look that good in this pic. Maybe it's just the make up or something.
I don't get what the issue is, she's pretty
There is no issue, she just has unconventional taste.
Pyon is pregnant
So she won't be at the 11th or hotchpotch 2 lives? Kinda weird to announce this now and if she does show up we know she has a baby in her which is even more weird.
Hotchpotch 2 is unlikely to be this year since they didn't give a date, it's probably next year so she should be able to recover in time. Azumin was at Sunrich Colorful 2 months after she gave birth.
Didn't they say 2024 at the 10th final act?
No, they gave no date, it was just confirmed, they didn't even say where it'd be. Only 11th got a date and venue confirmation. I would remember otherwise since I was there.
Ain't no way they are going to delay hotchpotch 2 until next year. Makes no sense to announce it at the 10th when they could have just done it at the 11th.
I am like 99% sure they confirmed Hotchpotch 2 was next year
Which hopefully won't mean no MOIW or AS live for 20th anniversary
IIRC it was mentioned to be next year in a stream recently, but that all the extra info they gave.
They can make the date the big announcement for 11th Day 2.
Well the fucking sucks. 1year+ from now seems so fucking far.
Would you rather not have Pyon there? Also there was no way they were going to have ML idols do 7 lives in just 2 years, 10th tour was already pretty heavy with a live every 3 months. Actually no 8th because 9th was 3 months before Act-1. They needed to be given a break.
Yes we need to get as many lives as we can since most of them are granny ages now. Take this chance now instead when they are older and can't do it anymore.
They're barely in their 30s and Yukiyo has no problem keeping up at 38. Or looking better than the ones in their 20s.
>Yukiyo is 38 and almost 40
Where has the time gone...
I'd be absolutely shocked if Naomi Wakabayashi wasn't at both Hotchpotch and whatever other inevitable 20th Anniversary live they do next year and she's going to be fucking 50 next year. I'm really not worried about the ladies in the early 30s
Imagine being this delusional.
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I agree Yukiyo be mogging some of the younger ones easily without trying.
Is this from a full photoset? Reverse search came up with nothing but she looks gorgeous here
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She always looks gorgeous.
I feel like the announcement was more to shut everyone up about "HP TOO WHEN" and give Act 4 that real banger announcement they wanted to give it there's also the no Kung Flu timeline where they are announcing a sequel to TD but for obvious reasons there was none
How would they do a sequel to TD? Just introduce a new branch but in the 795 universe?
I didn't mean "sequel" in the way of moving some kind of story further, but a new game.
I don't think they can afford launching a new gacha game when TD is dying.
But they did while ML was.
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Why can't this bitch just wear ONE normal outfit.
It's an generic idol outfit.
You want that to be changed you need to work on the entire jp idol industry.
>It's a generic idol outfit.
I want to put a baby on that tummy.
I want her to piss in my mouth
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We all do, shame she turned out to be a crazy cat lady instead of passing on her great genes.
She's gay.
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Don't you just hate it when people won't tell you there is something stuck on your teeth?
That's just as bad.
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That just looks like the sailor swimsuit with a skirt
Has any seiyuu ever wore something like this as part of their franchise's lives?
Not seiyuu (as far as I know) but idol groups such as:
Nippon Wachacha:
Jugs Mafia
have done lives like that. I really doubt any im@s live event would do this, most of the time they nerf the lewder aspecrs of live costumes. Though I'm sure like the likes of Chiaking, Machico, Sumipe, Carin, and Hiichan would be game for it.
Is she really that lewd?
She seems like the SC VA that leans hardest towards lewd appeal. She's not Hina, who's just a constant cocktease, but she has a couple of gravure photoshoots and voiced some girl in a borderline pornographic fantasy slop anime.
There is still a huge difference between doing photoshoots and doing it live on stage.
>voiced some girl in a borderline pornographic fantasy slop anime.
Still, doing trashy shows doesn't mean much. Even someone like Saori Hayami starred in stuff like Seikirei during her humble beginings, also Asami Imai, Hiromi Hirata and Airi's VA who's name escapes me were in Senran Kagura
And Eri Yukimura and Shino Shimoji voiced girls in DOAX Venus Vacation
So I don't think roles translate to how willing they are to tease IRL
I love Koroazu
Was making her do Kokoro Excercise an act of bullying?
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How does she get more fat every year?
Eat a lot, don't exercise (im@s isn't exactly active choreography wise), get older.
In fairness most of them put a little weight on over the pandemic, and the q@mp flyer outfits made them all look a little larger. It was flattering on most of them but unfortunate for others.
I haven't watched anything earlier than 4th live in a long while so I forgot what she used to look like. I just remember she always has every exaggerated expressions.
love her sweaty smooth armpits
Me when she has her arms raised in the D/zeal outfit
She looks like a different person when she was skinny.
Jesus Christ she used to be cute as hell
Like a cute princess or a doll. I kind of miss the old outfits and makeup styles.
I miss the old simple outfits they are too complicated and flashy these days.
I was mainly referring to the fact that she wasn't obese
i want to see kido ibuki in bikini
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Same, preferably if she's 8 years younger.
Just watched the first Shout out Live PV and I don't know what to think of Hego's successor. I really don't feel like she fitted the role of center girl very well.
What did she wear in her recent PB?
Isn't she like 35 now? No thanks
Give or take 9 years
She's probably younger than 80% of the people in these threads.
talented anyways
Adding the little shoulder cover makes the sideboob so much sexier and I can't explain why
How many oji-sans are here?
It makes the sideboob stands out more.
color contrast magic
Depends on the definition. You probably have a few balding already but can't imagine many over the age of 40.
What if I'm balding and under 30, can I still be an oji-san?
Not balding as much as her.
This guy about to fuck Mai frfr
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Hina needs to lay off the creampies
She loves our creampies.
Rika Hina 3P
What makes right better than left?
imas is ded and the horses killed it
Okay, horsefucker.
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Centre column are the members most likely to be on the receiving end of a gangbang.
Thanks, every time I see this image in the catalog I get the sudden urge to masturbate to MachiMachi.
Can this bitch just wear ONE FUCKING NORMAL OUTFIT
Is Hina or Saya the bigger slut?
Is that 天晴乃愛 top centre?
Bottom row too
Back off Runrun
That ugly fuckin outfit for one
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Yukinee is approaching 40 and mogs her younger colleagues even without make up and filter.
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She is so beautiful it's a damn shame she isn't going to pass on her genes. Wish she wasn't a lesbo.
She could still artificially conceive with Mocho or other girls, right?
Like they could mix their eggs or just clone themselves.
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Yeah but that's more of a western thing. I don't think eastern countries do this. Also I doubt Mocho would accept that they barely hangout anymore.
Who does she hangout with now?
It's not fair

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