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since neither has a thread up right now, post the vampire and maid
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what did Silent Sinner in Blue mean by this?
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God I wish I was Sakuya
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would she order from the kids menu at applebees?
nah she's a proper lady who eats fine cuisine like steak (extra rare)
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She's such a dork and yet so cool
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she infected
You brought this on yourself, Remi.
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Vampire Sakuya Lust-o-meter is off the charts. she can even rival Sex-Flan and Sex-koa
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I like it but aren't sakuya's proportions in the bottom half rather... off?
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lungs filling up with tainted feet air!
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I'm gonna BEAT the shit out of this vamp
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Get out of here Cirno.

Skuy is just watching this with a nose bleed.
Cute remi dress
Remi tits too big. But I love the idea she had to wear open back clothing to make room for her wings. Very sexy.
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The ojou-sama is flat! FLAT! And I wouldn't have her any other way.
how does she drink that way?
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Very carefully.
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If you tap against ojou-sama's chesst rapidly, it sounds like you're knocking on stone
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Everday I wish to have been a girl with moderate sized boobs so I could fill Remi with cute envy every time she saw me.
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Blasphemy. I hate that this image exists.
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I don't now how I sat through that
i have
so many questions
Fuck off to >>>/d/ nigger
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Did you really have to try and one up that? I hate that this video was made, I hate who made it, and I hate you for posting it. May all involved die a painful death.
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Alright anons, I wanna know. Ouju sama with white silvery hair or light but bold blue hair?
Ouju sama with white silvery hair stained from my cum.
I'm jealous of Remi. I wish Sakuya would change my diaper whenever I make a messy.
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We already have Sakuya for the white hair. The ojou-sama should have blue hair. Maybe purple. Not sure why her hair varies so much though.
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what's her best look? I really like her Curiosities of Lotus Asia outfit and Touhouvania outfit
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also this, she fits light and pastel colors so well
Imagine the view from the other side.
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Im a massive CV fag, so of course her Koumajou Dentsetsu outfit is the best.
it slaps hard, so does her songs from the sequel:

what a muse she is
Remi always gets such cool figurines
Cute Remi heels
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How about some tactical 2hu?
Sakya can pull off being both feminine and masculine beautifully
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Such a tasty meido.
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Yes. Tasty.
My meido is not a masochist! She may be a pervert, a sociopath, a mental asylum escapee, a masochist, but she is NOT a gigolo!
... What did her armpit taste like?
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>not a masochist!
>,a masochist
But I like to imagine Sakuya (and her fluids) taste vaguely like tea. Kinda like how Remi (and her fluids) would taste vaguely like wine.
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Sakuya would never!
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Yeah, haha, who would ever want that, right? It's not like I fantasize about it near daily or anything.
Remi preys on men CENTURIES younger than her
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>a pervert, a sociopath, a mental asylum escapee, a masochist
Stop projecting through my meido, kudasai.
And how old is Remi?
Old enough to know better!
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Is it really “preying on” if I want it?
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you are her prey and food. nothing more
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Not the fantasy I’m going for but sure. I’m fine with Remi voring me.
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Why is she black
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Remi is a cutie sicilian. Flan is french. She grows olives in the SDM garden.
*She gets Meiling to grow olives in the SDM garden
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Meiling is a firey scot
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cute little toes
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i creampuffed your sister last night
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Yeah, who would want to fuck her tight cold cunny? It would be too tight, wouldn't it? I definitely wouldn't enjoy it or anything, and I certainly won't be aroused by her delicious prepubescent child body.
Careful Anon, they haven't been washed in quite a bit!
get fucking shot.
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Does Remi have half an ass cheek here?
You can see the lines of her left leg so the other one is still there.
It's an impression from where her Pichuuns usually go, Sakuya forgot to make sure she was wearing them in that picture.
Yeah no man/woman is pedo/necrophilic enough to be aroused by Remilia Scarlet's undead delicious child body that looks like a 10 year old uoh
Obviously he's schizophrenic.
Remi found out your greatest secret
hahahaha, if she really did, then she wouldn't be smiling.
That I want to drink her pee?
She knows thatI shat myself at a walgreens and ran out without paying for the carrots I had in my hand at the time and spent the next three hours sponging liquid shit out of my pants in the shower crying?
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Damn anon. That's rough.
It's OK because Remi soils herself regularly too.
I like oppai Remi
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Only her sister can have boobs.

Anon you could've just thrown out the pants and saved yourself time
He's low functioning.
Why is /jp/ suddenly full of necrophiliac pedophiles?
out of 10!
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What, you wouldn't want this?
For a dead body her womb looks rather alive
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With enough dedication, anything is possible.
I'm going to diablerize this ventrue trash
I'm going to fuck you with a rake for even thinking of trying.
pudgy vs stick
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What is wrong with her? Why is she doing that? Why does she have star pasties on her nips?
Sakuya deleted her WoW account
That's what all humans are like when they're being honest.

I'm gonna
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Wow. What a bitch. How could she do that to the ojousama

It'll be fine. Probably.
sakuya would be such a weird fucking human
who the fuck have grey hair at such young age
It's called 'anime' grey, anon.
the west is saved
thats retarded because she is not even anime
this is japan general if i post sakuya in anime it would get me a warning delete or ban
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This is one of the rare few times I'm seriously concerned at the reading comprehension of the average human being
The concept, not a literal anime you tool.
They're just fanciful, fantastical beings that don't have to adhere to the boring, common sense norms of meatspace world.
thanks for your concern but im fine its sakuya hair colour that you should be more concerned about
that is a funny image of alice and her am i retarded grimoire i also have a similar image to this but it is not as funny
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Five hundred long, sweaty, smelly years.
you are very rude i am not a tool, it is you who seems to be a tool using words like meatspace world that you must think are so cool and different to use
anime as a concept is japanese animation and should be a category under japanese general but it is not
Akyuu and Sanae have even weirder colors...
With Sakuya you could at least use the headcanon of her using her powers to keep herself young not being perfect and her hair "aging" but those other two go full anime/manga aestetic of "screw the rules I have green hair"
purple and green is becoming less weird nowadays there are a lot of young girls dyeing their hair with these two colours and also blue
interesting headcanon perhaps her breasts swelled to different sizes as she de-aged and this would explain the inconsistencies portrayed in breast size in the games
Nah breast size is her space manipulation, she reduced her tits at first since she wasn't used to flying that much, big again in the fighters so their bouncing might distract the opponent and medium size afterwards when she got used to flying.
Or Remi tells her to change depending on if the size of the last maid she has seen in an manga from the outside world idk.
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Shitshit they noticed me
It's probably Sakuya posting.
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No. It’s just me posting.
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What's Remi doing with Flan's recorder?
/jp/ stands for just pedo
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Do you want a child bride?
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what kind of European is Sakuya
French, like Remi and Flan.
What kind of Africans does Sakuya prefer as lovers?
South. The ones that speak dutch or english, although she's partial to Rhodies.
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Every time these pictures get posted the lonely silence of my apartment gets just a tiny bit more suffocating
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I saw this thread on front page. Cool.
Get a Remi fumo you can cum on when you're feeling lonely
How come Remi can give her maid a surprise kissu but if I do that I'm labeled a sexual harasser?
You just haven't tried hard enough.
does anybody have a video of 2 people cosplaying as Sakuya and Remilia kissing and cuddling in bed?
Same. Fictional perfection is so addicting, but so discomforting at the same time. Organic, real stuff can't compare.
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I like to think that they have a funny british accent
>oi you chinese bahstard stop sleeping and go back to woik, ma'am doesn't pay you to snoh at the gait
>sakuyaa I want a cuppa
>aye ma'am
Would another Anon be prepared to make one with me?
This but only sakuya. Remi has an extremely heavy Romanian accent.
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She is british to. She writes in english on FS and ZUN said that she is not descendant of dracula
so she speaks in a really bad romanian accent
What does this look like
Hotel Transylvania
I imagine that while she might be British herself, she moved to Romania to really live that fantasy.
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>She swears that she is a descendant of Tepes
What a dork
Hey, Remi was here a moment ago, where did she go?
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Adult Remi is really something.
Degeneracy. Also not Remi or Sakuya posted.
Anon, Remi is clearly in that pic.
charisma break
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Why fucking live
Who makes kid-sized sexy lingerie?
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I can see her navel
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>Remilia's nudes getting leaked online
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Lady Remilia is advertising SEX!
Remi should turn the SDM into a brothel. Would attract a lot of business.
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Imouto-sama will FINALLY be contributing to the manor
What the hell was posted?

....do it again. I wanna see.
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Oujou-sama got desperate for attention, and took her top off to try and scrape herself back to relevancy.
All it really did was expose her as a hussy. A HUSSY!!
Get back to work Sakuya.
I don't care. Somebody post it again.
>feeling of fear but also arousal that you would experience if you actually met a naked loli vampire
This is why I like lolivamps. I may be a pedophile, but I like challenge.
Jesus are Remilia thread always this degenerate? I just wanted to see some cool and wholesome fanart
use the archive
/jp/ was always like this.
Which one? I've not been able to find one that archives jp
How do you not know this?
Because I'm not a chronic neet and have more than a handful of others I use.
God I want to bury my face in that armpit. I wonder what she smells like.
Pedoya's spit
Just how much liquid fits in that cup?
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I thought it was just porn?
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It stands for "just please drink my blood Remi I want it to nourish you and then cradle my head in your lap and pat me on the head as I rest and recover from the blood loss"
does it hurt?
Reminds me of that one fic where Remilia attempts to endure the urge to suck an injured Anon's blood.
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You know what? That actually describes Touhou fans perfectly:
pedophiles who like challenge
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Remisaku isn't cute, it's uncomfortable to watch a pervert get off by fondling a young innocent girl.
Not every artist follows the same shitty memes, anon.
Does her coffin smell of rotten corpses or does it have a sweet girly smell?
It's noticeably a lot smellier towards the feet end, and has been for over five hundred years.
Remi smell clogged my lungs
Not these fucking retards again...
shut the fuck up sakuya
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Finding Sakuya's hard drives with hundreds of TB of hidden cam footage and destroying it!
Destroying it? Mass copy it and give it to all the lonely Jaspies here.
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Sakuya would edge you for three hours to make sure you release a proper load inside of her Mistress.
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i hate seeing eyes in this artstyle.
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peak romance. I love how Memories of Phantasm based scene on the canon IN dialogue.
Surely we'll get more backstory on Remi and Sakuya's relationship and how they came to know each other any day now... right...?
Mokou cant catch a break, Yukari had the same idea with Reimu here. Who knows how many other human and youkai pairs tried the same thing?
The real funny thing is that she claims this, but she was actually born less than 10 years after Vlad died. If ol' son of the dragon turned as soon as he died, then it actually would be more believable if Remi said she was his daughter than generically saying "decendant"
Instead of SDM it would be S&M.
its a classic Simpsons reference
hahaha it cant be helped...
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She is not good at cooking
but she italian
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What is the daily routine at the SDM?
>wake up
>orgy to sleep
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Remis is so stylish. Her Strange Creators of Outer World outfit so too underrated
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My Lady is so artistic.

Even if she was, I highly doubt her spoiled ass would cook and she'd still make Sakuya do it
You don't expect a little lady to cook for herself, do you?
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I'd marry a bratpire
What's the difference between a childpire and a bratpire?
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This danbooru pool is bloody hot
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what pool?
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sir, finishing this fight.
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Its a modern mirror that she imported from the outside world that is made of aluminium, so she can see her refletion on it, unlike the old silver coated mirrors.
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Remimi looks so cute when she looks embarrassed
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fair enough
Flan has shit taste in mirrors though
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Bratpires need rape correction.
Childpires need consensual loving.
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can you all please stop the degeneracy as post funny stuff
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The cute flurry of little braps means that it's time for the No No Train to start pulling in to Pichuun Central Station.
i piedi
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that feel when no cute vampire loli ojou-sama ;~;
What is she stepping on?
muh dong
my lungs
why do lolicons get off kids stepping on them?
Ojou-sama said "Nah, I'd win"...
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It unironically feels great.
i actually had a nosebleed today now i'm afraid Remi will drink it
Cute hair
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reminds me, I actually painted Remilia using my own nosebleed blood before ._.
adult remi is best remi
most sane Remifag
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You can't just say that without showing us Anon. If you didn't take a picture of it, break your nose and do it again.
>that was my
Your what?
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Sakuya may be young but she is still an adult, Remi can fondle her.
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Ojou-sama?! Do you smell burnt toast?
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Imagine Remi's soft tiny child feet on your rock-hard cock and you'll understand.
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how soft?
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Like a marshmallow.
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it's like silk
>post funny stuff
When I look at Remi I can't help but lol and lmao.
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she italian
she MESSY!!
Sakuya, show this brat some manners!
or mouth
Please don't fuck marshmallows
slay feetniggers
she fuckin that shit up
eat eat eat!
grow up.
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Can I put the marshmallows into my mouth instead?
Good night, pedobros.
Fuck off Sakuya
Both you literal niggers should kill yourselves.
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No u

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