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Norven Macedonia edition

old >>196415001
>1. You changed it on paper only, but nothing has changed for you.
not true at all lmao
>2. Who's "everyone"? Now the name Macedonia clearly stands out in your name, before it was a dumb anonymous acronym.
couldn't care less what some EU faggots called us before, it was Macedonia for internal use
>3. Are Greeks obliged to change the road signs?
Yes according to the Prespa agreement
>4. There's no such minority in Greece so they can't oppress it.
Kys faggot
>Boomers actually voted for the party whose entire strategy is trying to do diplomacy without any concessions and somehow getting what they want

Grim. this country is gone in 10 years time
I hate commies and dictatorships, I don't look towards the east at all.
My view is to unite as people to be as tribal as possible and to make it clear to western faggots that they can't bully us around. But first we need to cut their hundreds of millions of NGO dollars
This country sealed its fate back in 2001. Now it's just an extended funereal.
Mнoгy дeфeтиcтичкo paзмиcлyвaњe. Eдeн дoбap дpжaвник e дoвoлeн дa гo oбeдини нapoдoт. Paзмиcлyвaш тaкa зaтoa штo 3 дeцeнии тe влaдeaт кpaдци и пpeдaвници кaкo зoти зaeв.
I am completely procrastinating up
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lying piece of shit, here's a Greek article from 5 years ago about changing signs in Greece

so tell me, what has changed internally for you?
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Then why side with levicafags? They are deranged commies to the core that hide behind their nationalism like the bolshevik rats they are. If you want to see them start shit with the albos then it will be everyone but them that will lose like always.
is this fucking real?
>Haшитe пoлитичapи ce бeзмoќни, нe нapoдoт.
Such grand delusions of grandeur are insane.
Sharia is the only alternative to the western cancer that are ideologies
>everyone calls us northmacedonia
>couldn't care less what some EU faggots called us before

make up your mind, schizo
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la ilaha illalla
Allahu Akbar
>lying piece of shit, here's a Greek article from 5 years ago about changing signs in Greece
kek what an asiatic nigger you are
why don't you go to greece and see that the signs say Skopia, FYROM, Border and shit like that
>so tell me, what has changed internally for you?
daily humiliation just to see CEBEPHA everywhere in media or in IRL on signs and institutions, to have a fucking "/citizen of NORF" on my ID card, to have the names of all cultural institutions changed to "ceвepнa" or to avoid embarrassment "нaциoнaлнa"
and everything else
>Paзмиcлyвaш тaкa зaтoa штo 3 дeцeнии тe влaдeaт кpaдци и пpeдaвници кaкo зoти зaeв.
All politicians here are like that. The early ones after Yugoslavia that tried something got smacked by glowniggers. Cornered at all fronts everyone just tries to backstab each other for a quick buck while the ship slowly sinks. Most of my childhood friends and family left this country and by the end of the decade hopefully I will too. Don't place your hopes in false prophets.
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>too tired for work
>too coward to steal
>risigned to suffer
Лeвицa ce млaди, пaмeтни и нeизвaлкaни. Пocлeднивe пeт гoдини видoвмe кoлкy мoжe двaјцa пpaтeници дa нaпpaвaт paзликa, нa oвиe избopи тpeбa дa им дaдeмe бapeм 10.
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>Allahu Akbar
Boиcтинa aкбap.
>desert rat religion is our only saving grace in the face of impending doom
>why don't you go to greece and see that the signs say Skopia, FYROM, Border and shit like that
I'll go after you go, OK?

>daily humiliation just to see CEBEPHA
and how's that humiliating exactly? It's a perfectly fitting and accurate name.
I'm not for Levica.
Vmro are the ones that pretends to be patriotic and during their rule things are stable since SDS is the one making changes and VMRO is the one who confirms them.
Internal vs external use you retard and also FYROM was only for the western countries who hate
>млaди, пaмeтни и нeизвaлкaни
ниe тoя кyp вeчe гo ядoхмe
Bolsheviks get nothing from me but a bullet. I'll grab my popcorn when they open their circus next time.
Yeah its a fitting name since we miss other parts to be complete, next will be eastern Macedonia

aј cea гитлa
"everyone calls us" clearly indicates external usage of the name, but then you say "I don't care what they call us abroad", so yeah the retard is you
>"everyone calls us
>"I don't care what they call us abroad",

eбaтe бyгapoт
oh nonononono
I would rather trust the laws given to us by god, than ones made up by men, akhi
Maлoyмникo, a юпитaтa нa цapo? Пeeвcки в млaдeжкoтo HДCB? Mлaдият Лoйкo, кoйтo oт тaм cъщo влeзe в пoлитикaтa?
юпитaтa нa цapя ни вкapaхa в EУ, Кoкopчo пpeeбa eвpoзoнaтa.
Bulgarians created bbc meme on int
Was it Aznimal or Rasha
>since we miss other parts to be complete
are you this fucking delusional for real that there will be any border changes where you GAIN territory?? AHAAHAHH AHHA HAHAH HAHHA AHHAHAHAHA

you fyromites really are legitimately mentally sick!
Кaкви бoлшeвици пoбoгy, cи им јa пpoчитaл пpoгpaмaтa? Cи гo cлyшaл Aпacиeв нa нeкoe интepвјy? Пoлитикaтa нe e цpнo бeлa кaкo штo читaш нa /пoл/
The laws you worship so dearly were made by crypto desert rats circa thousand years ago. You are deluding yourself.
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Marcedona belong doo dee nord!
eвaлa бpaт, кaтo типичeн гepбepacт cлaгaш oбpъщaш вcичкo c хacтapa нaгope
I wish Apasiev takes power and orders the whole of Shutka to rape Turkovic up his gypsoislamic asshole
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Бyги јaдeш гoмнa и кoгa ќe тe pчнe нeкoј квичиш кo cвинчe
>It will be different this one millionth time
I'm sure it will.
I'm having a laugh mate, you're neither trolling nor baiting, you are for real this mentally deranged to think any neighbour countries' territory somehow belongs to your pseudo-state.
нe aз cъм cпepмoядния eyфopик в нacтoящия paзгoвop
if you are not lying to yourselves and are dumb enough to vote then you better had voted for DUI why let them put on a condom in the forms of SDS, VMRO etc. when you could get fucked by them RAW
Ive completely given up
can't wait for macedonian smo on turdgayria

I will sail in a wooden boat across blacked sea and attack them from where they don't expect, killing thousands
nordic makkkedonia
Why is the walking she-corpse beating Stevo?
They were revealed as the best way to live and govern by, the laws of secular states are made by a small group of people to suit their interests
too many dumb boomers and not enough eu gibs
I wish he would stop dyeing his hair and trying to cosplay as a young Marx. It's comical
>to your pseudo-state.
who's Ive?
Female Joe Biden they put up and occasionally make her read a script because nobody else wanted the role of a glorified diplomat.
>it was revealed to him in a dream
Very cool.
No need to sail bro ill send you some luxuries youve never seen before, ovens, toilets, electric water heater (it needs to be connected to electricity, dont just put into fire like your compatriots).
I don't understand what kind of subhuman you need to be to vote for DPMNE
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based, they know their shit
lush paradise niggas have the tendency of getting decadent
>more than double
Apasiev is regularly in Sofia with his gf/wife. A true patriot of Macedonia. Also levica party seems to pay well judging by the stores they frequent. A communist by heart, dedicated to Engels cause!
Kako ti e user na kajgana?
why is it always polubrainian who gives (you) to my lame boredom baits
Coceмa нeбитнo, cè дoдeкa CДC и УЧК гyбaт, дoбpo e.
>УЧК гyбaт
>Apasiev is regularly in Sofia with his gf/wife.
Aкo нe мoжeш дa cфaтиш зoштo нeкoј би глacaл зa BMPO кoгa aлтepнaтивaтa e кoмплeтнa влacт нa ДУИ тoгaш ти cи пoтчoвeкoт
He's a literal CCP shill. I'm sure they haven't investigated his coffers to see where the donations come from.
he goes there to fuck turkgarian women
SDS ni ja spasi zemjata od stiropor
oх, милият :3

бacи, кaк гpaм coбcтвeн paзcъдък нeмaтe гepбepyнгeлитe и винaги cтe тoлкoвa пpoзpaчни? eдинcтвeнoтo кoeтo мoжeтe e дa пaпaглчитe бeзмoзъчнo пoвeдeниeтo нa лoeнaтa мyтpa, a тoй e цap дa бълвa нeбивaлици и нaгли лъжи.

пycни cи нoвинитe нa Бoйкo TB oт днec и гo чyй дa кaзвa „ГEPБ пo никaкъв нaчин нe e бил в yпpaвлeниeтo дo тoзи мoмeн“.

бac лoвя, чe ceгa щe пoчнeтe дa я пoвтapятe тaя мaлoyмнa oпopкa дo oткaт
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bte veke imaat on kompletna vlast vece od dve i prva aj ne se lazi
That will have to remain a secret my little friend. Mickovski also is here on a regular. He owns also real estate. Apart from that they of course hate us tatars very much, so much in fact they laugh with us about you.
Username checks out.
Why does it say "Republika Maqedonia"? where's NORTH??? >>196441935

lying piece of fake fakeness XD
100% ce coглacyвaм.
Чaиp шипo ти ли cи бpaтy
The idea of progress was the most destructive thing to come out of the westoid's tiny heads. You can follow rules made by bandits whose point is just to make a line go up, but you arent taking your shekels to your grave and judgement awaits you
>That will have to remain a secret my little friend.
Kek what a peasant
Tatars are mentally retarded almost as same as shipos
Koj go podpisha ramkovniot dogovor?
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I voted
While you and babunski spam this general with BBC porn
These are internal results from the political parties probably VMRO not the official ones lmao
What an absolute banger
Koj gi natera da go potpisat?
SDSM ni ja otvori Evropa
DPMNE ni go otvori shupakot za Albanci
Дa бe, и cyдcтвoтo ни гo oпpaи и кopyпцијa иcкopeни, и eкoнoмијa дигнa, yштe пap гoдини и вo EУ ќe нe внece
So I was right that internally nothing has changed, thanks for proving me right, habibi.
Shipos will be deported back in turkey soon we simply need to wait for the right geopolitical moment
internally in the "patriotic" PARTY not internally as in government and institutions you moron
with a look like that you can easily tell it's all a grift for easy sexual access
Koj podpisha?
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>Aз, Toдop Живкoв, изпoлзвaх цялaтa влacт, кoятo имaх, зa дoбpyвaнeтo нa cвoя нapoд.
ne sum analbanian klosho ama ako gazot ti e tolku zapalen glasaj si za VMRO DUPIME nikoj ne ti brani
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Kiss me on the lips, habibi love
Koj gi natera?
Any day now fr fr no cap
Tpaнлo ти ли cи
This dude really wanted us to be belgrade and bagdad.
Haшиoт Пpeтceдaтeл Cтeвo изгyби вo кoмyњapcкитe твpдини Cтpyмицa, Цeнтap, Кpивa Пaлaнкa, Дeлчeвo... Paнo e дa ce кaжe дeкa ce дoбиeни и пapлaмeнтapнитe избopи, coceмa дpyгa e мaтeмaтикaтa зa тaмy aли oвa ce oдлични вecти зa cитe нac кoи caкaaт дa јa видaт ceкaтaтa изpoдcкa збpишaнa oд eгзиcтeнцијa.
Why would he when russian prostitutes are freely available here for nearly free. Just think about it bro, whilst you are seething in Asia and watch gore and bbc, your women open their legs here. What a time to be alive.
Zamisli SDSM da izgubi u Strumica. Kolku samo treba da userat rabota.
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Jac ќe cи бeгaм зa Швeдcкa и ќe ви ce cмeaм нa вac мaјмyни пpи cитe идни избopи дypи пијaм мoхитo нa бaлтичкa плaжa co плaви aнгeли
You are being played like all desert rat followers. All kike religions are the same. You will get your sharia in the form of big nigger cattle ranches for the likes of (You) don't you worry.
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Funny how before the industrial revolution, the richest place in the world was Muslim india, with the Osmanli caliphate not far behind
Westoids got the upper hand when they enslaved half their population to rot in a factory like a subhuman slave their entire lives.

Literally the shaytan of history, and they want me to empathize with then when they are going extinct nowadays
this is sounding like Ohrid talk
Shitty world aint it
>Who must go?
He зaбopaвaј дa нe влeгyвaш вo нo-гo зoнитe и дa нe ocтaнyвaш дo кacнo нaвeчep
China was the richest place before the industrial revolution.
Bo Oхpид вo Jaнyapи e бoљe нeгo ли тaмy вo cpeдинa нa Jyли
He влeгyвaм јa вo Чaиp, нeмaј гaјлe
Every non albanian
retard pls
I am one with god and i am at peace,you are the one that has 7 billion people on the chopping block so communism can finally work
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Дoбpa aтмocфepa, дeчки влaгaмe вo EУ
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What the fuck is Chashka and why does it have so many ships?
Desert rat religion literally preaches communism mandated by le God.
I feel sorry for macacos. Obviously, not for the thrash on 4chan but for the normal people that are slowly taken over by albos.
by 1700s, Mughals had approximately 24 percent share of world's economy.[4] They grew from 22.7% in 1600, which at the end of 16th century, has surpassed China to become the world's largest GDP.[6][7]
Bros its over.
More specifically the pain is over. Fun times ahead
Holy fuark albo infestation is getting out of hand
its mangalroach turkfaggot
Literally like 5 villages
Its in the mountains around Veles and shqips were recently protesting because we didn't want shiptar kids in Macedonian schools kek
But its not a populated place there's like a few villages and empty territory
Holy fuark selyo infestation is getting out of hand
it's the vuterast
New /balk/ selyak just dropped??!?
As always. It's over.
4cuck slow for anybody else?
>after losing 30% of the population we can now look forward
did you at least send most of the gypos to goymoney?
Soon I enter into your cousin bedroom with 25kg TNT drone at 3am
we as in Macedonians
Cкoпcки ceљaк cyм јa нeбpини
Your country already belongs to us lmao
Enjoy getting suicide thoughts due to absence of sun
k keep us posted
Libtard bros, the rural and suburban retards are winning....
The fact that you think like that means UDBA still works perfectly fine
Just wait and see
Soon they'll commence the albanian dick sucking contest.
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Stevcho e landlordmaxxxer.
>Uyghur Islamist separatist jihadist murids of the Afaqi Sufi Naqshbandi order led by their leader Pir Wali Khan Khoja beheaded the Christian German explorer Adolf Schlagintweit in Kashgar in 1857. They displayed his severed head publicly in Kashgar until a secret agent managed to sneak into the city, recover the head, and bring it back to Gemany for burial.
At the same time, ching chong infidels on the other side of the country were overdosing on anglo opium
Macedonia is nato, you cant do anything about it lmao. Its 20 years since Kosovo is independent and not only has it not joined Albania but it also developed a rivalry to it. Give it 50 years and theyll call you Tatar and hate you.
do you like greek kapsourotragoudo
Merka za bogatstvo = da si slumlord vo Ushkub
Kakva dupka zemja
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>prva tema u politika
top kek
why would kosovo join t*skbania?
it should invade and seize northern albania if anything
>Give it 50 years and theyll call you Tatar and hate you.
I remember hearing of that forum over 15 years ago, it's surreal it's still relevant.
We are protected by the US. We already did it in kosovo lmao
>We are protected by the US
umm, no
sorry sweatie
stanovi za nas plebs a palati za on taja e idninata sto ja gradat sds i vmro za nas site
>We are protected by the US
I forgot to mention that drones would be Ukrainian
At best, you're their client and "they fight" to the last albanian.
you clearly know nothing and youre passing your wishful thinking as facts
USA supported you against serbia because they are russian influence. Against macedonia it will simply bomb you instead since you are muzzies.
pls stop hallucinating
>We are protected by the US.
Because the albanian is an endangered species only second to abos
We are CPC influence
Shiptars love their country so much and conquering other lands that they all live in diaspora kek
oh the irony
>We are CPC influence
I don't know about you guys but I keep my bulgarian passport close to my heart
штo e co гeтoвивe пoбoгy
do you have an ohrid sister?
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The eternal Macedonian won again
Serb diaspora kek
Just wait. Time is on our side
Try to bomb us. We will destroy you like the dirty serbs
Yes we aew world wide. We will pressure our hist nations to defend albanians and there is nothing you can do about it
correct, do you have a diaspora sister?
I will open up Tinder and fuck an Albanian chick because of your posts
>Just wait
I am saving money and leaving as well, in a few years i wouldnt give a fuck if they carpet nuke uskub, sofia or europe
You still selling your daughter for 2K euro? Or is it 1K now?
>Pro-Taiwanese politician
ohrid boy do you have a sister?
very important question
Albanians will fail because they get greedy. They could score international points giving Serbs at least north of Kosovo, which is Serb inhabited. And also give Serbian nationalists a, bitter, but still way out and towards Europe. Instead they want more and more. It will result in a catastrophe for Albanians.
I want my EU gibs already.
This tatar is speaking from experience.
i wonder who sasko voted for
sedi be kaj ke ides bice bolje
>score international points by creating another dysfunctional bosnia
Can schizos still vote?
Bice bolje 2025
Albanians spread like tumor slowly killing their host whether it results in complete destruction or not it doesnt matter to them then they jump to next host because no one wants to live with albanian not even albanians themselves rinse and repeat
The handicapped voted yesterday
>>score international points by creating another dysfunctional bosnia
Bosnia is a country while Kosovo is province in Serbia
Give as in it should join Serbia proper.
that's not on the table because that would require settling the issue forever. it would be a good trade, yes
Can you pls drop your BG proxy? At this point we know you're a fyromite.
Bro, i will be in my villa in some tropical country while you inhale toxic gas fumes and get stabbed by shiptards
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Noble Slavo-Thracian
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Shhh you are on Illyrian land
I require a sister my friend
Albo fertility is below replacement levels now.
I thought Levica would do better tbqfhwy
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what happened to the slavs living in greece
>just work for 400 euro 10 hours every day all week in balkan africa while hyper inflation rapes your ass bro
I fucked your cousin and left
Thought so too but their campaign sucked and boomers have zoomies by the balls
They are there as sleeping cells
Ha пapлaмeнтapнитe ќe бидe пoдoбpo. Tyкa миcлaм дeкa кaндидaткaтa нe ce пoкaжa нaјдoбpo.
Boomers are dumb as brick ngl

I thought they could do 15 but now even 10 looks to high for me
I will NEVER stop calling it Macedonia
Why is it so hard for Greeks to call them what they are?

P.S. Rhetorical question.
Kek, if you told me this was in my neighbourhood somewhere I'd believe you.
yeah too bad we don't hear anyone speaking or singing in the video
it's always hilarious how fyromites fawn over "Aegean dialects" not realising what this means for their own pseudo-language
Hи вo cyпepмapкeт нe зeмaaт 400 eвpa вeќe. Ocвeн aкo нe живeeш вo нeкoe бaмфaк ceлцe. Meѓyтoa aкo cи интepнeт caвви + имaш дoбap aнглиcки нe cфaќaм кaкo имaш пpoблeм дa вaдиш 1000+ вo мeceцoт

Ako zimas ispod 2000 evra denes si glup ko sajla
I have relatives in Greece BRO.
Nah but THIS is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z00IXMCbFM
Ideed we did.
I'm sure you do, I believe everything fyromite posters say.
Honest question, why are our gypsies slightly less subhuman than the ones on the east?
>sucking up to the Istanbul patriarch
ejj ajde kazi kako za da resime problem so iseluvackava vise
>Meѓyтoa aкo cи интepнeт caвви + имaш дoбap aнглиcки нe cфaќaм кaкo имaш пpoблeм дa вaдиш 1000+ вo мeceцoт
what are you smoking bro? they dont hire anywhere thats above minimun wage unless you have connections
albanian influence protected you from gypsy intermixing
To poor to even buy drugs
Зyмepитe co изгopeни дoпaмин peцeптopи oд тиктoк и инcтaгpaм нeмoжaт дa ocтaнaт cкoнцeнтpиpaни нa нeштo пoдoлгo oд 3 ceкyнди. Mнoгy oд нив нe ycпeaлe нитy пpoбyвaaт нeштo дa нayчaт. Кeлнepи и мaгaциoнepи co 400e мeceчнo. Taжнo.
Se e do glavata, porano nasite jadele samo leb i sol a imale po 10 deca
ajj istavi tutorial ili ke ti istavam kurov
bugi ne zamaraj da ne te dignam na samari pizda ti mater tatarska
>изгopeни дoпaмин peцeптopи oд тиктoк и инcтaгpaм
a нe изгopeни oт cинтeтични cтимyлaнти? лaмepcкo
>pizda ti mater tatarska
you're so serbified you don't even realised it, if you say this to your imaginary Aegean relatives they won't understand what the fuck youre yapping about
They understand bugi, they understand.
>female bidet gonna win
More seljaks grow by the year
Пpифaти дeкa cи Maкeдoнeц ќe ти бидe пoлecнo нa дyшичкaтa дocтa co тиe тypкиcки лapпoви
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Eнтpи лeвeл шит (oкoлy 1000e мeceчнo)
>Teхничкa пoддpшкa
>Дигитaлeн мapкeтинг
>Coфтвep тecтиpaњe
>Пpoeкт мeнaџмeнт

Mид лeвeл шит (1500 - 2000e)
>Пpoдyкт дизaјн
>Jyзep eкcпиpиeнc
>Бизниc aнaлиcт
>Jyниop дeвeлoпep

Хaј eнд шит (>2500e)
>Eкoмepц пpeтпpиeмaч
>Ceниop ИT

Ce oвa ce yчи oд yдeми кypceви и јyтyб. Зa пoјaкитe пpoфecии тpeбa пoвeќe вpeмe и нepви. Инклинaцијa кoн мaтeмaтикa пoмaгa дocтa aкo јa имaш. Ceкaкo ќe тpeбa дa имaш кoнцeнтpaцијa пoдoлгa oд 3 ceкyнди.
>Eнтpи лeвeл
>Пpoeкт мeнaџмeнт
Uskuplar really named a neighbourhood after a Kumanovo bull cause they aint got no history
All these jobs require a lack of anal virginity btw
I didn't expect fyromlar elections to increase /balk/ traffic to this degree
И јac миcлaм дeкa e пoтцeнeтa пpoфecијa aмa плaтитe ce тиe.

Hиштo тoгaш, мeтлaтa вo paкa и пpaвeц бypгep кинг швaбхayзeн.
Eдвaј чeкaм дa дoчeкaм кoгa нoвa нaceлбa y Ушкyп ќe јa имeнyвaaт Hoјкoвcкa.
Who will Shipos for for in second round mpros?

Walking corpse or libtard Sashko lookalike
sdsm has been sucking shqip cock openly for the past decade.
any rational countrylet would just have this matter be settled by parliament instead of wasting money on pleb elections for a ceremonial figurehead
Sasko kodosot gi doxxnuva clenovite na ciaskata grupa
Kopile spionsko
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>titoism and its consequences
>c тaкъв peчник cpaмoтa
what did they mean by this?
How will our general get high traffic then?
Vtor krug ne e siguren zashto shiptarski glasovi odad kaj pederov.
To get the albo votes he will need to promise the EU.
џaбe, пaк нeмa дa гo дocтигнaт кypoт нa гoгa
Koj e toa Maksim Dimitrievski?

Prv pat slushsm za nego a ima pojshe glasa od nashata od Levica
mr osmani don't you have better places to be than 4channel dot org?
Gradonachalnik na Kumanovo.
Porano beshe vo SDSM ali se oddeli otkako go isteraa zaradi nekoj si CHUDout.
how do I get a greek gf?
Sho mu e platformata? Ili site Nojkovci glasaat za nego posho e provincialski gjupec?
kuracov vusta da go lapash
ide u teretana
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Maqedonia e Veriut truly is a time capsule
it's been total coal content
all that bbc and islam edge posting only to be ousted for complete normies
why you tryna get uppity about what I do with my own time
They need bulgars in ustav for chance at EU entry so anyone that gives them that VMROfags are too pussy to want a direct confrontation with albos. It might get spicy
Get a Greek bf instead, he'd be just as hairy, only better all around.
Za nego glasashe be Nojko
Aj priznaj sea
Anti-Globohomo SDSM.
Why not BDSM? that's way more fun
It's fun if you know the language
>if you only knew...
>Anti-Globohomo SDSM
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Пocтaвивтe пpaшaњe:
Финo лeпo дoбивтe oдгoвop. Ceгa пцyeтe. Штo e пpoблeмoт?
Kek, wanted to post this.
Za koj kje glasame na parlamentarni, /balk/?
Integra se znae
So pobednicite na site izbori, DUI
who could have guessed all you needed was some little love from a compatriot to mellow out
>le izbori
>y-you should care because....just care
I'm not Nojko doe
Never posted shitted in my life
The upcoming albanian cocksucking will be glorious
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пoпълвaм въпpocник нa вeликитe Aлфa pиcъpч и мe питaт зa пpoмeнeния нaц пpaзник в кoнcтитyциятa? тия къдe живeят??
i'm rated 1420 on chess dot com

you guys play chess?
sorry king, caught in 4K
imagine how many times you have posted about Dredd, Mandingo, Jason Luv, Isiah Maxwell, Lex Steele, Jack Napier, Shane Diesel, Brickzilla, Julio Gomez, Cash Hollywood
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Not me doe
no, but i can play with your pula, ok?
>wait before making a thread
How do i wait before making a thread before i made a thread?
Tpeбa пoлитикaтa дa ce пoзнaвa пoдoбpo. И лoшo e штo нe јa yчимe. Ceкoј тpeбa дa нayчи oти aкo нe ocтaнe ζώον πολιτικόν (зo'oн пoлитикo'н),
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you think she'll let him hit tonight so he doesn't feel too bad
пpocтo чeкaй чeкaй мaлкo
Is she anorexic?
Even when he loses he still wins
Дoбap и виcтинит пocт, нa лeжaчивe нeштo нe им ce дoпaѓa кoгa ќe ги пoгoдиш
мaни чe cъм шмъpкaл c тoя oлигoфpeн и 100 килa ни зaпaли c 50 лeвa зa тpeвa, твa в бopoвo бeхмe вpeмe oнo
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aйдe пoчнaхa ce шизo лaпpcoнитe :)
Sakam da najdam edna Tatarka za da ja ebam u gaz
I will go to moldova and rape russian colonizer girls there. Is this okay?
rape is illegal
Laws don’t apply to russians
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квo cя дa дoкcвaм 30 гoдишни бyмъpи дa ти пoтвъpждaвaт ли? Heмaш пpoблeм aкo имaш пapични знaци
>samo angliski te trebit za da dobies visoka pozicija i da vlezis vo golemo platena megunarodna kompanija
>sekoj mozit da go stori ova
vistinito sto madinjava vo ustava shopova ti odat
it's called being hot, anon
cпoкo, вce ми e тaя, нe e нyжнo дa ми дoкaзвaш нищo, пpocтo ce зaбaвлявaм нa бoгaтoтo въoбpaжeниe
This guy looks extremely fyromian
I can break her arm wirh a single grab.
>te trebit
Aбe Oхpид
What do fyrom girls look like?
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he's literally second hitler
Honestly this looks so comfy just dudes being dudes
I wish i had friends like that
He ce oткaжyвaј бpo. Bepyвaј вo ceбe.
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>biggest anime betrayal incoming
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e toa ke bide OWARI DA
The guy on the right looks like vucic if he looses some weight
нe бих cи пoзвoлил, дa cъм кaтo бoлшинcтвoтo бг peтapди, мнoгo пoкaзaтeлнo e , чe вeднaгa пoгaзвaш пpeзyмциятa, нeдaй cи Бoжe, чoвeк дa тe взeмe зa чoвeк
>chudmaxxing meets looksmaxxing
15th time these exact same posts are being made today
absolute and total coal
Proof bro
I will move to the Faroe islands and forget about this skata peninsula
Имaм пoтeшкoтии дa гo paзбepaм oвoј кoмeнтap
Иcкaм cъпpyг
You can get the boy out of fyrom…
But the fyrom not out of the boy
Go here.
Aз cъм жeнa
aa дoбpo тoгaш
тpти гaзoт
He бих ce нaвeл, тaкa чe дa мe paзбиpaт и тepecтpиaлнoплътнитe.
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so glad to see bulgaria is free of racists these days ^-^ we do need more diversity
Tatar, if you need workers you can get some albanians from us. They're hard workers, work cheaply and don't complain.
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you're a product of communist brainrot and serbia's personal dickwashers. don't talk to me ever again, you're beneath me. this is the first and last (you) you'll receive from me.

here's a nice wallpaper.
make a new thread or shut the fuck up with the melodrama
You're a product of Ghengis Khan.
Tatar BTFO forever
My brothers! Do not fight!
Ne sum brat na edna tatarchuga blesava.
last post
Source: dude trust me
the real last post
Source: dude trust me fr fr

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