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>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7135499
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Fuck you assholes. I’ll post here, anyway.
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What’re you going to do? Delete my posts? Ban me? Tell me my art sucks and I’m not wanted here? Hah! Been through all that.
He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
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Who's he?
The guy who made those shitty sketches.
Talentless aphantasic permapresubbegletcel
is gold and should stay
qrd? I missed the drama
No drama. Guy comes in, people critique his art, he thinks we're ripping him a new one, calls us all shit, fucks off.
And by “critique his art” do you mean genuine critique or the usual /ic/ crabbing?
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>Hah! Been through all that.
I know it's you.
But no, some people genuinely tried to help him. He can't see it though. Genuine brainworms.
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cropped comm
Good pawbs.
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sculpting muscles over skeleton, need to redo the shapes after looking at CT cross sections. The muscle diameter shapes aren't correct.
Wish I could find lessons on drawing furry heads that isn't
>draw a circle
>now draw the rest of the fucking wolf
>actually referring to irl-accurate musculature diagrams
autism or constructoid? YOU decide
What's wrong with that, anon?
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This thread needs some Braixen!
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This thread was made too soon. The old one should have been allowed to archive. This is splitting the discussion.
noone asked phoneposting faggot
Complain more, bitch.
furries have the best shape language
I didn't know that you are vorefag, anon.
Me on the right, i'm disappointed.
No, I'm not a fucking vorefag.
Have you tried it?
No dude.
Based exiledchad.
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I must do the doo doo
Yhr dooodle
So I can /dad/ with /fag/

... I am very tired
Mogs me
looks gay to me
>people who draw with the generic-ahh anime-adjacent art style are now getting suspected of AI usage
lmfao, truly
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domestic violence
Sketching sheep from previous thread. I'm not quite good at some nsfw stuff, but that's fun.
Also, her name is "Hana" and that sketch from bottom right will be her final body type.
Critique if you will.
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Hot girl and raccoon action!
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What a refined gentlemen!
60’s/70’s chic is so underrated, I love it.
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some hand warm ups for anon
blog please.
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This dang DOG is being IMMODEST on the streets of GAY PARIS!
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just a yapping kobold

Great hands, love this stuff
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Im practicing colors, still suck
gmi FR
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am i furry enough for the furry club
These are so nice!
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My cutie Bora!
You are to good to be here, you are free to go
I love this
Yeah it has SOVL for days.
Not bad, speaking as someone starting to learn digital painting after a 10 year hiatus, rendering and color are a bitch.
I have an anatomy question. This isn’t my art, but I was wondering if the tail placement was off. I’m pretty sure the human tail bone is little bit lower.
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Learning new shading tricks, they should hopefully speed up my process.
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I would agree, looks like it's attached just a bit too high. picrel for ref
Thanks. I had a general idea of where a tail bone should be, but I had no idea where it would be in relation to all the flesh; Will save this for later.
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he made 3 tutorial images for tails I think you'll like. I'll dump the rest for the thread
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Can someone point me to any number of furry artists that can do illustrations / full ref sheets and don't charge over $300 and $500 respectively?
How complicated your commission is?
I basically just want to do a male Loona ripoff.
Look around and you,ll find someone who does it for 50
Refs generally don't need to be shaded, but if you think the image needs it, ask the artist if it's possible to upgrade at a later stage
>want to practice
>get annoyed and stop because my brush is annoying the fuck outta me
retarded question:
making money with furry shit
meme or real?
gonna have a rough patch coming up and am open to all in on furry art and build an audience for a year or so until I can get comms
Yes, there's money involved just like all things porn. The problem here is: if you have to ask, don't worry about it. You need to get involved with the community in some way to see your market. Just simply looking into it and seeing how the community is, you would have your answer by now. If you're not willing to look into this then you're wasting your time.
nta, but what are good ways to get more involved in the community? I have an FA and X, but don't know where I should go to expand
Funny enough, one good place is here in FAG.
Simply posting your works and garnering interest, while sharing your twitter/blog helps. Lots of people lurk here. You'd be surprise how many people will follow you if they enjoy your works.
I also know discord isnt a popular thing on the chan, but fact is they use servers that can help you connect with the community and to super boost things, with you obviously providing similar courtesy back.
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I did the thing. It's kind of quick and shitty, sorry. Still trying to figure out how to both optimize my workflow and also not rush, but for some reason I feel like I have to get stuff done as quickly as possible these days.
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Also I finished this recently too. Some people might remember this from a while back. I even still had the censor bar layer I used to block the sketch lmao.
Might get a vacation for this but that's okay. Let Braixen anon the piece for him is on my FA if I explode.
Also, if anyone can give me Braix-anon's Twitter again so I can link it in the upload, that would be great. I think I forgot to follow him.
She thicc
it's the complaining edition
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getting a bit comfier with actually finishing things
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took a break from posting to learn how to actually properly color shit in and render, which i had been putting off for way too long
hi /fag/ im a retard who does his sketches in ms paint but i forget to ink them in photoshop so i have no layers
Export as png and open at PS
Also, post it
Do you have an SFW account?
nah, id rather just post everything to one account
There only porn, but you have pretty good an SFW stuff and posting it here. Why?
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I gave up on trying to colour her
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Most of my sfw stuff lately is studies, which I generally dont post, but Ill probably post more sfw stuff in the future. Compelling, interesting sfw stuff is definitely something I'm trying to improve at as I work on broadening my range of subject material and scenarios. I also just like drawing porn.
so I just saw pics of a 40 year old furry couple
that pic hit me, I had never seen anyone above 26-27 being a furry (mayb I'm just in a bubble)

anyone know any oldass furries?
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the yapper is animated

kobold enjoyers stick together

sup wist :3
I'm 28 and most of my friends are 27-35. We're getting there.
>anyone know any oldass furries?
nigga I'm 34, you think you come out of Disney's Robin Hood unscathed? pshh...
Very good! Why does the lizard have bunny ears though? I'm unsure what this means
Floppy kobold ears are best ears.
time flies huh?
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lets not talk about it
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I did a sketch and basically got carried away with it when playing around with different outfits, but now cleaning up the line work is a nightmare
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Also did this for my other oc but i haven't finished up a lot of outfits just yet
how white are you anons in this thread
>asking in a furry thread if they’re white
very nice artstyle anon
Would, blog?
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any tips on where to start doing furry art?
Got interested from studying Heinrich Kley (pic rel) and Claire Wendling, but don't know where to go from here besies the endless study hole.

Should I make an OC to practise non study stuff?
Do fanart?
Any suggestions from you more experienced furry frens is welcome.
All i use right now is twitter, but i haven't uploaded most of the rest of my art cause im in grad school and working full time rn
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paper and pencil doesnt last long
I’m 32, anon. I’m old enough to remember YTMND and 9/11
I'm 20 and I remember YTMND
It's not that old
I don't know why, but it warms my heart to know that YTMND was somehow a multi-generational thing.
I didn't know this was a girl. :flushed:

Also 34 here. Kind of embarrassing to learn how to draw at my age, but I got nothing else going on, because the world is a fuck.
nta but the only reason i recognize that initialism is because it linked to my website. the fuck is it? is it like icanhascheezburger?
Neither are you, you fuckin' BABY
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Finally got time to start doodling. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Thank you anon, I love it! It looks great, don't put yourself down.
Thanks again, Braix-anon. Are you going to post your Charlotte drawing, or should I? I don't have a Twitter, but I can try and redirect some people your way if I can. Not that you're in any terrible need of followers lmao.
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Will render tomorrow. Boss had a schizo rant we will be living in the 20s again soon so I got this idea
If you want me to upload it, sure! Just let me know.
Sure! It was an art trade after all, no sense in keeping it hidden. It's a wonderful piece!

>fellow 34fag
BASED, you only get to be R34 age once, make good use of it.
Done! And sorry, I wasn't trying to hide it. I just don't post all of my drawings!
being a furry has been a thing since at least 1998 so we are talking about furries that will soon be reaching mid 60s
Being a "furry" has been a thing since the 80s, when the term was coined.
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just brain dumping some poses from imagination
being a furry has been a thing since at least 8000 BC
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Quick Sketch from today.
Don't really have anything extraordinary to say, just, uh, good job. Most of these seem really nice, and I appreciate your dedication to practice.
Keep up the good work broski, your efforts are noticed.
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first articles of clothing were literally animal skins
first clothes were fursuits!

disregard modernity, return to furry
NO. This is what the furry cabal would have you believe. The first clothes were...no clothes!
Disregard clothes!!
blog please if you have one.
Any suggestion about how to learn this stuff? I wouldn't even be able to fit so many poses is 2 pages...
That's just studying the fundamentals and practice, my dude.
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Some color!
I studied a lot of the fundie stuff and it never really did much for me. So I ended up just slowly forcing myself to do cube people from imagination. In between breaks at work, whenever I had downtime. They looked pretty horrible when I first started and they were wonky for a few years. This isn't a drawing method, it's a way to practice and hone your spatial intelligence. I don't sketch like this at all when I'm doing actual drawings.
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>NO. This is what the furry cabal would have you believe. The first clothes were...no clothes!
>Disregard clothes!!
And no clothes means what? Fur, the first humans were def more hairy than us.
First human were literal furries.
Check mate
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Trying to line art her and how she will be looked from the behind
LMFAO all those scribbles just for that form
nta but to me I just like the feeling of creating marks on the page
its autistic af but its soothing to draw messy like that instead of trying to be super neat form the start
is furaffinity still the biggest platform?
or has joining discord servers never having a centralized platform become the norm
FA is still kind of big, but only because it's been around for so long. It's not good for exposure, however. Twitter is still the best for that, as loathe as I am to admit it. I'd still recommend against getting involved with it. It's teetering by a thread. Musk will destroy it any week now.
why is furaffinity bad for exposure?
Because there really is none. You post a thing, it's on the front page for maybe five minutes, and then that's it. Unlike Twitter, where every single post you make can be possibly picked up by metrics and pushed to millions of people at a time.
FA is a gallery site, not a social media site.
This. I've used FA and Twitter for the same amount of time and my FA following is 1/10 the size of my Twitter. Hell, my Newgrounds and Pixiv accounts have more followers and those sites aren't even furry focused.
Isn’t Twitter kind of a dumpster fire right now due to the dunning Krueger elemental who owns it?
Yeah, that's what I was saying. It's still immensely popular, though. Up to you whether you want to deal with the inevitable data-scraping they'll be doing or get out of the bot hell while you can.
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Pitchwar Blackden (But you can just call her Pitch or Pee)
Are twitter alternatives like Bluesky useful at all?

Feeling the form, anon. Felling the form.

>its autistic af but its soothing to draw messy like that instead of trying to be super neat form the start
Yep, caring less about the process makes the results better
the other issue is that Elon made it incredibly NSFW unfriendly, if your account is flagged for that the algorithm will work against you instead of for you
Perennial fuckup Elon Musk
I started bsky around a month ago and twitter a week later, and my posts get 10 times more likes on twitter already.
Yeah, there's way less people. That stands to reason.
Twitter is a bomb waiting to blow. It's just not worth it. And it would burn in a day if it weren't supported by chronically online freaks who won't leave, despite how much they hate the platform.
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Already posted it back then. I kind of wanted to make a blog exclusive for the furry OC's I made but yeah perhaps in the future.
Oh yeah the blog.

Damn I really need to iron out my twit.. I mean X. NG seems to be also nice too along with Inkbunny from what I heard.
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>artist i liked was actually painting over ai images
damn shame when an inspiration turns out to be faking it
AI must be stopped at all costs
This is just going to keep happening, isn't it? Posting AI without disclosing it should be considered a crime.
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Kind of unfortunate mainly because I enjoy their older works. I didn't even know about the ai stuff till recently, but even without that knowledge the drawings felt very bland. Hate to use the word "soulless" but can't think of another term for it. Just looked so boring.
I guess nonoka wasn't feeling it anymore. Vilppu was right. If you're not enjoying the process, it'll show in your work.
IB is nice because it has ways to get noticed outside of being on the front page for 5 minutes. Whenever you fave or watch someone, you get recommended similar artists. Theres also a popular section which isnt too hard to get into, and will then advertise you for a few days. Too bad it allows AI.
AI genuinely feels like world-ending shit but in a much more sinister way than Terminator/Matrix does, but where all information is just replaced with algorithmic garbage and nothing can be verified as real anymore. Wonder how long it's going to take before someone tries submitted false evidence that was AI generated to look real in a court
It wouldn’t surprise me if multiple police departments already do this.
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Maybe I should start studying. Those poses look amazing! How long did it take you to draw all of them?

Btw, I'm gonna try to copy some of them, hope you don't mind!g
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renamon dewdle

sorry to hear that anon. That sucks :(
this will be epic if you progress it. BLOG?
I don't understand that type of thinking, they clearly only crave clout and fame, if they do it they are fully aware that they didn't actually make the picture themselves...
Thanks! I plan to continue with colors and see what I can do with rendering. And here:
I want to make a nsfw visual novel about cat femboys and doberMILFs full of josou seme degeneracy, so bad
What are you studying? Reminds me of ToxFoxDraws boxes.
t. disgustingly based and unafraid neet fujoshi!!!
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How 2 add shading.
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Something I do to keep my spatial thinking sharp. It's just something I do to help with my imaginative drawing posing.
choose a spot where the light is coming from, shade the opposite of what it illuminates
Not the greatest advice. This leads to people painting those weird crescent shadows on everything. You're shading forms, the shadows should be shapes dictated by those forms. It's sometimes better to treat shadows as another form of cast light; after all, there's rarely a complete absence of light (in which case, you'd just paint black).
Another thing you can do is, instead of painting shadows, paint light. Make a layer, fill it with the shadow color, and then erase parts. It's more intuitive sometimes to think about where the light is cast, than all the intricacies of what creates a shadow.
>Not the greatest advice
But what he said is literally true, not less intuitive than "shadows are another form of cast light"
Shade is literally what light doesn't illuminate.
Only thing is light from a spot is harder then light from a direction
I never said it wasn't true. I said it wasn't great advice for painting.
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le renamon is finished


mm box people
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neat drawing you had, but the randering you did is too smooth, almost looks like those bad airbrush paintings

lights can have hard edges too, you made every light smooth

or maybe its just that every light is too close to white no matter the other colors, making it look like you air brushed white all over instead of picking lighter colors for the light and keeping the white-ish reserved only for those very small hard highlights
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work in progress
I tried to keep it simple, if he wants to do it the hards way he should make a separate layer outlining the 3D forms of every body part to paint shade over areas but I assume he's a beginner artist so I don't think he should jump right into the advanced stuff
>Another thing you can do is, instead of painting shadows, paint light. Make a layer, fill it with the shadow color, and then erase parts. It's more intuitive sometimes to think about where the light is cast, than all the intricacies of what creates a shadow.
Myself I do this, it's works for me better
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doodled some expressions

love it!
I really needed this. I'm really weak at rendering and it feels hard to really pinpoint what's wrong in a render, so I'll go back to adjust this and add some bounce light because honestly I wasn't too happy with it myself. Thank you for the critique!
Does black people count as animals?
No, but trannies definitely do.
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might work on this some more once i get off my arse
I know this is bait because no one truly likes you.
>he actually used the "I have a life" line
Oh no no no no no lmao
And I can smell the male off of you from here, mate. Real aggressive. Not very ladylike, I reckon.
Oh no, the Discord trannies have arrived.
Away with you, lads.
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Gentlemen. You can't act like fags here. This is the /fag/ thread!
No fags here.
Just completely straight "women" who just happen to really like dicks. :^)
Can a cat be a MAN!?
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And color!
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Shading was a bit tricky but I think I did alright.
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> think I did alright

I did edit just to see how it will look, but this is unnecessary.
It happened. I'm good at anatomy.
This is it. I'm finally going to learn how to draw hot animals and earn money.
good luck anon! also pyw
You can't just say something like that and then leave us hanging anon.
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Still a long way to go.
>and earn money.
he doesn't know...
K..know what?
>he lacks fundamental information
>hes doing it again
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How do I do a Taokaka face? Anybody know or no?
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I'm tired, boss

on top of yours, I got some extra help. I tried to apply what you said and found some hard edges with the light that work pretty well! I am still more than happy with any critique, but I'll just jot it down for next time. I will collapse if I keep working on this any longer. Thanks again anon
Just have fun with it. If the guy you posted is what you want to draw, then draw that! What even is your goal anyway? Are you drawing for fun? For an audience? Potential business?
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She doesn't seem to be enjoying herself
Yeah, she was always supposed to be somewhat bashful or embarrassed.
Your scene is not inaccurate haha.
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You can see her BUTT!!!
Trying a different shading style, based on how some comic book artists ahade costumes and fabric. Not sure yet how I feel about it.
I like it, anon. Visually quite striking.
Thank you! Was worried the clothes looked a bit too spandex-y!
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Not really a furry artist but I decided to draw a friend of mine who is a muscular horse mommy. Just gonna post progress pics
once you draw the animal people you never stop.
please stop yourself before it gets bad
it's like a drug
especially once you loosen up and see it is as fun as cartooning with how more expressive to can make characters since you aren't bound so much by the uncanny valley effect of drawing humans
Hell YES this chef is COOKING once more
friendly daily reminder:
you are all awsome :D
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hey, finished up a commission today, but its pretty lewd.
Need more loomis
hmmm...blog?...for a friend....
Starting to get there!

D'aww thank you!
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Mermaid with oarfish lower body.
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easing back into sketching. I'm just not sure what I want to draw. This is just one of my characters. They're rough and very uncommitted.
ah these are really good!
cool mermay
its nice seeing some creativity instead of the same old generic fish bottom half
post blog if you have one.
Please post blog link or gallery if you have one, your art is an inspiration
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@HorniestGhost on Twit/Bluesky/FA

And thank you!
I follow you on DA, you're cool
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Am I making her too shaggy looking?
a bit yeah
mostly because of the overly hairy details in the dark linework, the tones, color and light seem okay

it would be less shaggy if you removed at least half of the lineart hair details that aren't countour

PS: I enjoy your art. You put effort into making scenes instead of just pinups and that deserves attention.
dewclawpaw on FA
Thanks. I’ll take out some of that lineart shag and see if that works.
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Should I draw the box?
Youve improved quite a bit since your drunken fist drawings, giraffe-anon. Good on you!
Is it weird that I still don't have a fursona despite years of considering myself a furry and drawing furry OCs?
Not really. No weirder than me, who's been consuming furry art for fifteen years, draws it, and doesn't participate in the fandom outside of posting work to my galleries.
I haven't been at this for years or majorly in the fandom, but I don't have any fursona and wouldn't even know where to start or how I'd use them. Would also feel weird drawing them, like I'm self-inserting myself into whatever piece I'm making.
That's a tick. Remove it and kill the rest of em unless you want lime disease. Cute drawing btw
nigga kill that tick
people sometimes associate my characters with actually being me, which i think is fucking gay but live and let live yknow
well a fursone is kind of an OC self-insert
you do with it wtv you would also do with OCs
I have OCs but I don't have a fursona. i do have a frogsona tho.
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fucked the shading I think (and other things most likely like the eyes) anything of note I should change? Kinda thinking on redoing the shading but might be pointless also if a janny bans me ill be back (after the vacation lol)
based frog enjoyer
damn. I thought it was a meme that furfags were all 3rd worlders
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I like Braixen!
Prove it!!!
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was busy with family stuff but I did this in the morning
damn he TICC

Thanks, dude!

I want to do more quick furry stuff, but I keep getting bogged down in more complicated pieces.

The piece I'm currently working on has ONE furry character in it, but I don't know if that's enough to make it anthro art.
What are some furry fandoms out there? I only know Pokemon
Sonic is very big, MLP was very big at one point.
the porn fandom is pretty big
porn is big in most fandoms I guess esp anime I've noticed
This is an odd question. I've always thought of the "furry fandom" as one fandom. Pokemon is another. Other franchises, in turn, have their own fandoms. If you mean "furry adjacent", then it's literally anything with cartoon animals.
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Kind of inspiring. Not sure why, but seeing your work made me realize how important my previous lectures were. What I thought felt pointless at the time, now feels like a gold source of information. Don't know what changed, but seeing your work helped me realize that. Thank you for sharing your work, bitch!
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Done whatever I though needed to be fixed will make a clothed version tomorrow and move to the next
looks cool and sexy desu
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A doodle a day keeps the crab away
What's going on why is everyone naked
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Thanks lol! There's actually a reason I gave him big legs, it's because he has a huge tail which isn't able to be supported by smaller legs. It has nothing to do with the... "femboy" gooner stuff, or any of that gross stuff that the media wanted to associate it with.
Someone go beat that guard's ass.
>about gooners
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Working on water colors
yo is there anyone here I can commission for quick sketches and maybe some [spoiler]ponies too[/spoiler]
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I draw for her
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Posting doodle, my anatomy fucking SUCKS
Isn't she racist?
>isn't she based?
Yes. Insanely.
Yes, very
Incredibly based.
It's the moth queen!
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This one needs to be put down.
Wut a qt
cute drawing
if you dont mind me asking, are you using for the linework a brush with blending?
ive seen several artists draw with similar looking brushes and i cant tell if its just a normal opecity brush or its a blending/painting brush by how it seems to blend its strokes into the canvas

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