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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Questions that don't deserve their own thread

read the sticky edition
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you lose weight by being in a caloric deficit, if reducing carbs is the easiest way to achieve it for you then go for it
Trying to decide whether to keep cutting or to call it quits for now, take a break for a bit, and cut hard for another month after that.
Strength is falling hard, I can still 1/2/3/4 for reps but squat and OHP are falling like a stone. Waist is 30" and I have a 2pack unflexed and under shitty lighting but no 6 pack => I'd probably need to lose another 5+ lbs of fat for a 6 pack.
Have had a very stressful last two weeks => haven't been lifting as much, eating very well, or sleeping well which is not helping with muscle/strength loss.
Carbs from a source with fiber don’t have the same effect because the digestion is slowed. If your macros are fine, then you’ll need to reduce calories overall.
What's the downside of the HIIT routine the nyt posted from that one paper
Take a break. Spiked cortisol is worse for your health than being a bit heavy. And you really shouldn’t be running a bulk or a cut for longer than six weeks at a time.

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I eat one pound of cottage cheese a day for the protein. Is this too much? Will I die?
It's so fucking disgusting, how can you do that?
That's based. Easy, delicious way to get 50g protein. Tubs are $2, go on sale for $1.50. You can't lose

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Finally able to do the front split after stretching every day for two weeks!

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Bench press would be taking about 20 minutes of my workout thanks to 4 sets of it. I've cut it down to 3 sets because apparently that's all you need to get gains.
Also doing flyes.
Should I be ok?
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>based off that
based off the volume you've done
i do 7 minute rests.
>I kind of did, that's exactly what I'm doing right now.
then your bench press should be effective enough as is. I'm not telling you to drop the isolations but you should reduce volume in those instead
why, you're losing all your pump in that time unless you have some health problems then It's understandable

Alright thanks, that's exactly what I needed to know :)
I stalled till I hit retardedly high volume, shout out to wide grip and thumb over. These niggas really ain't even using their chest and shit.

>be me
>buying milk and other stuff from supermarket
>8 bottles,each weighing about 12 lbs each
>at cashier
>take 4 of the bottles out and put them onto the counter casually with one arm
>7/10 female cashier with nice rack and above average butt says ''oh my god,did you just do that?''
>I look at her and her eyes are glowing with admiration(lust possibly)
>I ask,mimicking confusion ''Isnt that just a regular thing for most guys?''
>she says ''no,isnt that like 90 lbs???"
>It isnt,4 bottles would be around 48 lbs if the weight is exact for all of them but women and normies in general cant estimate
>she asks me if she knows me from anywhere but she obviously doesnt,just wants to keep the conversation going
>we talk for a while and exchange contact information
And they say women dont care about a man's strength,this is one of the few times I've seen a woman look at me that way.

Train once every 4 to 7 days.
Stop overtraining.
This is why you're still DYEL.
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A stupid thing to say, when you're a novice all sorts of things work. Based on that truth, that would be the best time to do Mike's silly routine since nearly anything works at that stage
>didn't feel like enough volume for a novice
If you got stronger, then it was enough volume. If you say you loved it, then I'm guessing you were able to add weight or reps to all your movements. The per-session volume was appropriate, in that case.
Ray Peat talks about this. Training multiple times a week is basically blasting cortisol non-stop which is definitely bad for you. The worst thing you can do is to run long distances though.
I think he's saying 3 hours a week to 45 minutes a week. Which would line up 3 fullbodies or 6 30 min ppl workouts or 4 u/l workouts. Generally speaking a natty is not going to be able to do anything for hypertrophy above a sum of 3-4 hours a week. Just cardio/skill work/endurance stuff/stretching ect stuff you're not really going to see muscle growth in any appreciable amount from after the initial stages.
It works for me because, as a natty, i was in constant pain and kind of bloated (too much fucking protein also). Switched to 3 or 2 times a week and the gains, even for a 33 year old me, are increasing. Even my gf told me, lol.

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All that's left is cooming the rest of your life away and commiting suicide
you coom cause you're bored. find hobbies. find something to do with your life. coom less. literally that easy
who’s the artist? shit looks awesome
think i might just embrace the chudpill and stop pretending to be a chad or a normie lads
I hope you do that soon, I'm tired of people like you shitting up this board
the greatest correlation with cooming is not having anything going on in your life.

>twink mode doesn't las-
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Doesn’t laser?
It's called critical thinking. You already made anti thin posts meaning youre not fit, and any 30yo man "getting back in the gym" and taking up boxing clearly doesn't have his life together
Cope. Chads get your oneitis, get good jobs and raise a family.
The "Chad lets himself go after 30" is what incels tell themselves to fall asleep.
>anti thin posts
Fucking KEK
>getting back in the gym
Yes. After an injury. You'd understand what that means if you ever lifted anything heavier than 30kg in your life.
That's one word

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You can improve your body however much you want but there are times when all of your accomplishments seem meaningless because the guy standing next to you is just a few inches taller and everyone around you sees this. Is there a balance to having a fit toned body and having a relatively low height? How is it possible to retake the mogging initiative and look attractive when you're significantly outclassed height-wise?
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Most transgirls I know do everything in their power to sound feminine. They aren't going to sound like a regular woman, but they usually don't sound too bad AND they talk like a kawaii desu anime girl who,as mentioned previously, is desperate for your validation. I'll take that over some dumb entitled roastie any day of the week
>Height doesn't matter
Shut the fuck up retard. Short guys go literally decades without any physical touch from a woman. You have no clue what you're saying

You're gay. Got it.
I'm gay for transgirl, correct. Enjoy your ball and chain who complains about you

i want to try raw meat and organs. Can i eat raw liver of vaccinated animal? Should i be worried about eating raw meat of vaccinated animal?
0/10 bait

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2024 is going to be the biggest cicada swarm in generations.

2 very rare 13 and 17 year species are going to come out of the ground at the same time. What does this mean? Free protein.

How are you planning on getting extra protein gains during this once in a life time event?
How is it that every other year is Le BIGGEST BLOOD JAGUAR MOON CICADA SWARM SINCE 950 AD
Also, you really wanna get them before they come up.
It's not the biggest since 950, just since 1803. Every 221 years the cycles link up, and it is on us to decide whether we need it or keep it.
You can't irradicate cicadas. There's too many of them. That's the whole reason they spend so much time underground. Also they are good for the environment. Lots of animals will eat this year. The bugs will die feeding the plants

Might as well get some the gains for yourself. Lots of cicada recipes are being posted. Might as well try some

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Well, looks like my ride might end soon. what else should I do other than chemo to live longer?

My doctor gave no guidance on diet/supplements other than:
>eat healthy, eat whatever you want
>drink enough water
that's all. Shouldn't they at least give some more specific suggestions on diet/supplements? How the fuck could they just tell me to eat whatever I want as if it doesn't matter at all?
and at the same time there are too many snake oils, it's all so tiresome.
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Legitimately praying for you bro

This advice sounds schizo but it's not bad. My dad's health was completely fucked from doing every drug under the sun in the 80s - Immune-deficiency, destroyed liver, and cancer. Doctors legit told his wife to take him home and let him die. He followed his doctor's instructions of course, but also got super into Chinese medicine. I don't know what worked, but he got a good 10 years before the cancer got him. Good luck anon.
No, that doesn't work you stupid fuck. Taxing the immune system is just going to make it worse.
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Still waiting for that URL
Holy shit some of you low iq subhumans really need to be put down like the animals you are.
This nigga has cancer and ur like yea man just do this one wierd trick the jews won't tell you.

I sincerely hope every last one of you faggots peddling this shit gets cancer yourself.

Here I'll tell you the truth.
Youre probably going to die, we all are sooner or later. No amount of snake oil is going to save you.
IF you want to "try" anything do this>>74291999
Everyone laugh at this guy

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>"Anon, don't just stare at it, eat it"
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i dunno. probably literally an incel sperg thing but that doesn't tell you the whole story, right?
since if a normal guy goes through normal milestones in a normal way he is probably dominant as far as he's the man and they're the woman.
if you spent all your time as a young man being pussy repellent then maybe you didn't learn to be dominant ie. normal.
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Go to bible camp
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God I want to eat pussy.
Every one of my gfs has sucked my dick every single day, yet I have NEVER eaten a woman out. Why do you think you have to do it?

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Saturated after breakfast edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Hungry Hippos who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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here's no catalyst for true fundamental lifestyle change when denial of this calibre occurs. Accepting you're addicted to something is the first step towards change.
Where are the fat fucks in any /fat/ threads denying that they are food abusers? You're reddit as has previously been discussed, and so you think this place is like that. It isn't. No one in here denies they have a problem, that's why they're here.
>Its a common fallacy to think your'e somehow smarter than all the other fat people
It's not a fallacy, I am in fact better than every fat person. When I see a fat person I know I can't trust their decisions nor should I listen to their opinions.
How I'm better? In case of an emergency I can save myself and other people. I can run, pick up and carry a human, go though a thin opening in a wall, pull myself up, etc. You don't even need an emergency to utilize a lot of the abilities being fit gives you. It's just a smarter choice.
Basically I'm just not gonna eat
I know....UGH I know.....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna eat is all
these things are god tier health foods

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