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if you order 6 tubes today, we'll throw in a free tank of helium complete with this handsome and airtight carrying sack
It hasnt fixed my psoriasis but after a couple weeks tret has noticeably decreased my wrinkles which is great.
>hyaluronic acid
>copper peptide
>methylene blue
>red light therapy
>placenta cream
>hyaluronic acid
enjoy your extra inflammation and increased TEWL
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is this the best i can use if i cannot get my hands on tret in my country? where do you get yours in europe anyway?

They don’t ship to my country so I use a service called addresspal to ship to and then forward from the UK

I’m sure your country has an equivalent service
how expensive is it to do all this
also do you really trust tret from india lol
Retinol is basically the same but relies more on consistency. Also use it at night as it fucks shit up if you go out in the sun with it on
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yeah i do it in the pm and use sunscreen during the day.
i use retinal with an A. it is supposedly stronger than retinol because it's only one chemical reaction away from tretinoin (all-trans retinoic acid)
60 euros for 12 tubes?

And yes, they are actual pharmaceutical products
>Placenta cream
>where do you get yours in europe anyway?
i go to the pharmacy and ask for a tube
costs around 5.5€ for 30g of 5%
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they make the tret your doctor prescribed
fetus yummy
It gave me severe chronic dry skin and not just on my face
Psoriasis is stress related
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>makes you look like a gay plastic doll
india is where a majority of pharmaceuticals are originally made. it is the pharmaceutical hub of the world.

on a side note, i bought tret from alldaychemist and it definitely was tret because my skin flaked off like a snake so i had to order a lesser concentration.
>gives you disgusting greasy skin
>ages you prematurely
I’ll pass
cant be me when my skin texture is oatmeal cookie
>he doesn't use emu oil for skin
it's tough finding ethnically sourced emus in my region
Do you have eczema or something
Which red light therapy mask do you recommend?
As for "copper peptide", I presume you mean GHK-CU?

Also you mentioned methylene blue, could you elaborate upon the effects of it? I was under the impression that it was used as a 'nootropic' substance primarily, although I randomly came across a niche shampoo brand whose main schtick is including meth. blue in their product. Apparently it stimulates hair growth or something.
Could you describe your experience with MB? Thanks either way.
I've heard of some people gettinf oilyer skin (which apparently can be fixed with other products) but how does I age you prematurely? Unless you aren't wearing sunscreen which you should be doing even without tret I don't see how this can happen
How to reduce facial inflammation/water retention?
>but how does I age you prematurely?
He has no idea, he is just bored and wants attention
low carb/pufa diet
will this fix keratosis pilaris?
you're better off using glycolic or lactic acid toner/lotion for that. use it at night and sunscreen in the day
I'll pass
How do solve permanently red skin? Not itchy, not flakey, not anything except annoyingly red. From my left chest left neck all the way up to left side of my scalp.
>Nothing changes for four months
>five and six, suddenly my face fucking clears up over night

That shit works, you just have to apply it right. When I was younger, I had no idea what the fuck I was doing so would splash it all over, which is why i quit. But now as a nigga tired of red marks, acne and scarring, I decided to give it a second chance and while the first months felt like nothing, it's crazy how quickly shit turned around when it did.
You mustve got a low concentration tret if you didnt feel anything, what concentration did you use? And how did you apply it differently?
will it fix my large pores? i hate my face
purging stage sucks
Is Differin the same as this?
I read somewhere it was even better
i can't believe the amount of people that just jump straight into tret. your skin barriers are fucked lmao
That’s not funny
Not really. Retinaldehyde has to go through more chemical changes in order to convert to its active form (retinoic acid).
>captcha: N0HO
Differin 0.1 is gentler and its effects are considered comparable to Tret 0.025. It doesn't work for everyone though. I'm in the process of switching from Differin to Tretinoin because I still get some discoloration and occasional pimples. Differin is great for adjusting to retinoids.
.05 which is the mid level and they only really give .1 to extreme cases and after using a bunch of other shit like doxy and clindamycycin. That shit causes so much flaking you're better off going on accutane at that point.

When I was a young idiot, i just used a whole fucking tube within my month. Not the finger length and full points, so i ended up over drying my face and making shit worse. I even applied it twice a day like a retard as well. Plus, when you're young you think anything that doesn't work in a month is voodoo shit so you slowly stop.

Method, I apply a finger length of cream, dab it on my forehead, chin, cheeks and nose and then spread it. Then wait :15mins for moisturizer.

It's mainly about consistency and ignoring purges and everything. I didn';t even get a purge, but I didn't see any improvement until the overnight changes in months 5-6. I was thinking of getting fraxel and wanted a consultation about six months into my tret run,. but by the time i got there i realized it was fucking pointless because most of my marks and scars faded and rose. I got a regular mask, exfoliation for like $30 instead.
Guess ive been stressed every day for 10 years
I had gray hair in my beard for like two years and the moment I finally paid off my credit card debt, that shit started to darken again.
What to use for this on my shins?
i don't think it would help me
i'm hopeless bro, i'm 19 yet my skin is like i'm 35
i only recently started going to a dermatologist and i am on month 3 of roaccutane, it's supposed to shed my skin and help with my skin issues

i don't even have acne anymore, mostly just like PIH and/or clogged up pores and skin idk how to fucking fix it
i should try exfoliating my body and face and moisturizing it i think but derma says to not do it because of roaccutane so idk
so frustrating that ppl around me have nice, soft, supple skin, both men and women, yet i got stuck with this
also started balding at 16 kek

ogre male puberty, not even once
you will get the same results from any form of retinoid. The same results. Except with tret, you will have more irritation.
>keratosis pilaris
Use azelaic acid 20% cream or 15% if you can't get a script easily
roaccutane causes baldness...

But yeah tret is def not a one stop cure all for everyone. I use tret and still randomly get big isolated cysts on my chin. Acne sucks man.
I've never in my life have used any retinoid.
From what I gather that the goal of vitamin A maxxing is to find the strongest shit whilst breaking the least laws.
Am I about to nuke my face if I start using a 0.3% serum of retinaldehyde?
>methylene blue
lmao I can't believe how many of you dumbasses fell for this shit
father has psoriasis, it's not stress related, it's an autoimmune disease.
as per usual, the internet is fucking retarded
Eat liver for retinol
Stupid motherfucker.
It is stress related and autoimmune.

No but you were so stress once that your body started this autoimmune response.
Also there's really no solution for it.

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