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Previous >>18086713


Quick guide to prep: www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: web.archive.org/web/20200926215557/https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
Dating vintage Brooks:
Loafer anatomy:
Guide to cloths: https://www.permanentstyle.com/the-guide-to-cloth

>Blogs: https://pastebin.com/ZjRtCQNQ
>Brands: https://pastebin.com/Sb54Bsri

double madras edition



Doug's employment status: unemployed
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Got absolutely roasted in the last thread for my new jacket. Still going to wear it to church today and absolutely CHARM the heck out of the old ladies.
Btw, the Wythe OCBD I bought is very nice. Their sizing is giant though, similar or even bigger than LL Bean for any even given alpha measurement. I'll possibly do a more in depth post on it in the future if anything cares.
Jesus, LL Bean is already extremely baggy.
What was it roasted for? It fits bad?
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I am officially Christening this thread as a NO DOUG ZONE.

For the duration of this installment of /TIP/, Doug and his associations will NOT be allowed to post. Any Dougs found attempting to post will be ridiculed and sodomized with image macros.

Thank you for your cooperation.
they said the sleeves are too short (which is kind of true because I shrunk them a bit in the dryer, but was somewhat of an optical illusion because of the angle I took the photo) and that I looked "Doug tier" whatever that means.
.....what fabric is the sport coat made of that you thought it was a good idea to put it in the dryer?
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Manlets need to give up and accept kamakura is all they have now.
How many of what until I have a decent wardrobe?
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Not entirely true, Spier and Mackay slim fit is also prime manlet material.

I normally try and be nice and helpful but holy fuck this is a terrible question because I don't know what you have, what you're aiming for, what your budget is, etc. My wardrobe is what I'd consider decent but I'm literally autistic and a normal person would probably think I'm bat shit insane. These guides may help, they're wardrobe guides for two different schools, gives a list of what you were expected to have back in the day.

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for a sec i thought this pic was moot kek.
yes, kamakura is for manlets
yes, shorts can be /tip/
Most people who are into tip are short kings
Many of the what are required. You must acquire whats of all sorts
no fewer than seven
This style has made me which I was five inches short. I'm 6'3 with a 37 inch sleeve, but only a 32 inch inseam. I'm a god at swimming but finding shit that fits properly is difficult.

Still better than the early 2000s when I attempted to make low rise fashion work for me. NEVER AGAIN.
if you gotta choose masters
would you rather do masters at a t10 school or a state school with hot girls
T10, there's hot chicks everywhere. State school is best for undergrad, but in professional fields like finance, medicine, law, etc., people actually care about your diploma.
>Sorry we cannot ship that item/colour/size internationally.
Fuck you J Crew.
Buy local you dumb turd
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ha ha jokes on you I used a parcel forwarding service, meaning I bought the item on sale for 20$ instead of 100$.
hate to break it to you, but J Crew is garbage.
silly newfag fell for the never ending sale
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are they still garbage? i havent bought anything since they got new leadership or whatever a couple years ago, the clothes at least generally look better now
they're definitely improving. i was in a store last week and saw they had some OCBDs with decent sized collars which is a huge improvement from the tiny collars they were peddling for years
Why do tiplets think the higher the rise and the bigger the collar the better it is ?
Probably because it is better when the trend of the last decade and a half was low rise trousers with tiny collars. Are you retarded or something?
>low rise and tiny collars are a trend of the last decade
Holy brainlet lmao
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is this really how far this thread has fallen?
What do you wear for athletics, outdoors, or a casual weekend? I’m all for khakis and a polo shirt but not to go for a hike or run to the grocery store.
dude why would khakis and polo shirt be inappropriate for the grocery store. do u shop at walmart exclusively with a bunch of people in pajamas and leggings
Couldn't find much on bag so asking it here.

Most of the time any photoshoots don't really have bags since they're so uncomfortable.
They either have people holding some papers or they cop out using a duffle.

So the question: What to use for day-to-day?
Bring your tablet or laptop in a satchel? Messenger? God, not a backpack, right? Do you zip, flap or use one of the many pouches? Cleanly waxed, sturdy canvas or some fancy light brown leather contraption?
brown leather tumi briefcase
Not an argument
Not an argument

Giant collars and rise up to the armpits arent tip. Literally every single picture from the golden ages of tip doesn't feature ultra high rise bottoms or giant collars ,those are oddities from specific decades. You literally are just npcs just following tik tok trends
retard with boring bait
I dont judge anybody by their clothing. But its unfortunate, i can often sense resentful vibes from artsy/alt people just because im a young guy that dresses preppy. Too many 80s movies where the preps or fratboys are the villains.
I assure you they don't think about you at all
i was talking about people i meet and talk to not just random people on the street but alright
Can i qualify as tippy? I have no blazers
Sure, it's more than just wearing a blazer everyday. Post a fit.
Did I say it was inappropriate, retard? Sometimes I just want dress more casually on a Saturday morning. Why do you think I mentioned it alongside athletics? Do you wear khakis to play sports?

Fucking idiot. I should’ve known better than to ask this autistic board anything…
I used to use a weekender bag that I had stuffed full of work stuff, gym clothes, and supplements.
lmao little baby can't get dressed by himself
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Take notes from the most /tip/ sport
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im not sure if theres strict color rules for tip, but i like red tops and earthy pants (the light makes them look much lighter than they are on picrel)
What is a good interesting tie which can be worn for interviews, a little business, occasions, and at weddings with dark suits? I feel like the standard navy grenadine recommendation feels a little too much business when worn with dark suits, especially for weddings or just other occasions or am I wrong?
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Has anybody else taken the Gump pill? I just rewatched it and think he is a /tip/ icon.
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I dont think there are many color rules beyond universal color theory. One thing is to keep in mind the formality of leather colors. IE dont wear black shoes/belts with casual outfits. Well, it can be done, but youve gotta know the rules before you can break them. Its a whole art/science balancing the formality of leather colors & textures with the style of the piece and the rest of your outfit. Besides that, shirts should pretty much always be lighter than any layers on top of it. Notable exception is flannel or madras shirts, you could wear those with lighter white/off-white sweaters or jackets.
One basic thing is, if youre going to use the same color multiple times, it should either match exactly or have strong enough contrast. Especially if theyre next to eachother. So your double red doesnt work because theyre too similar. A dark green or brown barbour or military jacket would work instead.
Would be a nice fit otherwise.
navy with dots
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>universal color theory
Is that picrel ? i lean mostly towards warm colors but i assume kakhi pants with a blue sweatshirt isnt bad if both are quite muted
The youtube videos i watched said greyscale colors and light browns are neutral and match with almost anything
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I'm a big fan of knit ties, either striped or solid. The tie I'm wearing is a black PRL wool and mohair blend.

After that, mogador ties are fantastic. It doesn't show up well in the pics but in person the texture is fantastic and really comes across well.

Another anon said a navy tie with dots, good call. I'd say a tasteful (not too loud) foulard pattern would work for all but the most formal settings too.
Here's a close up of a BB Mogador tie to give a better idea of the texture I'm talking about
>The youtube videos i watched said greyscale colors and light browns are neutral and match with almost anything

That's pretty much right. Olive, navy, grey, black, khaki and cream/stone will match with just about anything. If you have a mostly neutral fit with pops of color or one eye catching "statement piece" you'll be fine. Just because colors match or are complimentary doesn't mean your entire fit should be loud colors, you'll end up looking garish.
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what would that be? a yellowish off-white? or some shade of grey?
picrel is prolly the most garish shit i own. I got gifted the light yellow pants and wore them like once, if at all. Second from right is more tame. Are these clothes doable at all?

I assume none of these are /tip/, unless the dark orange shirt and butterscotch pants qualify
It's not just about color, style and cut are equally if not more important. Bright colors can be tip, but they have to fit properly.

For trousers, think high rise and a slightly relaxed/straight leg, something that flows . Not too long, a small break is fine, no break is fine.

Basically we'd have to see how the whole fit. Browse the links in the OP to get a feel for it.
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I genuinely think a backpack is okay depending on the type of fit
I'm still in college though, so it's not really out of place.
I think it's pretty funny
I dress (according to people) like an 80s high school movie villain, which I guess think think might be bad, but it sounds cool to me
I am also a frat boy so I guess the shoe fits
Knit ties are great, I only have a solid maroon one but it's my favorite tie. A striped one would be nice as well. Is it just me, or does it feel wrong to wear a knit tie in the summer?
>Is it just me, or does it feel wrong to wear a knit tie in the summer?
Realistically, my apartment, car, and job are roughly the same temp in the summer as the winter (68-74) so if I'm indoors it doesn't really matter. If I'm outside all day, I'm not wearing a heavy knit.

I don't think there's a hard and fast "rule" about not wearing knit ties in warm weather, especially when some of them can be very lightweight. My Spier and Mackay knits are airy. Even if there was a rule, I'd look at it as a "no brown in town" sort of rule: Something that may have worked well in the past in conjunction with other fashion rules, but relaxed with the passage of time.
That sounds reasonable enough. For me, if it's pretty warm, I won't even be wearing a tie anyway.
Buying unhemmed pants is actually not much cheaper. Purchased some extreme sale pants from spier and mckay, 20 bucks a pair. 100 bucks for 5. One pair was just poorly sized and like two sizes smaller than it should be. So really its 25 dollars each pair. Then I needed to get them hemmed, and my local old Korean lady charges 20 bucks a pair to hem them. So in actuality, at an extreme sale point, its 45 dollars for a pair of just decent khaki chinos and twill pants. I need to emphasize here that this was an extreme sale for them, as it looks like even on sale now they're going for 60 bucks plus.
Where do you guys get your pants? Besides these, I have a few pairs of amazon basics slacks that were 20 bucks each and are about as good in fit, with the exception of them not being 100% cotton so my ass gets sweaty.
you don't buy unhemmed because they're cheaper, you buy them to have a more precise final fit. I personally like to wash/dry my pants before getting them hemmed to prevent any future shrinkage too.

as for where to buy pants, I like Jack Donnelly. American made, high rise, 100% cotton.
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the pastel chinos are the most /tip/ thing in that spread
what length socks should I be wearing with white sneakers and shorts?
Thought I’d share this here if anyone is interested but I have only just learned that Jake Grantham, the owner of Anglo Italian, comes from a rich acting family. I should have guessed but that’s insane how this is almost always the case for anyone with success or a business. Turns out his dad was an actor and also a murderer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Grantham
Well t10 has hot asians
State school has hot blondes
Im a white guy i cant pick
you left out the better part where he dresses up like captain hook and jerks off while insulting coworkers.
>rich guy that sells clothes for professional/rich people is from a rich family
shocking stuff
I know that asking this will be like asking water to not be wet but can we drop talking about Doug? It details the shit out of the thread, invariably it summons his troll as to defend his shit fits and the situation never really improves. I'd rather have a slow moving on topic thread than a perpetual lolcow discussion that never really changes.
wouldn't that be the reason why a kiwifarms thread would be a great idea? it would give the hateboner schizo a place to vent his rage and he'll likely be laughed out of town for trying to make a spectacle out of some literal who, eventually getting made into the lolcow himself if he's not careful with his opsec

If you're gonna make a KF thread on anyone, maybe make one cecil, or cumgens, or veio, or hell, just make a /fa/ general about every tripfag/schizo/lolcow on the board. there's probably enough material for a thread about cecil alone, and plenty more between all of them
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Cecil you say?
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on-topic tax:
what do you think compelled tucker carlson to completely stop wearing bow ties? Why is it that bow ties are less popular now than they were even during the 90s?
sorry doug but everyone hates you here, not just one schizo like you claim.
serves you right for being an annoying troll desu.
dont bother responding, leave this board
jon stewart made fun of him for it
no reason to keep wearing a liability like that
i never said i didn't hate doug, but i'm not the one who brought him up unprompted because i somehow think he's interesting enough to be a lolcow

you're just mad because i told you that's a fucking stupid idea and that you'd be laughed at for trying to stir up a discussion over some dime-a-dozen whinebag who, in all likelihood, less than 10 people are actually bothered by
"wow, you're telling me on /fa/ there are badly dressed attention-seeking faggots? who would have guessed?"
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The current time in New Zealand is 6:03pm.

Every notice that Doug Defenders only really shows up at certain hours of the day?
If it wasn't for the hair and the attitude, Doug would make a decent twink
Holy fucking shit, I'm never going to save any Doug pics ever again, I don't need to. This is peak Dougcore, it can't be topped.
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>talk about doug unprompted
>i call you out for talking about doug unprompted
>you call me a 'doug defender' and double down on posting his fits when we expressly asked for this thread to be doug-free
genuinely what is your problem?
why are you so desperate to make doug a lolcow? what about him is SO interesting that you NEED to make sure not a thread goes by without him being mentioned?
nobody cares this much about him except you, we may hate doug, but what we have always wanted is for him to be ignored and forgotten.
we aren't kiwifarms, we aren't the doug general, we aren't part of your stupid zoomer youtube-addict culture that has a pathological need to find people to single out as a spectacle.
we literally just want to talk about fucking clothes you colossal retard.
do you not realize that being constantly talked about is what he wants?
oh but yeah sure you're definitely NOT an obsessed schizo
you're part of the problem. that is, if you aren't doug himself because lets face it, nothing you have said is something doug wouldn't have posted trying to samefag and drum up the negative attention he craves, because like you, he's internalized this infectious zoomer faggotry where gossiping about losers and their utterly irrelevant antics takes precedence over anything more high-minded and not totally fleeting and vapid.
you're probably the type who thinks himself better than the 'tasteless normalfag stacies' who talk nonstop about the Kardashians or 90 day fiance, but here you are with essentially the same brainworm just with cooler edgier branding so you don't notice

>The current time in New Zealand is 6:03pm.
and what does that make you?
shut the fuck up, I wish the mods would ban you already
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Lmao there is no "we" Doug, more than one person despises you.
>Lmao there is no "we" Doug, more than one person despises you.
yes, you're right, we all hate doug here.
if you'll kindly read what I SAID:
>we may hate doug, but what we have always wanted is for him to be ignored and forgotten.
AS IN, we hate him in a SANE way. not whatever delusional obsessive shit you've broken your mind with. you are NOT one of us.
you're just deliberately misunderstanding what i said at this point you disingenuous freak
this is the last word on this "topic" for this thread. we still got over a couple hundred posts left until bump limit.
If you try respond to this, everyone will know you are the problem.
Please allow this thread to continue unabated and on-topic, please and thank you.
why the fuck do /tip/ threads keep getting derailed by this faggot who doesnt even post his fits here and doesnt even dress in ivy style, find literally anywhere else to sperg out you mongoloids
Which shade of brown loafers should i get to wear with khakis, jeans and shorts
I prefer a lighter/medium brown suede myself for causal loafers
Long athletic
Get a job Doug
idk what this was getting flamed for, aside from the lapel width (which is up to personal preference anyways) this seems like a perfectly fine jacket.

maybe a bit casual for church though
just read that you put it in the dryer... why?
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I think I need to buy slimmer shorts now. I bought these when I was way heavier, now that I lost 45lbs they're a little too baggy.

Recommendations for shorts that are a little slimmer and shorter?
id try a hot wash and high heat dry first?
Good idea, I've never tried to intentionally shrink anything, had plenty of shit shrink accidentally. I don't think it would shrink much in hem width though,waist and length sure. I'll give it a go though, can't hurt.
I bought it for $11 at goodwill and it smelled musty, I didn't want to pay a lot to dry clean it. I just did a light wash & dried it on low heat for 10 mins, came out fine. Now it smells fresh.
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Given William Ackman's donation to the Pi Kappa Phi celebration, a good day to acknowledge his mastery of /tip/ style.
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Exemplary, both at work and at leisure.
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And always the correct approach to jewellery, truly a /tip/ icon.
I suspect it is Doug pretending to be someone else and hating on himself so others start defending him and liking him. Basically just make his detractors look insane and people will begin to like him.
>I suspect it is Doug pretending to be someone else and hating on himself

Considering he literally admitted to doing that in the previous thread and he's notorious for samefagging, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. Whenever Doug says he's leaving, he's still there. This place is like crack to him, and he's like herpes to us.
europoor bros, how do you cope going sockless when being expected to take off your shoes indoors?
Allowing Doug on this thread was a mistake, every single person who engaged with him for anything other than telling him to fuck off and get a job is responsible
invisible/loafer socks
how is the waist fitment now?
What books to learn fashion?
What books to learn /tip/?
Please I'm helpless
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you could start by reading the OP
then "dressing the man"
what do you look like? find pics of people with your build, complexion and hair color wearing clothes that you think look nice on them, then dress like those people do. if you do this long enough, you'll get a feel for what things work together and what things don't
So... there are like a million different options on spier & mackay for sportcoats. i assume some of these are "traps" and are dog shit.

how exactly can i tell? i haven't really developed an eye for the details of jackets yet.
anything "neo cut" is more italian styled than classic ivy (wider, curved lapels mainly)
the "navy hopsack" looks like the most classic option, textured and relatively breathable weave. flannel is warmer/fuzzier and twills are less breathable but more water-resistant. avoid anything with "stretch"
what'd he donate, a box of rainbow dildos?
>Allowing Doug on this thread was a mistake
when did anybody do that?
Any recommendations for a hooded raincoat which isn’t a Barbour? I already have a Barbour and a trench which don’t get much use because I find they look a little too much like a costume in my day to day. If I can’t find anything then I’ll guess I’ll just have to succumb to the outdoor brand flavor of the month shell jacket.
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Most rain coats with a hood are ugly as shit.
I think RAINS has a few nice parkas with umbrella backs and some interesting detail. They look really good but unfortunately they’re rubberised, not sure if that would look shit with the rest of my wardrobe.
alright buddy i've come back to this picture for a week trying to figure out what was up. if you are going to be wearing shorts, you shouldn't be afraid to wear a larger/billowy shirt since it should be hot after all. the shorts look fine but the shirt looks tight as fuck. balance my man.
what's the reason for the hood, are you planning to be doing some outdoorsy shit?
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Another anon chiming in. Agreed, but i also feel that shorts are one of the few times when button-downs actually look good untucked. It works with the loose, casual vibe of shorts.
Not the greatest inspo pic but you get the idea
yep, ideally he'd just have an unbuttoned/untucked shirt with a tee under and he'd look more than acceptable
The shorts are fine but the shirt is too tight.
Not related but if anyone is looking for this jacket it's a Red Head Bone Dry. There are plenty on ebay so keep an eye open for a good one.
nice, its a pretty cool jacket

I'm not a huge fan of the shirt, it's the absolute weirdest cut OCBD I own, I was trying to get some use out of it but I'll probably just scrape it. It's a shame, because it's a brown stripe which isn't common.

It's a Spier and Mackay OCBD and the sizing was waaaaaay off from the chart on the website. Arms and shoulders are cut weird too, reminds me of a Kamakura cut. Basically if you're slim and under 6'0 I think it would be a perfect OCBD.
interesting, what size did you grab?
had a meeting with a dude wearing the nicest royal oxford. i gotta figure out who made his

I bought six of them because they were on deep sale. Part of the problem is that they all shrank dramatically after a gentle wash on cold water, but they shrank inconsistently. And this was cold wash, air dry.

2 didn't shrink sleeve wise, 2 shrank to 35, 2 shrank to 34.5
All shrank in the waist and chest
2 shrank in the collar, 4 collars weren't affected.
I can't tell if they shrank in the shoulder or if the initial shoulder measurement was just off but they're tight in the shoulder and arms.
Also the length of the collar points varies between the size by up to 0.5 inches
They are literally the only OCBDs I've had that shrank like this. I have RL and BB OCBDs from the 80s that I wash and dry normally and they're fine. If I fucked something up, I want to know what it was but for the life of me I can't figure out what the issue was.

And just to clarify, I get 16.5x36 for my neck and sleeve length. I've got a 42 inch chest and a 36 inch waist, 18.5 inch shoulders. The shirt shouldn't be anywhere near as tight as it is post wash
thanks. if i grab any i'll try dry cleaning and see what happens
Also, they have different cuts. They have a classic and contemporary cut. Contemporary is the "athletic" fit, classic is the most standard sizing.

Classic sells out FAST when they drop shirts, and now I understand why. If I see a classic OCBD in my size from them, I'd be game to try it.

Having now owned BB, RL, LE, LL Bean, Spier, Mercer, J Press, Kamakura, and O'Connells OCBDs I'm confident in saying that if Kamakura works for you, Spier slim will work for you too. If it doesn't, avoid.
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Comfy nice collar roll ocbd, high waisted based trousers, loafers.
kys reddit reposter
although this is a good example of why tapered trousers are good
>Classic sells out FAST when they drop shirts
Ive noticed this.
Makes you wonder how popular the slim stuff most companies push really is. It seems like even normies are finally moving away from it.
what kind of patagonia shorts are those??
Pants look cartoonish and make your legs look stumpy. Rolls only look decent on jeans, maybe fatigue pants. Belt is way too dark for those shoes.
Grateful Dead
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Do you guys have recs for a jacket similar to this one from the Anthology or the Armoury's x Ascot Chang safari jacket?
Why does drake's shit look so bad in real life ? It looks so careless and cool in their lookbooks but when you see people irl wear it something feels wrong it just looks unkept
holy shit what lmfao
It's called being /tip/ it's all 100% cotton!! High waisted, good collar roll. I'm tip ..
LEJ plage coat
No, they're fine. Anon just regurgitates 10 year old forum posts.
honest question: what's wrong with this other than the fatal obesity?
Everything about the pants looks off. Fit/silhouette, color, cuff.

Other than that, it would be a nice touch to match the belt to the shoes a bit better and iron the shirt.
Nothing its heckling superior tippy and based
lmao this outfit is a fucking mess
This is good info. Thank you for your OCBD research. How does the Mercer stack up to the others? Is the fabric comparable?
are those the C&J boat shoes?
I fuck with those pants, they look great.
I don't know... the picture was just for illustration purposes. You probably can ask Buzz (I think that's his name?) on The Anthology's Instagram about it.
Thanks! Too bad they don't do linens or really light cottons
wool flannel
Mercer fabric is great, it's very classic/relaxed fit though even if you take the option to get the neck size you want but size down a half in the body.

Vintage BB, LE, LL Bean, RL and even Hilfiger OCBDs had some fucking heft to them. Not saying they were true heavyweight fabric, but they were somewhat more rugged.

Modern Spier, Kamakura, regular O'Connells, and J Press are much softer and lighter weight. O'Connells does have a heavyweight and still unlined option, I'm going to try those next. I prefer the heavier vintage OCBDs for fall and winter, the lighter modern ones are better for spring and fall.

Mercer has some heft, feels much closer to the classic OCBDs than the modern ones. Price wise is it worth the extra cost compared to vintage for $20-40 on eBay or the other modern brands for $70-175? Honestly, probably not. I don't get anything magical there that I can't find with other brands,at least not enough to justify the price difference. Fabric is good but it's not like you can't get the same color or pattern anywhere else, collar is good but so are old BB or modern J Press and O'Connells and if Spier fits their collars are fucking amazing and they have pretty unique patterns (don't see too many awning stripes anymore.) Mercer shirts are well made and I like supporting companies like them, but don't feel you're missing out on anything if you chose the other brands mentioned.
they look much heavier than flannel.
Based. Thanks again, exactly the kind of reviews ive been looking for!
the only spier shirts ive seen all had shit collars
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is there a name for that blazer pattern? grey with sort of paint blobs evenly spread
Speckled, probably.
Can you elaborate why or are you just a contrarian faggot?
If you look at their Italian collars, the dimensions and roll are easily on par with classic BB, Kamakura, JPress, and Oconell's.
what do you call this kind of sweater
Looks like a take on a cricket sweater
Yeah, in my limited experience with S&M my complaint would be more about very thin material than the collar. They at least make their clothes look the part.
i dont know if this is /tip/ but its a vibe alright
weird lash out
but yeah the collar was small and weirdly stiff. also the shirts ran slim, despite being the non slim variant
I don't see any socks so they might be arm and hammer
looking for some sneakers for casual wear to be worn with mostly chinos, occasionally jeans and rarely shorts
thoughts on pic rel?
(hard mode: made in evropa)
off topic, fuck off to the sneaker general
Chucks (Keds?)

Formerly Sneeds
the main thing here is the cuffed pants, get them hemmed. the sleeves are also too long. otherwise bueno
AI generated images really don't belong in this thread.
How old do I have to be before I can dress like an old man?
never heard of frat boys?
Old men don't even dress tip anymore
Whenever you want to. The basics of the style haven't changed for nearly 100 years.

Some of us still do
not that anon but I don't see much point in wearing a rain jacket without a hood. I have like two pieces of clothing with hoods on them and one is a rain jacket
in 2024 they (mostly) just wear normie clothing except with a backwards hat and a zyn in their upper lip
tragically time didn't stop before 1985 and here we are now. it's a sad state of affairs. I'm in a semi-professional fraternity and I'm thinking of taking it upon myself to class up the place even if just a little bit.
I hosted a resume workshop and these fucks were showing up in jeans and polos with sneakers despite my request for professional attire. I may sound autistic but I'm sure you guys understand where I'm coming from. You know how mexican people will dress up "nice" and it'll basically be their cleanest pair of walmart jeans and a tucked in short-sleeve button-up walmart shirt for their daughter's birthday or a fancy dinner at chili's? One guy showed up looking like that. Needless to say I was a little peeved.
Might be Donegal, maybe try Salt&Pepper
i agree, was just curious since it's 4chan and people are generally retarded
Just wear the Barbour
Not really, just going around and general commuting. Wearing a waxy barbour isn't always ideal desu. Umbrellas aren't really a good option because of wind. I'm willing to get synthetics but I'm struggling to find a raincoat which actually looks somewhat nice. I'm reluctant to just buy some outdoors shell but that's what I'll have to do if I can't find anything else.
Why not buy a trenchcoat if you don't want something with a hood? Khaki/camel only. Take liner out when it's warm and rainy, put it back in when it's cold and rainy.
Get Ventile instead of plastic. With plastic fabric you simply end up getting wet by sweating instead of rain.
can you recommend any brands that use it?
Based jacket. I've been wanting to buy a 3 roll 2 in glen plaid but I'm currently bulking so going to hold off a little while.
best colour and material for a warm weather blazer (after navy tropical wool)?
should pair well with chinos
dark brown linen?
Hopsack, unlined. Fresco is also great. Linen is fantastic but the wrinkling irks me, I know it's supposed to wrinkle.
If the sport coat is unlined and unstructured even regular wool is very breathable.

Color wise you can't go wrong with navy but I get a lot of mileage out of glen plaid and gun checks too.

Thank you. Older Brooks Brothers is basically god tier in every aspect. Quality, fit, pattern, details, etc.

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