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Why is femboy/trans girl fashion catching on among cis women?
trans girl fashion is just womens fashion. calling it femboy is for the algorithm
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Normal women don't dress themselves like this. Or didn't used to, until recently.
it's called sissy fashion you stupid nigger which itself is a derivative of lolita fashion
Why are trannies so desperate to make their mental illness look normal
Adding what anon >>18095965 said
The only real women wearing these kind of stuff is either social media clout such as OF and Twitch, or they grew up without a father.

And trannies want to reap the rewards that the internet provides because retards can't stop virtue signalling and enabling their delusions. Easy money and attention which many modern men are starved of.
>social media clout such as OF and Twitch, or they grew up without a father.
how is that not what is pictured in the OP
no one said normal women
normal women still don't dress themselves like this, but e-whores have caught on that this will rake them in a lot of money dressing like this to fulfill a growing niche in the market
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Because women hopefully will get redundant some day through fembois and robot wives.
>men co-opt women's fashion
>women co-opt it back
4D chess
>Normal women don't dress themselves like this.
no, but teenage tumblr weeb girls do. or at least they did 10-15 years ago, I don't really pay attention to teenagers now that I'm not one.
You mean females dressing feminine?
cus femboys are approachable and women are not, look at how much they have to appropriate our culture, women are largely unwanted from male spaces and have to resort to pretending to be boys for attention
Men inspire women in every possible way. Every woman is contouring their face with makeup, that's something crossdressing men innovated. Fashion and design is male-dominated. Men are creative in a way that women can never be, because they've never had to be to survive.
I’ve only seen this from OF pornstar women, not the avg woman outside
It’s still trans fashion OP is a cis girl transboy. It’s a weird thing I’ve seen lately where they want to be ftm but a femboy male. I think it’s how ftms cope knowing they can never pass as the average man
men just have to try harder to be women, because they have everything working against them, and when they do pass they blow real women away
It's not rocket science. Women dress to attract mens attention. Men want to fuck femboys. Badda bing, badda boom, women now dress like men dressing like women.
The replies to this thread are the gayest shit I’ve read in a while and I’m an actual fag
femboy more like femgoy
Chasity cage and lingerie is all you need
Literally just attention seeking behavior.
>Why is femboy/trans girl fashion catching on among cis women
on this episode of things that only happen in my head
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Transwomen have been pioneers of internet culture for decades, a lot of trends started from the LGBT community and this is only one of them. Hyperpop, Blahaj plushies, Fallout: New Vegas, Paradox Interactive games, Vtubers, the high prevalence of autism/neurodivergence, etc. In this case the whole semi-passing/hyper-sexual/effeminate/emasculated aesthetic of buying cheap revealing clothing from Amazon and dancing on Tik Tok with captions about how "if you like this you are gay" is gaining popularity among cis women because of how silly it is. I've seen this trend rise in the last year because there's something fun about "trapping" men into "gayness" which is what this trend is about and women like to play along.
Women's fashion is about looking like you don't need to be capable. Hence shot skirts long, nails clutch bags massive fake boobs faces that can't move etc. fem boys are the least capable a human can be so it becomes the goal. This is why most women aren't mother material anymore.
shut up faggot
>there's something fun about "trapping" men into "gayness" which is what this trend is about and women like to play along.
So in other words, grooming.
Queer people have always been the triend setters

Even for weep fashion

I dont fuck with them fruity ass white boys no more. Them niggas never, NEVER wash they bootys then when you pull out yo dick and there's doo doo all up on it, they ain't understand why you whupping up on them. They don't even take no money and just lay there crying like a damn bitch when you done.

I swear them white hentai mother fuckers gonna get my ass sent back to the pen
what the actual fuck?
homosexuality is against nature and a mental illness
So this is like a reverse trap? It’s girls who try to look like boys who are trying to look like a girls? double trap?
It's just plain fraud.
Men chase after femboys exactly because they're NOT women, women ruin everything.
>women are largely unwanted from male spaces

i disagree. to pull a figure straight out of my arse i would say no more than two in ten men can recognize the harm that women do to men's spaces.
the others will all simp for them and say they don't care even if they know they aren't going to be able to date the woman in their space.
wanting to remove women from your space is mostly for married guys and stone cold incels.
>Fallout new Vegas
No, I remember my gamer friends liking this for almost a year before it became tranny central
Autism isn't a trend and trannies didn't invent it they just tend to be autistic and mentally ill in general.
you never been to a rave?
Based prison rapist.
Autism certainly is a trend.
True in the last 5 years or so it became cool and quirky to be on the spectrum, so a lot of girls will make TikToks about being autistic and stimming to music, etc.
straights have always stolen queer fashion. its just the way it is. same as whites stealing black fashion. underground is cool, becomes mainstream, then new underground comes along, cycle repeats
This. Trannies and femboys dress that way because they understand the male gaze better than women do.
As a straight guy that wouldn't touch a femboy with a 10 foot pole but wishes real women dressed like them, I consider the recent trend of women learning from the femboys an absolute win.
Ugh... why do all the weeb girls have to be poisoned by Tumblr? Why are there no racist /pol/ weeb girls?
Because women know femboys are IN so they want to capitalize on it. Like how all women said they were into pegging last year

those were TRAPS not TRANNIES you fuck.
the autism that makes someone trans does not discriminate by sex at birth

trans culture is better defined by top/bottom and dom/sub than male/female or woman/man
zoomers spend their lives online and play way more video games and watch more anime than previous generations
I was a Nu Vegas fan because anybody knew about it, the tranny trend started nearly a decade in, post 2020s for sure.
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traps are not a real thing and never have been
Then what do you call a man who puts on a wig and lycra shorts and poses to look female but doesnt hve gender dysphoria
women will leave no stone unturned to ruin lives for me
a transvestite.
mwahnon going off ITT, must've missed his daily dose of BBC
But transwomen didn't pioneer any of those things
I have never seen such a stupid OP remark.
>women dressing like men dressing like women
who is frauding who?
this >>18101038
screenshotting this shit
real women hardly wear skirts anymore
it's a crossdressing thing
to be more exact I would say it's a hyperfeminine and hypersexual version of female fashion so naturally whores like it
Trannies didn't create shit, it was the men and women that have sinced moved on from the internet that made it what it was.
If some of them became trannies afterwards doesn't mean they are responsible for anything.
They weren't trannies before, they became one because of said pre-existing mental conditions and attitudes that were prevalent on the old web. Nowadays, it's just trash.
The internet lost individuality and originality, it all got replaced with hypersexuality and """community""".
My nigga you saying pure fact. One of these hentai ass gay niggas slide in my DMs talkin bout he want a daddy. So OK, I'm about that life. Go to his place and his dumb talking bout watching cartoons and video games... NAW NIGGA I AINT HERE TO PLAY NO DAMN PLAYSTATION. Turn his ass around, get my dick all hard, and he crying and screaming like a damn bitch... and yup ... doo doo all up everywhere. TF these white boys always got doo doo up they damn ass? Nigga wouldn't stop crying after neither
without a fat meaty cock visibly swinging under her sweatpants it's honestly boring as shit
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When he's right he's right
Because those foids identify as male, not even kidding all the girls who dress like this are genderqueer fujoshis who wanna look like fem kpop boys that they write fanfics about and often chop off their tits. It's the only acceptable way to be feminine these days according to woke ideology
kill all roasties jesus

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