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Previous: >>18069127

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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Androgenic alopecia is a disease like any other, and fin + oral min is the cure!
There is no other medically recognized disease where society tells you to just "shave it off bro and embrace it".
Hair is love, hair is life!
You will always be more /fa/ with a full head of hair than without.
There's no such thing as a maturing hairline, if you think you're balding, you're balding!

Fin is easy to get anywhere, oral min is rarely prescribed, the 5% liquid topical form is available OTC everywhere and consists of food safe ethanol, vape juice and water, it's fine to take orally, just note that 0.1ml = 5mg of oral min.
How come trannies keep going bald even after they cut their balls off
I am bald.

can't fight the reaper
They didn't take enough estrogen to shut down all testosterone production, trannies have a habit of seeing their hair springing back to the point that it's convinced some desperate redditors to take low dose HRT to save their hairlines when fin doesn't work fast enough for them.
Does coffee prevent topical min from working?
Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, min vasodilates.
Anyone else here diffuse thinning on the sides? What are you doing? Any success?
No. Minox's vasodilator properties have nothing to do with its ability to grow hair. Other vasodilators do not promote hair growth at all. The mechanism behind minox is currently not known.
I just cover it with my bangs tbqh
Eventually your bangs will fall out and won't grow long enough to cover your forehead until one day they're just gone.
Then I'll buy hair plugs tbqh
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Any reputable clinic will make you take finasteride at least 6 months before the procedure and you still have to stay on it for life or your transplant will fail and you'll look like the openAI guy.
Just get on fin now and save yourself the hassle.
most trannies are on a shitty hrt does and contrary to what 4chan says most of them don't lop their cock off.
Sweat actually absolutely any body of water will wreck your bangs. Don't forget the wind as well.
Not feasible. There's a finite number of grafts back there. And the downtime is IMMENSE. You usually need a buzz to get a transplant, so not only will it take a whole year for the transplanted hair to even remotely resemble your natural hair. If you want any length, you're gonna have to wait a long ass time. If you're in for multiple transplants that's even worse downtime. If you want a buzzless transplant they charge a huge extra and there's still a whole year of downtime 'till the follicles look as decent as your native ones.

The other guy's comment is right. Any reputable clinic will get you on that shit.
How come some old men have high hairlines but never really go bald ?
We need studies on twins with one of them going on minox and fin and the other just going natural and compare them when they are like 60 years old
You don't necessarily end up at NW7. And older men often take finasteride for benign prostatic hyperplasia so perhaps some of them experience a bit of regrowth.
Genetics mostly.
Some follicles are just resistant to DHT, some men are blessed with a full head of DHT resistant hair, others bald at 16.
DHT is basically useless in men after puberty so blocking it doesn't have any I'll effects, it'll even boost free T and progesterone (precursor to T) which softens skin and gets rid of that inflamed greasy skin look that high-DHT men tend to have.
I also noticed it lowered my blood pressure 20 points from hypertension stage 1 to normal so it might have cardiac protective effects as well.
Finasteride does not soften the skin though it does promote elastin production which is still good for anti-aging.

There's a recent study on cardiovascular stuff though the methodology is not the best, IIRC.
never trust the troon drugs
trannies don't take finasteride
one google seaech says you wrong boy
you don't need fin if you're on HRT, there can't be any DHT production if you nuked all T production simply by flooding the body with estrogen.
lmao are you suggesting swallowing rogaine?
Really? Most places say min works by increasing blood flow
Do they know how DHT actually miniaturises the follicle yet?
Yes, it's the cheap and easy strat to get minoxidil, most dermatologists don't know shit about internal medicine and are very hesitant to prescribe you a blood pressure medication for vanity reasons.
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That's DUPA and isn't usually caused by DHT.
Go to a doctor.
I have and he's referred me to a dermatologist who put me on finasteride. Am I supposed to do something else?
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Personally I have no issues with balding at say your late 30s or 40s. But I don't believe a man in his 20s or even worse, teenage years should have to deal with that shit. It's a fucking disease. Imagine getting diabetes while you're in university, you can't eat what you want, drink to your hearts content, enjoy life. It's the same with premature hair loss, it's pretty much preventing you from enjoying your youth to its fullest extent and destroying your confidence with women, unless you're a genetic anomaly with chad facial features, good height, and good muscles, but sadly for 99% of prematurely balding males, that's not the case. This is my rationale for fighting hair loss with pharmaceuticals, call me a tranny or whatever, but I am not letting go of my hair just yet because I understand how the world works, and unfortunately having confidence and just shave it bro is pure delusion and cope.
Unless you have an autoimmune disorder, if you're losing your hair it's purely genetics, stop coping.
>im ok with balding in your 30s and 40s
lmao you wont be saying that when you reach that age
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>it's purely genetics
Cancer is reliant on genetics too kek
/our/guy dropped the mother of all omelets.
Any time the autist posts "tranny" reply them with this link.
Cringe oldcel
Do white bulbs that aren't connected to a hair indicate a shed? like if i rub my scalp i get a some of hairless white bulbs on my fingers.
This nigga has bulbs on his head lmao
He's homosexual and vaxxed and coping hard about his non functioning dick
based mannposter, ive been on fin for four years and stopped all my hairloss and grew the crown back.
this lmao
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can someone recommend me a hydrating/moisturizing shampoo? my scalp is dry as fuck. is pic related any good?
there should be a hair attached. are you dermarolling or doing something that is damaging your scalp?
Ever tried just not shampooing your hair every goddamn day?
I got that autoimmune alopecia where my body loses hair in patches. My lower legs are almost hairless but I'm more concerned about my receding hairline and lower hair density. What are my options?
finasteride (prescription) and minoxidil (over the counter) is all you need
think I might be a hyperresponder to topical minoxidil, feels fucking fantastic man
>muh penis works
>muh penis works
fin trannys repeat ad nauseum
hairtranny sounds like a sperg lmao. trust the science fin trans
life is so fucking unfair.
you can bleed out your pee hole every 3 weeks or you can lose your hair at 30, pick one
At least men can keep away hair loss with generic drugs.
I pick fucking killing myself.
Even trannies who self medicate have more courage than you do.
would you leave me alone? I'm already so fucking down.
Are you even balding?
Go on /r9k/ if you want a pity party.
Fuck you, can't I even have the last word?
fin and min now!
samefagging. grow up
Is it actually a decision between going bald before 30 and not being able to jack off? that sounds like a bum deal either way
You've been lied to by bucket crabs, fin will never fuck with your penis unless your hormones are already so screwed up that an increase in free test would make you impotent, at which point you have other problems.
>Any reputable clinic will make you take finasteride at least 6 months before the procedure and you still have to stay on it for life or your transplant will fail
literally not at all true
you're such a weasely little faggot. probably because you've blocked all your testosterone
those are just the scalp onions, no need to worry about them.
Collect them in a spice jar and you have delicious hair onion powder
They went bald before they did that
Noooooo my heckin DHT is uselesserino noooooo
Nope. The side effect incidence rate is no worse than something like accutane or aspirin. Most people will not get them and if they do get the more common ones like watery semen, they'll subside a month or two in.
There's a risk for ED but there's no proof that it continues after ceasing the drug. If you're going to take it try and stay calm. There's a study showing that people who were told about the side effects had a 3x higher side effect incidence. It's called the nocebo effect. When it comes to the dick brain is extremely powerful. Take virgins during their first time they often have a hard time getting it up due to anxiety a similar thing going on here as well.
Enjoy your turkroach botch job with scraggly ass body hair and 0 density. Dumb motherfucker.
I know this gets asked trillions of times, but does finasteride maintain minoxidil gains?
9 months on fin here, so far hair density on the front of my scalp has seen significant gains and I see baby hairs on my hairline, but my crown only marginally improved and I was considering adding min to fill in that area. Suppose I used min for a year and it refilled my crown area, if I stopped after that will finasteride keep those minoxidil hairs?
I've seen enough r/tressless posts to assume no, min gains require min, unless they've taken hold and gotten thicker after several months of oral min, at which point who knows, we're literally decades ahead of the medical literature.
Another victim of Kevin WoMann. Sisters it gets better, block your DHT to look or feel like a woman again
Fuark, well thanks for letting me know. Any other ways I can fill in the crown without getting a HT or am I doomed to walk with the Norwood mark of shame back there?
you could keep gains from both if you just stay on fin and min indefinitely
I don't care about attractiveness anymore, only convenience. My life was shit when I had it and it's the same shit now. What's the quickest and cleanest way to shave head besides razors (my skin is too sensitive)? I have a cheap electric shaver, but it takes several moves to shave hair on just one part of my head. The whole procedure takes 10-20 minutes and sometimes I still miss some patches
>trannie pill shiller
>anime posting
Your tricks wont work in here trannie
>The side effect incidence rate is no worse than something like accutane or aspirin.
yeah guys, everyone knows having your pregnant wife touch your aspirin can cause your baby to turn into goo in the womb
it's exactly like that
why is there a finasteride cult on 4chan
>fin shiller
Nobody in here supports this guy, reminder that he used to post in here before he was brought out of the forum when his ip was tracked to cuck threads on gif
>your transplant will fail and you'll look like the openAI guy
Ilya Sutskever has psoriasis.
Not an argument.
The pills are coated, so no, touching them will not do anything to a pregnant woman. If you split them, then maybe but I doubt skin contact is enough to do serious damage. The only studies that show birth defects on finasteride are using chimps and a huge multiplier of finasteride 100x the standard human dose or something akin to that.
As for the cult of finasteride thing. I think there's more of a cult of anti-finasteride here, I noticed. Take a look at how many replies Mann's videos get: >>18091486
clearly some jimmies rustled there. There's constant seething about the drug and detraction. If you engage with those comments in good faith, you'll get called a tranny with no other substance attached.
Ever heard of a skull shaver or whatever they call it? I heard it's good and fast.
Cucking is hot, though. It's just an innocent fantasy, bro. I don't see the biggie.
He made mistakes. We all do.
Also being a vegan is dangerously based. He's not a soccer mom vegan eating 1 leaf or something stupid like that he actually tries to hit his macros with that stuff.
Being a vegetarian is more understandable if you have a chip on your shoulders about the environment. veganism however is self-harm
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24 and JUST started to notice thinning on the top of my head, its enough that you can see my scalp through my hair on the top of my head if you're looking
Should I start using Min and see how it goes?
Do you have MPB? If so, minox will only hide it you need finasteride to stop the balding process.
What do you mean by "hide it"? like will it not work?
I'm confused by the terminology here
Min is basically roids for your hair follicles, extending the anagen phase and stimulating the follicles, what ends up happening is the DHT damage that causes your hair loss in the first place will eventually outpace the ability of Minoxidil to prevent hair loss from progressing.
Fin and min is not a meme, fin stops DHT from taking your hair, min regrows what you've already lost to DHT.
This meme is wrong because baldcels instantly cope with muh masculinity and muh jason statham
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>washing your hair regularly dries out the scalp and causes irritation
>skips a day of washing
>hair immediately becomes greasy enough to fry an egg and itchier than a dog's ass
Good fucking lord I hate this shit. If I didn't have such a bad skull shape I swear I would just shave that crap off and be done with it
Hi baldies, non-baldy here. Why do these threads still exist? Did y'all know you can just get hair transplants now? My friend was going bald and he went and got new hair. Now he isn't balding anymore. Welcome to the future!
We know. It's a few decades old now. It has limitations like the density you can get and a huge cost barrier. There's a lot misinformation that surrounds it as well like "You don't need meds if you get a transplant, bro" but you do unless you want to end up like this: https://old.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/1c957rq/this_guy_loses_all_transplanted_hair/
We shill the meds because you're gonna have to take them either so why not take them at NW1.5 and spare yourself paying 10 grand for a good transplant or 3 grand for turkroach botchjob.
The hair loss industry is filled to the brim with snake oil salesmen selling scalp massages and other "natural" placebo treatments. This thread is made to inform people. That there is only one thing that can treat this condition. We also try to reduce the unwarranted fear around the drug.
Just found that Dr. Julianne Imperato-McGinley is responsible for crucial research into what causes balding and subsequently development of finasteride. I WILL NEVER HATE ON A WOMAN AGAIN.
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I'm in the same boat. Except I have sebderm, if I shave I'm not sure whether treating the scalp will be easier, even with no hair in the way
What are some hair products that could help keep my thinning in hair place and not be blown in 5 different sides when there's a slightest gust of wind?
hard gel
Aren't hair gels for people with thicker hair? I feel like it would weigh it down and make it look flat and greasy
thick hair weighs itself down
you have none, so you have to add product

are you at least taking fin to prevent your shit from getting worse?
Yeah I'm taking it but not sure if it's working tbqh.
I'm shedding almost every day. However my hair looks and feels better than before taking fin but at the same time it feels thinner. Especially in the front
>As for the cult of finasteride thing. I think there's more of a cult of anti-finasteride here
>We shill the meds because you're gonna have to take them either so why not take them at NW1.5 and spare yourself paying 10 grand for a good transplant or 3 grand for turkroach botchjob.
>The hair loss industry is filled to the brim with snake oil salesmen selling scalp massages and other "natural" placebo treatments. This thread is made to inform people. That there is only one thing that can treat this condition. We also try to reduce the unwarranted fear around the drug.
are thetans causing my hair to fall out?
where the fuck do i get non overpriced 5% minoxidil in canada? costco doesn't sell the kirkland brand stuff here for whatever reason
Resentment of women is a baldcel trait. Just to name a few redpill woman hating chuds: Tim Pool, Jordan Peterson (he had multiple transplants to cover it up), Andrew Tate, etc.: all baldcels.
I had this problem all my life.
When I started minoxidil, I got concerned that it has an alcohol base, so I started using hair masks with oils and whatnot.
I can nowadays go several days without using shampoo, I just wash my hair with water, put on a hair mask, scrub my scalp with my fingers, wait a few minutes, rinse it all off. After my hair dries out, I put on the minoxidil.
Never had a problem since starting this routine.
It's your male hormones, a real and concrete thing that is scientifically proven to exist.
I fixed this issue by leaving in shampoo less than 10 seconds, the key is to wash out excess oils but not all of it, don't even bother going for the scalp, just aim for removing oils from the outer parts of your hair.
Yeah but if you have longer hair, you'll have to comb it with your fingers or with a comb from time to time throughout the day and it'll pull all the oils back into your hair and make it greasy again. It's basically how boar bristle brushes work and if you have any grease in your hair already, using one will make your hair disgustingly greasy lol.
I'm experiencing diffuse thinning, got my blood work checked out and it turns out I have hypothyroidism, so what now? I've been on the meds for a good five months now and still see no signs of regrowth, thought the diffuse thinning seems to have slowed down somewhat I think.
Treat the hypothyroidism. What advice were you expecting lol
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I'm experiencing thinning but I can't tell if it's MPB or something else.
I have bad enough irritation on my scalp that I find it uncomfortable to wear over the ear headphones for extended periods, and my scalp is a dull red color most times.
Any ideas on what this might be?
>dull red color
Nigga your scalp is going through inflammation. Either beginning stages of balding or might be something else - fungus, skin conditions, too dry, etc.
Go to a derm. Or check reddit, there's probably been guys with your problem.
How do you do that? I have medium length hair, but when I try to wash with a fingernail sized drop of shampoo it's not enough to cover my whole scalp. My whole donor area needs another bottle squeeze worth of shampoo itself, no matter how much I try to spread it around I still feel the grease in my hair while rubbing it around with my fingers. It takes me at least 1 to 2 minutes to cover the whole head. If I do any less than that I feel like I didn't do anything to clean it
Finally saw a derm after coping since 2022. Got prescribed the usual topical combo. Yeah, I know I'm on the right path to get shit under control, but I'm still fucking terrified of the shedding and the lifestyle adjustment.

I was given a bottle with a drip insert that dispenses small-ass drops. I'm supposed to apply 6mL all over so I don't even know if I'm applying the correct amount.

Honestly fuck my maternal grandpa for passing on his genes.
Calm down buddy, it's not as life-altering as you think, it's just a pill and some hair spray, you'll be thankful it's only that when you'll notice your hair coming back.
Fin from Roman caused me to break out into a horrible rash on my torso, so I guess I'm part of the 1% in that regard. Would it make a difference trying a different brand or am I fucked?
anyone on oral minoxidil for hair growth? how did you get your doctor to prescribe the medication? I went the other day to see my pcp and the faggot didn't want to prescribe stating, "it doesn't exist for hair growth, only solution or foam can be prescribed". I'm going to be switching providers however, if there's any recommendations that could help in getting oral minoxidil prescribed that would be great.
Just ingest the spray. It's safe for consumption.
You did the right thing by taking action. My advice is get on finasteride too for better results. Kills the nasty hormone responsible for destroying your hair follicles in the first place. Just 1 pill a day.
The first finasteride brand I tried also gave me a nasty rash all over my body (mostly on my thighs and forearms) after about 2 weeks of starting it, after asking my pharmacist about it he gave me antihistamine pills and the rash eventually stopped a couple of days later. I kept taking the same finasteride brand for about 6 months (until i had to switch to another brand because they stopped selling that particular one), never had a rash a second time. It's probably your body reacting to the inactive ingredients it eventually gets used to it
Sounds encouraging, what did you take? Allegra?
based goym
I use a quarter sized dollop of shampoo and work it in really vigorously and fast and start rinsing it out within 7 seconds
I have shoulder length hair so you should be able to do this too.
Yes you will leave some grease in, you're not supposed to remove 100%.
Get better at timing it.
What is your hair like? Mine is straight.
>Yes you will leave some grease in
yikes dawg
absolutely disgusting
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don't do this
your hair wants sebum from your skin, completely stripping it leaves it completely dry and frizzy
My crown is currently thinning in my early 20s and I would be lying if I said I hadn't considered going on fin, but MBP is a natural process. Fucking with my hormones will just delay the inevitable and at worst it will fuck up my body.
You people are remarkably hypocritical in that you will call female birth control pills and anti-depressants/SSRI's evil and dangerous but finasteride, nah that's completely fine. SSRI's are deemed as safe by the FDA etc but they seriously fuck you over forever even if you quit them since you're tampering with the natural processes of your body. I've witnessed firsthand how people's entire personalities change from a time of SSRI use, even if they quit them eventually.
>Fucking with my hormones will just delay the inevitable
it delays it your entire life
This is by far the shittiest false flag I've ever read. "as a person that's in position I agree, BUUUUUT actually no" Are you fucking stupid? Stop trying to drag us down crab. You want to go bald do it. But stop trying to make yourself feel better by dragging others into your misery.
whatever you say shrek, just don't let your stinky greasy skin come near me
Nobody's stopping you from becoming a baldcuck lol.
you are a victim of industry
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Question for current fin users in the thread;
I want to try getting a prescription because I am pretty insecure about my looks, since so many of my friends/family comment about how nice my hair is.
Have you experienced any kind of emotional/psychological effects after beginning finasteride? and if so, what should I expect if I decide to start taking it?
My mood improved when I noticed that the drugs started working, I stopped worrying about how my hair looks.
Yeah I felt much happier after getting on fin, a weight was pulled off my shoulders, I knew I was doing something to keep balding away and I didn't have to obsess over it anymore.
I've been on it for 3 weeks and I've started feeling a lot more tired than usual in the past few days, actually took yesterday off from work and slept all goddamn day, something I haven't done in over 3 years. Maybe it'll go away soon, I'm planning to stick to it for 6 months before I evaluate whether I should keep going or not.

Had some physical abnormalities also, woke up with cold sweats one day and my balls have been aching a little bit this last week.
do you even know what conditioner is?
it's just silicone-based lubricant you smear into your hair to replace all the oils you washed away using too much shampoo
6 months on dutasteride and spent 2 on finasteride. hair literally got worse through all this time. I never stopped shedding.
I'm a minoxidil non-responder too, trying oral in a month.

I did everything right and still got fucked. Sucks man.
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>he's using conditioners
>he's using SILICONE conditioners in 2024 anno domini
bahahahahah you niggas are clueless
you are a greaseball in denial
i bet you're one of those microdosing sissies
No shit Sherlock I was just wondering if I should consider fin+min or if I should wait it out considering my illness, I've heard treating it with levothyroxine will typically make my hair grow back but it could take months or even years. I only ask because once you start fin+min, you have to take it for life unless you want your hair to fall out again.
i noticed literally no sides or anything on fin
i don't even know if its doing anything to my hair desu
i may just be a total null responder.
>got my blood work checked out and it turns out I have hypothyroidism
Oh shit, I'm also diffuse thinning. What symptoms did you have for hypothyroidism? I've been on fin for years and my hair's always been shit
So the theory is that MPB is caused by tension induced inflammation in the scalp, which in the presence of DHT, leads to the formation of scar tissue that shrinks hair follicles over time.
That makes some sense
>Take fin, reduce DHT, reduce balding rate
>Take min, reduce collagen synthesis and increase blood flow, increase hair growth

I'd be interested to see if men with a genetic history of baldness could benefit from reduced tension via regular massages and topical muscle relaxers
Who's theory, is it? Dr. Rajeet on Xitter?
not that anon but theres evidence of botox being used to relax skull muscles to reduce tension woth very positive results, look up scalp botox
scalp tension theory is pseudoscience propagated by snake oil salesmen
There's cases of people growing hair for a bunch of different reasons like getting burned, anything you do to damage your scalp might make you grow hair if you get lucky.
Is it? I only recently heard about it but it sounds promising. What do you think is more plausible?
idk man the botox treatment seems to have consistent results
>Is it?
yes, unironically we know thanks to trannies
scalp tension fags will go in circles and try to claim that balding comes from tension + inflammation and that excess dht in the scalp that kills off hair is only a symptom
but thanks to trannies we know that shutting off test and dht produciton solves the problem without addressing any sort of "scalp tension" by any other means
which means that even if scalp tension is somehow part of the equation, the main culprit is still dht
Okay, but my thinking was more that DHT and tension induced inflammation acted together to cause follicle shrinkage. So yeah it makes sense that castration would reduce the rate of balding as DHT is being reduced, but this may be only half of the equation

Has there been much research on the tension theory? Could potentially produce a method of treatment that could lower the required reduction in DHT
it's just dht, there's not much to it beyond that
do you have a discord i can add? i dont want my source to get cleaned out by posting it publicly
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Best way to combat puffiness sides from topical min? Never had any side effects from oral fin
I'm on fin but it looks like it's not working. No point in adding minox or thinking about hair transplant in the future. It's so over lmao
Not really sure about taking dutasteride or research chemical shit like RU
Stop having a shit diet, eating salty fried shit all the time will bloat you up, with or without min.
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Am I balding? I feel like the hair is too thin.
post hairline, I can see your deep receded temples so I can assume yes, your shit is going

fin and min now!
fin takes anywhere between 6mo to a year before you see an improvement, if your hair is sufficiently cooked by DHT, you'll have a brutal shed before it gets better, that's your follicles repeatedly thickening and growing to their maximium length before shedding and growing, this can happen multiple times, especially on the areas most affected.
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I've been paranoid about my hairline receding ever since it started thinning and my temples started pulling back, I'm in my mid twenties so I'm hoping it's not too abnormal but today I lost what might almost be a clump in the shower. When should I start to panic? I'm not entirely opposed to ending up with a Jude Law hairline, and my dad has something similar (maybe a bit thinner and with a slight bald spot in the back)

apparently this noble oriental company has crafted a new weapon in the war against hair loss
Weight gain, dry skin, chapped lips (which is part of the dry skin), fatigue, swollen hands/feet, high blood pressure, skin discoloration (either a sickly pale color or yellow), diffuse hair loss, just to name a few, once I began treatment the majority of the symptoms went away, I really fucked up by not taking it earlier.
Ngl I'm thinking about just getting one of those hair systems. I still have hair but it looks like shit
call that shit what it is, a toupee
Hard to say with this hairstyle. You should compare older pics to see if you're thinning and losing volume.
You'd need to post hairline to determine if it's receding.
Almost 5 months in and no side effects whatsoever. But no improvements either. I might be eating sugar for all I know. Still happy I'm doing something even if it may turn out to be a lost cause.
I don't care what the medical establishment says, God uncovers man's head for it is his glory.
how much finaseride should i be taking? 80kg 23yo
only have spray bottles of minoxidil
The medical establishment wants you bald, ugly and stupid.
Why do you think they don't prescribe oral min and direct you to topical, which doesn't even work in 33% of men?
Troons also drink water
Troon liquid
Is there any point in applying min topically if you're also drinking the stuff? I've been drinking 2.5mg a day for a week and applying 1ml topically in the evening because I figured I have a shit ton of the stuff I'll never go through orally so might as well but I'm wondering if I should even bother or is it just going to be a hassle down the line.

I'm also wondering if drinking 2.5mg or 5mg to mimic actual min tabs is even efficacious, because examples of people taking topical min orally over a long period and getting gains is rare to non existent, since this is still a fringe thing. The only examples I can find are extreme cases of mad scientist motherfuckers drinking like 10mg a day and getting gains but also becoming werewolves. I just want to take a normal dose and have it actually work. In theory it should because its the same active ingredient but its not very reassuring.
I dont think weight plays a role but standard dose is 1mg a day, but theres arguments that less is just as effective. But to be safe I'd go with 1 - 1.25mg a day and only take less if you experience sides.
emotionally, i was so relieved after i started fin that i became far less stressed basically instantly, even before it started working.
i had a weird brain fog thing going for a while, but this started like a year after i started fin and mostly cleared up after a while, no clue if it was the fin or not.
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bros what do i do
i'm turning 25 in a month, hair genes on my dad's side are shit. is this salvageable?
also started nofap, running daily, and working on nutrition if that matters.
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>Fotana HAIRestart
okay how much of a scam is this?
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Noticed hair falling out in late August, from Sep 1st I took 1 mg fin per day until early 2024. For a single night I couldn't get an erection but I lowered my dose and it quickly went back to normal
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I think instead of MPB, my hair was in extremely poor health due to insomnia. Back when it fell, it was itchy all the time. I began using dandruff/keto shampoo but neither seemed to make a difference, though I did have some dandruff. Feels in my case more like a gut health thing. It's still often itchy and sensitive but it happens all over the head, including the sides and back, so I don't think it's really balding.

I suck at observing pictures but the density seems okay now, the crown doesn't look too bad. My hair is naturally thick so it definitely seems like it should be denser than it is, but I assume those spots will regrow if I solve the itch/health stuff. Not sure how much of an improvement this is but it does look much healthier.
It's funny: I have similar diffuse balding pattern to yours and started fin around the same time. I take progress photos at the start of each month so maybe you can do that too. It's hard to tell because your hair are different lenght, but 4 months isn't enough for fin to have visible effects so my bet is on no changes. You might want to check with a derm for the itching. MPB can still happen on the sides and back (DUPA, retrograde, etc.) but it's just less common.
I had a bunch of thin, white hairs appear on my hairline by 1 month, so it seemed like fin was trying to restore my temples.

>MPB can still happen on the sides and back (DUPA, retrograde, etc.) but it's just less common.
My hair quality was a true nightmare in the before pics. That, coupled with the itching & dandruff (and the fact none of my male relatives ever went past NW2-3) makes it seem the hair loss was just the end result of a totally ruined head of hair, due to poor gut bacteria and insomnia. I saw a video about that, how Koreans have beautiful hair because they constantly eat kimchi and use sulfate-free shampoo. The itch is also on-and-off, sometimes it's gone for weeks.

>my bet is on no changes
Maybe. At minimum, it doesn't look any worse which is what fin is meant to do. From what I know about diffuse hair loss, the follicles themselves take a long time to die, so unless the loss is really agressive you stand a high chance of getting all the hair back once the problem is solved
You have a legit widow's peak, but it is receding. It's especially prominent on the left side. If you hop on fin now you might regrow it and you'll obviously keep everything you have.
Isnt that the cuck guy? What a fucking retard.

Just look at his vids and baldcafe, who seems like a guy you would chill with? No wonder hair is everything in his life when he is a fucking cuck lol.
Yeah, I've lost a good portion of that on the left (my right) side in the past six months since my old dog died. But if the skin where it's receded is completely smooth, is it still possible to regrow? Right now I'm just hoping I can keep the thin spots from thinning further.
Also obvious question is do I worry about side effects? The consensus seems mixed.
Generally, the side effect incidence is on the lower side. IIRC, it's 2% or so. And side effects subside when ceasing the drug. Now, there's a subgroup of people that insist some side effects are permanent but simply put there are no studies that show this, there's no long term that shows this. If anything, the 10 long-term on finasteride showed that the drug is extremely safe.
There's a chance you'll get the nocebo effect. You know how virgins get anxiety during their first time and can't get it up? That can happen if you worry about sides too much. Try to stay calm. Try to not overreact if you don't get an erection while being stressed. See if in a week or two it subsides.
I'll give you some examples of famous people on finasteride/dutasteride perhaps they'll reassure you: Ashton Kutcher has taken Dutasteride for 10 years. Donald Trump has taken for finasteride for who knows long and had a kid at 59 years old. Andrew Garfield implied he's taking it. All of these people have some of the best dermas money can buy, and they're reassured about the safety of it.
The irony is that I couldn't get it up when I nearly got laid last year, which I almost chalked up to ED had it not been for the fact that I was scared out if my mind (and not really interested in the girl), so I could easily rule that out.
Otherwise, what you're saying is convincing. So my last question would be, where do I get it? If you'd care to spoonfeed me that is.
It depends on where you live. I know in the US a dermatologist appointment can be expensive. People often recommend GoodRX, costco or costplus here. You can apparently get the prescription online and the drug is really cheap. To tell you the truth, I simply wouldn't truly know cause I'm in Europe.
Why this nigga looking like 53 year old??
look at his family in the background. He just had putrid genes. Dude never had a chance. I'm kind of in the same boat as this guy except im not as bad. But being bald this young with a baby face makes you look 50 and 12 years old at the same time and it sucks.
Lifting could have saved him
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>There's a chance you'll get the nocebo effect. You know how virgins get anxiety during their first time and can't get it up? That can happen if you worry about sides too much.
This is me kek. I’m a hypochondriacal retard who’ll probably psyop myself into having sides if i start fin but im seriously considering starting it. Like I’m that anxious moron that freaks themselves out when smoking weed and has a panic attack because they think they’re having a heart attack lmao
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Ive had crohns disease since I was 11. i started noticed my hair thinning at 25, pic related was last fall age 32, before i started fin 1mg

any chance this could be caused by something other than MPB?

my grandma (moms side) had a mild norwood but died with a full head of hair. My dad started going bald in his late 20s but from the crown only. at this point Im balder than my dad was at this age, but they say you dont inherit balding from your dad.
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pic related was his hair two years before he died at age 86
interesting. Ive had eyebrow thinning on the ends for many years now in addition to my hair falling out. my barber of all people suggested I should have my thyroid checked out for my hair loss. think i might look up a doctor tomorrow
>any chance this could be caused by something other than MPB?
Yeas 90% chance. As an other anon said he had gut problems and insomnia but took fin instead. Reject the pharma jew
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how do i begin to track that down? I KNOW I have an autoimmune disorder. Ive been on and off meds for 20 years, Ive had bowl surgeries, Ive been on steroids,JAK inhibitors, pills, injectable medications, etc. Right now I'm on two self-injecting meds that are keeping my condition at bay.
I also think it could be thyroid related?
top pic was my eyebrows in 2018, when my hair was still pretty full, and right before I had a major flare up
bottom pic was from last month. seems like a good part of my eyebrow is missing
Uh oh Finasteride is making my erections weaker, bros...what do.
An entire thread and not one mention of micro needling?
you noceboed yourself sorry
you're stuck like this now
I want to fucking die because of my hair
Can't style them properly to hide the receding temples anymore
t. 23 yo
I even avoid going to work and stay WFH because of that (when I'm not allowed too)
I want to die
thug it out
that's what i do
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I’m assuming you’re doing 1mg a day? How about lowering your dose. I’d probably start doing 1mg every other day just to see how that goes first
I'm on 0.5 mg a day.
>I’d probably start doing 1mg every other day just to see how that goes first
I did this for the first two weeks but this week I started taking half a pill once a day, so I'm taking the same amount still. Dunno whether it had a different effect or if it was just a question of time before it would happen. Maybe I'll try going back on the other dosage schedule soon and see what happens.

Yeah I guess I will too for a while, not like I get laid anyway.
Norwood 2 here @40.
-Fill in just the temples
-Fill in temples and hairline
I worry about having two islands at the temple and/or a river of hair lmao at my hairline when/if my hair recedes further.
I guess I could laser away the transplanted hair? Or get more transplanted infills. Gigaoldfags give me your advice.
do .5 every other day
Minoxidil dries my hair after spray. Is there any product I can use, something that can moisturize my hair after the routine? Thanks.
29 1 year post transplant

Tbh it's even more worrying now, I'll probably go back and get another transplant next year or the year after that

It's not noticeable to people but I can see the right and left areas behind my hairline need more filling in

I did stop using dutasteride for like 6 months, I was only using ru and minoxidil

I switched back to dutasteride and minoxidil and micro needling

Hoping it thickens those areas up

Styling wise though, with pomade it's not noticeable

Shits annoying though, even after a transplant you gotta keep fighting the Norwood reaper

My transplant was about 1650 grafts in the front area

My crown and donor zones ain't that back but I'm just gonna go a little smp on them to darken the light areas up

Smp with be like $300 a session, it's in Tijuana which is why

The guy I spoke to knows his shit and I saw his before and afters, uses ghost pigment, solid work

I might just see how smp looks like with my original transplant and postpone the second one for further down the line
I'll give that a try if I don't get my dick back soon, thanks Anon.
stay on the prescribed dosage. you will never use your dick PERIOD if you follow the advice of someone on 4chan. 1mg is what you should be taking
uhh bud, you more than likely have an autoimmune disease, possibly hashimotos, why haven't you gotten that checked out?
Nigga if 0.5 is making my dick limp then 1 mg would cause it to fall off, pharma jew can kiss my ass
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you're a retard. 1mg a day isn't some standardized dose it's just a baseline that you work from. most men do fine with 1mg but it doesn't mean 1mg is the most efficacious dose for everybody.
I alresdy have an autoimmune disease though, that’s what Crohn’s disease is. Could it be possible in 10 years my doctors never noticed my thyroid? Maybe. It would be a miracle if it turned out my hair loss was reversible
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if the hair loss was originally due to d-testosterone you still need to take something to block any hair loss going further. you aren't magically immune to it on the hair follicles you had before. Taking something like finn is a preventative, keep at it.

Personally I just got told to start taking finn yesterday after a consult. They quoted me at 1200 transplants to return the half inch of loss I have in the front. 8000$ usd for a no-shave FUE transplant here in Boston. Combined with Finn i'm being told it'll halt anything further due to testosterone.
you are gambling your hair by taking the chance of straying from 1mg. why would you even suggest that without constant blood tests to monitor dht. like i said, a 4chan retard
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Is it receding bros?
yes norwood 2.5
you look like you have a naturally big forehead but it is definitely receding as well
What do?
Yeah the forehead is really big, what do now tho?
finasteride prescription if you dont want it to progress
Thank you, will hit up the doctor ASAP

>tfw it’s receding and you aren’t even 23
finasteride should be good enough
I saw an actual dermatologist and asked for it, he had no problem prescribing it. 5 mg daily
likely been going on way earlier than that since it usually takes years to become noticeable. the good news is you caught it fairly early on and should be able to easily move past this and avoid balding altogether
>5 mg daily
is your prostate balding
>Could it be possible in 10 years my doctors never noticed my thyroid?
Yeah, medical malpractice is pretty much the norm nowadays, you should definitely get it checked out. More likely than not you have hashimotos thyroiditis. Though don't expect your hair to grow back overnight, it can vary depending on how fucked your TSH levels are, also pay attention to your T3 and T4.
thanks for the recommendation, will give that a try next. apparently, if all else fails I saw there is online consultations with quick video/tele call and apparently they send the prescription right away, runs around $60 USD for consultation.

I think you're confusing minoxidil with finasteride, fin is for prostate used to treat BPH, starting dose 5 mg QD, but for hair loss your should be on 1 mg daily ideally, but if you're unlucky with sides, gotta down titrate. minoxdial is a very old BP medication that hardly any cardiologist prescribes and doesn't touch your prostate, starting dose to treat hypertension (HTN) is 10 mg QD, so theoretically 5 mg QD should literally do nothing to your blood pressure, instead give hypertrichosis which is what we want. but to be on the safe side, I would recommend to monitor bp levels at least for 1 month daily for paranoid precautions ofc
>Friar Tuck pattern baldness
>hair grows EXTREMELY thick and fast on the edges, just not to the top of my head
>take 2+ hours to shave and go through 8 disposables, frequently break clippers from clogging so much

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you are carl. your destiny is carl. do you choose good carl or bad carl.
>3rd minoxidil shed in 4 months

Yea nigga fuck that 8000

Go to Tijuana with Dr Jimmy Cortez at capilar hair center

I think he charged me about 2.3 per graft last year in 2023

Look up broke Kartel YouTube channel, he's from Chicago or some shit and went to Tijuana with Dr Cortez too
Anyone have good recommendations for dermarollers/microneedling pens? I did microneedling at a clinic a few times and it was very effective, so I would like to do it at home every week.
My dad is balding, like a norwood three, but my grandpa on my mom's side is over 70 with all his hair. I'm in my 20s with a full head of hair. Should I be concerned? If so, can I prevent it from happening? I heard fin causes cancer or something.
Take pics of your hair and compare them over time, if you notice it thinning a lot or receding then start considering treatments.
if your hair feels whispy then yes, its miniaturizing and you are balding
Is multiple sheddings normal? Is your hair actually getting thicker or are you getting fucked?
Hey mate give nizoral shampoo a go. It will help with your seb derm. God bless
Can anyone comment on finasteride side effects? I consulted with a doctor and he said “fin side effects aren’t that probable, take it or take min it’s up to you”. However min is much more expensive where I live so I’m inclined to take fin
depends how much of your hair was affected by DHT. Shed basically = synchronizing the hair follicle cycle to match that of healthy non DHT hairs. More shed = more hairs returning to a normal size and growth cycle. Usually a good sign but could mean the medication isn't working and he's just rapidly thinning out.

you have around a 1-2% chance to develop any meaningful sides on fin which might as well be 0% if you can stay away from reading grossly exaggerated horror stories online. Just take fin and move on with your life. After a year of treatment if you are not happy with the results you can consider min for any problem areas
>which might as well be 0%
After months of taking 1mg of finasteride per day, my dick suddenly couldn't get hard. I reduced the dose frequency though and it went back to normal.

Making it out like side effects will never happen on a pill is just stupid. Always be ready
So how often are you taking it now and do you still get the benefits?
so you read about that side effect and instantly attributed it to finasteride without any follow ups with a professional right? You then read that lowering the dose can reduce the severity of side effects so you did that and now your dick is working fine? this is exactly what i am talking about, stay off of the forums and just move on
It's normal if you're growing hair where there was none before

>medication isn't working
This is the kind of fud that leads to retards freaking out after their first min shed and quitting cold turkey and being worse off than before, because they're afraid their shit won't grow back and it really won't if they drop fin and min.
3 sheds in 4 months is on the high end of abnormal. he should be nearly completely bald at that point. anyone should be concerned at those numbers. And medication not working can mean a multitude of things which should always be explored further. ie, applying a counterfeit product, hair loss not caused by MPB
Well I called my hospital to make an thyroid appointment and the soonest they have available is October 31st. Fuck me
lmao what country is this
Chicago Illinois
you just have extreme social anxiety and get scared of things you read online. go to a doctor you need to add some head meds to your stack dumby
my hairline has only crept down toward my eyebrows since I started, it's the same spot on my hairline that sheds repeatedly, they're growing longer between sheds though, the last cycle grew to 9cm and the ones before that fell out at 3cm.
your penis just doesn't work and you are losing touch with reality.
you were literally talking about your dick not working online to people on 4chan. grow the FUCK up
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can you mix ketoconazole/nizoral with other shampoo so it lathers and reaches the scalp easier?
cant you just work it in by hand?
Does topical min expire?
I've been drinking it for 4 months and my first min bottle is still 80% full, I doubt my 6 bottles will last 7 years without decaying or losing potency somehow.
I'm doing the chad embrace and growing my hair out and brushing it all back.
Mine doesnt seem to progress beyond NW3
>I did microneedling at a clinic a few times and it was very effective
Do tell more
Was thinking of getting one from amazon, whichever is highest rated
Will GT20029 save us?
nta. finasteride penis rage
So I read that you should wait until thirty to get a transplant, but i started balding literally as soon as I turned 20 (23 now) and have a a race car strip of thinning hair at the top of my head. I asked my parents and they said my dad was bald at 25 (that's when they had me). I've been using Min in the meantime with little success. Should I just get it ASAP?
my hair get greasy if i dont shampoo them every night
Not much to the story. I went to get microneedling done as treatment for my acne scars [spoiler]yes, male pattern baldness AND acne scarring, God is trying his best to make me ugly[/spoiler] and also had it done on my scalp for shits and giggles. My hair immediately started growing out of previously-dead zones, even more after the second round, so it definitely lets you get the most out of your minoxidil. Can't visit that clinic anymore, which is why I wanted to get a pen for at-home treatment.
am i losing it, doc?
Yeah kinda
Are you seeing miniaturizing hairs falling out shorter every time?
the widows peak makes your recession more noticeable. your temple area still blends in decently with your sides
8-10 strands come out in the shower with shampoo, theyre a few inches long though.
hair feels super dry even days after washing.
not really but you can get an idea if it will progress further by looking at close relatives. norwood 0.5-1
Can you use moisturiser and sunscreen after min? The pharmacist was unable to answer this. Tbh I'd go for using min once a day in the evenings over dropping sunscreen and moisturiser. I have 5mg fin pills too which I can cut or crush even though the box says I shouldn’t, could do them every once in a while.

The pharmacist said I could try min in the evenings, but it would probably mean less result
Just take the topical min orally, >>18090523
NTA but I’d rather be inconvenienced with topical than risk cardiac issues with oral
Is ~40-50 hairs shed in a day an acceptable amount for 9 months on finasteride? Mostly shedding thicker longer terminal hairs but also seeing some of those short miniaturized hairs in the mix
That's a normal amount, are they all over your head or concentrated mostly in one area like your hairline?
but do you (or anyone else here) even think its worth doing for my situation? >>18100216

they told me I have just about half an inch of recession from my original hairline. If I take Finn and it stops moving, I feel like its pretty passable no?
has anyone switched over to propecia from finasteride and have gotten better results? I've been on finasteride for about 6 months now, and it feels that I have not noticed any difference or appears I'm still slowly receeding. I'm in the process of starting oral minoxidil soon just had a constipation for it, but now I'm considering on switching over to propecia (brand name) instead of generic finasteride. obviously, they both have the same chemical makeup i.e. finasteride, however, the difference lies in the laboratory making the drug e.g. high purity vs impurities in the product which is highly likely what you get from generic meds. and of course killing the wallet. propecia comes in at $300 USD for 3 months supply, whereas I'm getting generic fin at $11/month. seriously considering the switch, just wondering if anyone else did the same and has noticed any difference?
consultation, kek
Hard to tell, I see them mostly when I'm in the shower rubbing shampoo all over my scalp and rinsing it off. Although my crown area is the weakest link, I think that's where most of the miniaturized ones come off of.
I'd jump on fin, your shit might be receding slowly but it's definitely happening
I've been doing fin for a month and there's literally no side effects
Maybe first week my dick felt weird when jerking off? but even then I would bust nuts
I used to shed a lot of hair now I barely do
I'm horny all the time
Congrats bro you’ve joined the 99% of men who don’t have any sides from fin but don’t spend their entire day online talking about how fin is a tranny drug that makes your dick fall off
I've been taking finasteride for 9 months, that's why I'm concerned. I want to know if this is a normal healthy shed or if fin has stopped working
UPDATE: Stayed on .5 a day and peepee started working fine again
Been bald and shaving my head for about under a year now. Had long hair for the longest time and genuinely it feels pretty good not needing to care about it. Still curious though, do hair meds actually grow your lost hair back or do they just keep what you have?
Also if you stop taking them, after a while, does gained hair still wither away?
Finasteride generally maintains what you already have unless you're a hyper responder or take it at very early stages of balding you can recover lost ground within 6 to 12 months.
Minoxidil definitely grows back your hair if you respond well to it. But both require daily use especially minoxidil since it doesn't block DHT which is why it's recommended to use both.
Hi guys, could Minoxidil help me (30 yo, images on the top, is this already NW 4?) to regrow my hair like the guy on the bottom? Thanks in advance.
you should stop shitting in your pants
Minoxidil stacked with fin or dut (if fin is not strong enough) could fix your hair on top
However that hairline is not coming back without a transplant I'm afraid
The hair follicles on my forehead do exist, but they only grow very short and thin vellus hairs. Can they be reactivated somehow without a transplantation?
Brutal hairpill. I've been watching several women streamers play through Mafia 2 and all of them ;et out audible dispppointment when Vito get his hair buzzed in prison.
I've seen it happen but it's very unlikely
Oral min will definitely bring back vellus hairs if they were terminal before, you're only ever fucked if the scalp is totally smooth, shiny and barren.
You can definitely go to a NW2 or even 1 with pharmacological intervention alone, but that desired flawless NW0 hairline you wish to return to is too unrealistic without a transplant. Not trying to be mean, just don't want to set your expectations too high and be disappointed. Although oral or topical min-fin/dut will go a long way and you definitely won't regret starting.
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nigga do you not know how to time stamp a youtube link ??
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>No, you don't understand, DHT is a neurosteroid and the only thing keeping you from transmogrifying into a woman
a finasteride user never created or invented anything
How come dutasteride is theoretically better than finasteride, yet there is no photo evidence of dutasteride improving hairline and lots of people actually say it made them go bald faster? It's only finasteride that has these crazy regrowth pics
Trump was the best president we've had in years
20 yo now and nw2, started receding when I was like 18. I began taking 1mg fin recently and I'll probs start with topical min soon once I get the money for it. What are the chances I regrow at least some of my hair? I can still cover up my hairline so it's not that big of a deal rn but it'd be nice.
that's a big prostate
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Can you all tell me where you buy your finasteride or minoxidil? I want as many answers as possible. Help an anon out
my hair looks thinner than usual but im not sure if its because of the alleged fin shed or if fin isn't doing shit. my thinning is pretty slow and it has become noticeably thinner in a short period of time which makes me lean towards a fin shed, but if i run my hand through my hair i don't get an out of the ordinary amount of loose hairs so idk.
I get my oral min from costco, I just drink the topical liquid min.
Fin from keeps, you can get it for $25/3mo shipped if you threaten to cancel or move your prescription to a local pharmacy.
You could also just buy it from dashpct or the pharmacies listed listed on /lgbt/'s hrtgen guides, they have stuff that isn't actually for transitioning, like finasteride and progesterone.
>2018, 22yo
>got self conscious about hairline after starting to browse /fa/ regularly
>hair has always shed quite a bit as far as I remembered but never bothered to remember when hairline got a bit receded
>took pictures each 3 months to document hairline
>eventually after like 3 years I stopped cuz fuck it, also never used fin or minox

>6 years after the top pic
>hair is long and I got annoyed about my temples and thought if I was receding more
>took a picture trying my best to replicate the position a lightning
>hairline did not move a centimeter in 6 years

there is such a thing as a mature hariline, after all.
fuck forgot the pic
>you can get it for $25/3mo shipped if you threaten to cancel or move your prescription to a local pharmacy.
so you call them every 3 months and threaten to cancel to keep the price down?
My subscription is every 3 months, so I just disable the auto renew and email them saying the price is too high and to pls move my prescription to costco, and they offer me $25 for the next refill, I just copy paste the same shit every time, the last time I did this they gave me the same rate for the next 2 refills.
It's just balding, but you can stop at a certain point. We don't know where you'll end up on the norwood scale. Most people will go way past a NW2. You look ethnic with that jet black hair as well, most ethnic men have better hair genes than white men so that might be at play.
i posted this more as a counterpoint to some posts like "you have 2 years at most". maybe it will stop, maybe it will progress. if it was more agressive i would take fin and not play with my luck

also yeah, i'm iberian, my hair is a deep brown. compared to germs and anglos we sure have better hair kek
Your age? My receding stabilized more or less in my early 20s but I kept getting thinner on top. Started fin at 30 in order to try to regain some density but it might be too late, haven't used it long enough to tell.
i'm 28. at least the top thinning doest not run in the family, while receding is common. I take much more care of my health (sleep, food, stress) than my father uncles grandpa etc though. anyway, if i ever notice thinning on top I will hop on fin immediately

are you on minox also? never thought on fin as a regrower, but fin+minox sure might do the job.
>anyway, if i ever notice thinning on top I will hop on fin immediately
Yeah keep an eye out, my grandparents have the same deal as you; slightly receded hairline but rest was thick. No idea where I got the thinning from.

>are you on minox also? never thought on fin as a regrower, but fin+minox sure might do the job.
No minox as for now, I wanna start off by seeing what finasteride will do for me. I heard it can reverse hair miniaturization on hairs that haven't yet miniaturized past 50% of their original size.
I'm scared that minoxidil will give me fuzzy ears lol. I think I'm too lazy to be applying it topically so I'd rather drink it but then it'll affect hair all over my body.
it's a meme anyway and won't do anything unless you got some fungal shit fucking up your hair
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I still have a perfect hairline up front but I’m worried it’s thinning in the back. Is this just my side part or is it balding anons? 27M
doesnt look like thinning. would need to see a before pic at least a year old and if you don't have one then start monitoring it to see if anything changes
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When people say don't wash your hair every day, do they mean with products or with water? I only wash with conditioner once a week when it gets greasy, but I shower every day, only I clean my hair with water.
i think they mean shampoo, I figured out you can just use less shampoo even if you wash your hair daily, it keeps a small level of sebum in your scalp but not enough for it to cause problems
Moisturize your scalp. There are good conditioners, and specific moisturizers that are based on castor oil or similar.
I have sebderm as well, and I have it in my face. But I'm basically free from all symptoms since running my routine.
If you are experiencing symptoms you should use some antimycotia and cortisone until the symptoms dissapear. But you should always try to minimize sebum production, you do this by cleaning regularly and moisturizing.
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Nvm I probably just got a bad pic. Tried taking some more and it looks better. I think zooming in on your phone makes you look balding by exaggerating the distance between the hairs.
Was worried since I have top tier genetics (neither my dad (60) or grandpa (80) ever went bald). First time visiting this thread lmao.
overwashing will kick up sebum production, that's partly why shampooing everyday is so detrimental

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