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Abominations Thread XLV

Problem Solved! edition

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2777360 #
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reminds me of some of the kitchen layouts i see in manufactured homes. seems like they're all designed by literal retards that have never been inside of or used an actual kitchen before
but is it bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?

All reposts from earlier threads. Get new material.
Ohh boo hoo.
you first
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less than 10 minutes browsing zillow
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Let's just take a moment to appreciate the real estate agent who didn't try to frame the photo around the mold or crop it out of the picture.
That's someone who understands their job.

I mean, any buyer coming to see the house is going to see that shit anyway, so it doesn't make sense to waste time on someone who would walk away at the sight.
Is that a lot of mold?
Could someone clean that with a wet sponge?
>asking for a friend
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rate my dinner
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I've always been impressed by the bandsaw cut on the bun.
>Dueling banjos begins to play...
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i prefer co-op pooping to competitive
I've run into something like this in the wild. Except it wasn't an island. When you walked in the front door, directly to your right was a stretch of what should be just countertop but the range was right there smack in the middle. No cabinets overhead, nothing. Like you walk through the door and can set your keys in a pot of boiling water.
>I've run into something like this in the wild.
Watch where you're going next time.
look at how the moldy area is sagging, and the hole at the bottom of the ramp it makes, the water supplying the mold is coming from above. Also the dried paint balloon running down the wall, this place had or still has a big leak.
>if your hot dogs ain't 950°C don't invite me to a fucking dinner again
ive seen some fuckgin nightmare flipper houses on those realtor sites. places that were falling apart shit boxes and got "renovated" by some retard asshole and ends up looking like some MC-Escher drug and alcohol fueled shit show
in a kithcen so small it is a crime to sacraifce cabinet space for a fucking dishwasher why builder or remodelers think poeple cant live wihtout a dishwasher is beyond me.
compounded by the fact they shoved the sink into the corner like that, underneath the overhead cabinets. god this shit makes me rage.
kithen sink belongs in front of the kitchen window. simple as.
looks about right for a basement. theyre almost alwasy fucked up in some way.
ive grown to fuckign hate basements so much
The Final Round
It's a Face-Off
Get ready folks, this will be the performance competition of the day,...
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>2 player
what the fuck its not 2004 anymore gramps
i want my 4 player
Haven't played BattleShit in a while...
i can't help but imagine this was taken from a chinese or south american factory?
If I had to choose between dishwasher and extra cabinet, I'd choose dishwasher
half of my shit is sitting there anyway
this, it's like a cabinet that cleans your dishes anyway. if I had 2 dishwashers I'd need 0 cabinets, just take clean dishes from one and put dirty dishes in the other until the clean one is empty and the dirty one is full. then just start the full one and repeat.
this actually made me angry
Good source of iron.
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did you make a thread on /wsr/ recently?...
the paper roll is so far away thats juat cruel
You may want to try therapy.
Or meditation or something.
Becoming emotionally invested in a photo of someone else's poorly-renovated kitchen, which otherwise has zero impact on your life, seems like an unhealthy response.
I'm tempted to do this.
the fact they're actually designed to shoot out the back like that...
That's part of the experiment.
It'd be funnier if there was like a remote controlled retractable wall. Wait for someone to go use the shitter, click the switch, it's showtime folks!
found the loser who live alone and whose meals consist of frozen tv dinners and mcdonalds
poking around just like prom night in the dark
Someone tried keeping a burner phone in the tank in a ziplock not realizing that they'll leak eventually. Battery got wet then oh the humanity time.
This has to be the jankiest "repair" I've ever seen.
>Placing 3 toilets in a room
>If I pour self-leveling concrete down the stairs, every surface will be level
Actually looks stout, assuming it's fastened well.
>I saved $500 doing it myself!
>What do you mean the city's condemning the stairs and now it'll cost me $10,000 if I don't get it redone correctly?
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I was looking at rental houses today and saw a toilet-shower-toilet layout, listed as 1 1/2 baths.
In Edinburgh there is (was?) a house where the stairs were purposefully built uneven, so if someone unfamiliar with them was trying to go up during the night, they'd trip. Sort of a burglar alarm.
But I've only ever seen a pic or two, of this one fragment. So maybe it's just made up. But I still think about it sometimes.

Maybe that house is someone who really doesn't like getting bills in the mail?
Take a razor knife and cut that shit right out of your house. You might be able to bleach and dehumidify the studs but expect to cut those too.
You see that is a lot of old New England homes.
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Its not that bad but found a toy kitchen in the trash for my kids. The screws were all loose and this is how they decided to power it lol.
Typical union job
that would be my reading nook
get a chair that barely fits and slide it on in there
no distractions, pure concentration
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OC from my house. We didn't notice until we poured the floor.
Originally it protruded about 2 cm on all sides, but I chiseled the edge to a slope you you don't stub your toe all the time, while at the same time not having a step with a drastic height difference.
You don't notice it at all while using it.
That would be more like a storage niche for me. Maybe build a permanent structure
This is a sign of mental illness
This guy does his own work.
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Yeah this is just ordinary mid-construction stuff
unironically pretty cool if you're stuck with a studio. there's a curtain rod around the bath
Dobbies room.
YJK a sex slave was trapped in there at some point. I don't see any other reason to wall off a perfectly good bathtub other than degeneracy
May we see it?
I don't get it, there's clearly enough space for a wall and there's a vent there. If you sealed it off, you could put a toilet in there too.
>asshole neighbor doesn't want to split the bill to get new stairs
>can't afford to pay it all yourself
>afraid mother will trip one day because of crumbling stairs
>try to repair your side with zero knowledge of concrete work
>neighbor takes picture
>get made fun of on the internet
Illegal bathroom and they covered it when the house has to be sold
thats cool but do you have any proof?
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oh look someone took a pic of one of my nightmares
>Illegal bathroom
you need a licence to have a bathroom?
what third world country do you live in?
do they throw you in jail if you have a bathroom or something?
>illegal bathroom
that's a ten yard penalty and an automatic first down
Did some googling and illegal bathrooms appear to be a thing in a.o. new york. Apparently you are not allowed to have a shower or bath in a basement there.
People kept putting illegal rentals in basements so they banned all sorts of it. A bunch of people got killed when they couldn't escape during the floods.
marisa kirisame fears that building
Yeah because she's a womanlet so this is like climbing Mount Everest for her

Holy shit
Stayed in a place like this for work, was a communal kitchen worked great
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You know how when you're rushing home to go to the bathroom, and the closer you get to your door the more urgently you have to go?
Well this person obviously didn't make it once, and lost it on the stairs outside their front door.
This is a logical solution to prevent that from happening again.
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Not enough to be insurmountable, but enough to taunt them. I like it.
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i remember walking under this frequently
such a fucking shithole city
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Benis !!
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Starforge HQ
Gypsies are a weird bunch.
Odd placement for a stripper pole. Was it for the wife or daughter?
nice looking tile work
Tenner says this is a hipster wagon trying to emulate traveling pajeet RV
Haven't seen a real one in 30 years, and even those were parked on a lot and unused in decades from what it seemed
Well not counting the meme ones they use for festivals.
ayckshually that's just a space saving mechanism. it's called an "alternating tread" staircase. cannot believe they're not just accidents waiting to happen. picrel came up when i was searching for a photo

kinda like it 2bh

Enclose it, there is plenty of space for 3 cannabis plants with good dispersion. Make a passthrough in the wall for ducting pipe where one end at the top is creating a vacuum, put the channel blower downstairs in the basement or somewhere where it doesn't make noise. Prima Klima Carbocone filter for zero odor. That's a good 350-400 grams there with little effort, maybe over 600 with full hydro, though for ease of growing I'd just hook it up with an autopot system.
It's an age old trick when you don't have AA
Aw sweet. For the low low price of a 6 figure fucking house, I can get a stove and counterspace equal or lesser than what I have in my ratnest apartment. There's visibly no splash shield, but is there at least a vent in the ceiling?
>when you don't have AA
Parents too drunk to buy right batteries?
worst i have ever seen
Helps to reduce neck strain watching the TV while washing up.
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I don't have the original image.
what did he mean by this?
These make sense in boats and tiny apartments. That is a death trap without handrail though.
Love the file name
based poester
>kid's favorite toy dies
>go to grab more AA's from the cabinet
>oh shit, we only have AAA's
>grab some foil so your kid can keep playing
>kitchen works
>kid doesn't complain
>out of sight, out of mind
>kid outgrows the kitchen or gets a better one
>not changing the batteries in a toy I'm tossing
>anon finds it and decides it belongs in the abominations thread proving once and for all he is indeed a massive faggot
It's just that easy.
too drunk to have proper supplies but not too drunk to post wall of green text. SAD! Many such cases!
Would osha violations on construction sites or similar be appropriate here? Because holy fuck have I seen some shit out there.
If you have to explain why it's an abomination, it's not abominable.
Linkbros... not like this.
start a thread bump one of the bepis circlejerks off. i have a few to post
my dad does drywall
someone had to make a frame for that
put drywall in it
then plaster
then baseboard

someone requested this
paid for it
and the workers were like wtf ok

also someone had to run electrical under the floor
i wonder what the temp difference does to the drywall
it must draw moisture like a cold beer on a glass table
water hookup too
This just seems like a situation where the stairs used to just continue straight, but some new piping had to be installed and to save space this was the solution for a healthy non-disabled man who seldom visits the basement
Looks like something made in minecraft to maximize the efficiency of going up and down while maintaining "realistic" look.

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