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Farm Fresh Scotch Eggs.

simple, portable, no need to heat for eat.
>simple, portable, no need to heat for eat.

Looks tasty. I had to google to learn that it's a boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, coated with bread crumbs, then deep fried. Or at least that's what they say.

My simple portable no need to heat lunch year round is a flour tortilla, salmon, oil and vinegar dressing, hot sauce, and a gatorade. All of it keeps without refrigeration in the back of my truck.
I'm a work-from-home office worker, not a trade worker.
I had toast with cream cheese.

thank you for explaining for others. I considered adding that, but decided against it, since this is DIY and not /Food/ or whatever.

not that it matters, but my Scotch eggs were wrapped in ground elk. same difference... whatever.
You overcooked the shit out of your egg
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toast bagels on a slab of cardboard in the hotmelt we use to melt pre-glued postform endcaps. I put butter on them too. In this pic im using them to warm up some leftover pizza, but for the most part its 2 bagels with butter in the morning and afternoon
Currently trying a carni diet so its mostly just pots of diced meat or mincedmeat either loose or shaped into burgers and balls.
On the positive side I'm only eating once or twice a day so I don't need to eat at work.
Sunflower seeds
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takes 4min
don't need to keep the steak in a cooler faggot
I pity the guy who works with you on the jobsite, having to smell your rotten-ass egg farts.
Do you dangle it over the flames?
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ah fuck yeah that's what was supposed to go in the bottom left
>Anon, we need to have a talk about your saw blade
Never heard of scotch eggs. Might have to see if the wife will make some. We have a surplus of eggs right now... They do look tasty!

I have never had minced meat that I can remember. Have heard the term used in old books many times but have never had the opportunity to try it.

98% of the time I don't even eat lunch and half the time I wish I hadn't eaten breakfast either...
scotch eggs were a scottish invention popular in the uk same as sausage rolls.
>never heard of mincedmeat
I think you americans call it ground beef.
there is also mincemeat which is a sort of glommy brown paste thing made of sugar, dried fruit, alcohol and animal suet used to make traditional mincepies, they taste great if you heat them up and dollop clotted cream on them
>half the time I wish I hadn't eaten breakfast either...
It was a lie cooked up to sell sugary cereals that breakfast is important. Our bodies just switch to a ketogenic mode where it burns fat.
When I'm posted up in camp this what I typically take with me for my 2 bag max:

>1st coffee (10:00am): Banana, Plain Greek Yogurt, Raw Veggies with Salt + Pepper, 2 Hard Boiled Eggs, Small Cup of Soup, Pre-Workout Drink

>2nd coffee (2:30pm): Spinach Salad with Tomato, Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Black Olive, Banana/Jalapeno Peppers, Roast Turkey/Ham/Salami, 2 Hard Boiled Eggs, 2 Slices of Bread with Butter, Plain Greek Yogurt, Sparkling Water or Hydration Drink
Mother used to buy me scotch eggs, I'd eat the sausage meat, and the yoke but throw away the white.
But you can't do that with the mini scotch eggs so I crack them open and squirt chilli sauce in them
>scotch eggs
use same but take a pat of sticky rice, put meat and beans in middles, roll iit into a ball. wahh lah, rice balls filled with delicios tasy meat and beans. this is the magic of omirashi
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What sort of bird lays those?
Can't beat a Ned Kelly
I normally start the day with 4 poached eggs in baked beans with potato scones. You can just choose not to fart.
that will literally kill you, and your crew, when you explode and your bone shrapnel rips through their meat shell.
>there is also mincemeat which is a sort of glommy brown paste thing made of sugar, dried fruit, alcohol and animal suet used to make traditional mincepies, they taste great if you heat them up and dollop clotted cream on them

That is the mincemeat I was referring to have never tried... I've never even seen anything like it sold locally.

>It was a lie cooked up to sell sugary cereals that breakfast is important. Our bodies just switch to a ketogenic mode where it burns fat.

I don't eat sugary cereals at least, but the older I get, the shittier I feel after eating basically anything at all... If I have hard physical labor like shoveling dirt to do, then I'm better off having not eaten anything at all that day then having had breakfast. Breakfast is usually a couple eggs and bacon or some variation thereof.
dafuq do you work in the open when it's raining? fucking rusty shit everywhere
it's probably from his fat ass sweating at work
Right? That looks fucking awful. That yolk is green and that sausage looks dry as shit. It must taste of sulfur from that horribly overcooked yolk. If you served me that I’d throw it in the trash where it belongs
>That is the mincemeat I was referring to have never tried... I've never even seen anything like it sold locally.
Do you want a recipe? It's a pretty simple thing to make, I can check mum's. My sister's friend apparently devours pots of the stuff their mum makes. but we just make pies with it.
me mum makes a similar snack. I don't care for it, but me dud loves it.
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>Do you want a recipe? It's a pretty simple thing to make,

Why not. I'll see if the wife can whip up a batch someday to try it out!
the basic recipe is below; scale as needed
4 oz suet
4 oz grated apple
1 lb dried fruit (raisins, apricots, etc, etc)
1 lb brown sugar
4 oz blanched almonds
4 oz chopped candied peel
1 large lemon - zest and juice
1 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
4 tbsp brandy/whisky/rum
mix all together
leave over night to rest
store in glass jars
wait at least 6 weeks before trying

for the pies we just make a simple short crust pastry rolled to maybe 3-4mm thick, cut them into disks grease or flour a bun tray, then you put the mix into the little pie and cover with a pastry top as to your preference, and egg or milk wash the top, not sure what temp they want.
Nice. Thanks anon! I will print this out and save it for later!
>tfw this actually makes cyanide
>contains almonds
god you're right
I don't work trades.
But when I have the occasional day of heavy labor I get a sub sandwich, or mcdonalds, or english muffins with peanut butter and nutella. Jet fuel.
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Would keeping some foil packed long life meals make sense for emergency food or are there better option to leave in your truck?
this is me and i'm about to have some deenz on whole wheat and a glass of chilled green tea if my lazy wife made any before she left
Wipe it down with a wetwipe firs.
This. Safety in the workplace is x1000 more important than your work quality AND your wage.

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