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How do I disassemble this drain in my shower?

I want to take, I assume, the inner ring out, which is I assume, screws into outer ring. I am a rentoid and have no tools beyond Leatherman at this time, but plan to buy some tomorrow). Applying rotation to triangle plastic just bends it to the point of snapping. The goal is to pull the hair out.

Do I buy pliers and just open them up to meet with inner rings inner edge? I feel it it won't do shit beyond scratch it.

Who the fuck came up with this retarded design?
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No, you need a "key" that goes into the drain then you use a wrench/ratchet to loosen it. The three prong ones are less easy to find in my experience but you can get a universal drain remover and rip it out that way. Plyers can be used but you'll most likely just break the drain and then have to get the universal remover anyway.
Does picrel have the correct one?

Handy tool even for a rentoid
"Um honey, I need you and the kids to stay out of the tub for a few days, mmkay? See, I bought this tool at Menard's, and turns out we needed a new tub anyway."
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First, STOP. If the drain isn't in the best condition, doing what you are trying to do could cause a leak. If you aren't using a plumber, you might need to pay out the ass.
>The goal is to pull the hair out.
If the hair is in the trap, just use a drain cleaner like Liquid Plumr. If it's further down, it isn't your issue, ask the landlord to hire a plumber. If that isn't good enough, picrel is how people normally clean deeper down the drain.
last tubcleaning thread i saw the guy ended up gassing his whole building, just get a fucking plumber
you should have gay sex with it
Cheap version is just poke at it with a wire coat hanger like a back alley abortion doctor on his last job before he gets high.
those drains are extremely delicate and you wouldnt want to risk breaking it...best to lube it up with some canola oil and the hair should clear out nicely.
>I am a rentoid
call your landlord
don't fuck with other people's stuff
that thing probably isn't even screwed in, it's just an insert on the screwed in drain. if it was screwed in it would be metal down threre for wrenching.
usually hair clogs are ON the bars there, so you got other problems

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