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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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How do you make your house UV proof?
I doubt you can, honestly. Every material will degrade from the sun over time. I guess you could do a copper roof and just concrete walls outside would give you the best longevity (I've heard really wild numbers for copper roofs, lasting hundreds of years)
what a stupid thread
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>UV proof?

every big-box home center store caries variations of these window filters
protects against discoloration of floors, furniture, fabrics, and frogs
37 gallons of spar varnish
You have to be more pacific anon

Thinks you want to protect the outside from UV degradation

Thinks you just want to keep the UV out of the house

Which one is it
bunkers are impervious to UV by nature
You still haven't solved this after hundreds of years alive?
You’re funny, OP. But how come tho?
Even from like photons and atomic radiation stuff?
Oh, you’re funny too. I would think that vampires would have a short life expectancy. It’d be such a hassle to successfully avoid the sun unless the lived underground, I guess maybe.
OP doesnt want his house roasted by a -man made- space ray, right anon? Paint the roof blue lol
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