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Fat Brats and Daddy's Girls
Immobile / USSBBW / Blob Thread: >>10903979
Slob Thread: >>10983108
Post your fat girls and women here. Keep 'em clean and relatively mobile. Wealthy fatties appreciated, but not required.
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Previous Thread: >>10965359
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Its such a coincidence this is the theme of the thread, my new girlfriend is into being a brat.
Anyway, I need tips to fatten her. Shes already heavy and doesnt (possibly ever) want to lose weight, and is possibly showing signs of being open to gaining.
I need recommendations on how to subtly cause/encourage her to get bigger.
offer to cook for her.
fried foods are good with all the oil but I think baking would give you faster results.
Pastries are packed with butter and sugar and carbs so they'd be pretty effective.
downside of baking is that you need to stick to the recipe pretty much 1 to 1, there's not much room for adding extra fat or sugar.
stovetop cooking gives you a lot more freedom but it's easier to make something that tastes like shit.
Your gf should accept it happily unless "being a brat" means being a bitch who won't accept a lovingly home cooked meal.
obviously don't start with giving her the hyper fat fuck butter deluxe if you're trying to be subtle, I recommend shit like cheese danishes and pound cake.
wish you luck
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add lots of fat to anything you cook and you can also add honey to most things this will make it yummier too
keep snacks around constantly and visibly
ask if she wants a drink and always bring a snack with it
just bring snacks to her all the time anyway don't make a point of it just make sure she is constantly surrounded by them
make her feel comfortable, secure, and safe and this includes not being too creepy about your deviancy
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new banger dropped
>not being too creepy about your deviancy
shes creepier than i am and way too trusting
I dont find this cute. I'd tell her to pick it up her self or round house kick her to the ground if she protests.
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Usually midnitemorty's brats get teased for being fat piggies eventually, so it doesn't bother me with most of them. Pic very much related.
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this is such a turn on

i love when the fat girl gets teased

either by others
or by me (playfully)
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Pretty sure this fits better under the Stuffing tag.
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Found a new guy making babby's first RPG Maker game who put out a playable build a few days ago. WG focused, JP only, no custom sprites.

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fat girls in tight dresses are such a turn-on
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I'm not saying you should but you should play my shitty VN game
forgot link lol
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Does Puu Chan count as a brat?
I mean she asks to be carried like a princess and denies that she is too fat for the scale to hold her weight.

But she also acts like a tradwife and makes dinner for herself and her boyfriend everynight.
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hoooly shit thank you
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Wish there was a word/tag for specifically this level of fat.
Have a fat girl lay in bed with you and frequently comment about how warm her body and folds are.
"I might not even need a blanket." You still use one of course, since how is she supposed to get sweaty otherwise.
my [spoiler]mom[/spoiler] loves this
Agreed, this is 1000% the sweet spot. Fat, soft, and round, while still resembling a real human being contrary to a lot of brainrot fat fetish art produced
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Can't say that and not tell us shit, Anon.
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she thicc loves getting fat sitting on me sucking her titties etc
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Get this generative shit out of here faggot
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Anyone know where this is from?
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no god no please no more fucking puu-chan faggotry. I remember you from like 4 years ago, fuck off and stay fucked off.
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Remember when he drew fat girls
I never stopped posting, I just didnt post her as much when Muni stopped drawing her as much and you guys stopped reacting to my bait.
Its good to know that even 4 years later that sweet bunny girl still brings seeth just being mentioned.

I got new waifus now anyway. This one gives death hugs.

Now he draws fat robot men who eat too much pizza or something.
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>4 years
Jesus christ, has it really been that long?
Imagine this shows up for your date after just headshot profile pictures
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Wife shaped
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this image sent me to the emergency room in the middle of the night. i thought i broke my dick.
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Not sure what the plot of Touhou on a Tuesday Is, but giving that Dr Blackjack is writing this I expect all of the cute girls to die horribly for no reason so he can pass it off as "deep" in a fetish story.
Sad this didn’t get more responses. I helped my wife gain about 200 pounds so I’ve got some good experience.
What you’re looking to do is easily add calories that don’t feel like an extra meal so she’ll get used to overconsuming without going “holy shit I’m eating five meals a day I need to stop”.
Start with easy stuff like high calorie coffee drinks. Women love this shit and she’ll always respond to waking up to some fancy drink in the morning with elation. Another easy thing to do is going to sound weird but use larger plates at mealtimes, this will encourage her to fill her plate and get more food than she might normally.
Second is to sneak in extra calories elsewhere. Sauces are a good way to achieve this, a couple cups of ranch or whatever can easily add a few hundred calories onto each meal. If you order a sandwich or something for her be sure to toss in extra mayo. Split appetizers and desserts but make sure she eats the vast majority of it. That’s easy.
Third is a little more cost and effort. You need to make sure you’ve got a lot of snacks around your house, and make sure you’re buying the largest size of things. If she gets to the point where she’s just mindlessly eating, giving her the huge bag of chips might double her intake.
Higher effort and cost is to bookend your outings with meals. Get a breakfast sandwich or a coffee before you hit the road. Stop for a fattening lunch while you’re out, and bring up another meal or treat on your way back. This will easily turn into a 4,000+ calorie day that won’t feel to her like she was just sitting around eating (but will still make her gain weight).
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This is so lewd. I want to get a woman pregnant and do this to her so bad.
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I’m moving to University soon to study for teaching, I honestly argue with myself on whether or not to hop into this kind of relationship due to both morals and costs. I’m a bit of a cheapskate and health nut, so it’s a constant argument in my head whether or not to date fat girls even if I’m into them. Sadly, most classes are online, but outside of that, any overall advise you can give me in terms of approaching this relationship as a semi-broke college student? (I live half an hour away from campus and can’t drive due to epilepsy, so I’m stuck either relaying my family, friends, or Uber drivers)
>oh wah wah muh morals oof owie
Well remember that fat women are more than just a object our our deviant fixations. If someone is already fat and you want to date her there is nothing wrong with that.
Really if you just treat her like a person that you happen to find extremely attractive, remind her that you think she is beautiful and show love and care for her. And just don't act like anything close to a death feeder and you should be fine.

If you want something that is not super unhealthy that she can get fat off of, just give her an abundance of normal food. Potatoes, pasta, and cheese are pretty good foods to get her fat off of. Depending on your school these may be common in your schools cafeteria, and you may have some staff discount or benefit.
I agree with you that feederism is a little morally dubious, honestly your best option is to date a woman who's already fat and just make her feel loved and appreciated. Tell her how beautiful you find her, and if you wanna watch her eat you can just give her little presents and take her out for meals like you would with any other girl. If you make her feel beautiful, she'll be more comfortable with her appearance and might let you play into it more (like buying lingerie that shows off her shape)
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Based wg drive
Normally I don't like landwhales but Ekuspanshun draws them really well
Fat women are expensive as hell, my wife had like 3 cakes from Walmart in a week, and this is on top of a bunch of chips and a gallon of ice cream and a 24 pack of coke. I'm always turned on but I'm always broke
Jesus Christ anon, what the hell is she doing.
Is she so fat that she has a metabolism of a racing horse or does she just shit it all out as fast as it comes in.
She's rebounding hardcore after losing like 50 pounds. She's also a huge pothead and just eats and smokes non stop when she gets home from work. She was like 400 before she lost weight, but now she's blowing up again. It's really fucking hot when somebody starts waddling again after getting themselves back to walking normally for a while.

>Uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed.
>The File field has been cleared.
Why would I be on /d/ outside of incognito mode mr 4chan
I'm always heavily concerned when it comes to consent to the point where it upset my ex in high school. I did it a few times and it was kinda heaven for the both of us. But, I soon jumped out when I slowly learnt how batshit crazy she was in the later months. We eventually got to a point by the time she reached 200 and she told me she was good at that weight and eventually I even helped out when she asked for advice on health when she wanted to lose the weight. All I gotta say is that horoscope girls are really that crazy.

You can only get discounts if you're in a dorm sadly. One of my favourite meals I made when I was younger was a cheese stuffed ham sandwich where I'd fold slices of deli ham and fill them with shredded cheese and grill it, eventually I'd start customising it and so on such as a grilled cheese or BLT. I'm not a skilled chef, but I have a pasta cutter and like to experiment with it from time to time.

I honestly worry if I were to hurt the relationship in someway with this, but that's with anything honestly. I tend to overthink most things though. Does anyone know when exactly I should mention it or not make it obvious that I'm into these kinds of girls. My one ex decided to ask me about my kinks and full on pulled up the photo gallery on my phone and saw the Belt Buster Emilia pic and commented on how "she didn't know I liked women like that" (she was into BDSM, which I really don't like personally, but it worked as a silver lining when she eventually let feederism become involved.) This is when I learnt to not save things to your phone. My other ex flat out cried when she checked search history and saw a Byleth and Edelgard fic, This is when I learnt to use incognito mode.

I at least know to buy Valentine's Day chocolate the next day. I've dated pretty thin girls before, that's why she cried, but again, gaining and weight doesn't matter to me if I love them. She liked being fed, just not anything size related.
The fact they ban posting in Incognito Mode or with a VPN on is BS. I avoid weed like the plague myself, health complications for one but it never appealed to me. Had to get used to my brother and his friends cough like idiots every hour on California moon rocks. Your wife drinks 10 to 12 sodies a day lol. I've never liked chips and the fact they've spiked to five dollars for whenever I throw a party is hell. Bless Aldi and Publix for existing.
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Well you are going to be living at a university, you are going to get women who are on the stupid horoscope crap and nerds on the other end. I got so fed up with living on a college campus and the women I saw that I really stopped caring if the woman I was dating was as educated or intelligent as me as long as she did not follow the weird ideologies that get spread on college campuses, that I got paranoid of violating TitleIX by flirting with someone who took it the wrong way.

>My other ex flat out cried when she checked search history and saw a Byleth and Edelgard fic, This is when I learnt to use incognito mode.
Yeah, I really don't want my GF to know the full extent as to what I find hot in fat women being gluttonous slothful blobs that would probably be so heavy they'd buckle a fibula from standing. Mainly because I don't want her to think I want her to look or be like that.

Also some women will be suspicious if they know you like big girls because they don't want themselves or their friends to be fed into immobility and die alone on their beds because they where dating a death feeder. And rightfully so.

I'd just again recommend just talking to her like a person and tell her you like how she looks and that you find her pretty how she is. Also I strongly recommend actually encouraging her to eat better and exercise a little bit for the sake of her health, but also reaffirming that you love her how she is now. To try to get it in her head that you are accepting of her regardless of her size, but also so she doesn't think that you are trying to maliciously fatten her up since it is on the basis of health not looks.

I actually want to help my gf lose weight. She literally looks like a character that BeltBuster would draw, which I think is super hot and I love snuggling her but I want her to be slightly more abled bodied, able to take care of children if we ever get to that point, and not die prematurely from health issues.
I feel like this thread needs some fun, so I'm dropping a gallery genie cyoa. Pass on artworks you want to see in cyoa!
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What's your ideal weight gain scenario? Cruises? Pregnancy?
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Pregnancy weight gain is perfect. Hot girls turning into fat mommies is the peak of this fetish.

Also, can I use your pic for genie CYOA? Nobody responded XD
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TitleIX stuff is necessary, but it makes me paranoid as hell. I don't have any real problems talking to girls, but the modern day cancel culture crap just terrifies me. I honestly keep to myself in terms as a JRPG and anime fan now since back then, most people didn't know what Megaten or JoJo even was a decade ago. I kinda guessed bigger girls would know about the kink, my crazy ex didn't know people like that existed somehow despite being into some stupid, freaky shit. I wonder about the reactions friends and family will have if I were to one day bring whoever I get with up or have them meet her only to find out I'm dating a butterbutt. The death feederism health issues fics flat out disgusted me when I found out about them. I know about all the health issues that come with it and it's part of why I hate this kink despite being into somewhat smaller sizes.

>>10991240 (Probably around that sweet spot or smaller that the one person on the thread that's somewhere in between Ichika and Miku.) I've been somewhat transitioning out of the kink by slowly looking at art of smaller sizes rather than landwhales that take up the whole bed. I hope she ends up healthier down the line to where things can work out.
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I wanna get fat but I'm not sure how to come out to my husband. I am currently 5ft 6 and 135 pounds.
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I don't get it, please elaborate
Appetite vs willpower
Art Genie CYOA is a game from /tg/ and /trash/ boards. The topic of the game is genie granting you a three art related wishes.

One person posts a cyoa template with some theme and others post images they want featured in the gallery. Once the gallery is full, each image gets turned into some wish. Essentially, each image gets a short wish themed caption. Then people talk about which wish combinations they like the best.
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>I wonder about the reactions friends and family will have if I were to one day bring whoever I get with up or have them meet her only to find out I'm dating a butterbutt.

I was once like you. Currently dating the bbw of my dreams. She just likes to eat, and always overorders food because she lets hunger get the better of her. She understands that when I call her a fat little cow, I'm doing it as foreplay, even if she doesn't share the fetish.

Anyway, all that to say, not a single person has said a thing about her weight. If my family had any qualms about it, my brother knows I like fatties, and he may have let them in on it. I don't know and I don't care. Don't let other people decide how you live your life, man. Get out there and land you a whale.

pic related, closest thing to my gril i've seen drawn
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Idea for a comic:an artist who draws fat women for a living (let's say he/she designs clothes for fat women) starts dating a skinny chick, who wants to wear the clothes they design, so she proceeds to gain, artist notices and starts designing more clothes with their girlfriend's tastes in mind.
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I see, then I'll request this to be added
Also checked
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>TitleIX stuff is necessary, but it makes me paranoid as hell.
I am not saying it's not. But I am generally paranoid about it being abused against me, since it is really easy to do so. So unless I know the person very well I just don't bother trying to flirt with women on campus.

I was surprised that my mother was pretty accepting, but I guess it really is person to person.

One thing that I am kind of torn between is liking bigger sizes, because I have snuggled a big girl, and I love how soft and warm she is; genuinely one of the best feeling I have ever felt in my love and nothing compares. And now I fantasize about the biggest sizes possible because I want to snuggle her soft body and feel her warmth and be given head pats and verbal praise while I snuggle her.
I like the larger breasts, butt, thighs, and belly. But I think my drive to snuggle is as strong as my sex drive.
It is a really conflicting feeling.
OK, four pictures are in, eleven more to go.
Thanks for contributing to:
Feel free to add more. Also, square pictures work better than the highly vertical ones.
mmm fat haruhi mm
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For me it was different. It's been a long time since I had a gf, but the moment I told my family that I got one, they IMMEDIATELY bee-lined for her weight once they saw her pics (she was about 240 lbs or so) and thought I could do better, even though I have to give up working to help an ill family member. The ironic thing is one of my uncle's family is definitely architect coded, and even my dad was pushing 300 lbs and knows he's not a spring chicken anymore, but pulled the Peter Griffin "men can't be fat, only fat women are fat" schtick even though I admitted I don't care and that I would help her if her health was in jeopardy. I almost think he sabotaged the relationship even though he knows I mate like a panda thanks to this fetish.

Normies will never understand even if you try to sugarcoat it and leave out the details. They genuinely think you can speed date in church and find "the one" there and anything short of a full time wagie, fit as a fiddle, with zero cognito hazards is "not worthy of you" (my dad is the fucking punchline to this joke).

Abandon your family ye who enter here.
Capcha: P4NGKK
>Girl has always been on fat
>Piles on weight effortlessly against her wishes
>Self-aware enough to start dieting or hitting the gym from time to time, each attempt is short-lived but prevents her from becoming a total butterball
>Gradually becomes hungrier and lazier as she gets heavier, her efforts to lose weight become more and more distant between each
>Eventually gives in to her cravings. Why even bother anymore?
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It's probably the internet and culture these days, my parents and my cousins went out on blind dates with no issues. I'm not scared of talking to girls as much as I'm scared that the TitleIX crap will pull up out of nowhere. I used to think about how it would be with the biggest sizes possible, but I slowed down on my kink as time went on and am weening myself off of it to some degree. I'd probably be praising and patting someone like that myself if I could.

My parents, brother, and family have always known ever since I found them cute as a kid. My parents got concerned when in my first relationship, I played into it. (the real reason they wanted me to leave is because they kinda figured out pretty quickly I was dating a crazy bitch when she got to know her and her family down the line. The second relationship was the opposite, the only reason that ended sadly was due to her moving away after high school. I haven't had a relationship since senior year.

I got a degree in French just now at my public college. (The classes were pretty damn easy and at this point, I probably forgot some of material by the time I graduated.) There was pretty much nothing going on at my college and it was far away, plus the pandemic drained me to the point where I'd rather just get back home since it was a small town and I felt better off hanging out with my friends, but now that I'm moving closer to the downtown near my University with my family, I'm going to get out there.

My parents thankfully aren't that way and are pretty accepting, they flat out tell me it would be better to get with someone racially diverse than a white girl (which I'm cool with, I still have and had a bunch of friends from different nationalities. I even turned down a black girl who was an old friend of mine, I was still spending the last month with my ex who was going to move and she didn't know I was with someone at the time and I hadn't talked to her in years.)
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How about this one?
I know it sounds weird, but with this artist I'm genuinely not sure if it's not a dude. Sorry. Do you have another one?
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Yep, perfect!
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Tbh the hair over eyes thing drives me wild
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Man, this gallery template is bigger than I remember. Still, I upped the number of wishes to four. As per tradition, the full descriptions of wishes will appear when the gallery is finished.
Thanks for pics for:
We still have a plenty of them too go. Eleven to be exact.
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This one?
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Of course! Post as many as you want, this thread is slow.
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How about a space girl?
This fucking dragon bitch makes my brain run wild.
So much about this character is just so hot.
In regards to letting her know:
I know my boyfriend is into BBWs (hi babe if you're in this thread lol), but really all you have to do is tell the girl she's beautiful. I found out because I'm pretty self-conscious about my size and would ask him if he really found me attractive like this, and he'd tell me that I'm beautiful and his type. Over time he'd touch my stomach more and things like that, now I know he's into that and I'm totally comfortable with it.
I don't feel so self conscious around him, and he isn't afraid to lay on my stomach or squish it or whatever.

TLDR tell her she's beautiful in general and tell her she's your type if she gets self conscious about her weight. Slowly start being more open about your interests but ONLY if she reciprocates and is OK with it
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Source? I’m having a lil trouble with image search. I might just be retarded though.
My approach to self-consciousness has always been "once you realise everyone is in some way, then you shouldn't let it cloud your mind and be confident in yourself and others" I tend to get kinda mad when people are so hard on themselves without a true reason to be or it just feels hopeless to them. I always feel like whenever I look in the mirror that I can't properly smile without looking like Jerma with how wide and awkward looking it is even though others have always found it charming or energetic.

My one ex tended to feel embarrassed for having a hard time seeing her feet when she looked down and the other for being a thin string bean who felt that she could never find anyone because she didn't have a chest. But in all honesty, the size never fully mattered for me at the end of the day as long as I could keep them close and find a way to make them happy everyday.

I even had to say to my crazy one that I wasn't ready to get my penis grabbed. She also kept asking for sex and even an orgy before I got sick and tired of her horoscope mommy issues bs and her begging for sex when I kept telling her I wasn't ready and uncomfortable about my virginity that I finally decided to cut things off with her.

My other was thankfully really peaceful and far more understanding when it came to boundaries, though early on when she learnt about my fetish through taking my phone and finding my search history. I regret that before she found out, I would ask if she was eating well often (she was underweight, so I was genuinely concerned for her, but part of my me kept asking about it early on because of my kink). I still made sure to let her know after finding out that I was still just as attracted to her even though she would commonly comment on how she could never live up to what she saw on my phone, When I met her again on vacation after she moved away three years ago, I apologised deeply about how I was early on back then and she fully accepted it.
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Here, take this
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We have still six images left!
Neat, any action focused suggestions?
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I'm putting this one there. Thanks!
What else do you need?
Didn't the artist turn into a bit of a wuss?
Three other images.
Any other themes?
Well, I'd like some transformation stuff.
I don't got that
Do you have ant slobby stuff?
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>Didn't the artist turn into a bit of a wuss?
What do you mean?
posted these on the other site a while back, but this is by elobeidzip on skeb: https://skeb.jp/@elobeidzip/works/11

But you need Twitter to browse so I'll post the text below




From client (F2raptordra)


btw I had to convert all these files to PNG because skeb now uses some awful incompatible AVIF format. awful stuff

worst part is since you need to log in to twitter you can't even save the page on internet archive and use that as a workaround
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Do you have any more of this guy's old uploads? Hunting for them has been a bitch and a half since he rebooted with the same name
Just that after they started streaming they removed a lot of old work to not seem controversial, disavowed a lot of opinions they had and started only having whatever opinions the twitter vtubers have.
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Here, it's just a little pic, but I always thought it'd make a good genie choice.
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Her shape that's like 80% belly is incredible
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Cozy got ousted for repeatedly not delivering commissions something like a year after getting paid, a lot of people got properly pissed.
This isn't about cozy though.
The artist in question goes by cakecatboy and catboymech nowadays
Out of Reach
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Not enough horsepower
Overburdened horse
Yep, enough good stuff in this thread. When I wake up from the nap, I'm posting finished one.
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I'm not even joking, once when I was at the dentist the girl looking at my teeth was chubby and had big boobs and they were pressing against the top of my head.
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Pampered pet or Genetically engineered catgirls.
90% of fat art is trash, this fetish attracts people with no standards
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What exactly do you mean, you talking about when artists are too realistic or unrealistic with their designs and proportions. I will say one of my biggest complaints is the lack of heterosexual art and I’m not a fan of super realistic stuff like Bamboo Ale or The American Dream’s artwork and avoid slob myself. I like when there’s a good enough balance of fantasy and realism while also keeping decent proportions in mind. This is a personal favorite of mine because it marks all the boxes for me, mostly if not fully heterosexual, the girl is the right size for me, the shading, clothing, and anatomy gives it a really realistic feel while also being enough of a fantasy.
Agree, but it's been getting better. The complacency and low standards from western fans and artists stems from how nonexistent the talent pool was 20 years ago. Things like that may seem like ancient history and you'll go "oh but how does that matter now", but there was very little "good" to serve as foundation for artists and fans and it takes a lot of work to replace a bad foundation.
>super realistic stuff like Bamboo Ale
O brother I am laffin
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I meant super realistic in the visual style combined with the exaggerated and unbalanced proportions make it feel ugly in a sense. I more or less stopped following the art scene ever since I got rid of all my social media due to never using them and trying to cool off on porn. I pretty much just use here, I find Belt Buster has a good skill for more realistic tones and body typing, even if I’m really not into the far larger sizes.

I’m glad he’s one of the few who makes mutual art, which while I’m not into since I prefer my overall health and never found attractive, it’s the best option besides Undertaker’s commissions for somewhat common heterosexual content. (I know I come off as sexist for saying that, but as someone who’s been around for a decade, most of the stories or stories in the art fall into yuri or yaoi if they aren’t crappy self insert, centered towards BHM, or plain disturbing.)

All styles and categories of art take time to evolve, I remember the Orihime comic from years ago. Granted, softer women were more popular back in the day across Asia (otafuku/chubby girls tended to be common in some Edo period samurai short stories I read in my college history class).

Furries didn’t really start until the 70s and look at how popular and talented some of those artists are, even if a decent majority back in the day 2000s kinda boiled down to shitily drawn self insert hedgehogs (a few of my friends are furries, so it’s how I know a bit of the history along with the good and bad art I’ve seen). I don’t know who the new big names are now or who’s improved, I know some of the big names have gone down different paths or got worse (Bamboo Ale, Jeetdoh, and Cozy Nakovich are examples I can think of). I feel like this fetish and the artist for that matter fall into this sense of gluttony ironically, the more we look at it, the more we want bigger girls, the more the artist draws them, the more they make.
Can confirm she's a woman. It's "girl who stinks good", some twitter design that went viral some years back.
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love fat bitches with masks, it´s so hot seeing their faces spill out. thanks dr fauci
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This is probably a stupid question, but why is this thread so low on the list despite being the most active one we’ve had in a year. Is it because we’ve filled it out?
You don't know there's a bump limit, is what I'm assuming you meant.
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I never really knew how the bump system worked, thanks my guy.
People like you are why I had to be the one who made the new threads and failed to do so when IRL life got tok budy or I had a ban.
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