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Especially if it's pegging, facesitting, cum/bodily fluids drinking. Whatever you have! Let's see some femdom!
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I think this is Russian.
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I'm just gonna dump what I have
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This one's a little brutal but still hot
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It's a shame that artist draws scat.
Yeah because that's how it ends so I left that part out lmao
Who here has been pegged?
I have before
Trying to remember a femdom doujin that I'm not sure exists or if I'm jumbling together other ones in my head. Setup was very similar to pirirenegi or one of the many doskoinpo plots where some evil women break down and corrupt the leader of the boys group. Any other artists that like to use this setup?
Wish I knew sorry
did you rike it
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I'm not into the sadism/humiliation aspects of femdom, but pegging and face sitting are fucking hot
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biting is also hot
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Yeah but it's gotta be the right person doing it. Some are really good and can hit your prostate and make you cum buckets. Also I suggest getting to enjoy the smaller ones before graduating to big ones. Also feels better if you use some beginner butt plugs before hand. It is a little bit preparing before hand you need to use an enema. I like the see through jelly type strap on cocks the best.
Those are hot right? I kinda like being spit on and humiliated a bit. I like being told to bark. Idk I'm into it more than I thought I would be. I'm just so used to being the more dominant one it's nice to submit to someone.
Op here,

Whoever dumped all those pics thanks!!
Sorry to ask but…source? This may be the first Jap shit to actually encapsulate the type of femdom I like
me last week, it was fun
Let me see if I have it I think I screen capped it. Just to let you know that artist likes doing skat and almost all of those end with shit eating but it's hot up until the lmao. Shit I forgot the name it begins with an S someone else might know. Ill look later.
i was asking about the pegging itself, you don't need to tell me how to do buttplay.
being told to bark is just roleplay, spit is fine too, I just don't like it being done in a cruel way, the femdom should still act like she likes you.
>tfw not degenerate enough for the hardcore femdom threads but too degenerate for the gentle femdom threads
Name is anmo night. The femdom is good but ubfortunately he adds scat to 90% of his mangas.
I also thing some of his content was scrubbed of the net some time ago. There was more of his stuff out there in the usual places. My memory might be playing tricks one me though.
Ahaha I had the ladies hit me with paddles last time. They also hooked my balls up to this electrical shock thing but it didn't stick in for long.

They kinda made fun of my dick a bit but it wasn't erect at the time and desu idc that much. Last time I got with two mistresses at the same time. I wish one of them used a smaller strap on for longer though instead of just getting the bigger one.
See I knew there would be someone who would know. Thanks for helping that anon out friend. I was only able to find 3 or 4 of his work on nh hentai when I searched "femdom facesitting pegging"
Thanks guys!
>they kinda made fun of my dick
god i wish i were you
>ubfortunately he adds scat to 90% of his mangas.
You say that as though it isn't the best thing about his work
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don't know how i feel about getting my balls zapped
I mean it kinda hurt but also they weren't able to stay on too well. Idk I felt like trying something new and they suggested it. Next time tho I'm gonna have them film me as they double team me.
i also was lucky enough to be split roasted by two dommes years ago. it was a fun time, but im more than happy switching it up with my gf now.
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how much did you pay for it? how did you even find them? i wanna try this but i dont think i'll ever have the courage to
It is a pretty fun time admittedly. IDK its so fucking fulfilling. After getting with those dommes it seemed to restore my mojo and I have been having more luck with women.
Okay so I knew someone who I could book sessions for whenever, but I never wanted to save up for it because I have bills, rent, among other things that clearly come first. But when I get surprise or gifted money, it's kind of a fun treat.

So the first domme who I knew and was willing to do a lot of sexual things, 300 for an hour.

Two dommes recently said an hour for 450, and they liked me and said next time their place and no hotel. I think I met one of them through this fb group and on fetlife. I was able to book two at once. It was kinda expensive to do it with them because I had to give them the money to book the hotel, plus the initial tribute.

Then I got lucky with this other girl, I only had to give her tribute a few times, and she came over and pegged me and sat on my face for free but she filmed it and put it on her loyal fans. So imo I think that was where I got the most bang for my buck.

You have to vet properly, and make sure you're not getting scammed.
Bumping for more hot femdom fao material.

Would love to see more facesitting or ladies cumming in guys faces.
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misato owes me sex
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This looks extremely hot but would absolutely kill the submissive.
This is "My boyfriend is my pet" by MARE
ayy thanks senpai! way to be! :-)
not really, ive used chairs like that before and im still alive. the roller part behind her stops the full weight from going on your face, so you only have like 1/3 to deal with so your neck doesnt snap,
Can you show me a real life example? It looks like a very precarious arrangement.
How long were you tied in that chair? Was the woman sitting on it even comfortable? Because I have seen other chairs made for facesitting but there were not like that.
have you ever seen a standing desk leaning stool? Its basically that principal but your face sticks out of the stool part. Ill look for an image like what we used when I did it a few years ago with a girl that sadly moved away. But google "standing desk leaning stool" and its that same concept.

And it was roughly an hour or two, time loses its meaning when you are down there. And she says she was, she was just on her phone and then switch playing botw. After that going forward we just used the bed but it was to try it with some weights on my balls to keep me kneeling
So she was not sitting on it, more like she was leaning like in those standing desk stools.
Damn, two hours is a long time both to kneel and to perform oral sex. Even if your tongue was not moving 100% of the time.
i mean in the image its not really sitting either, she is leaning. but the end goal is still the same lol.

and yes it was, very fun though and worth it. nowadays I mainly just lay on the bed, its easier bc my gf is so short and light so it works better for us than me kneeling
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Never really liked MARE, sph is one of those kinks that just doesn't do it at all for me.
Thanks for the name
Facesitting is so hot
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Recently I encountered Cuckqueaning as an act of femdom, originally from an F/f perspective, but later on from an F/m one, which I guess has opened my eyes to the idea of it as a concept.
There's something compelling to me about the idea that a girl is using you sexually to hurt another woman you know, or the fantasy of a woman being interested in you enough that she will actively disregard your current romantic status.
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I blame Oyster on this. Their stuff is old and almost always hardcore maledom, but when they veered into femdom it was pretty fun.
its my fav thing to have my gf do to me
Me too I will cum just from that alone a lot of time time. I think it's so hot especially when they grind on you. I love it when they apply a little pressure too.
it gets me diamonds, thats why we do it alot of the time for foreplay to get me really hard and her wet. im glad I was able to get her to try it because she loves it now and wants to do it all of the time
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damn i love this style
Happy for ya I'm glad it worked out even better than expected.
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Love misato and shinji stuff
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Yumejoshi femdom? Sign me up
I’m really surprised / confused that there is no femdom threads on /h/
So does anyone have good femdom doujin recommendations
From softcore shit like just a horny / yandere girl, to forced feet smelling, ball / dick stepping, etc just no blood or urethra stuff
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/h/ doesn't allow a bunch of things, so you can only have mild femdom. they're fine with rape though
Im not it seems like more of a /d/ thing.
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>I'm really surprised that /h/ sucks

I'm not.
How do we feel about cfnm?
Forgot pic
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Anyone have the source for this one?
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Oh found it the hentai is called Because its you shorty by methonium
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Tbh a girl did this to me once when filming content for her loyalfans.

It's been hard to not think of her, it makes me wonder if there really is something to "rubbing her smell into me."
We love it.
oh there is, my gf does it to me all the time with her ass and pussy and its like intoxicating
yeah thats a good way to put it. Intoxicating.
Bump this is hot
she did it to me the other night in lacy panties while i was caged and i came in a few mins from the overpowering scent and intoxication
That's so hot I want that with my next gf. Last time someone did that I came pretty hard.
it is amazing. he is into all the weird stuff I am into as well and will try anything if im willing to try things she likes too
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thats great :-) Happy for ya
bump anyone have any more femdom content?
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Yes, there's so much femdom content in the world, you'd spend a lifetime consuming it all.
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Best femdoms are tsundere yandere power bottoms
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there's always more
We appreciate it
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In a better world we would be living in a gentle matriarchy, led only by the calmest, most compassionate and just women in the country.
Good, hard-working boys are rewarded with lap pillows, headpats and sexual relief.
Bad boys are sent to reeducation camps where they are thoroughly trained until they can only associate pleasure with submission anymore.
my gf does this when she plays games sometimes, i love it. but certain games now get me hard when i hear them
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i have a fetish for getting touched on without my consent so whenever a girl touches me i instinctively pull back because i think it would be hot if she kept going but it doesnt really work like that because girls get kinda guilty and turned off when you act uncomfortable around them
the only issue is finding out what i haven't posted already
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For my femdom giantess matriarchal new world of order story setting I've made a world building that among others had many drastic changes related with the past like replacing monuments, statues, murals etc of the past with new ones that now portray women the way they are now: big, curvy, muscular.

Here's my giantess story setting at its current version:

So here's my question: Would religions of the past still stay at this matriarchal new world of order despite the fact that religions of the past are mostly patriarchal ones?

Here's an interesting answer i got from another person:

> Fuck no. New religion baby. You can take themes and shit from the previous religions, take whatever you like, and then you can rework it to fit the new world order. That's what alot of real-life religions do anyways, I believe.

And yeah, I was also thinking about a new religion for the matriachal new world of order. But I dont want religion to be forced, like the real life ones. Also religions pretty much exist to brainwash and control peasants, something I dont want in my matriarchal NWO setting. And I dont want "a world without religions" either cuz that sounds like a "I fucking love science" commies redditors' wet dream. I was also thinking the senario of the matriarchal NWO having religions freedom, where women are free to believe in any religion they want as long as they dont force their beliefs to others.

> Treating women as goddesses is "sexist" and "disrespectful"

Nigga WHAT!

That's not goddess movement. That's delusional ugly bitches movement.

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