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This tastes like cough syrup.
What brand of cough syrup?
I've never had it myself, and I don't think I've ever heard an actual adult talk about drinking it. It seems to be consumed only by kids who are looking to get plastered.
Never had Jager but I love Pernod, and btw, it's anise not licorice
That stuff is pretty nasty, try ir once at like 16 years old and never ever go back.
Great as a digestif after large meals but a garbage liqueur to drink for drinking’s sake
The fag likes eating anus, that's downright strange and we have bombers for those fags!
Jägermeister is overrated
>is the same
good lord, and you call me a faggot...
Whatever brand it is it's guaranteed nasty and should be thrown in the nearist garbage can.
Fuck off rat boy!
It's probably too late for that fag to get help.
90% of medicine is 'use alcohol on it'.
sir, that's a cute possum not a rat.

I wish I could slap you silly right now
I think that's opossum, check it out at https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/news/new-zoo-basil-virginia-opossum
No matter, that thing still looks like some kind of rat that should be stomped apon.
Right, I'm used to say "possum" because reasons... North American opossum in the pic. (very cute one I might add)
>because reasons
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All this Jager hate and im sitting here feeling like im the only person on this board who likes it
the fuck kind of cough syrup are you slurping op?
Nigga, I LIVE in the syrup.
Jager is a lot like Heineken/Yuengling/DosEquis, people just like the cool looking green bottle above all else. It's a boomer college kid drink, once your a grown up, you don't buy it anymore.
most people don't like it because it was the first alcohol they drank too much of and got sick from
It's meant to be an old man after dinner type drink with all the sugar, but it was popular for a while in the 2000s because of trendy drinks like the jagerbomb, yes in like 2002 it was fashionable to drop a shotglass full of jager into a glass of redbull for whatever reason, so inexperienced drinkers were exposed to it as a "party" drink, and if you're already drunk with no food in your stomach any liqueur will make you barf. I did lol, but I'd probably appreciate it now
For me it was the meme that came right after jaegerbombs started to fall off which was fireball. 2010ish I think.
I fucking love Jager, I drink that shit straight.
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I love jager dood
for me that's Passoa, Pisang Ambon and Malibu
Reminder that if you drink your Jäger chilled, you don't truly enjoy Jäger
That was kinda the idea behind the whole thing. Retarded american marketing turned it around to frat shit for profit
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That's just the faggot version of Unicum
>drinking cum
>paying to drink cum
>the sour taste lasts on your tongue for hours on end
the only drink i barfed after drinking too much of
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Get the fuck off my board. All of you gremlins. NOW.
That's my same experience when I tried drinking it neat. Is Jager supposed to be an acquired taste?
Kek what a failed streamer bitch.
same senpai
Dunno why but the herbal taste is comforting.
All booze is an “acquired taste” if we’re being honest. You can force yourself to continue to drink jager or just try another booze.
If you don’t like jager, just buy something else.
Personally I adore Drumshanbo’s gin offerings- they have other things but if you’re looking for something herbal like jager without the sickly sweetness/overwhelming medicinal taste it might be a brand for you to look for.

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Make way for the superior digestif
How good is this thing as a cold medicine? I heard it was originally advertised as something to take when you are sick.
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Did you know that "Jaeger" in French is pronounced "jayjay"?
>Tastes like liquorice
No it doesn't, Absinth tastes like licorice
It's basically a diluted tincture made with a bunch of different herbs so maybe.
friend of mine mixed it with red-bull
made it taste like Cola
i remember when blade was just a dude stabbing people in cod4
Hypothetically speaking, if I did a shot of Listerine, what would happen
Gimme an answer
gross. what is even in that?
my mom loved it because she was ill from the lungs and this got her high and stopped her cough. So we both drank till wasted. I'm sure is good for you since not even her breathalizer helped with her cough
Then you fucked her?
Botpost. You posted this in another thread, including the same reply.
>I got 5 ooon it
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>hey dostum! want some raki???
Why did you kebabs make this licorice-tasting swill "your drink?"
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>ctrl-f gingerbread
>zero results
Also amazing how they shifted their demographic from german boomers to american fratboys.
Keep a big bottle of Jager and a few shot glasses in your freezer, and you will hook up with a hot chick in the near future.
I love licorice, especially black licorice, so I really like Jager. Unfortunately I cannot drink Jager because I'll overindulge without realizing and when you vomit up Jager you vomit up EVERYTHING you have ever eaten or will ever eat.
Are you british by chance? They seem to think everything tastes like cough syrup.
I'm 33. Hot chicks are a distant thing
You Son if a Bitch. I work for Jägermeister & we’ve been putting girls to sleep and dropping panties for decades.
Sounds tasty!
I've heard Jager + chocolate milk unironically drinks like christmas, but I haven't tried it yet
I like it.
shilling again?
in all fields

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