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could this be.. el best burger???
If that symbol on the bottom left means microwavable then no

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Are DEENZ /ck/ approved?
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Water is an industrial cooler, hope you're not drinking it.
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Yeah, I don’t drink distilled water
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this shit is so good it's unreal
Damn sprat. Correction is needed.

Is there a bigger fraud in the world of food and cooking?
literally who

How did it feel to learn that this wasn't just filled with cooked mac and cheese?
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>It looks like prepper shit.
cuz it is
the kind of retards that buy this shit are the people that are going to get raided first.
>they figure the Max Max apocalypse will have resolved itself in the few months their food supplies
No prepper is dumb enough to only have a few months worth of food. Two years worth is generally minimum.
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>Chad raider is already ready to scoop your stash away from you?
Chad is going to learn the hard way that having a chiseled jawline doesn't make you bulletproof.
Well yeah, that's the idea. To be a foundation for a community. That's why preppers usually have dozens of firearms, for example.
>Mad Max societal collapse is going to happen
It's already happening. Crime is legal in CA & NY, shit is literally shutting down. Gangs roving around killing and beating people. The god damn NG got called out for NYC, I mean fuck, that is a sign that shit is at disaster levels.
> and however they figure the Max Max apocalypse will have resolved itself in the few months their food supplies last is anyone's guess.
Preppers have different time & objectives. Basic prepping is for hurricanes and disasters where shit is out for a week to a month. End of the world preppers have YEARS of shit plus bunkers. You shouldn't conflate the two because they prep for different outcomes.

Also, shitting on preppers went out of style once the pandemic hit, and critics lost all credibility. Now everyone has lived through supply shortages and food shortages - you should fucking know better (but retards gonna retard). AND you are all still getting buttfucked by bidenflation. And that isn't getting into the manufactured shortages that come from incompetence.

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Why did the entire world tell me this was good when it isn't?

While I was in Los Angeles I went to 3 separate locations on 3 different days and it was ass every time.

The only explanation for its acclaim is 1) all the media people are in California and they want to promote something that's their as being the best thing, and 2) they didn't choose Jack in the Box because it doesn't feel old timey enough. People hesitate to declare that a new thing (or new-seeming thing) is the best because it makes them look like a noob. But Jack in the Box should've been the representative of CA hamburgers if that's what they wanted. It still wouldn't be the best chain but it would be closer.

Yes, I got it animal style, non-animal style, every possible thing, and it was garbage. The only chain I can think of that's worse is White Castle. Maybe Whataburger too, although I've only been there once, but that was really bad and overrated too. Shake Shack and Five Guys are co-champions
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Look guy I'm not a huge fan In-N-Out either but it's easily the best fast food burger around. That doesn't make it "good," you can still get a better burger and a glass of beer at a shit hole like Chili's or Red Robin but those aren't full of hot slutty teenagers in short shorts and tube tops.
>but those aren't full of hot slutty teenagers in short shorts and tube tops.
where do you live? I'm in the LA area and 99% of the girls I see here, teenage or adult, are just chubby chicks in high-waisted jeans and t-shirts.
Cost - Will definitely get replies about this talking about how they raised prices recently and they did but still definitely the best priced burger joint that people gas up. I've honestly never had Five Guys besides on a work trip when it was expensed because paying thirty bucks for a burger and fries is ridiculous.

Cleanliness - Dining room area and bathrooms are always kept very clean when compared to competitors. Whenever I'm on a road trip to Utah or Vegas I'll always stop at an In N Out cause I know I can use the shitter without seeing shit n piss on the floor.

Consistency - Everything is fresh and made to order. You're not going to get some funky ass burger that's been sitting under a heat lamp for hours. You're also likely not going to have them fuck up your order like every other huge franchise and even if they do fuck it up they'll remake it correctly no questions asked and wont give you any push back or do any fuckery with how much you paid/refund/etc.

T. former almost full time In N Out employee who now just works one day a week cause my managers sick and I just get to cook all day and don't have to interact with customers. Also, if you eat the fries right away they're really quite good.
Jack's burgers are trash and everyone knows it.
You asked Jose

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Be honest, how often do you eat fast food?
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Be honest.
Maybe 2 times a year.
Unless you count local pizzerias, then once a month
Before covid: 5-6 times a week. Every day we'd go out to lunch at work and then maybe once on the weekend.
After covid: We'd just go out on Fridays at work and then maybe again once on the weekend.
After inflation: maybe once a month.
The drinks aren't on the tray so I don't have to finish them.
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1-2 times a week and I regret it every time, I feel so dirty having to bust out their stupid geo-located spyware app just to access pre-pandemic prices.

Reading some seriously conflicting resources on botulism in flavoured oils
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you can also inject it into your face
what if I inject my dick with it
however, chili oil where you fry stuff in the oil is fine, right?
Isn't it best to boil the flavored oil bottle (once sealed) in a pot for a few minutes to prevent this from happening?
Flavored oil has been around for thousands of years, so there should be plenty of data on the subject. How many people have died from eating it? Like a thousand, in five thousand years? That's a low risk.

Could this be...le best frozen pizza?!?
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It's not available in my area :(
If anon loves it though it's probably worth a try!
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Nope, this fucking bastard is.
I always buy pizza margherita and add my own fresh toppings. It's a lot cheaper and tastes a million times better than the frozen crap.
Europeans don't know what frozen pizza is
>Dr Oetker pizzas are suspiciously-tasty
This is true.

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Got myself a popcorn maker. How do I make the popcorn tastier? Was gifted Flavacol because they said it's what they use at the theaters.
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it's nice not having to move the pan around
and it's convenient that the popcorn is already in the serving bowl
Then why did you buy a popcorn maker you absolute fucking dickhead??
didnt know amish were allowed to use plastic
They bend the rules when it comes to money just like jews
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/ck/ be like: what seed oils can i add to my seed oils to make them tastier?

blud just use avocado oil and melted butter

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landlocked citizen here, now that Long John Silvers is closing, what are my alternatives for fried fish and fries?
try the freezer section at your local supermarket
Trust the Gorton Fishermen.

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Hmm. Which would you get?
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the west has fallen
why on earth do we need to package up individual slices of cold pizza
20 gauge to the cerebellum
stop being anti S
Anti what?

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I got a tub of this because it makes tacos taste better. I don't make tacos though. What are some good uses for this, so it doesn't go to waste?
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>gatekeeping cooking
>has no idea how to use sour cream
>thinks we don't notice this
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Good on chili. Also when making any kind of pureed soup (tomato, corn, broccoli, loaded potato) it's great to dump a few tablespoons in and whisk until disappeared at the end to lighten everything and round out the flavors with the richness and acidity provided.

Also if you haven't already OP, now is a great opportunity to try borscht:

If you're in the mood for something sweet, BA's Blackout Cake calls for sour cream in the chocolate frosting:
Sprinkle a lil dark brown sugar on a spoonful of it
It tastes like cheesecake's retarded cousin
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Pic rel btw

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20465398
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As tempting as that is, I'll have to pass this time I'm afraid.
Maybe I'm dense but to they say when this was made?
I hang my infuser (with brewed leaves obviously) in a cup so it can kinda drip dry, then rebrew it the next day. I figured it was better than leaving the tea to sit in a puddle. I've been doing it for a while and it's never caused me any probl
Jokes aside, I should add that I do throw it out if I don't use it the next day, 24h isn't my hard limit but it's definitely a "best by".
I have killer7 on my gamcube
this particular cake was not reported here, others were quite fresh from amazon storefront, right?
you can go lookey if you dare https://www.puercn.com/pinpai/dayi/

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What can I add to beans and rice to make me feel less poor?
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I fucked up every part of my beans and rice. all of it fucked. I'm killing myself
just make caribean rice and beans
because he spends all his money on internet. no money leftover for food.
>not just guessing your neighbor's wifi

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Essential oils applied to hair.
Lemon chicken and rice cooked.
Gelbooru opened.
Imagine eating this good.
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Noone give this faggot any attention
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>1/2 a cup of rice and a chicken breast is a normal sized meal.
blud is 5'4" and 120 pounds
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Let me guess, you need "more"?

I'm 6'0" 143lbs(just used the kitchen scale)
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>8oz(1/2 cup) of rice isn't a lot
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>over a pound of food? Are you a little girl or something?

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