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Less than a month away, time for a general
Anyone going? Got any plans? Any parties planned?
I have the opportunity to go to either Animazement or Momocon, which is the better one to go to?
Going with my girlfriend, and gonna hand out some ribbons and stuff 2bh
Fuckin love the ribbon game.
Tbh, can't go wrong with either. First time I can say that. I'm going to AZ but it always feels like I'm missing out on something by not going to Momo. like that Tard jumping into a wrestling ring and attacking the wrestlers kinda thing.
Ill be handing out a spiderman ribbon, a genshin impact ribbon, and a danganronpa ribbon! Be on the look out!
ooo! I'll definitely keep an eye out for you!
I've been going to this con for over 10 years at this point and the amount of friends I have made from it is minimal
I don't know if that's typical or if I'm just retarded
I'll be Bennett from Genshin, Miles Morales 2020, and Hifumi from DR, if you guys see me, ask for a ribbon!

I was literally in the same boat until I joined a Discord server before the time of the con, it's how i met my now S.o and current group of friends
I didn't even realize there was an AZ server
I'll be Ness from Earthbound, Ethan Winters from Resident Evil and Peppino from Pizza Tower!

Also neat! I saw a server a while ago but there was nobody in it. It was hard to find a lot of people talking about the con.
the con has been a dud for the past few years because of the drawn out covid bullshit
this is the first year they actually have some good international guests again
I get that, that was pretty much most cons for the past few years.
I typically went to Fanime for the longest time but that cons been actively going to shit, so I opted to go with a friend to this instead, I might do Anime North or Momocon later on down the line, I just wanted to see each one first.
I'm glad there's even any guests at all for that matter.
I go to AZ because I live 30 minutes from Raleigh and I know a few people who also go every year
never been to another con
That was me with Fanime partially, I live near San Jose and I used to know a ton of people who went, now because of the previous reasons mentioned it's not really worth it for me anymore.
Plus I just wanna see something different, going to the same thing always is a bit tiresome.
This will be my first AZ alone. I will still have other friends there and I tend to venture on my own anyway, but I'm going without my friend group.

Hotel by myself and I don't know what to do with myself.
You can always explore!

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