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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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I assume this means the truck is gonna be there again? I missed it last year.
Need a pass to go to the nominoichi junk sale, hope the line isn't shit this time.
does Boston pizza still do the welcome sign?
One of these days, sure...when my local con isn't running on the same days. (I've already said this at least twice before in other threads just this year, and it won't be the last time)
What's your local con?
Mizucon in Miami. I've been wanting to do a Canadian con now but haven't had the chance yet
never been to anime north before but I’ve only heard bad things
should I save my money for other cons
Shots 'n squats
Might no pass it if I find a room. But probably just going to something local that weekend one this year.
These niggas eatin beans
not that many other cons in toronto honestly
The transparent tranny is a good addition kek. No trannies at the truck YWNBAW
What else is there?
>biggest convention in Canada
>guests are all dub voice actors
>attendance numbers are skyhigh so if you go into the convention itself, you're rubbing elbows with sweaty nerds
>this year they got rid of the Sheraton for con events
>no parking because it's all concentrated in a single lot for 30k+ people
>the only hotel in a reasonable distance (Delta) sells out the day it goes up
>halfassed AliExpress stuff thrown together for cosplays or people there to do "professional shoots" with crappy photographers
>will either rain or be unreasonably hot
Not sure why anyone would buy a ticket for this convention, much less go to it at all. You'd have more fun driving nails through your dick for a weekend.
hot girls dtf if you aren't a sweaty neckbeard
>if you aren't a sweaty neckbeard
So nobody here has a reason to go.
I like gatherings.
This convention is a fucking joke
Will there be another lobster fight this year?
Why are those lobsters black? Why are there lobsters in the first place?
That's what lobsters look like anon. They were on acid.
They're refugee lobsters who were staying in the old Radisson hotel

On a completely unrelated topic, if you are in the AN dealers room/artist alley watch out for pickpockets and outright theives targeting artist cash boxes and big spenders.
Lobsters are red, not black.
>They were on acid.
Lobsters aren't red until they're cooked lmao
what the fuck
how do you decide who wins? Can farm grown lobsters even kill each other? They look so docile in the tanks.
It's like arm wrestling, but about which one grabs the other's claw first
Crab fights would be much better spectacle because they can actually walk on land. The lobsters basically shuffled around a little because they're so heavy for their legs. Their big tail is meant for swimming not walking
Coconut crab VS a human
Is there anything to look forward to for this con besides hotel parties in cosplay?
Truck parties in cosplay
So basically nothing for you.
im looking forward to finding a friend i met at the previous con
Anybody pulling up in a Limbus cosplay?
i'm thingken bout it but the cost of hotel + viarail there & back is kinda whack since i don't have anyone to carpool with
plus i don't have a cos...mabe i could pull one together in a month
Where are you coming in from
All the girls who go to these things are fat pigs with cum leaking out of their pussies and asses in hell
yeah, my cum
Unfortunately accurate. The amount of overweight women in crappy cosplay is unfortunate.
>35 days
What time did the lot fill on Saturday last year? 11AM?
Around that time.
Comicon already passed last month and fanexpo is in June. That’s it
I have some intel to share for Saturday of AN. Get ready
Okay, go ahead. If you don't respond within the day, fuck off.
There will be a private booth in the truck where you can rail a femboy who is chained up inside
What truck?
Check the OP image, he's in the forest not the truck.
Femboys are based and not troons
You mean traps (2D) are based and not troons. Everything else is a disgusting abomination and you will be judged accordingly when the time comes. You'll die early, after you dilate.
Traps (3D) are based, you are just gay.
Calling those subhumans traps implies you could be trapped by them, which unfortunately for you, they are and always will be undeniably a man in all regards. You are a homosexual.
seems like the issues with running major con in an ill equipped venue is catching up with them.
also, apologies for the typos in my reply.
The penis is a feature. If you don't like it, you're a latent fag, unbased, and probably a normie to boot. Traps are anime culture.
Hello normalfag.
aren’t the guys who host this in their 30s already?how long can you find solace in being a depressed weeb lol
The people that host Anime North are in their 40s-60s.
I'm hoping to find more Madokas and Jannas
Aren't you a little old to be at an anime convention? Madoka aired 13 years ago, no one cares about it anymore except boomers.
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There are still lots of sailor moon cosplays and there's a new Madoka movie coming
damn those are some ugly girls
You aren't a newfag or even a normalfag you are a normie. Shouldn't you be out protesting to free Gaza or something right now?
Ain’t no way you’re rating minors
>porn addict thinks everything is in relation to sex appeal
kill yourself
I'll be turning 34 right after AN and head's up: being a depressed weeb doesn't have an age limit. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but some people are miserable forever :^)
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welp looks like we got something for the sub fans.
>Tatsunoko shit and Speed Racer

Does anyone below the age of 40 even give a shit about this guy?
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definitely odd choices to put in an announcement but here's part of a list of the characters he's voiced.
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and the second part
So again, does anyone below the age of 40 care?
Haha not bad news to me don’t worry, if being miserable makes you happy then go for it my man
I get some people just have nothing better going on in their lives, take care.
Is the con center as ugly as it looks?

i hope she's coming to anime north
i do not care for gooks
literally who?
literally gook
one of the hottest girls in toronto, she seems like things in life have gone easy for her
The people in their 30s/40s who have "nothing better going on in their lives" are the ones who make it possible for cons to exist at all lol
ya if you like plank from ed edd n eddy. you yellow fever faggots have no taste.
They should get a life, old geriatric boomers. Being at a convention over 30 is creepy and pedophilia coded.
You can go without a ticket?
Is it worth going? Do seiyuu and directors actually fly to Canada?
>no parking
really? what do people do with their cars then?
>hotel parties in cosplay
QRD? never been to a non-Japanese event
finding? did you not exchange contact info or something? Finding does sound fun.
They basically mean staying outside in the grassy areas and parking lots where a lot of people congregate.
Yes, the seiyuus and directors who are invited actually do fly to Canada, unless otherwise noted.
There's almost 30k people in recent years. Look at the convention/congress centre. Does it look like it can fit anywhere close to that many cars? You either carpool, get dropped or, commute or hope for the best.
Put all your shit in one post lmao
>creepy and pedophilia coded
Yeah officer.. this one here, thanks.
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I hope I can see this girl again...
That's not a girl.
so they just go to say hi to other anime bros who haven't bought tickets? and chat all day?
i heard if you get there before 11am you're good for parking? or nah
They hang around outside and talk to cosplayers.
I hope I can fuck that girl again as her useless little gock slaps my belly
if you do see her, tell her she would look really good with eyeliner wings
i'm honestly surprised anime fans could talk to other people for a whole day without losing social stamina. i guess that's just me.
If this is the guy from /a/, it's probably because you're autistic.
which guy from /a/?
The guy that made a thread about AN.
That's me, why am I autistic? :S
have you been to AN before
come hang out this year at the truck
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sure dude will do
should i bring my own condoms?
How old are you bro
mid 20s
yeah, you're mid alright
what are you watching this season
unironically nothing
how about you?
kys ironic weeb
I'm not an ironic weeb. I just ended up dropping everything i picked up this cour
kys ironic weeb
are you jelqer
Will there be jelqing in the truck?
Yes, jelqing and gooning all night long.
that's gay
>he doesn't charge his JO crystal with his bros
saving money for Otak this year, probably lobby conning but the thought of finding a parking spot is not enticing20gs
Who spends money on AN? Just drink and talk to people in the lot.
exactly why I'm not buying a ticket
Last year was my first year, had a blast at the truck so I'm planning on coming back. Only reason I'm tempted to buy a pass is there is a DJ on Saturday that played at the truck last year and I enjoy listening to online, but I could just listen outside of the stage cage for free instead. No idea why they set up the outdoor stage that way, it looks absolutely horrible with the giant fence around it.
>saving money for Otak

It's $60 lmao how broke are you?
>paying to go to the AN rave
kill yourself, not even worth a (You)
Well damn, they got Garma Zabi
I'll go see him
i don't even watch anime
Theres an American vendor that might be there that I can hopefully hound a sale from without a ticket
Neither does anyone else on /cgl/.
Drink what, alcohol? Isn't that illegal in Canada, public drinking
I take it you don't have any friends.
What does that have to do with public drinking?
Yes, it's illegal. People do it anyways.
you also have to pay for fare on ttc streetcars lol

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