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What are your thoughts on dark elves?
Sex. I miss carla
Fitting. Gray hair and brownoid are a "must" pair.
>dark elves
Oh so that's how black people are called nowadays?
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orc breeding sow.
It's like I'm really on /v/.
Made for BWC
made for even more rape than real elves, if such a thing is possible
So this is native isekai
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thats a man
Honestly the color scheme of the hair and clothing go better with dark skin, the cosplayer looks great.
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They can be absolute goddesses
What the difference between a dog that's been ran over and a dark elf that's been ran over? The dog has skid marks in front of it. Thank you for reading my politically verboten joke.
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Still so inferior to how they were
Must suck to know your skin color is ugly
Why anime became mainstream
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>steals your grimoire
>Steals your heart
Frieren became Stehlen
nononono darkies out
Don't be afraid of your feelings.
>another nigcel/ricecel cope thread
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Not as fun as green elves, but better than white elves, but all are better than brown 3D piggu thoughever
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I like dark Elves.
around elves watch yourselves
Your race, gender, height, or anything else because of your body shouldnt stop you from cosplaying a character. Doesnt matter if youre an asian guy cosplaying King Louis the 14th or a white girl cosplaying Storm.
Unless youre a dude cosplaying a girl, then youre a faggot.
T. landwhale who got cucked by a twink.
>Your race, gender, height, or anything else because of your body shouldnt stop you from cosplaying a character.
>Unless youre a dude cosplaying a girl, then youre a faggot.
Oy m8, I think there's a problem with your suit.
Absolute wasted opportunity to be BOSS FRIEREN.

This is one cosplay I can't do as a fair-skinned person. Boss Frieren is dark brown-gray instead of plain gray or another unnatural shade. I really wish a dark-skinned person will cosplay her justice
>not just covering yourself in paint head to toe

also it's not a character. This is like cosplaying Metal Mario or Pink Gold Peach from mario kart
I have negro fatigue
Gonna tell the dark elf I know that she better bring her Rin costume to the next con, now that I also have a Fate cosplay of my own
The difference is that it's dark brown, not an unnatural color like metallic or hot pink. You can't put body paint on for any shade that can be natural in the US and get away with it.

Also Frieren's skin only shows for her face (ears), hands, and a tiny sliver of neck and upper chest. It is really just face/hand painting to change you skin color for her and even harder to pass publicly.
My point is that I do not understand why you would want to see someone cosplay a boring recolor in the first place
because it's legendary

You can get two Frieren cosplayers face off and recreate the battle scene.

have you not seen people who cosplay the statue versions?
>have you not seen people who cosplay the statue versions?
Why don't black people choose race-appropriate characters instead of embarrassing themselves like this.
Like what?
>why do blacks steal from others
Elf is elf
I prefer the ones that are either pitch black, dark grey, or very dark blue. Such colors give them a mystical and otherworldly appearance while brown or dark brown makes them look like Mexicans or West Africans with pointy ears and Caucasian bone structure and noses.

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