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Old thread: >>10885543

In-store lucky packs will be available on New Year's Day and the winter sale starts on 1st/2nd for most stores. Online store TBD

I'll dump some pix of the SS24 releases. Some are reposts from the last thread and some I found on weibo;
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Dreamy Night Cakes - should be releasing in January
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Dreamy Night Cakes OP, KC, crew socks & bag
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Toy's Donut Diner - release March I think? I want the deep pink jsk!
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Toy's Donut Diner OP, skirt, KC & new visors!
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Lyrical Bunny diner charm (also comes in pink & white)
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Topping Donut jsk
This genuinely looks worse with the donuts. why wouldn't they use the same donut appliques as the headband? it would've been so much cuter.
Why would you ever buy modern AP, it's like wearing a garbage bag
The print looks cute but holy cannoli the fabric looks so cheap…
I love this
The applique looks super wonky though. I feel like they should have put the applique where the bows are. They look awkwardly close to the crotch area imho.
Brandwhores gonna brandwhore.
> awkwardly close to the crotch area imho.
Are you blind? On risa it’s nowhere near her crotch area.

> This genuinely looks worse with the donuts
We all know you would complain if it was a solid be for real.
I just feel like it should be where the bows are on the start of the ruffles, like a lot of applique releases. It makes a weird crotch triangle. Just my opinion, it would look much better if they were lower.
If it was a solid there’s a good chance it would make it to the clearance sale and be more worth the while…
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No I wouldn’t? I’ve bought a few solids the past few years, and zero prints. It’s not a hivemind here. And like I said it would look better with matching appliques, not purple out of nowhere. There isn’t any purple anywhere else, not even the hairbow.
Tasteless retards like you is why AP continues releasing half-baked garbage. You just gobble up whatever slop they put out. Same with the landwhales in Lor’s youtube comment section, they all love this season
It ships in May. Some small accessories go home to tea party guests in January.
> Tasteless retards like you is why AP continues releasing half-baked garbage.
Touched a nerve, take your meds anon. I really like toys donut diner but I’m a typical milky planet sweetfag so that’s a given.
I need this charm to make my life complete
Oh my bad, thanks anon! I just saw January mentioned and assumed it was the whole release. That's a relief actually, I wanted to go for the lavender jsk but I didn't think I could budget for it in January.
lots of 'pocket' dresses have their cute pockets about that placement
Looks like people are getting Dreamy Baby Room in lucky packs
I bet it's the OP. I like Dreamy Baby Room, but the OP never sells.
True, people on cgl can truly complain about AP for the littlest things
I've seen 2 be the JSKs
whiteknighting a company is really weird.
do we have any idea when the icecream jsk with the belt is dropping?
Dreamy night cakes should ship January. May should be the lyrical bunnies.
Okay, so I asked a JP SS and it is January. All the weibo posts I was seeing said May or listed a date for everything besides DNC. Sorry for the confusion!

Omg, I'm falling in love with AP again.
They really are going to make sweet lolita great once more with these prints.
I can't wait for 2024 releases!!
Anyone know when we are getting the day dream carnival mto
Any pictures of happy pack contents?
Yeah. I am curious as well...
I am on the fence whether to buy the lucky pack or not. I didn't really like any of the releases this year.
I hope this is sarcasm.

Then again, I am old and bitter and have been disappointed in AP for years.
Nayrt but being bitter is a choice nonny
It's mostly a joke.
I just wish I could look at 2024 AP and be excited with other people, but that magic is mostly gone.
Nobody gives a shit. Dont buy if you dont like it.
I give a shit bro!
The design looks cute but worried about how shiny or thin the fabric would look irl
Stop whining fatty

The only print I'm excited for is the cat print. Everything else is pretty meh. I also want to compare DDC quality
AP Paris is advertising 2013 re-rerelease sax in the original Milky Planet cut. Hoping the rest of the colors are to follow.
Am I crazy because this makes me angry? We just had an MTO and AP was 100% producing this "special set" at the same time the MTO was being made. It's the Toy Doll Box headbow all over again. Just let us order it in the MTO if it was being manufacturing along side everything else. Instead it's a limited set that people will fight over.
>Hoping the rest of the colors are to follow
I hope they release it a million times in all the colorways possible like Melody Toys. I'm so over AP's faked scarcity.
>people will fight over it
I don't know about that, the 2013 rerelease wasn't that popular and this was the least-liked colorway. Also, anyone that wanted Milky Planet probably wanted the original colors in the original cut. I haven't seen anyone express wanting to own this.
If you're right, I'll be glad. I think the sax is pretty unique, so I wanted to get it, but I'm not sure what my chances are. I just wish it was added to the MTO instead.
Good luck! I will be really surprised if there's a lot of people that want this color.
Thanks. I think I'll have to try for the US release (I haven't bought from them in a while, so I'm going to be rusty...) because my usual SS can't do JP store lotteries at the moment. I don't see any scalped listings on mercari or fril yet either. I'm still not sure what to expect.
The US store might not ever get the special set, just a heads up/warning.
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its pretty disgusting even chocolate rosette that no one cares about
I'm aware, but this week's releases were both labeled as "special sets" and Paris got them, so I think that's a sign they'll be in a US release. Usually if the US doesn't get something it's a store-limited colorway.

Just saw the 99k yen one. Guess I'm screwed.
I want the navy, I'd sell mine in a heartbeat if they release navy.
You guys don't realize but this is the Cyan blue, neon sax. Not the other washed out sax looking colorway.

It's actually a very fitting color and i love this cut! I'm very disappointed in myself for missing out, I wasn't aware of this reservation sale today.
I tried to get the sax MP set but it sold in less than a second lmao. I have the sax MTO but I would've sold it, I prefer this version.

Navy would be the dream. I'm disappointed they didn't release it in navy and lavender as well. I know a lot of people preferred rerelease "true" sax to the original but it's still a wasted opportunity.

I knew exactly who'd be behind those listings, this girl is insane. She tries to scalp literally anything that sells out on the AP site, even boring shit like blouses. Does anyone not have Chocolate Rosette at this point? lol
She sells used AP as well, but then the Chinese fellas have been known to don Melody Toys salopettes so who knows
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Image stolen from reddit, but apparently the lucky pack Dreamy Baby Room is different (and arguably worse) from the original JSK.
It doesn't have the star brooch and has a bow on the waist instead. Also the poster mentioned the waist ties don't have stars on the ends, and there's no corset/lace-up shirring (sounds like it might just be full-back shirring instead).
Anyways, I hadn't heard anyone actually talking about this, and I didn't know either. Be careful if you're buying it secondhand, I guess.
I’ve seen a couple listings for the exact DBR jsk from this years happy pack on JP Mercari. It’s definitely not a replica, I am playing bets that AP just had a lot of leftover fabric from this series and decided to finish it off with simple cuts of DBR to fill up packs. They did it last year too with British Bear.
It’s not like people are going to want it anyway, for some reason people hate dbr.
When is this dropping?
Oh yeah, I don't think it's a replica. I just said be careful because I could see someone buying the lucky pack version by mistake (when they really want the normal version).
I did realize, and I remember when this came out in 2013 and no one really liked this color. It's really bright.

Interesting. I wonder if they were going to do a special set and just decided to make it a lucky pack piece.
online shop winter sale when >:(

I'd seen lots of bbrs floating around on twitter but I didn't notice it was a simpler cut. Good to know because I was thinking of selling my salo and getting a sax jsk instead

>I wonder if they were going to do a special set and just decided to make it a lucky pack piece.
Like >>10898877 says it was probably leftover fabric. I didn't know they'd done that with British Bear but they put loads of Chocolate Rosette salopettes in the lucky packs a few years ago after its most recent MTO which were quite different to the regular cut.
Oh my bad, yeah I could see people getting mad at getting the wrong one. I already saw a Mercari jp listing and the main image was the normal dress, but they were selling the happy pack one :/
It looks like it was printed on walmart fabric :(
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First new print of the year. Sax is the limited colorway this time.
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That's so sad, it looks awful. Glad I got mine from the MTO and didn't waste money on a lucky pack this year.
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This looks so bad wtf. The print is cute but the fabric looks sooo cheap and the pattern is frumpy af. Leave it to AP to run a nice print into the ground
i don't really get this as a set. is it supposed to be like sleep themed? midnight snack themed? the purse is cute but the style of the dress doesn't match it at all. this is one of the rare occassions that an empire waist would have been cute since it would have looked more like a night gown.
Maybe it's dreaming of sweets? Or a midnight snack?
What’s the point of having an angelic pretty general nowadays? Nobody brings up anything new or original, it’s all just people complaining about the fabric choice for the one billionth time. And when anyone leaves innocent comments like “I like this skirt” there’s always some asshole that hasn’t left their house in weeks trying to convince them otherwise. I say create a blog for leaked AP stuff and upcoming releases and disable comments. Are we not allowed to enjoy things anymore?
There are plenty of positive comments that get ignored, there were quite a few anons saying nice stuff in the fashion show thread a while back. There were some prints I plan on buying that got shat on, but I don’t care. Besides I only ever see people whining at negative comments or criticism. And if you want something just buy it, feeling pressured into disliking something because of random anon comments is incredibly pathetic.
No one is saying you can’t like it…? Go make your own hugbox if different opinions bother you that much
Just say you're too new to remember when anons in the Lolita General thread screamed about how they were sick of posts about AP and wanted us to make our own thread.
I rather read all the negative comments here than have no AP thread at all. This still feels like the only anonymous place to share our honest feelings about AP. It's mostly negative because there's been a very noticeable change in AP's releases/quality/direction, so of course people will be critical. I'm one of the negative commenters, but I'm fine with people buying whatever AP releases they like because at least it keeps AP in business until they do an MTO that I want.

Side note, I wish the Angelic Prophet would come back and give us good news.
>Nobody brings up anything new or original, it’s all just people complaining about the fabric choice for the one billionth time.
you mean like AP?
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I feel like AP did a really bad job with the stock photos for the necklace this time around. On the model, it looks like it has "layers" like a real cake, but the stock photos are so photoshopped that it doesn't show this at all (the actual stock photos for the front and back of the necklace have the exact same chain/bead placement as one another)
Oh, that's cute. That's a detail that should've been properly advertised.
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Here's the bad photoshop. The chain is exactly the same, but they obscured where it attaches on both front and back, so I guess that confirms there's "layers," but they sure didn't make it obvious.
Yeah exactly! I think it's pretty cute if it actually resembles a cake. I was on the fence about getting it because it seems unique. I decided against it because the front of the necklace feels too plain to me though.
Well, bloodbath's over - how was everyone's luck?

Oh, that's a really cute detail, I wouldn't have noticed that.
Its one of the main reasons I even come to this board, to get updates on angelic pretty from this thread. I just don't post a lot. I do like a lot of their recent releases but can see a different opinion so I dont really have anything to say.
If you feel like you aren't allowed to enjoy things because someone else complained where you can see it, I think that's a you problem
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I find the constant complaining a bit tiresome, especially comments like >>10899057 & >>10899165 which are grasping at straws for something to complain about (why the fuck would they order a small print run on cheaper fabric simply for lucky packs? It looks like shit because it's a shit photo taken in someone's bedroom) but people have been complaining about "nu AP" for as long as cgl has existed lol. Most lolitas are always gonna harbour nostalgia for the dresses that got them into the fashion, and there's a significant subset of younger lolitas (2019 onwards) who genuinely expect every release to be a 2010 sweet print on cotton.

The fabric criticisms are valid, and most of the newer designs are simplistic compared to 15 years ago, but that's the trade-off for having weekly releases at roughly the same price point all this time. I did like last year's all-over prints - I bought Space Toys, Comic Toys & Happy Park Carnival - but they're better suited to casual ETC style co-ords which is how I wear them. Cream Soda Mermaid is my favourite recent release because every design choice made sense for the theme of the dress. I should've been into Dreamy Night Cakes because I like celestial and sweets themes, but it would've been better as a high-waist chiffon dress and tbqh it just reminds me of a poor man's Jewelry Jelly, and then I get sad.

I tried getting the lavender jsk & KC but they sold out super quick as expected, and I don't think I'll bother looking for them secondhand. I got most of the accessories I wanted though!
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If we're talking about clothes, there's going to be criticism about poor fabric choices. The type of fabric used can make or break a dress.
I thought the print and cuts chosen for Dreamy Night Cakes were so cute, but it's made out of wooly viyella. It looks so cheap and limp; the fabric just ruined it for me. Printing on chiffon would've been a better decision.
I would argue that the western jfashion community is inherently built on chasing after nostalgia. back in the day, when brands didn't ship overseas, and we had to wait for magazine scans there was a delay in trends reaching the western comm. the sweet boom continued here for a few extra years after it started to die down/turn into sweet-classic in japan.

you see it more in the gyaru subculture too. the western community does very little to create their own trends, we just copy what japan does a few months too late.
2013 Navy is my favorite, I'm in the minority that likes that one but doesn't have strong feelings about the original. I have one but it's faded so I'd be interested in getting a rerelease and letting go of the old one for cheap, but I don't have my hopes up that they'll return to the 2013 version since everyone likes the original.
Ayrt and I don’t understand why people in the lolita general would complain about people bringing up AP? If it bothers them that much then just hide the posts, it’s the lolita *General*. a Question I would have would be: why do you feel the need to be anonymous to share your honest opinions about AP? Hating on nuAP is a pretty mainstream opinion (Just look at how many replies my post got).
Ayrt and I don’t really care about APs fabric choices like most lolitas do. Don’t get me wrong, Cotton is always the better choice environmentally and in general. I just believe some prints ideally shouldn’t be 100% cotton (from a aesthetic point of view), this print would work better as chiffon like you suggest.
If you personally don't care that much, you can just scroll past those occasional comments? Or spark a different discussion you want people to reply to. You acknowledge that most lolitas do care about fabric choices, so it'd be odd if no one ever talked about it.

Not everything needs to be cotton, yes. Polyester is fine, so long as the type of poly is fitting and not cheap.
i understand that you're extremely new, but people come on here not to be anon but because not everybody uses social media or is in a comm. some of us just wear lolita and have normie friends. or we wear sweet and only have gothic/classic friends, so there's not much to discuss. the lolita general threads used to have 10x the activity they do now, and it'd almost always be overrun wutg AP sperging, and people didn't like that. so now AP and sometimes Baby or other big brands get their own general.

many people don't mind polyester itself, it's the quality of the polyester that's tanking. their cotton has tanked too. tons of ap releases sell out too, let the people who don't like the fabric complain. it's not hurting ap's business.
I think I'm going to do like you did and just go after accessories for this release, the cake star thing is so cute.
Thank you for informing me on the lolita general thread. However just because I haven’t been on /cgl/ for a long time doesn’t mean that I’m new to lolita like your post suggests. I got my first lolita piece around February 2016 and started posting and interacting on cgl November 2023. I’m not in a comm or have lolita friends either but if your a elder lolita you would have many times to discuss Angelic Pretty online inside and outside 4chan as well.
> I'm not new
> I started interacting on the board a month and a half ago

The issue here is you're new to the *board* and complaining about it. Why not take your own advice and use the more "proper" social media if you think they're sufficient enough? lol
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Got some of the star accessories. They'll match plenty of what I own already

There was a lot I wanted but after I missed out on the main thing (sax JSK) I was pretty dejected and decided to just leave it for this time. I hope I can find everything secondhand in the future but with sax as the more "exclusive" colourway I'm not so sure that'll happen without shelling out $$$$ more than retail.

I wish they'd done the cutsew >>10899169 in sax as well, would've been super cute.
>why do you feel the need to be anonymous to share your honest opinions about AP?
Ayrt. For me, I feel like I can't be 100% honest about AP on social media because newbies would probably call me elitist. If I were to stay something like "nu-AP isn't worth owning, old AP is much better," I could see newbies complaining that all the old "status" dresses/prints/whatever are to difficult to obtain and AP's new releases give them a better opportunity to own brand. For example, AP's lucky packs. I consider them pretty much trash nowadays, even if they are a "good deal" for the quantity/type of items included. Newbies would say it's a great deal because they get to own brand for cheap, but my opinion is: why own crappy brand if you can just save your money for the good stuff?
Hopefully that makes sense. And maybe I am ~elitist~, I just rather not be judged publicly because I honestly feel like AP has gone downhill.
It's not even that hard to find older AP for decent prices if you aren't going for the "status dresses"
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Milky-Chan when
>you see it more in the gyaru subculture too
that's totally different though. gyaru went from being creative to being cookie cutter instahottie shit while lolita has only changed a little and is still affected by the same issues gyaru is. it's not even about nostalgia, japanese fashion is soulless because of globalization and it's due to what you said in your post. the japanese community can view trends directly and copy them instead of making derivatives, when just a decade ago that was more difficult. they also didn't have the same generic, cheaply made competitors. most of us just want a return of that spark that companies had not the nostalgia.
if it makes that extra thin chink whore look fat I don't wanna know what it looks like on the average fatty chan from this board
go take your BPD infusions and get off the board
I really wanted to love this drop, but I wish AP would ditch that dusty pink...
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How many releases has Topping Heart had...? This is at least number 4, right?
I'm pretty sick of it.
Topping Heart, but make it white
And super sax
(And this is the 5th release)
After all these years I still can't decide on what colorway to buy
None of them.
All of them
Apologies anon. I thought you were talking about Topping Heart.
Are AP and Baby not doing winter sales on their online shops? Meta's already advertised theirs
they both already did
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AP online winter sale starts at 6pm JST
Ok retard
nobody cares about the overpriced paris sale though.
Oh my bad anon! I didn't release the anon you responded to was specifically referring to the Paris sale despite not mentioning it in their post at all

This, although I did get a blouse I wanted that had sold out on the JP site
is jp site gonna get the day dream carnival mto or was it only harajuku? i don’t wanna pay paris’s prices
Is SF not getting it at all?
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Well, shit.
I guess AP isn't getting the Milky Planet/Chocolate Rosette special sets? Even though Paris got them? Ruined my day.
AP USA gets special items when either:
A. It was a USA exclusive
B. It was so unpopular overseas that they just shipped some stock to SF

Paris is AP's golden child.
Sorry about your awful taste in prints.
That's not the point, you retard. It's that all you bitches do is whine.
Plenty of posts that aren't, cry about it dumbass.
Delusional much?
I was excited to see that AP Paris got the special Candy Ornament necklace last night until I saw the price. Ninety five entire euros! Absolutely the fuck not! Anyway I guess someone thought that was a good deal because it’s gone now lmao

Always a bridesmaid, never the bride~
imagine whining about others whining and somehow not realizing you're worse.
You're a special kind of retard if you think one person pointing out a fact is worse than a whole board of ugly whores screeching at each other.
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Simple re-release and headbows galore this week
Lookbook is out soon too. I'm guessing it will just be everything previewed at the fashion shows but I'm still looking forward to seeing the scans.
Anyone seen scans yet? I'm too dumb to find them
I'll post when they're up. I've been refreshing and seen nothing
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Spoon scans are out, here ixs the tulip print
Romantic Jewelry
Toy's Donut Diner
Wrong photo, THIS is romantic jewelry
JSK cut of diner print
Princess Bow Decoration
Princess Bow Decoration (pink)
Berry Berry
As a whole the amount of solids featured in the fashion show is impressive, and the styling is still subpar this is the best AP fashion show in years
More fashion show scans
Ice Cream Print
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Would've been better to just post the higher quality images

Fashion Report and video are out:
And don't know why no one's posted scans of the look book. Been checking the past week.
The wigs on the bottom left are fucking hideous
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Why can’t we just get a rerelease of the regular Ribbon Decoration JSK or OP? This looks hideous.
Shot, this is the only thing I’ve actually wanted from AP in years. It’s not as good as the original version that was released in 2009(?) but that’s pretty impossible to find. I’ll take it. Hopefully it’s not a bloodbath. I also like the glitter bag in the black dress coord.
I'm pleasantly surprise that the two caucasian models they got weren't too tall for it (tall cat walk models wearing lolita always looks so weird it cracks me up), and are wearing actual lolita appropriate shoes.
Agreed. I really don't like the overuse of the generic, tacky lace. Also that textured/shiny poly fabric... ugh. It works for some solids, but this has too much going on and feels like AP just threw everything at it to make it look ~regal~. Instead it looks like a poorly executed dupe.
Most ridiculous headbow I have ever seen

Whomever did the makeup on the white girls made them look like troons. Way too dark/harsh
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How did you do with the Be My Valentine bloodbath?
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I was pretty butthurt over them re-releasing this after the DDC mto but I tried for the lavender jsk at least and it went as well as expected. Be My Valentine is my second favourite AP print after Suya Suya Toys and I already have it in three colourways which is not enough

It sounds like Tenshi had a bad time with this release. I don’t know why they haven’t done a mto yet, it’s such a popular print.
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The lighting for the walk/show did a wonderful job at making every fabric look its worst! Incredible. Even Day Dream Carnival looks shiny.

Me too, anon. I like Ribbon Decoration and I like this 'Princess Bow Decoration' (kind of an awful name), although I think they give very different vibes and I like them for different reasons. It's only nice in monochrome pink, though - the black/white/pink one >>10901653 and (to a lesser extent) the yellow one are genuinely hideous lol.

Stayed out of it cause no sax. Sad.
>anon, I wanna make you coom, but anally exclussively
OH! This is so pretty tho
I'm sorry to hear about the lavender, anon. I would've like it too as a second colorway. AP really did need to do an MTO. They're so allergic to money.

My SS managed to find a pink JSK for me!
The Lyrical Bunny rucksacks are releasing in May? Do you have proof/confirmation?
Ask your SS
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Lyrical bunny rucksacks are due May. Only 3 colorways for general release while special pink x pink preorder for Fashion Show attendees
i met the founder of angelic pretty
the grandma
didnt know this brand is big on cgl
if you meet her again slap her whore grandma mouth and tell her her huge cringe prints suck gonorreaids dick
did anyone catch what order be my valentine colorways sold out in? or have educated guesses on most/least popular?
Most places it was red, pink, lavender, and mint
JP online the bots took pink, then all the rest the next refresh
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This is all so boring. I've just stopped paying attention.
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This hot pink Pretty Frill jsk is adorable actually. Sad that it’s Shinjuku exclusive. I fuckin love hot pink/deep pink in lolita and it’s underrepresented in favour of pastel pink all the time.

The jackets are cute too
Be My Valentine MTO when. It's instantly sold out everywhere anytime they've released it. It has to be only a matter of time until it happens, right? How can we get the same rereleases and MTOs each year with no Be My Valentine MTO?

The denim jacket style looks cute. I like it when AP tries new stuff like this.
I agree. It feels like they’re deliberately withholding a mto and keeping this particular print scarce for some reason. It sounds like there wasn’t even that much stock for the last release. I know of one store that didn’t get it at all, and they usually get every release except special sets.

Anyway I’m holding off buying the 65k red jsk on mercari until the hype dies down, because that’s crazy even by Be My Valentine standards. It’s a polyester jsk with generic trims, and the red & pink have been released three times now.
>I like it when AP tries new stuff like this.
How new are you?
Chill anon, ap haven't released denim in ages.
Maybe I’m dumb but I’ve been following AP releases for years and I can’t remember seeing a modern denim jacket style release
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I’ve been buying AP for the past 15 years and this is the first denim jacket I’ve seen. Closest we got were riders jackets which they’ve done several of. And other casual jackets with heart pockets but never a classic denim jacket. Of course I had to buy at least two.
>Of course I had to buy at least two.
based stock market shark
This version of the JSK is normally priced. Did anyone see how much AP is charging for the apron JSK set? It’s over 90,000 yen for the dress with a small head bow.
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Omekashi Berry this week
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Polyester. so sad, it would have been marginally better if it was cotton, print still boring af tho
why the world would they add a thick disconnected layer and not just make it look dipped like the necklace, what the hell AP?
The strawberry on the necklace is the same as the ring.
it needs to have another layer on the berry part so they're the same height. basically all the other ap jewelry i have does.
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Very cute Strawberry Cake dress set MTO for 165,000 yen. Only at Nagoya, Sendai, and Sannomiya.
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Comes in Pink and White
idk if I hate or love this, feels weird
showing knees? maximum turbo slut

quick glance at it makes me think ap is reusing the acrylic mold from their strawberry ring release last year and only added the pink bottom part. likely just the brand trying to save $$ on production costs so they don’t need to make a new mold, but its super obvious and super cheap. baka ap
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Be My Valentine's USA release was today. Did you try for anything? Any success?
does anybody know how tall their new model is? it looks like she's taller than risa? trying to approximate if some releases would be too short on me
She's only 2 inches taller (5'5")
yes, this is the way, finally fucking retarded AP
new model? she's been with ap since 2021 atp
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It’s Toys Donut Diner time bitches!! All the dark pink stuff sold out during the tea party reservation apparently, and that’s all I cared about. Tenshi reckons they’re planning a mto tho? Huge if true
Most of the AP twitter accounts already confirmed the MTO; it is not a guess
old and unoriginal meme? maximum retard
Would've been nice if they did that with Be My Valentine. At least scalpers can't really scalp this time, kek
oh look a print that isn't turbo cringe cause of the size and the tackiness
w o w
Do we have any idea when DDC MTO will happen at the USA store? I've been checking constantly and seems like there hasn't been any update on it in months.
sold out instantaneously btw

Do you have any links to these tweets?
No one can tell me that polyester apron set is worth 90k yen. I bought an old/rare cotton AP solid for less recently and felt like I spent too much at the time... now I don't feel as bad.

I... I have bad news for you?
The MTO reservations happened back in January. Set to arrive around September.
Nayrt but here some links:


Fuuuuck how did I completely fucking miss it? Oh well. Thx for answering
There'll be spare stock when they start shipping home, at least.
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Baby did it better
Considering an entire colorway for the main pieces and all colors for the special JSK set sold out at the tea party, it’s likely to get an MTO. AP would be incredibly stupid to pass up an MTO for a release this popular. What was the last print that was this hyped up?
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Thank you for clarifying anon.
The jumperskirt set and every color had best be included in the MTO or else we riot.
The MTO is happening this weekend
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Toy's Donut Diner MTO available via all physical stores and the online shop.

Available to order between 3/9 and 3/11:
- Apron JSK set in all colors
- OP in all colors
- JSK in all colors
- KC in all colors
- Sun Visor in only light and dark pink
this is actually cute, I didn't expect that from nu AP
they still release cute solids from time to time
Why the fuck is the jumperskirt pictured that expensive? It doesn’t look like it’s elaborate enough to justify that price tag. Tea party attendees that saw it in person: was it cute? is it worth the price?
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It literally looks like it should've only been 1.5 to 1.75x the price of the regular jsk. It's cuter, but not nearly 3x the price cuter.
why is the tulle lace trim sewn so shittily on so much nu-ap?
Because they know the rich Chinese will pay for it
One day I hope the Angelic Prophet comes back and tells us that Milky-Chan is getting an MTO.
That’s it? It should be 50000 yen at maximum. It’s cute but not 3 times the price cute.
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Ah yes. My feelings about nu AP captured perfectly- "ughn"
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A better comparison.
It should've been 65000 or less.
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Flower Garden Teatime re-release
New colors
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Oh fuck I love Flower Garden Teatime! I missed it last time and never though they'd do a re-release. She will be mine*

*She will probably sell out instantly again
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They're doing a MTO of the Shirokuma jsk set at the Shinjuku & Fukuoka stores. No sax or pink tweed versions which is a shame, but the black is very cute. The AP giveth, the AP taketh away.

I wanted the sax for a long time but I've seen a couple for sale secondhand where the seams have frayed because they weren't finished properly and also because synthetic tweed has the structural integrity of tissue paper, so I'd proceed with caution.
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The Toy's Donut Diner items have all released. What'd you all get the last 2 weeks?
Guess who accidentally set their alarm for GMT+8 instead of GMT+9 and missed the whole release lel

I ordered the dark pink jsk, kc and both pink visors from the MTO. I’d like some of the accessories but they’re just too expensive on the aftermarket/AP Paris
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Got a bunch of light pink items and jewelry! Dark pink was cute, but I can't justify owning 2 pink colorways of the same print, lol.
i got both huhu.
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Enjoy, anon!
Maybe I'll cave and get a dark pink set later in the year; we'll see!
I didn't even try to get anything in the releases but I put in an order for the hot pink OP and visor for the MTO
i will. i love the light pink but the dark looks so poppy and cute so i couldn't pass it up. AP retro themed stuff is too good.
What's a reasonable price for this lil fat guy these days?
Check past LM sales, bid, or ask the BST thread >>10899556
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The benefits of living in Tokyo. Now I can rest until the ice cream series releases.
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Is AP even relevant anymore or am I just old?
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Neither, you just have shit taste! This whole release is charming and versatile. The OP is my favourite, it looks like something Baby would put out.
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I also enjoy this bolero a lot, but it looks quite easy to DIY.
is there such a thing as AP coomlita?
>looks like something Baby would put out
And I guess that's why I don't like nu AP
Something about this looks super cheap and I can’t quite put my finger on it…
This looks redneck as hell.
The last one sold for like $400 on LM.
Who tf is paying £300+ for a soft toy bag?? Yall are insane.
age players
Chick-chan is the best plush bag though.
Holy photoshop Batman, what did they do to her face?
Do you even go here kek? Didn’t one of those pony bags go for like $600+?
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Is this release horrendous?
No, but this isn't what the average release for Angelic Pretty looks like. You even mentioned it looks like a Baby release.
the fabric. it looks like paper.
Mine is gonna be my retirement fund at this rate
Indistinguishable from taobao quality desu.
I saw a plush at daiso that was very "we have chick chan at home" but still pretty cute. I thought about making it into a bag but I don't really have anything it goes with.
Actually, this REALLY looks like a lot of the aurora et Ariel main pieces. I haven’t even checked in a hot second if they still even make main pieces since everyone just gets pettis there, but it looks like higher tier Tao Bao for sure.
I think the issue is the eyelet lace and eyelet cotton blouse. Most eyelet is made from muslin or broadcloth, or a mix and it just doesn't work well in lolita. I think the cotton good, poly bad argument is stupid simply because of this kind of thing. Is the lace and blouse cotton/mostly cotton? Sure, but so are those ita joann's quilting fabric messes. As anons have said before, cotton is a fiber that creates many types of fabric, many that aren't suitable for lolita. Eyelet lace is only really suitable in old school and even then, less is more. You can see in the photos how thin the weave of the cotton is, it's embarrassing.
thin fabric for summer, what a crime...
anon is talking about the lace, retard. the lace is so thin it looks grey instead of white.
It’s broderie anglaise mate

I think some of you are reaching a bit over what is basically a well-constructed middle-of-the-road solid because it isn’t a dreaming milky sweets fantasy chan re-release
nayrt but
>I think the issue is the eyelet lace and eyelet cotton blouse.
>and eyelet cotton blouse.
>cotton blouse.
but the blouse is made of the same shit fabric the lace is? what's the issue? it's not about it being thin for summer it's about the fact that it's almost see-through.
>It’s broderie anglaise mate
>Broderie anglaise is characterized by patterns composed of round or oval holes, called eyelets
anon i...
nta but that IS eyelet, it's not even a type of fabric. the actual fabric AP is using looks like cheap paper. defending AP for this is moronic because it looks cheap and trashy.
That's literally what broderie anglaise is like. Thin =/= cheap

The more I read that wall of text, the more it annoys me
>Most eyelet is made from muslin or broadcloth
Friendly reminder that any charlatan can go on the internet and put words on it

So you agree? You think broderie anglaise is made from muslin or broadcloth?
modern fabrics aren't made of the same fibers that they used to be historically, anon. i bet modern eyelet is made of muslin or broadcloth, especially since it's so prominent in normie fast fashion. a fabric style isn't indicative of quality anymore. do you still think chiffon is silk too? the stuff AP is using looks like the kind you can get from walmart.
I am not in this argument and don't care what it's made of but some of you need to cut the cord and stop licking AP's ass already. I wouldn't care if it was made of golden charmeuse silk, if it looks bad it looks bad. Get over it.
>i bet modern eyelet is made of muslin or broadcloth
It isn't though. It's usually thin cotton lawn or a polycotton blend. Thicker fabric drapes totally differently and doesn't look as "delicate".
this. some anons ITT would defend literal $100 trashbags if they had a glittery AP logo on them.
it doesn't even look delicate though, anon just cheap. save that natural fiber weave for pinkhouse shit, not lolita. by the way, you're doing the same "charlatan" shit you claimed OP was doing by expecting people to take your word just because you're outraged. kek. you seem stupid as well since you're claiming muslin is thick.
>It's usually thin cotton lawn or a polycotton blend.
>Friendly reminder that any charlatan can go on the internet and put words on it
>you seem stupid as well since you're claiming muslin is thick.
I said it's thickER, which is correct - the individual fibres are thicker even if the threadcount is lower. It changes the texture entirely.

I'll give you five minutes of frantic googling to come up with a source suggesting broderie anglaise isn't typically made of cotton lawn or polycotton
no one cares about this but you, calm the fuck down. if you're going to claim anon pulled shit out of her ass then you better have proof to back up your shit your you seem retarded. you seem too invested in this ugly nu-ap shit for your own good, no one cares if you wear it, just know it's ugly.
the dress is cute, eyelet lace like that isn't uncommon on spring releases. baby, IW, AATP, plenty of other big name brands have used it.
A good old fabric autist argument is better than the board being dead though.
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Who else had a terrible time with Decoration Ice Cream? I thought the lavender OP would be a safe bet but I was sadly mistaken. MTO when
I got everything I wanted (pink JSK, blouse, and jewelry).
I wish you luck getting it somehow, anon
Another cute series with no printer kc
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AP listed the new lookbook online. Just florals and muted classy pieces.
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is… that it? man. thanks ap for saving me money
Yes, nothing new from the fashion show except for the last two solids
Must've been why they chose to upload it immediately instead of selling a physical magazine, lol
The pink jsk reminds me of a Barbie dress! I love the colour schemes they chose for this release but I’m not feeling the navy. I’m a certified navy stan but I think black or mint would’ve been cuter.

I ended up getting the accessories I wanted from AP Paris and they do still have the lav jsk in stock, but I prefer the OP and OPs are always cheaper secondhand anyway lol

I was gonna say I recognise everything from the fashion show except the last two solids. The striped one is cute, looks a lot like the Selina jsk.
didn’t a fat girl scam someone out of a $900 usa bag ?
Got the white OP, 2 pairs of otk, jewelry, and other accessories. Loving the spring releases. Will chill on summer however…

Pretty sure they’ll throw in one or two surprise re-releases as we had Be My Valentine and Flower Garden Teatime along with the 4 new spring prints this year so far. Don’t forget the lyrical bunny plush rucksacks are also due in May.
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I thought the navy was cute! It might make anyone who likes the navy Milky Planet at least little happy.

Can't wait for the fall lookbook! Too fancy or swassic for me. I wonder if there'll be any solids I'd actually purchase released this year.
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Wake up babe Twinkle Shoes re-release just dropped

>Don’t forget the lyrical bunny plush rucksacks are also due in May.
Still waiting on Topping Donut also. Might be this week since last week was a print?
Topping Donut was the Fashion Show exclusive so it should be shipped out directly when it’s ready and not a weekend release. I do suspect a non-print this weekend.

Harajuku has a new tartan series up on display right now. Shinjuku also has the new tartan display and Flower Kitten. So highly likely Flower Kitten is the next print.
It's over..
AP will cease to exist because they keep going with their new nonsense design

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