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Post kumya themed coords, kumya collections, etc.
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Some pics from my kumya folder
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Where do people get these fucked up replica ones from?
goddamn i love these fuckers
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Finally I can post this photo of my usakumya from last winter

She made a snow angel!
Holy shit send soap and water that thing needs WASHED! How did you let it get so bad?
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>that thing needs WASHED
regional dialect detected, geolocation protocol initiated
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good thread thanks
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bad and naughty kumyas get put in the timeout zone
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She did get a bath a few weeks later, thankfully
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And here she's up for drying
Guantanamo Bay for kumyachan :(
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Oh interesting! They distinguish between Usakuma (left) and Usakumya (right). And that Usakumya looks like a missing link between the old school ones and the ones we see today.

Do you know when this scan was originally published?
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NTA but this is from GLB vol.17, which came out in 2005 - the same year the usakumya rucksack on the right was released. I own it, I could take some photos of it if you want to see it up close!
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no why
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I just watched her video review of this dress, and I love how her kumya has wristcuffs. Now I need to make wristcuffs for my kumya too.
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She was watching the presents <3
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Here's a photo from last summer, we went on top of a hill in the forest
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Even these bitches have Cinderella OPs and I don't
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