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How do we bring anime back from its state of disrepair, /bant/ - Random Anime Transport Torrents?
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more pic related among antagonist groups
we dont. we put it out of its misery, along with every one who enjoys it. Anime is for fags.
This. Trannies and anime watchers get the rope all day every day.
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get out of my thread you tranny niggerfaggots
Did you buy a rope yet subhuman?
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you are not a women and your mother and father would rather you be dead than pretend to be their daughter

you will be in pain for the rest of your life as you hop yourself on meds trying to stop that festering wound in between your legs from closing up
Why are you projecting your mental illness? Nobody believes you faggot.
he's right, ywnbaw schizo retard.
Is this the trannies new strategy? Pretend like everyone else is the freak of nature?
I guess they were already doing that to some degree.
bro you just described what your Frankenstein's monster looking ass has been doing for years.
more sex
more children
less immigrants
also have the japanese diet pass a law requiring the every anime has to have at least one ainu character.
Cool, ok then. You’re still gonna die by firing squad when the grid goes down.
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And you'll be dead of aids or suicide within the next five years you stupid nigger
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and the kicker is your tombstone will have the male name your father and mother gave to you at birth
everybody at your funeral is going to know a male died there
they are going to look into your casket and see a man
they are going to bury a man
an eskomo, an abo and 3 americans walk into a thread...
american 1 say something stupid and relevant
amercian 2 agrees
the eskimo intelligently refutes them both
american 2 says something stupid
american 3 ineloquently refutes american 2's clames
the eskimo then provides a well founded rebuttal
to american 2 supporting american 3's claims
the abo sips his VB while watching the whole scenario unfold.
make a oneshot ova of this.
and make a loli hentai sequel featuring lots of unclel on america rape
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Tranime creates incels. Simple as.
unclel but now he's a faceless fat abo raping american lolis
fuck the oneshot. there needs to be at least 72 episodes of this.
this. you ACTUAL trannies are insufferable. DOTR cant come soon enough. liking anime is the ultimate troon identifier. if you like anime, there is 100% chance you at least shove shit up your ass and fantasize about being a women getting fucked.
I'm surprised you haven't gotten a sore jaw after all these years of sucking yourself off.
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The /qa/troons and /biz/troons are really angry today lole
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Physical removal of vile, disgusting mentally ill pedophiles would be a good start
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he made a perfectly sensible argument though.
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name one thing I did wrong
Trannies are demonic that’s why all they can reply with is gaslighting and projecting.
says the tranny
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>Trannies are demonic that’s why all they can reply with is gaslighting and projecting.
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friendly reminder that if every tranny fell from a bridge, all of the /biz/ refugees, and /qa/ddit shartyfags would mysteriously vanish overnight
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I like the big squishes
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the anime trannies are mad
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>the anime trannies are mad
Take the good old animes
Manifest them into real life
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less stupid dogs jumping into frozen lakes and less stupid eskimos jumping in to pull her out
st peter isn't gonna like this one.
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less headaches, good night r/banter
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Overall, a better than average thread compared to /a/.
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more swastikas instead of semitic symbolism
nuke Japan again and end tranime once and for all
off to work
you were in the right imo
of course i was
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Projection. You watched a single episode of anime and immediately thought about chopping your dick off, and you thought that's how it was for everyone else too.
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g'night r/banter
sweet dreams
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By banning it.
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more higurashi
off to work
have a nice day at work
can't fix anime if we stay on page 10
Now we can't. We're busy babysitting the /biz/oomers.

Apparently, others kids who don't speak their language are scamming them, so.. you must wait.
good night r/banter
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more sexy underage female protagonists
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yuri yuri
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>How do we bring anime back from its state of disrepair, /bant/ - Random Anime Transport Torrents?
is that a selfie?
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why are discord troons so offended by my threads
Anime is doing great. If things actually went back to whatever time you're thinking of you would have said it was all stagnant and samey.
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^ how do we fix newfriends r/banter
off to work
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More yaranaika references
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less work
Watch Garasaki bros... trust me
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Watch Votoms and Dougram
watch baldios and xabungle
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ummmmm i watched baldios actually although my next Tomino will probably be zambot
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me at the end
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Stop raping Tsukasa, mmkay? Its just immoral
good night
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less israelis
off to work
the r/banter meet up
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More Jewelpet
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the ((northern lights)) are ((ayy lmaos)) but it's project bluebeam
good night
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sorry I'm late.
/bant/GODS on our way to genocide /qa/troons and /biz/lets

Wanting to BE a redheaded version of DB's Ranchi
and have my tiddies fatten and ductilize in sync with this man here spurting up into my womb,
I'm talking about my tiddies directly engorging in real time from his sperm pumping action,
isn't gay.

If God loved anybody, they'd be in the situation I described above right now instead of whatever else they're doing.
Both members of that idealized sex act are getting an awesome deal.
>i hate tiddies and fat women
You're gay, you're sissy, and I'm way more masculine than you.
Ailurophiles never have any amount of masculinity, eskimoids are nothing but sissies that are only fit for genocide.
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filtered post but I assume it's frogshit desu
less pajeets
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but now that i think about it, i liked Ideon more than Baldios though, just because Tominos direction was simply better
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need to replace Trudeu first
good night
gn bro
less migraines
less migrants
More pajeets less retards.
None of you ever belong in our country,
you laconic subhuman sodomite retard.
You need to leave before we turn the Rio Grande into Love Canal or Lake Karachay.
>tfw no fetal alcohol syndrome anime gf with weird wide-set eyes and an upside-down triangle for a mouth
good night
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During February 2009, I setup my Otakumo channel on YouTube.
I used it as a NicoNicoDouga mirror channel for Ranma and Touhou fan videos.
I'd watch NND videos then save them from my cache.
Hyadain had a Dreadful Fight vocal cover featuring FF4's four fiends Scarmiglione/Cagnazzo/Barbariccia/Rubicante
that somebody made a Ranma parody of
(Scarmiglione was Shampoo, Cagnazzo was Kodachi, Barbariccia was Ukyo, and Rubicante was Akane).
There were also Ranma versions of Kurutto Mawatte Ikkaiten and Mogufuyo's Communication Breakdance.
This was mid 2009, and I was first discovering Touhou's lore
(Keine caving, Pyonta, Hourai elixir, Gungnir, 495, Udon, Bunbunmaru, CHEN, Parsee holding up the back of her L hand while spreading her fingers, Yukari's portals, na na nice boat, etc.)
I really regret getting so deep into Touhou because I wasted my whole early 20s on it while I was going to college, fuck Touhou.
The reason I say that is because I was into way better things earlier (Kukaku Shiba, Lust, Sami, Alexis Rhodes, Mii from Jungle De Ikou, Pachinko Sexy Reaction, Ranma),
and I basically only did two things during the first half of my 20s: complete an associate degree in science and fixate on Touhou related fanshit.
I started the warehouse job I had five years during 2018 when I was still 27, I'd still have that job if medical absences last October hadn't pointed me out.
>you could've given them a doctor's note
I did AND they acted like they accepted it, but then they called me into HR two weeks later to show me a section of the paperwork I needed my doctor to fill out.
The doctor's note I handed them wasn't necessary whatsoever, and the only thing I had to do was get my doctor to fill that section out.
Now, I have this Paintline QA job where I scan G05/G07 Aeroblades, K1/K2/G05 spoilers, G09 tailgates, etc.
then select the defect I find.
I said there were only 24 defects to select, but the last option (Others) brings up a list that could be up to 12 more (Underspray).
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more hamburgers
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No hamburgers
kill all burgers
good night
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Angus Young doesn't have green eyes.
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just let code geass fucking die
it should have ended in 2008

Bumping thread of dead board to simulate organic users?
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More POC representation
less ukfags
I actually prefer the English dubs of Black Lagoon Heat Guy J and the Ghost in Shell animes they just work

sorry not sorry
loli anuse
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good night
You're my genetic inferior, that's why you belong in an oven.
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but i'm not jewish
less diarrhea
less poutine
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good night
tanaka should write more ruin explorers
off to work
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less /biz/
less work
less /r9k/ pedos

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