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File deleted.
/mlp/ Edition

Previous thread is in a deep sleep here:

you have to buy the upgrade for the factory that lets you collar people there
fun game! Love drone stuff like that. Did feel it was a bit content light though. I kinda want to add some more stuff. Any ideas?
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I maybe one thing you could add would be a unique function that only the "slave" girls can do.
As it is in this game, the enslaved status is only kind of a pre-req to the droning part, which I would say is pretty clearly the creator's real fetish.
>file deleted
These fucking jannies
Is there anywhere like omegle to chat about hypno fantasies/ trance girls. I know most of it was roleplay but the rare convo that felt genuine was worth it for me
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Don't post gay furry MLP shit then
I'm only a few hours into BG3 and there's already been loads of hot mind flayer stuff, I wonder if its popularity might make the fetish more appealing?
Erotic hypnosis in a real life setting piques my curiosity, but i’m not sure where to ask about it besides maybe here and some reddits.
Are personal accounts from google accurate? Do people hypnotize ‘themselves’ through audio or is that all roleplay?
Are there videos of real orgasms under hypnosis to demonstrate the concept that are not just actors? Because searching for this stuff, like most fetishes, brings up overwhelmingly staged or “fake” material.

I’d be surprised if there were not forums dedicated to this kink like BDSM. i want to know how real it gets or what is myth, can anyone point me in the right direction?
is that art by blueparikeet? looks like his stuff but i cant find it anywhere
It's an older one, he reposted it in some pack of files or another.

pic unrelated
I'm gonna say it: I [spoiler]like[/spoiler] Sleepygimp lips.
Nice gaem, but I don't care much for rubberification, I'd rather they all remained naked with whiteout eyes (imagine the smell).
there are forums but they're filled with gay sissy bnwo shit
Who's got that Raven animated gif?
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So, EKronos' Gumroad store page is empty. Since you can no longer buy it, I guess I'll post it.
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If I'm being frank, I feel like this one isn't his best work anyway, nice entrance here aside.
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I would have liked to have seen more of a process of going under.
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Although I have to say that while I'm not normally into the "mouth play" thing, this page does look pretty hot.
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Page 11 is a .gif of the girl's nipples getting tweaked that's too big to post here.
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Could this be the end of Eir-chi Protagonist?
Decent chance that we never see anything more from this artist, so maybe so.
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It's an insufferable nerd thing, I guess. But I feel like if you were going to do the Night Trap reference with the cover page, you should do something with it in the comic itself.
Have one of the roommates push a button and then Eir-chi falls down a steam-releasing trap door and have her land in a brainwashing chair. Make a gag last page that is like the Game Over sequence in the game, but the Chief is firing you for reading fetish porn comics on the job, something like that.
use this one and post link plox
Thank you.
Why does it have to be that way
Why is there so much sissy and femboy shit all over any fetishes
if it wasn#t a myth it wouldn't be so hard to find
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Lol, this another argument that keeps coming up in thee threads.

My response is always kind of wishy-washy I guess, but the short answer is that hypnosis definitely exists. They EEG machines on people getting hypnotized and found that completely different parts of their brain were lit up compared to other states of consciousness. It's just because it's such a subjective phenomenon it's very difficult to prove anything further beyond its existence and just how much you can actually do with it.

Anyway, the real thing is hard to find because this is the internet, and so people are users are generally looking for a entertainment and quick sexual gratification rather than looking for anything that would involve learning or working at being better hypnotists or subjects, and content creators are looking for whatever they can monetize most effectively.
So of course the fantasies will always be much, much more prevalent than the reality.
That's not true at all.
it is though
are you going to post it or not?
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I'm not the anon from >>8101271, don't know why they posted that.

But here, https://files.catbox.moe/3txk6a.gif
Guess not
Well, what Raven animated gif are you talking about?
People have been mad about us not seeing what "gym class" was in that one ep for decades.

You're going to have to be more specific.
>They EEG machines on people getting hypnotized and found that completely different parts of their brain were lit up compared to other states of consciousness

Brushie_Art is someone I wasn't really aware of who is trying interesting and amusing twists, which is appreciated
there is none, it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory otherwise
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The nude version of this is one of my favorites. Good ol jimryu the exact same art for at least 15 years or longer
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forgot what he's from but I remember him being overpowered and naked
Jaun Jo has DFEd :(
he’s from Watchmen
the joke is that his omniscience being mechanically coupled with the fact that he’s in a comic to convey the feeling of what it would be like to be able to view time omnisciently would be an interesting framing device for this hypnofetish comic
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Was anyone else's hypno fetish fueled by Sauron from X-Men? Or is it just me? I remember scenes like this making me feel very... interesting as a child.


I really liked Sauron, for reasons that are obvious now. I even remember having a Sauron action figure. Mom probably got it for me because she thought I liked the cool dinosaur guy for normal reasons.
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What are some hypno game recommendations that you guys have?

I saw that there was one being talked about last thread but I didn't save it.

Pretty much Snow Daze is the only one I know.
Slimy Sextet kinda
Found something that kinda fits what you're looking for
>why did faggots ruin yet another thing
Because it's in their nature to barge in and make everything about themselves.
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There's an in-progress game called "Going Deeper" that has some pretty good scenes, but it hasn't been updated in a while. It's a sort of a dungeon crawler/stat management game, so the fact that there's actual gameplay that takes time may or may not be what you're looking for.


If you've seen those "souldroids" pics from that one artist, he made a "mash the button to escape" game where the main fetishes are sort of tentacles and life draining, a lot of the monsters have a hypno theme.

>hypnoforge makes a sudden comeback after two years
>he's ditched 3D rendering and embraced AI art
What about the one where you run a facility?
Sorry, but I don't know which one you mean?

I remember there being something like "Lillith Facitliy" or something like that that in the RAGS engine, but I never liked that engine personally.

Whatever game these two are talking about
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Oh, that's this thing

It's not exactly that you control a "facility." It's a simmple browser game that you can waste a few hours on. You sort of acquire businesses that you use to expand your mind control. Eventually you get a factory that you repurpose into turning women into drones.
Speaking as someone who's both personally experienced it and induced it in others, yes, it's real. Takes practice to get the body used to it, but it can happen.

How exactly are you supposed to convert policewomen after you've taken the Police Station and got the required upgrade? I could never figure it out.
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>Well, what Raven animated gif are you talking about?
The famous hypno blowjob one
This one?
anyone know any good hypno VNs?
Penlight's decent but its so softcore that there's fucking lets plays of it that aren't age restricted on youtube, and Evebloom's never gonna be finished

Snow daze (Probably the best one, but you no doubt already know about it)

Jikage Rising (Naruto parody game).

Nano Control (technically an RPG maker game, but I figure close enough).

Overwhored (also RPG maker, annoying amount of gameplay if you're just looking to fap)

The Star Cove Incident (Starts off promising, then the developer got bored making it and the ending's a trainwreck, c'est le vie)
Both "Kissing Therapy" games are pretty good, even if they're a bit short
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Is Evebloom any good? I've heard that the narration goes heavy on the angst in describing the protag, but that the hypno scenes are well-described.
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It's fairly good. For some reason the scripting broke on me fairly often, so I ended up having to restart the game to play out all the routes, even with a guide.

Your ending options are basically "brainwashed girlfriend" or "brainwashed sex-slave" for each of the endings, and the Blonde + harem routes aren't done yet, but the content that exists is pretty good.
Sadly I think the best/most exciting stuff in Evebloom is the route that isn't done yet (and is probably previewing what would be the 'true' route, which I would expect to be done even later). I don't love the finished routes that are actually in the game, in particular I think the teacher route is a dumpster fire for the protag's characterization. The devblog suggests that, if it's ever finished, it'll be quite slowly. So right now to me it feels like more of a tease.

Hypno scenes are much more well described than Snow Daze or any "snap my fingers now you are entranced" content, though.
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na shacho twitter manga about Gushing Over Magical Girls I translated and junk. Any other post was not me promise.
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That's the end, anyone can suggest some untranslated Japanese stuff and I might translate, arent I nice?
How long until this series is dubbed?
i have a huge collection but i'll list some of my favourites.

-Adventure High: just general good quality writing and artwork, very high recommendation

-Caliross: easily the best hypno themed RPG maker game, shit ton of content and tons of hypno stuff.

Defenestration: fucked up game set in a dystopian soviet world, but has some really hot mind control content if you can look past weird setting.

Hasumi the tale of undercrust: another RPG maker game. It's poorly translated and has a weirdly high amount of educational content about geology (autistic dev) but amazing hypno scenes. download the cheat patch so you don't have to grind. Has two side-scroller sequels which aren't as great but still worth checking out.

Monster Girl Dreams: amazing spiritual successor to MGQ. hypnosis isn't the main fetish as with the other games listed but a ton of enemies still use it. another easy recommend.

Other anon mentioned Going Deeper which is worth checking out. The dev is apparently always sick which is why progress on the game is slow. There's also a ton of hypno RAGS games of varying quality but definitely check out the ones listed above first.
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Why would anyone ever want this?
Why is it called "Defenestration?" Do the Neo-Soviets brainwash you by throwing you out a window?

Was it made by Slavs who have some kind of weird hangup about 15th Century religious wars?
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Makes it easier to jerk off if I don't have to look at subtitles
bump for longevity
A recent game I've found interesting is Incaransoul, it's a card game with a very unique premise that I think has a lot of potential
adventure high has decent mc writing but the game design is terrible
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Sulfur is spelled wrong.
What's interesing to me is that Adventure High has a ton of minor tweaks in coversation and such depending on what girls you mc'd, when you did it, and what personalities you gave them.

I feel like the dungeon crawling aspect sucks in part because it's something that just had to be put in to create the framework where the dev to engage his autistic flowchart hobby.
I would pay an outrageous amount of money to do hypnosis roleplay with a Lilim
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Also amazing, how the hell are you finding these lol
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the person that made this is an insufferable cunt
My favorite form of Hypnosis\Mind Control is when the other person is just as normal, but they still mentally follow the commands without any question. Its so hard to find.
it is a rule after all, but a dumb one that shouldn't be enforced on both this board and /co/.
>wholesome hypnosis
getting kinda sick of the stupidly saccharine stuff.
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Never found them attractive as a kid, but I have to say that it was kind of bullshit that they could just no-sell the hypno hat in that one ep.
same, it's like hearing the same (mostly unfunny) joke 80 times in a row. This fetish is one degree of separation from noncon, by its nature it's not wholesome
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Anything by na_shacho (what a legend) or the girls und panzer guy, eljimadooor.

Akitsuki itsuki also had some great untranslated comics.

I can try and track down some specifics later if you want.
Shit, I think itsuki may have gone normie-friendly and purged his skeb. There was an untranslated comic of the female teacher who got hypnotized before becoming a hypnotist herself and putting several girls in the school under ... it may be lost forever now ...
This is also a big one, Saimin Stream 1.5 by aeni9ma. For some reason I can only find a CN version. https://nhentai.net/g/481922/
Is it these?

Yeah, those are the ones. I found a different account with a similar name and art style and panicked; it could have been the same guy's alt account or just a coincidence. Thanks! (Now if only we had the full-sized images without the SAMPLE mark ...)
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End of twitter preview, if the TLanon is up for it I'll buy and upload the whole thing
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This is so awful. Worse than the deleted OP.
>non-ugly bastard hypnotist
please save us TLanon
eh its whatever
whoops i tagged the jimmy neutron post by accident
That's only because Eddy only ever tried it on Lee before she took it from him. Had he tried with Marie or May first, it would have worked.
95% of the Jimmy Neutron Yolkian shit is commissioned by either a 14 year old kid using alt accounts or a guy called Tukmin who has a fetish for fat black women, this is probably one of the latter's
t. I'm an artist who he kept requesting something new from every week, never did any of it because he got on my nerves
Who are they?
You're a hero, thank you for reducing the amount of that shit, even if it's only by a dozen or something.
>Sleepymaid drew loli again
>someone posted it on the Hub
Kek. Now it's deleted, but the shock and outrage by the HH newfags was kinda amusing.
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I must have missed that
What were they saying?
Generically along the lines of "why is this here".

Funny, that it wasn't even risque, it was full naked, legs spread wide open, kek.
Classic. Sleepy flashbanging newfags with loli/shota never gets old.
It was the incest and foot-focused one, right? Was wondering how long that'd last.
Yeah, I saw two pics, after a while it was one and then zero.

I assume it's a comm, wonder how they even managed to get that, since Sleepy is in another "fallen off the map" phase.
>Funny, that it wasn't even risque, it was full naked, legs spread wide open, kek.
Counts as explicit which is banned there now. It's only allowed if they're clothed.
Funnily enough though there's still a large amount of explicit lolishit on there from before it was banned because one guy went through them all and untagged them, and for some reason the mods just never added them back. So as much as they piss their pants that the site will get taken down for hosting such images, they don't seem to be in much of a rush to actually remove all the ones still on there from years back.
There used to be a wiki with transcripts of everything but it was on wikia so it got nuked
Wikia/Fandom had so many great MC/hypno wikis that they purged
Mental Block Wiki was a great resource for hypno scenes in TV and film, now there's just a dead miraheze version that only one guy edits
it's quite easy to set off the hypnohub newfags
even if it's something as minor as some nazi inspired imagery in a pic, the comments are full of them seething at why it hasn't been deleted
>>loli, foot fetish, implied incest

Lol, none of these are my kind of thing, But after their being gone for so long it is nice to have the reminder that Sleepymaid has always been really, really fucking weird.
is it public anywhere?
AI slop is ruining my life. It can't draw concentric circles, it can't do spiral eyes, it can't do fucking anything with eyes except make them normal and it can barely do that.
>counting upwards in induction
You're doing it wrong.
Where could loli even be posted nowadays?
Anyone have the full version of this?
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On 4chan only /b/. Outside 4chan: sankakucomplex and exhentai are the main ones I see loli on.
When they have mods like pokemongirl it's really not that surprising they're incompetent. They sometimes take days to even approve new uploads... despite pokemongirl having already commented with their usual dumb shit despite having the power to approve it.
Pokemongirl is terminally online, I see dudes username everywhere.

My one fear is one day I'm gonna say "I fucking hate Pokemongirl" in a discord server that moron is also in.
that's b_m4ns0n right?
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Double down. Tell him you never see him say anything of substance. Tell him exactly how useless he is.
Here's some help
Nice anon. Check out Zelhypno if you want to see futas hypnotizing girls.
It is. I know I've seen the full version before but it's not on any of the usual sites.
is pokemongirl a dude? tranny?
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Is the green-haired chick supposed to be Ivy?
That's Fire...
So, is there any more to this? Or is it just that Harley swings a pocketwatch for one panel and then it's just regular porn?
I know one of you degenerates downloaded the new Sleepymaid pic. Post it or you're a faggot
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Deliver unto Quad 0s his sleepymaid. Amen
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Much as I would love to reward the quads, they were feet and loli. And since I don't like either of those things, I didn't save them. Sorry.
sound like it's for the best really, thanks for the explanation at least
Got any of the girl hypnotizing the viewer?
Next part of the comic just released, but AFAIK it hasn't been dumped anywhere yet.
Where can I find it?
Elaborate, anon. Does it happen to your companions of the PC as well? Did you tailor you hero to make the mind control more appealing? Do you like the game's story in general?
Loli hypno is based, and I don't care what the liberals think about it.
I'm a liberal and I agree.
happy fun la la la human smuggling fentanyl deaths
That doesn't sound fun thoughbeit.
Audio Version (30 FPS): https://files.catbox.moe/en0og9.mp4

Audio Version (120 FPS): https://mega.nz/file/0lpXnQxL#Tv_gWUq7Dzd-03UBCNy2VO_X1OeVFc8kg_4zI7nyAFc
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That's just it: you can't!
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Not bad, but the voice acting is strange. It sounds like bad AI. D.Va and Tracer are probably the most likely to get hypnotised from the Overwatch cast.
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Why are most artists in this fetish absolute worthless insipid manchildren? Even the talented ones.
Art is shit but not a bad scenario
This is why I just jerk it to the pics and don't bother to try and befriend or even get to know much about any of the artists, lol.

Although now that you have mentioned it, what happened now?
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Does mind draining/control mindflayer shit belong in this thread or no?

Yeah Metrobay stuff can have one or the other or neither, but never both.
Did you make this?
No, somebody with the username Horndog9669 commissioned it. I think the artist asked to remain anonymous? I have no relation to either, I just posted it here was all.

Tbf that’s Wikkidlester who’s stuff is mostly grotesque bimbo stuff and his early stuff wasn’t that great looking but he’s gotten better lately. Which is a shame because out of the MC comics artists he does have some good writing of fetishes and mind control it’s just he’s into ugly clown bimbos too much.
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No worries thank you for the info!
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Yes please
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bitch getting mindflayed
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Crimson Lullaby is very good with both playersub and femsub/dom of npcs. Dronification theme.
College Daze is html with a ton of content/branches.
Thrallworks: Orientation (picrel) is probably the best hypno game I've played since the induction/brainwashing are actually part of the gameplay. Sadly, it's only a demo, and hasn't been updated in three years. The dev seems to be posting regular progress on their patreon, but nothing public.
Hypnohub is infested with popup ads
It's practically fucking unusable now
If you don't have an adblocker installed, you deserve what you get
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i don't understand porniky's content. sometimes it's genuinely good and sometimes it's complete trash
does it just depend on what discord member's idea she used that day
Reminds me of this
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We are literally so back hypnobros
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If they had to drop the original VAs in order to afford more hypno fetishes, it was a worthy trade
Oh damn the new Totally Spies dropped?
>they replaced jerry with a black woman
oh fuck off
Should have just made GLADIS the agency head if they wanted to replace Jerry
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Disney owes hundreds of thousands of people therapy bills for all the hypno fetishes they gave them
I adore keeper of pots artstyle but i hate his comics.
I am cursed
You're brain damaged, Anon
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It's the French, they'll surrender everything eventually.
They certainly surrendered good animation
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>2-3 years ago
>Casually browsing HypnoHub
>Find an image of Edelgard from Three Houses
>It's an instant-loss/hypnosis image
>Left side of the image is her in her post-timeskip outfit, threatening the viewer, before being poofed into a slutty sling-bikini with a leash and collar on the right
>Haven't been able to find that image ever since, despite looking at every booru and archive that I can think of

Please, /aco/, if anyone can help me here, it's you.
no idea, sorry anon
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im surprised he hasnt just killed himself or something, spending your life commenting on every image thats remotely appealing to you has to be miserable
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always loved corruption/enemy conversion
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A snake squeezing a hot hypnotised girl is like hot chocolate sauce on ice cream.
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for me what does it for me is that the hypnosis is starting to kick and she wants more
For as overused as this whispery noodle is, there's a reason this film is such a massive instigator in causing people to recognize having a hypno fetish. It's hard to find any other piece of media that portrays an induction with such smoothness combined with the music and Disney-quality animation.
It's also the only scene worth watching in that direct-to-video sequel.
That's the one!
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What's happening here?
Dang the animation sure took hit in the new show.
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A bunch of robot trolls are hypnotizing people into being assholes to each other. The spies get hypnotized twice.
Do they even need trolls to do that? The girls are pretty catty naturally.
>three hypnosis scenes in two episodes
they aren’t even being subtle any more
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