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Don't know if it's because I cracked it or because of Advanced Skeleton or because of some weird shit I did

When I change the value of a control in the channel box, it moves the connected joints correctly. But moving the same control in the viewport doesn't do anything.
Why is that?
Time to reinstall Maya I guess, I’ll go for the 2023 this time. The weird thing about it is that I can’t find anyone who has experienced the same issue
It's likely a viewport option
are you willing to share the file?
Might be stupid to say, but I'm guessing you already tried restarting the program? Whenever Maya does some nonsensical bullshit like that I usually just have to re-open the file.
If you cant afford Maya, upgrade to Blender. Its free for any use including commercial use at any scale.
Did you try to rebind it because it looks like you forgot to rebind it.
It was a tool options all this time. Preserve children was enabled... Sorry.
Fuck, if I remembered that option messing up one of my rigs. I could have helped you with that if I remembered it. Came across it a while ago.
How is the controller moving the IK. Is it with an expression? Expressions can be set to update on different ques. Try moving the control via the handle, setting a keyframe, and pressing play. If it suddenly starts moving the update time is the problem. One of the options is "always"
If it still doesn't work then the problem could be that you have multiple objects within the controller and you're not moving what you think you're moving when you use the handle or the channel.
>can't troubleshoot their own project.
Lmao artists literally have no brain whatsoever.
smart ass here cant even read the thread to see OP solved his own problem.
how to download from autodesk?
they make you give them your phone number, fuck that shit!!

Go to tool option
(hammer icon)
reset settings for move tool or disable the "preserve children" option, you might also be in tweak mode.

guessing from AS use, you wanted to move one bone without affecting others. that might be the issue here.
Is 3ds max better than blender?

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