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You there anon who works with UE4

How do i fix these blocky shadows? looks something with their resolution
i already tried those commands:
>r.Shadow.DistanceScale (seems to increase visibility but lowers overall resolution from closer pov)
>r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold (dont changes anything)

Its dynamic shadow using one point of lighting from the window.
Why don't you use cycles?
>Doesnt know how lightning works
upgrade to UE5/lumen
sorry, I use UE5
I simply live with the blocks
just enable ray tracingb ro
Depending on the glass the light goes through, it can look very much like your pic
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prolly this my guy. in cg you usually want the abolity to alter how drastically the shadows fade from sharp to soft like they do with real lights and the sun. 1.2 is the typicaly number that works beat for a directional light in maya to appear sun-like.
Suggests to not learn optimization

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