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Time to play Azur Lane, guys! Azur Lane Friday! Go!
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Thanks anons, you're too nice. I don't really have much to say besides that. Hope you enjoy your AL Friday!
This girl is hot almost makes me want to play it
cute allen
Post Mast
She is superior anyways
what do brems feel like

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What vidya are ya trying to get working on Linux?
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Meanwhile trannies who write the linux kernel weren't even capable of learning C, so they had to add support for pozzila's language. So based.
If only we could see the absolutely disaster that is windows source code.
Vic 3 seems to crash no matter the OS, wtf is wrong with it
spaghetti code more than likely
touhou perfect cherry blossom runs horribly with glitches on windows but works perfect first try on wine, like magic.

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Well that was shit
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can i mod pirated fallout 4 or do i need some big mod in order to get the other mods to work which has anti piracy security on it or something
It's a desert after an apocalypse you fucking nigger should there be Starbucks and magical forests?
It's subtle storytelling that Klein, in his past life as a human, was a total fingering fetishest. You see,
I think it's boring but at least it's huh well boring so you don't stress about shit unlike in the other dlc
His resentment of continuing to live is brutal.

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>10,000 hrs on record
>‘This game sucks!’
Do you trust reviews like this?
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You have it backwards.
They removed any element of trading and turned reg into reboot after 260, reboot is not only NOT getting nerfed, but is getting giga-buffed while reg gets nerfed because we don't get meso-for-cube.
Dailies and weeklies are shit though yeah, but events shit out anything you'd need to do dailies for, so you pretty much just boss, and work on legion, but even that is getting changed to the artifact system since all anyone did was make a handful of bossing mules, that's how you get your stat boosts.
great, reg servers are trash
If that's how you feel, sure. No reason for them to get cucked even harder than they already are though, all it will do is drive players away, people who have accounts built up on reg aren't gonna move to reboot, and their attempt at a new reboot world failed MISERABLY and it kept fucking nobody.
How is this fun? What the fuck even is this, do people actually play Maplestory in 2024.

Have you seen the video of old people just mindlessly pulling slot machines? Now you know

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Start doing this.
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Why the fuck are they angry?
They think CFM scam them for using a tv screen. Spam every post to cry about it, even harassing producers for working with CFM.
no hologram and crunchyroll mismanagement.
Anyone have that ASCII art version? I can't find anymore.

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ITT /v/ approved gamer fuel.
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I am a simple guy. Monster and chips for me.
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Post it
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They need to come out with a new ___punk vidya genre
What is that

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>dude how about we bind the sprint and dodge to the same button so your dodge goes off when you release the button rather than when you press it
Which fucking retard thought this would be a good idea? And why do all these devs that make soulslikes DO THE SAME DAMN MISTAKE?
DS2 is the only one that didn't have input delay on the roll because it buffers the Sprint instead of waiting to see if you let go or not.
lmao just git gud
It's not a mistake it's a feature. Souls games has a very uniform design. Even if you decide to deviate from that design philosophy a little bit people will call out to you unless you are making a game that offers something other than just combat too(Jedi games for example).
Exactly, and everyone hated DS2

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They actually baited you into buying a game for culture war reasons before they censored it, they actually made you beg for it to be uncensored while telling them how good the game is, if this isn't a humiliation rituaI I don't know what is
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The dialogue is also fucking retarded in this game. It's a shame because i actually do enjoy the gameplay a lot but anytime anyone opens their mouth i feel stupider. Tried switching it do different language dubs but it is just as stupid. Story in this game is pure camp i don't see how anyone could really be invested in it.
>a hot girl shouldn't represent culture war
When their weapon in this war is trying to force you to accept mentally ill men as women, it is.
Is it Nier level of bad? I've never played a more pretentious game than shitmata
>g-game is good
don't care, censoredslop doesn't deserve any money
Not played nier so unfortunately can't compare. The dialogue in this game is just constant and utterly garbage. It really does feel like Eve and her accompanying robot are both retarded

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Pick up that can.
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There's a vending machine for Breen's private reserve nearby.
Evidently they do put something in the water to make you forget.
yup, it's genius
But this is not a civil society.
>take the vaccine
He put it there so he could do that and make you pick it up

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Did you masturbate to her because you played her game, or did you play her game because you masturbated to her?
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But then I don’t become a furry
Being a furry is having a fursona and saying uwu. Fapping to Krystal is just being a normal straight man.
You can't look at this and not want to fuck her
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For reference this image is at least 10 years old at this point.
Miyamoto literally requested a breedable character.
Those are some autistic comments.

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Perplaps you could help with that...

Verification not required.

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They turned Sterk into a girl and made Rorona gay...
I doubt that actually happened, but in the rare case that it did sounds hots
It's no surprise Rorolina turned out gay after all abuse she had to endure from Astrid...

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Oh neat, a whole PvP specific skill tree to level and build with!
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This is some Navi Customizer shit. Call me intrigued.
Blessed customisation autism
Glancing at the skill tree I thought they'd overdone it, but if you can use that many nodes at once later on it makes sense
I never do ranked pvp for that reason since it is a numbers game and an exercise in patience.
The game intrigues me but I read the story gets in the way of the gameplay like too many cutscenes and whatnot.
Yeah, the gameplay itself seems okay, but there's 500 hours of cutscenes and only maybe 10 hours of gameplay, and that's being generous.Oh, and the cutscenes invade the gameplay and those aren't skippable.

fishe girl
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So for me then
im not that guy
Hey mutt, its time for your microwaved lard bucket
Literally impossible.
The most satisfying game to succeed in. Nothing comes close.

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Reminder that furry videogames are not videogames.
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Yes they are
good morning sir

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Kaya, my sweet kaya, my beloved Kaya. I love you my hebe wife. My minor companion, my prepubescent bride. my Hebe princess… my wife… you are the most beautiful hebe in the world..<3 My Kaya, my hebe, wife of Montero Edson. Proud owner of the “SISTERS JUNK” shop. Kaya is my reason to life, kaya is my lovely wife. I love smell her hair, I love kiss her prepubescent lips, I love hug her prepubescent body. We have lovely marital sex because even in a post apocalyptic future, our love is a light in the darkness. The pleasure of see you smiling is the most pure sentiment that a human being could experience… My wife… my Kaya.I would be yours forever
So you will be mine forever. I will love you even after dead, for the rest of eternity. My babyface Angel ToT
I love you my beautiful spouse <3
You are my little lover
This is a poem for you, my love:
Verte desnuda es recordar la Tierra.
La Tierra lisa, limpia de caballos.
La Tierra sin un junco, forma pura
cerrada al porvenir: confín de plata.
Verte desnuda es comprender el ansia
de la lluvia que busca débil talle
o la fiebre del mar de inmenso rostro
sin encontrar la luz de su mejilla.
La sangre sonará por las alcobas
y vendrá con espada fulgurante,

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So my whole life i thought in the movie scarface tony montana used a famas with an underbarrel grenade launcher turns out it was an m16.
Ive made CoD classes as a kid around what i thought was the "scarface gun" but i guess im retarded anyway any other mandela effect in vidya both widely known and personal?
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Is the Sand Land game any good?

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How about a 3x3 thread where we also post our age? I'll start.
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Been seeing system shock 1 on these 3x3s alot lately, interesting.
>The picture is too big
Why do I see Soul Sacrifice Delta pop up so often now, how good is it?

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